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Zoe Build Guide by Doglightning

Support [Challenger] Zoe Support Guide👩🏼‍🦰

Support [Challenger] Zoe Support Guide👩🏼‍🦰

Updated on February 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Build Guide By Doglightning 239 18 486,819 Views 16 Comments
239 18 486,819 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Zoe Build Guide By Doglightning Updated on February 14, 2024
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Runes: Aery -- Poke Page

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Zombie Ward
Relentless Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

[Challenger] Zoe Support Guide👩🏼‍🦰

By Doglightning


I am updating one guide a week for the next 10 weeks. If this message is not at the top of the guide then it has been updated
Welcome Zoomies! I am Doglightning a peak GrandMaster Neeko Support Main. After one tricking Neeko support for most of last season I wanted to start learning new off meta supports. Once I felt good enough at Zoe I made a new account and did unranked - diamond on her as a support. I now feel qualified enough to make this guide and share my knowledge on picking Zoe in the support role!

Why Zoe support?
I'm not going to lie to you guys, this pick is very hard and requires a lot of time in the practice tool with many normal game ints before you should take it to ranked. That being said once you master the pick it is super rewarding. I like to compare her to a Xerath support. You won't offer much peel but you can land a crazy amount of poke and make very long range picks with your Sleepy Trouble Bubble to give your team advantages before a team fight breaks out!
Please check out my twitch it really helps support me in making content like this:

+ Great scaling
+ Amazing poke damage
+ safe warding
+ decent pick potential
+ lots of skill expression
+ good zoning control

Zoe is definitely not considered a support by the community but she can fill the role as a Xerath would be considered a support! Although Zoe has a bad early game once you hit lvl 6 you will start to shine. You can land some crazy poke comboing Paddle Star with Portal Jump while being able to make cruital picks for your team using long terrain to fish for Sleepy Trouble Bubble. One thing I really like about Zoe is her ability to safly ward

- very weak pre 6
- easy to get ganked
- Hard to learn
- SkillShot reliant
- Team will flame you!

Zoe is definitely not optimal in the Support role and is very challenging to play. She doesn't really have winning matchups. Most of the time you are just trying not to int until you hit lvl 6 when you finally become a champion. You will most likely get camped and flamed by your team. On top of this she is very hard are requires a lot of time in the practice tool to become proficient at her. I'm not trying to scare you away from playing her just warning that this is a very hard champ to play but is very rewarding!

FLASH: This is an mandatory summoner spell. Zoe is an immobile champion and Flash will get her out of stick situations. Also Flash can be used to get extra range on Paddle Star to get a surprising burst hit off.
Barrier: Since Zoe has low kill pressure in lane and is very immobile so I like to take Barrier. This will make it hard for the enemy to all in you. Also once you hit lvl 3 you can still use Barrier offensively to get ms and dmg from Spell Thief and get an empowered auto from Zoe's passive More Sparkles!
IGNITE: If you are feeling confident in a lane matchup and think there is kill pressure then Ignite is great. It reduces Heal by half and can net you early kills. It is also very good vs supports that have healing in their kit like Yuumi or Nami.
EXHAUST: I usually only run Exhaust into Tristana, Yasuo and sometimes Draven because of their ability to hard engage lvl 2 and snowball. If you struggle vs assassins then this is also a fine option.


Domination is the tree I go when I want to scale into a beast late game but will have issues early. For one you won't have Biscuit Delivery so you will need Spellthief's Edge and be very conservative with your mana consumption until you have lost chapter.

Electrocute is good for early kill pressure. Usually you want Ignite so you can proc ele off a Q + aa + ignite combo. You will also want Hextech Rocketbelt early to help proc Electrocute more consistently.

Dark Harvest is good if you think you can poke your lane out. Also since the CD is reset on kills you can potentially proc this twice bot lane as there are two enemies when you all in.
The Goal of this page is to scale into the late game and Sudden Impact helps with this goal since you proc it with your Portal Jump.

Cheap Shot is fine if you want extra kill pressure at lvl 2.
Taste of Blood is fine if you think you will be poked a lot early.

Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro both offer you an extra 30ap once fully stacked and extra vision control. Since on Zoe you scale really well with ap I think these are the best options.

