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's Forum Avatar

Soviet's Guide shredding services.

Creator: Totallynotn00b June 28, 2012 2:30am
<Guide Critic>
Xenotechie's Forum Avatar
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Feb 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2012 2:17am | Report
Welp, that went better than expected. Time to fix that error.

Did I help you? Do you feel nice today? Take a look at my guide,I would really appreciate it.

Shizukani's Forum Avatar
Aug 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 3:24am | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): Shizzukani
Link to your guide : Here
Any specific points that I should look at?: Everything please
Why should i review your guide?: Coz I'm nice :D I'll make you things like line dividers :D
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : I just released it, want it to be somewhere up the top
Are you wasting my time? Nope, it is a massive guide with lots of reasoning behind everything. Also has a lot of BBCoding
Have you read the reviews i give? Yes
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Completely, just don't downvote me without giving me a chance to improve first.

Please Check out my in-depth Lee Sin guide which can be found here

Thanks to Sevinho and Lichblader for my awesome signature! You can find his Signature shop here.

Its old dont check it out :x
Slaydis's Forum Avatar
Feb 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 5:01am | Report
Your name: Slaydis
Link to your guide: Fiddlesticks - The Master of Crows (A mean In-Depth guide)
Why should i review your guide?: My skilling differs from the other Fiddlesticks guide. Explanation in guide.
Why do you want your guide reviewed?: I have a high self-estim with this champion and thought others would honor it as i put much efford in it. However, i received some critics, and i would like to hear the opinion of an experienced player.
Are you wasting my time? Not at all. I have videos that prove that my guide works to a certain cap. So it is worth a look.
Have you read the reviews i give? *
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Yes master, punish me if i am wrong, honor me if I deserve it.
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2012 4:50pm | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): tehAsian
Link to your guide : Here :3
Any specific points that I should look at?: Everything, if possible. Mostly viability.
Why should I review your guide?: Because it's a new guide on a new champion, and I want feedback so it can be a better resource to newer players.
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : You seem to be one of the only few reviewers here who actually give a damn about properly reviewing guides :o
Are you wasting my time? Maybe :V
Have you read the reviews i give? Some of them :3
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Sure.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
WhatsYourPulse's Forum Avatar
Apr 25th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2012 3:07am | Report
Do you review video guides?

Also, Hi Sov ;>
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2012 9:25pm | Report

Got kindly reminded that I forgot to put a notice saying i'm on holiday.

You may not get a speedy reply - i'm not back for another 2-3 weeks.

But feel free to apply - Basically, I'll get to it as soon as i can.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

SteveJoobs's Forum Avatar
Aug 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2012 11:33pm | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): SteveJoobs
Link to your guide : Here
Any specific points that I should look at?: What's still missing
Why should i review your guide?: Cause I think it's good (as all guide writer's hehe...), but it's my first guide so it can't be good :) Prove me wrong.
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : Cause it's need more score - if it's good than it should be higher %, if not - it shouldn't be so high.
Are you wasting my time? Hope not.
Have you read the reviews i give? Yes, some
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Yes, I want to get good, constructive critcism to make guide better, not to have bad guide well scored...

Thanks for comming review.
My Diana guide --> here.
My Rengar guide --> here.
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 1:08am | Report
"VK975 - Mordekaiser-the-metallic-nightmare"


Perhaps a few nitpicks....

Lack of explanations

Well.. here we go ladies and gentlemen.

Masteries - You cover a few bases, and perhaps I'm being pedantic - Let's say you need to go mid, yet need to be tanky. What then?

On a more serious note: Why do they benefit morde? For example, i raised an eyebrow over your CDR glyphs, and here are CDR masteries... yet nowhere is it to be found why you take them. Yes, spam abilities, get shield... so... why, for example, could I not take AP glyphs to generate more shield?

This continues into your runes:
I get 8.5 (14 with quintessences) magic penetration early game can make a huge difference in the damage you deal,

I wouldn't change this runes for anything.


Seals are just one sentence statements. Ok, let's assume they're adequate explanations. When would you take one over the other?

You sort of try to make an explanation at the bottom... but to be honest, it isnt overly good. For example, why do you value magic pen so much over flat AP? Let's assume it's true. You're writing a guide for people who don't know Morde very well (Because quite frankly, writing guides for people who know the champ is a bit pointless), yet you don't really state why your choices are better than any others.


Exhaustnot highly recommended, ignite is a must for Morde


your alternatives list is also a tad short.

In a way I could excuse you if you only stated viable alternatives (in which case, I would say why the others aren't viable) But in it's current state, it's as if you've wanted to do more, but forgot about it.

You're writing ~@"£!%

Iron Man you can try harassing enemy champions when its over 60% of its capacity

So you never harass if you have no shield...?


you've written a little bit in this guide about what you're meant to do.
There is nothing in this guide that relates to what you're meant to do in a teamfight. Ok, go for the squishy... get a ghost... harass a bit... but the rest? Positioning? Prioritising targets? What to do if you don't have flash/squishy target isn't reachable?

Incomplete item list

You explain some of the items you get and some you don't.
Given your role, you may want to explore more of the items which you decide aren't right, like Thornmail Force of Nature Hextech Gunblade


The most obvious con of morde, to me, is expect to get ganked. A lot.

Your skill sequence section: Yours is the first in which i haven't seen it in the order (passive)QWER.
Perhaps you should consider readjusting it.

Abyssal Mask doesnt provide MP. It's MR reduction. Latter can take MR below 0, former cant. It's explained better in the abyssal sceptre section in my guide. Thanks to stevejoobs for pointing out this error in this review D:


nothing overly special that would drag it into good, but nothing totally unforgivable that would render it ~@"£%
Things you could do? Beyond what i've picked out:
Most effective way to use skills, most effective way to farm, expand on champion match up come to mind.

Result: No vote
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 1:38am | Report
Your name: OTGBionicArm
Link to your guide: Mage Varus
Any specific points that I should look at?: Detail, formatting, how convincing is it?
Why should i review your guide?: It's not a new concept, but one that hasn't even really been talked about. It's a very powerful build and people don't understand it just by saying "Mage Varus"
Why do you want your guide reviewed?: To get feedback (Even if it is negative) about my guide.
Are you wasting my time? No, unless you want me to cover the entire guide in pictures of adorable baby Cho'Gath.
Have you read the reviews i give? I've had a review from you already. :p
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Bring it on.
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 2:36am | Report

Your name: OTGBionicArm
Link to your guide: Mage Varus
Any specific points that I should look at?: Detail, formatting, how convincing is it?
Why should i review your guide?: It's not a new concept, but one that hasn't even really been talked about. It's a very powerful build and people don't understand it just by saying "Mage Varus"
Why do you want your guide reviewed?: To get feedback (Even if it is negative) about my guide.
Are you wasting my time? No, unless you want me to cover the entire guide in pictures of adorable baby Cho'Gath.
Have you read the reviews i give? I've had a review from you already. :p
Are you prepared for the same level of response? Bring it on.

I had forgotten about thattt



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