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Zed Build Guide by J4SP



Updated on August 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author J4SP Build Guide By J4SP 2,857 Views 0 Comments
2,857 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author J4SP Zed Build Guide By J4SP Updated on August 20, 2023
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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[p] I am Jasp. I am a Gold 3 Zed main on the NA server. I have been playing Zed for over a year, back when he could still instantly switch back to his R...[/p]
[p] Zed is an incredibly difficult, yet fun champion to play. I am in no way a master of Zed, but I have useful information than less experienced players have. If you are looking to pick up Zed, then this is the guide for you.]
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Pros / Cons

    High burst
    High mobility
    Lots of easy matchups
    Outplay potential
    Powerful laning phase
    Great at split pushing
    Easy to learn the basics
    Easy cs'ing
    Requires enemies to build against him
    Slippery and hard to kill
    One of the most safe assassins
    Great duelist
    Long Cooldowns
    Average Teamfighting
    Countered by Qss and Zhonyas
    Has specific hard counters
    Difficult to master
    Difficult to fit into a team comp because he is an AD Mid laner
    Reliant on having his R up to assassinate
    No sustain
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League of Legends Build Guide Author J4SP
J4SP Zed Guide
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