This is a skill matchup. You want to use your R to avoid her Charm and save your W + Flash to chase her when she pops ulti. You have to be careful to use your shadow to avoid damage from the 2nd hit of her Orb because it does true damage. Stay away from being poked in lane, use Q to farm if necessary, and if you win trades you can all in and beat her. She really isn't a hard lane if you know how to play it. The hardest part would be avoiding her Charm by going untargetable with R while the missile is coming towards you, but with practice you should be alright. Cleanse can be a good option for SS here.
This is a formidable matchup, but you outrange her and as long as you don't misposition she can't really poke you down. Try hitting 6 before her then all in when you have level advantage. Be careful of her stun under turret and if she has tibbers you can try to juke it by flashing at the exact moment when you land from your R as that is when she is most likely to use it.
Don't get out traded and poked and please do not let him pully you so poke back. Once he uses his cooldowns he is useless. R on him and just like Annie just flash behind him because he will try to cast his Trump wall when you land in from R. Even if you do get hit from R you still have flash so you can flash over and do your combo + ignite and R back.
Easy lane. Dodge his stun move and sidestep his circle move then R.
This may be a hard lane if you don't dodge her poisoning abilities. When going all in with R try to face away from her and you can bait out her Ulti by switching to your W then using R to dodge her ulti.
Fuck this guy up. Useless cunt
This match-up is pretty hard if you don't know how to trade. Her shield is good for soaking a lot of damage. You have to kill her early or all in her when you have level 6 advantage or else she pretty much wins the lane.
This is an easy matchup. He will place his chronobreak at your shadow so when you switch you will instantly be stunned. He can get away with his ulti once he ultis you, but then he has to use his ulti defensively and he will be vulnerable and you can call in for a gank.
If his E is on cd he is a free kill.
Use your W swap to evade his E damage. When he throws his Ulti at you you can ulti as well to get the fish unstuck from you. Be careful in the early levels but once you are both 6 Zed wins really hard. If you are planning to all in him, make sure his E is on cd.
If you lose to this guy you should just quit Zed. Be careful of his Ulti if you are all in on him.
Hard to all in if he has a lot of turrets around him. Has really hard poke and his turrets can get in the way of you getting full damage off from your shuriken. Zhonyas is already a core item on him so it isn't too hard on him if he builds it earlier.
Karma is a naturally hard lane match-up. She can mantra shield often when you try to WEQ and her Q does a TON of damage. Try to abuse her cooldowns if possible and if her Mantra shield is down she is really immobile. Her chain is actually VERY powerful, but overall if you expect this match-up, it'll be easier than should be.
Easy lane. Avoid Q. Try to not be inside his E for too long. He is really immobile and can not answer to Zed's kill pressure. One of the easiest lanes for Zed. When you kill him get out of there quickly because of his passive. Remember that he has an ultimate, so do not get too low.
Kassadin is a counterpick to mages and you are an AD assassin. You win every trade because this guy has a useless magic shield. You can trade easily with autos and E.
Easy lane. Don't get poked down by q. You out trade her as long as she doesn't have a mark on you. If she misses her q on you then zone her from cs hard. If she comes up for cs do a Q E auto. Level 6 is easy, if she ults you ulti and she is a sitting duck for triple shuriken while channeling.
Dodge. Most annoying lane ever.
He may be slippery, but overall an easy matchup. Stand behind minions and be careful about all in when he has stun.
Skill matchup. Use your shadows and ulti to avoid damage from her deception and try to bait out her q or r before you go all in. Also make sure to pop her passive too, but it has a short cooldown so dropping a pink ward to counter the stealth is a good idea. Ignite before you burst her down so when her clone appears, the real one will be ignited.
This one isn't as hard as Kayle or Zilean, since she can't ulti on her allies and if she ulti's on you you can qss.
You can't kill her. Dodge or roam.
Dodge all of her abilities with shadows and R. When going all in, calculate in her shield as it does tank a lot.
You can't kill him. Respect his burst from R.