Zombie Ward - take this in higher elo where your opponents are warding more often.
Ghost Poro - take this in lower elo as enemy won't be sweeping wards as much making easier to stack.
Relentless Hunter is just great on supports as it allows you to reset and get wards on the map quicker. Also allows you to roam more effectively.
Transcendence is really good with this rune set as it gives a free 10% cdr at level 10 which fits perfectly with this late game scaling rune set. As a support it can take longer to hit lvl 10 which does suck but being able late game to spam spells is invaluable.

Manaflow Band is an okay option if you are bad at mana management early but you won't scale as hard. Since supports don't have to focus on wave clear you should have more mana then a Zoe mid and shouldn't need this once you get your Lost Chapter
Gathering Storm is perfect as you will scale super hard. Since Zoe support will be behind in items compared to mid. Pairing Gathering Storm, Zombie Ward/ Ghost Poro and Shard of True Ice wil give you a free 100 ap by 20 min that continues to scale as the game goes on.

Scorch is okay if you think you can kill your lane but imo it isn't worth sacking the late game scaling that Gathering Storm provides.
Pretty standard stuff. An extra 18 ap with the double Adaptive Force rune and extra armor since you are vs an adc with aggro onto minions when you auto trade.
More Sparkles! (Passive): Zoe's passive is that after every spell cast she gets an empowered auto. Make sure you are utilizing this as much as possible getting that extra empowered auto between spells. I also usually take Glacial Augment which synergizes with this very well as you can Paddle Star into More Sparkles! then walk away as they are slowed.

Paddle Star (Q): Paddle Star does more damage the farther it travels. Usually you want to send the first cast behind you then walk up to the enemy and launch it at them and hit them with an More Sparkles! auto. Also both the first and second cast of Paddle Star give you an extra More Sparkles! proc so you can Q>Auto>Q>Auto for maximum damage but be careful this can be risky in a poke trade.

Spell Thief (W): Spell Thief has two parts. The first part is some minions have balloons on them that drop summoner spells when killed while enemy champions also drop item actives and summoner spells when used. Since as support your adc will not want you taking farm for balloons I like to take Relic Shield so I Can get balloon drops in lane.

Spell Thief's 2nd part is after casting a summoner spell or Spell Thief proc Zoe gets a burst of movespeed and extra damage in the form of 3 bolts that fly at the enemy. I really like pairing Hextech Flashtraption with this as I can hex-flash from a bush to get extra ms and empowered More Sparkles! auto slow the enemy to setup a Sleepy Trouble Bubble.

Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E): Sleepy Trouble Bubble is Zoe supports bread and butter spell.
Hitting a single bubble can win a team fight or make a pick to force objectives.
This spell has a short range but can be cast through walls to increase the range.
Usually casting this out of vision over walls is the best way to land this ability. After Sleepy Trouble Bubble lands the target will fall asleep short after and make the next spell that hits them do increased damage. Usually you are trying to hit long Paddle Stars on targets you sleep.

Portal Jump (R): Portal Jump teleports Zoe to a target location and then after a short delay she goes back to where she started. The main use of this spell is to extend the range of Paddle Star to land crazy damage on the enemy or follow up a long range Sleepy Trouble Bubble. As a support I use Portal Jump to get aggressive deep wards down safely. Another good use for this spell is you can jump in front of allies to block hooks as you will always teleport back to where you casted it from.

General Ability Order

This is best level order imo. Level 1 Paddle Star gives you the most priority in lane being
able to poke or shove on a short CD. In mid lane some Zoes like to take Spell Thief level
2 because of the all in pressure but I think in the support role this leaves you vulnerable to
ganks or the enemy engaging on you. Having Sleepy Trouble Bubble level 2 just makes the
lane a lot safer.

Invade Ability Order

This ability order is the exact same as the one above except you take Sleepy Trouble Bubble
level 1 instead. This is good if your team is invading the enemy jungle and you see an opportunity
to land your bubble. I wouldn't point Sleepy Trouble Bubble until an opportunity arises as
getting to lane with bubble level one is really bad. Only worth if you net your team a kill off it.

