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Soviet's Guide shredding services.

Creator: Totallynotn00b June 28, 2012 2:30am
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 3:28am | Report
Does this mean i dont get a review? D:
Syther Blade
Syther Blade's Forum Avatar
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 8:32am | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.):Syther
Link to your guide :
Any specific points that I should look at?: My team fight, laning phase and mid/late game sections, anyway i can make them better,
Why should i review your guide?: Because you know deep in your heart that you wan to
Why do you want your guide reviewed? :I want my guide to be the bets it can be.
Are you wasting my time?: Noep
Have you read the reviews i give?: Some
Are you prepared for the same level of response?: hopefully a higher level

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
KSS Awake
KSS Awake's Forum Avatar
Aug 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2012 12:33am | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): Awake
Link to your guide :
Any specific points that I should look at?: Nothing specific, a general review would be nice
Why should i review your guide?: Because you are a kind person that likes to give feedback on guides?
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : Trying to make it better every day so I need as much criticism as I can get
Are you wasting my time? No
Have you read the reviews i give? Few of them
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Yes... I think :S

-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2012 8:12am | Report
"Slaydis - fiddlesticks the master of crows a mean indepth guide"

priority review.

Small aside: Having seen the thread you linked to, I'm not convinced they're not trolls. I would stop reasoning with them and just stick to professional feedback. Anyone who advocates taking promote instead of another summoner, in my book, is either trolling, or has some secret that has yet to be discovered. I mean, he mentions pushing and destroying nexi - true. But do the top teams use promote? No. People playing for money use the strongest strats. Promote doesnt feature in any of them. Ergo, ignore them.

Onto the guide review:

You're not making this easy for the reader

Sigh. Besides needing to know what you're talking about, you also have to make it presentable, and comparatively easy for the reader to understand.
here are a few examples of what i mean:

Please read the full guide as some keywords become understandable by readying the full guide

If you know that they might not understand it, doesn't the obvious solution to this strike you as simply writing a small section of what said "hard to understand keywords" are, and explain them?

Spelling and Grammar

First thing I critically note is perhaps your mastery of English isn't perfect. I get the feeling you put it through a spell checker... because the spelling's right for the most part, but the sentences don't strictly make sense. Enough to make sense, not enough to read well. [edit: Yep. you mention later it isn't your first language.]


I am playing Fiddlesticks for few months now and I have really felt in love with this champion. It was my 1st champion i wanted to master, so i bought him, the runes and started to play him all time to be a very good player as i know how i and my team were raging when Fiddle jumps out the bush and wrecks up the whole team.

Should be:

I am playing Fiddlesticks for a few months now and I have really feltfell in love with this champion. It was my 1st champion iI wanted to master, so iI bought him, the runes and started to play him all time to be a very good player as iI know how iI and my team were raging when Fiddle jumps out of the bush and wrecks up the whole team.

This is a recurring theme, that I suppose you're going to have to get someone to proof read if you really wanted this guide to be taken up a level.

Walls of text

hands up, I'm accused of this a lot as well. But you can help out by putting more emphasis on your paragraphs - i.e, a line break in between them. For example, when you cite all the champions which have 30mr at level 18... which although to me unnecessary in itself (not to mention false - Talon gets MR with levels.... is awfully hard to read.

um... What?

um... There's just stuff here that doesn't make sense to me.

Ignite for example, you mention it's nice damage on ulting. So.. you wouldn't ever use it if you weren't ulting? Secondly, what has this spell got to do with poke? I sincerely hope you're not (read:you better not be) using this to poke people with.

Lack of explanations

Masteries, for example. you state why you take A. You don't state why you don't take B. and as a result, you can't state why you take A over B.

Blast Archmage , and Executioner give some nice damage. However, i have no problems to sacrifice them to put the points into the utility tree


Or as a more clear example: You've gone for 9/0/21. You've acknowedged that 21/0/9 is the usual mastery setup. Yet there is nowhere that tells me why you feel your setup is as it is, let alone why its superior.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Nothing special about these runes. Just the best Marks for casters.



You explain what each one does... and give situations in which would be used. this is Good. It shows experience. However, you then, again, ignore comparing them to each other.

Build inflexibility

There are areas where you don't discuss alternatives. Starting from the top, you have a set series of runes, but don't discuss why they're superior to others... a recurring theme. Like, why not MR glyphs? AP/scalingAP/armour/health for yellows? list goes on.

Rod of AgesYou need some survivability as you will ult in the middle of the enemy team.

so... why not Warmog's Armor, if that's your only criteria? Aka, the explanation isn't satisfactory - why THAT item and nothing else? applies to the a lot of the other item choices as well.

Cardinal sin 2:

You're writing ~@!"£$

However, the mid opponent must be either dumb to let you harass him



You have some-sort of a guide on what to do against mid laners, and what to watch out for in general.
But come teamfight? what do?


Ehhh don't get me wrong. There's effort here - videos, images, etc.
But there's also parts which need improving.
Hope this gives you a bit of help.
As a result, I would rate this as ok...

Result: No vote
Anastasios's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2012 8:41am | Report
I'm surprised that you didn't touch the Void Staff vs Abyssal Mask part.

According to my math, Abyssal is better when the enemy has even 80 MRes.
Void Staff against someone with 80 MRes (30 base and a Banshee's Veil):
A Harmless Scarecrow: 70 MRes.
Sorc Shoes+Marks=28,55 MPen: 41,45 MRes.