His silence, space aids, and out play potential from his R just screw you up. D-d-dodge
This guy is useless mid, just don't let him hit you 3 times, though you DO have to get close because you too are a melee. Just don't go all out when he has his 3rd attack ready from minions in lane.
Stand behind minions, the only magic dmg she can actually block is your passive. When she ulti's she will most likely ulti in response. You can do the double swap move here by R (then she will R), place your W behind her, R back to break free from her chains then W back and kill her.
Who plays Nid Mid anyways. Stand behind minions and kill her. Care of her passive. You can dodge her leap combo with R.
Be careful of the placement of her ball and you can do the double swap that I mentioned for Morgana to dodge her shockwave. You can also just flash the ult whenever it's available.
Use your W defensively. Don't get hit by her W an you can kill her. Use flash or shadow swap to dodge her ulti when you are low on hp.
Once you see him casting that root just R him to dodge it as that is the only think keeping you from killing him. Also always have ignite up when all in on him. Once he gets his Zhonya's though it's game over.
Be careful of her poke. You can negate her ultimate by pressing R when the projectile is coming towards you.
he can use his e to dodge your entire combo. However, you can outrange him and out poke him hard. Later in the game it becomes a race to 6, and whoever gets 6 first can win the lane.
Twisted Fate
Easy lane. If his W card is down and your ulti is up then it is a free kill. Q is really easy to dodge too. Make sure to communicate with your team when he has 6 and tell them to be careful. You can R while the projectile of his W is coming to you and it won't have any effect. The only reason to be afraid of this man are his level 6 ganks on your trash team.
All you have to worry about his is event horizon, but you can W or R over it and you can also R when the projectile for his ulti is moving towards you.
His spells are really easy to dodge, especially so with shadow and r. If Vel uses his knockup improperly, punish him and kill him. His ulti makes him a sitting duck.
Be careful of his burst. The only thing he has to counter you is his circle move so don't stand in it or you will be stunned. If it is on cd he is a free kill.
Try to freeze under tower. This will force Xerath to play really far up the lane to get cs, or use his abilities from afar to get them. If he walks up, combo him. If he cs from afar, he has no mana due to his high mana costs. The only way for him to get mana back is through auto attacking a minion, but if he does he will be punished. He is a free kill if you are able to evade his E and manage to not get poked down much.
This is an easy lane for Zed. You must be respectful of his early trades, as he wins. Take E second and Q E Auto if he harasses you. If he uses windwall to block your combo it is on such a high cooldown that you can abuse it and all in him. Use R to dodge his 3rd Q and he can not really answer back. You outrange him so hard so Q him if he goes for a minion. At level 6 you can not lose an all in.
Skill matchup. Swap with your W shadow in lane to dodge his Q's. If the Zed is stupid and wastes his W, go punish him. If he ulti's on you, immediately ulti to lower the amount of time he has to burst you down.
Really should not be any reason to lose to this guy.
If it were not for Kayle's damage, this would be my least favorite matchup. Fuck this guy. Not only does he cockblock you from the enemy adc, but if you accidentally kill that person they get most of their hp back just like GA. The worst part is is that it's on a low cooldown.
Please do not fight while she has 2 plants whacking at you. If she screws up her root you can kill her. Her ulti takes time to wind up and knock up so you have ample time to burst her and get out before the knockup actually happens. Be careful of her passive.
[p] I am Jasp. I am a Gold 3 Zed main on the NA server. I have been playing Zed for over a year, back when he could still instantly switch back to his R...[/p]
[p] Zed is an incredibly difficult, yet fun champion to play. I am in no way a master of Zed, but I have useful information than less experienced players have. If you are looking to pick up Zed, then this is the guide for you.]
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
High burst
High mobility
Lots of easy matchups
Outplay potential
Powerful laning phase
Great at split pushing
Easy to learn the basics
Easy cs'ing
Requires enemies to build against him
Slippery and hard to kill
One of the most safe assassins
Great duelist
Long Cooldowns
Average Teamfighting
Countered by Qss and Zhonyas
Has specific hard counters
Difficult to master
Difficult to fit into a team comp because he is an AD Mid laner
Reliant on having his R up to assassinate
No sustain
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