Starting Items

  • Since most ADC's won't be okay will giving you balloon minions in lane Relic Shield is a perfect item for Zoe as it can secure you abilities to win lane. I try to always have two procs up in case there is a balloon plus cannon wave coming. I usually pair this with Biscuit Delivery to make up for the lack of mana regen early.


  • I don't build this too often but if you are the only AP carry on your team this will help you be a real threat in teamfights forcing enemy tanks to build MR.
  • Amazing item if the team has a lot of AP or CC. Most ults you engage with will get you CC chained and this boots option will help break that chain.

Core Items

  • Anyone who has played Zoe knows this item. It has spell pen and add extra damage to your next spell. As a champion who is trying to burst on a single spell hitting you really cannot go wrong with this item.
  • When you hit someone from far away or CC them it increases the damage they take by 10% and reveals them. This is really good as when you land bubble your follow up burst will be easier to hit and do more damage. This item almost feels like it was designed for zoe.

Situational Items

  • If the enemy team has 3 or more tanky champions I would recommend this over Luden's Tempest. It just will be useful since flat AP isn't as good vs high HP targets.
  • Great if enemy team has a bunch of healing like Yuumi, Sylas or Darius. This item can be built 2nd and has a great build path for supports final item as you don't have many open slots due to supp item and control wards.
  • Honestly this item is really awkward on Zoe because you just die out of zhonyas but if the enemy team has fed assassins that are targeting you like Zed or Rengar. Then this item is a perfect counter to them.
  • Really good if enemy team is ap heavy and has pick champs. For instance I like this vs Blitzcrank so I can play aggro and not worry about getting yoinked into the enemy team.
  • If you are snowballing then Rabadon's Deathcap can really make you a threat to the enemy team. This item has a very awkward build path for supports and would only recommend if you are snowballing hard.
  • If the enemy team is stacking MR and you are trying to be a big damage source then Void Staff is a must as it greatly increases your damage potential.
Zoes early game isn't great. Level 1 in lane you should be looking for a Paddle Star into empowered auto then walk away. You definitely don't want to take extended trades just really quick burst trades. Use your Relic Shield procs and auto the wave to hit lvl 2 first. At this point you should be looking for a Flash into Sleepy Trouble Bubble. This won't usually net a kill but since we have Hextech Flashtraption trading Flash for Flash is worth. Once we hit lvl 3 we need to save 2 procs on our Relic Shield at all times so that we can pick up balloon procs and cannon minions. Also when we are lvl 3 we can start to use Hextech Flashtraption out of a brush to get ms from our Spell Thief and land and empowered glacial auto slow into a Sleepy Trouble Bubble. This is very aggressive and should only be done when the enemy wastes key abilities. Before 6 you are very weak but if you watch your map and move to any early game skirmishes you can snowball really hard. Since your Sleepy Trouble Bubble can travel long distances through walls you can come in for big assists faster than the enemy support can. Finally you hit lvl 6 when Zoe finally becomes a champ. Now you can really pressure your lane going for poke that can chunk half their health or use Portal Jump into a Sleepy Trouble Bubble for some nice picks.
In the mid game as a support you have 2 jobs. Your first job is to ward flanks/objectives and your second job is to get to any skirmishes before the enemy support. Using Zoes Portal Jump you can safely get deeper wards without needing protection from your teammates. Once you have vision around the objectives hide out of vision and look for picks on the enemy rotating around the map. This mobile pick play style with help you more quickly rotate to teammates that need your help.

Zoe doesn't really want a fight to break out right away. She wants to be sitting on flanks out of vision looking to land poke. Once enough poke has gone down your team can engage on the enemy once you land a Sleepy Trouble Bubble. After the fight breaks out just try to land stuff but it will be hard. If you still have your Glacial items off CD look to zone enemies from your ADC. Since you aren't a mid laner you don't have to actually damage or kill anything. Just threatening a GLP into bubble on an assassin is doing a lot in a fight.
In the conclusion to anyone who made it this far. I thank you! Please if you try this practice in the practice tool and in normals first. This is very hard and I myself inted a ton in normal games learning before I decided I was ready for the ranked climb. You will get flamed by teammates so probably mute all and just have fun :D Later guys uwu

I used JHOIJHOI guide Making a Guide to create this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning
Doglightning Zoe Guide
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[Challenger] Zoe Support Guide👩🏼‍🦰

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