Void Staff penetrates 40% of that, which is 16,58: 24,87 MRes
Abyssal reduces MRes by 20: 21,45 MRes.
Abyssal > Void Staff.

Cleared up the math. The point at which Void Staff and Abyssal have the same result is 88,55 MRes.
This is calculated by taking into account A Harmless Scarecrow, Sorcerer's Shoes and MPen Marks.

Many thanks to MissMaw, LaCorpse, Xiron, Arcana3 and Joxuu for making me sigs!
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2012 7:47pm | Report
Anastasios wrote:

I'm surprised that you didn't touch the Void Staff vs Abyssal Mask part.

According to my math, Abyssal is better when the enemy has even 80 MRes.
Void Staff against someone with 80 MRes (30 base and a Banshee's Veil):
A Harmless Scarecrow: 70 MRes.
Sorc Shoes+Marks=28,55 MPen: 41,45 MRes.

Void Staff penetrates 40% of that, which is 16,58: 24,87 MRes
Abyssal reduces MRes by 20: 21,45 MRes.
Abyssal > Void Staff.

Cleared up the math. The point at which Void Staff and Abyssal have the same result is 88,55 MRes.
This is calculated by taking into account A Harmless Scarecrow, Sorcerer's Shoes and MPen Marks.

Hands up, I should have mentioned this.
But in my opinion there were more pressing issues than hard numbers - which he lacks in quite a few cases (I.e: "has huge range")... so i left it out for the time being.
astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2012 8:06pm | Report
Your name (Preferred way of addressing you, within reason): astrolia
Link to your guide: Support Sona
Any specific points that I should look at?: Everything/Anything! I recently rewrote my guide after my long hiatus from League and am interested in cleaning up errors and things I overlooked.
Why should I review your guide?: Because you seem to enjoy reviewing guides.
Why do you want your guide reviewed?: Because you give more than 2 lines of feedback.
Are you wasting my time?: No*~
Have you read the reviews I give?: Yes.
Are you prepared for the same level of response?: Yes.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2012 6:24pm | Report

I think I'm going to have very few things to say about this, as TL;DR, it's a solid, well-thought out and fairly easy to read and understand guide. You've displayed solid understanding and numbers, thereby leaving little room for mistakes to occur through misunderstanding.

As such, for the moment I'm resorting to nitpicks.

Chapter order

Personally, I don't like how skills and skill order seem to have been put between summoner spells and runes. Since in most cases, they're done together, it seems a little odd to suddenly break the flow with an, admittedly good, explanation of her skills, and go back to what to take for her.
"what to take"
"Skill explanation"
"what to take"

-> "What to take" "What to take" "skill explanation"

Tempo power chord - It's also her only status effect pre-6

I presume you mean cc, as opposed to buffs/debuffs? (Since you spelt out in the paragraph right next to this one that she can give a 20% damage reduction debuff). Like I said. small nitpick.

Crescendo - Leveling it reduces the cooldown.

Nitpicky sov says increases damage as well D=. I know what you're trying to get at - the importance is the reduced CDR on the stun, and not the damage - but pretend someone new reads this. Since one is playing support, one does not want to be taking kills. Yet I've seen people underestimate their base damage. Perhaps a warning to this effect/ways to mitigate potential lane-partner rage would be useful.

First major criticism:


You've gone and explained your various set ups and what they're good for. You haven't stated why the runes you haven't used aren't good. I.e, you've got Greater Quintessence of Gold in all of your rune set ups - why not Greater Quintessence of Health to absorb poke, or Greater Quintessence of Ability Power for stronger spells?

In addition, you've gone and stated for rune page 3: This alternate page gives Sona a Faerie Charm's worth of mana regen and makes up for the lack of mana regen on the previous pages.
Yet not explained when you would/wouldn't use it or not.


Ashe Cho'Gath Swain The tenacity reduced the duration on all of their crowd control, *prods rupture*.
and the magic res reduced the constant damage from Swain's Ravenous Flock during team fights. Why were you that close? o.O


Sona is very mana and mana regen hungry

Yes... and no. Spam Q all day, you will indeed run out of mana and crave regen. But you're maxing W, (and specifically advise in the current meta not to stick your face out to be prodded into oblivion)... of which you wouldn't be spamming unless your lane partner is stupid / you're against an aggressive lane / both. In either case, it hasn't been stated why she may be mana hungry.

And besides, you then go on to later on state: Sona has low mana costs D=.


I had to nitpick a fair amount to get anything at all to say.
For the most part, it's absolutely fine.
Maybe i'm being a bit harsh, but hey, I think i sort of have a reputation now.
Result: It's good. +1
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2012 6:45pm | Report

Im on holiday folks, you know.

So... Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you a teaser of what's coming.

Veinne's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2012 8:08pm | Report
You're probably still gone but I figured I'd post this before I forgot. First guide I've made here but seems to be getting fairly positive reception so far as being a work in progress.

Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): Veinne
Link to your guide :
Varus - Purple is a many color!
Any specific points that I should look at?: Everything in general, mostly the flow of it which I feel is pretty....flowy. Spell check should be rather spot on, few commas missing here and there.
Why should i review your guide?: Because Aliens..No seriously, it's always nice to have someone critique the piss out of a guide.
Why do you want your guide reviewed? :Because I put a hell of a lot of work into it over a champion I've invested a load of time in.
Are you wasting my time? I'll let you decide that.
Have you read the reviews i give? Sure have.
Are you prepared for the same level of response? As long as you buy me dinner afterwards.

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