Jhoi, you misunderstand me. When I mean theorizing about ranked, I mean simply speaking about Elo in and of itself, not how ranked games might be relative to trolling, ******s, etc.
Can't speak for Wrath 100%, but I believe that's what Wrath means as well.
Can't speak for Wrath 100%, but I believe that's what Wrath means as well.
Jhoi is true :3
I hate elo hell - Instant lockin Nidalee going duo top when we have a jungler, then proceeding to feed first blood and push like madmen against blitz and renekton = More than 8 deaths before their tower was destroyed D:
/rant off
PS: Can we keep this thread open so I can whine about when I get ******s on my team in ranked in here? xD
I hate elo hell - Instant lockin Nidalee going duo top when we have a jungler, then proceeding to feed first blood and push like madmen against blitz and renekton = More than 8 deaths before their tower was destroyed D:
/rant off
PS: Can we keep this thread open so I can whine about when I get ******s on my team in ranked in here? xD
Saintvicious wrote:
If someone can't stay alive in lane for 6:30 seconds on their own then they got problems.
Lawl, you never saw that one before Doc? xD
Saintvicious wrote:
If someone can't stay alive in lane for 6:30 seconds on their own then they got problems.
Trojan995 wrote:
Because HSGG managed to get both HotshotGG and Kakasoul to #1 and #2, based on luck.
Because Bigfatjiji manage to get both Bigfatlp and Richard Tracy to #3 and #4, based on luck.
Let's face it, your elo is YOUR elo. It's not your teammates' elo.
So, why did CLG lose against EG and TSM?
jhoijhoi wrote:
Doc, you and Wrath are talking about snow.
When neither of you have experienced it.
Xaioli has tasted it, made a snowman out of it, threw it at someone, and even pissed in it.
If I were either of you, I'd just take his word for it.
You can theorise as much as you like about snow, but if you haven't eaten a handful of it before, you're just not going to know what it's like for real.
+rep. Couldn't have said it better than myself.
You need to log in before commenting.
When neither of you have experienced it.
Xaioli has tasted it, made a snowman out of it, threw it at someone, and even pissed in it.
If I were either of you, I'd just take his word for it.
You can theorise as much as you like about snow, but if you haven't eaten a handful of it before, you're just not going to know what it's like for real.