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Wayne3100 Ranked Journey (EUW Server)

Creator: Wayne3100 July 23, 2012 2:45am

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Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2012 6:49pm | Report
i find funny your apmid oprions for now, since its either fullout damage or total frustration for the other side. =D

no middle option?

Sig made by Tamy
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2012 1:50am | Report

Support yorick?

Well, if you've played as much support as I have, you start trying some unconventional options and every now and then it works. I haven't played things like support Fiddlesticks or Gangplank (though some people claim it works), but Yorick is actually surprisingly good if picked in the right situation.

I ran into it during a time where a lot of people firstpicked Janna and I found he works great against her simply because she lacks heals. He's very good at poking with Omen of Pestilence during the laning phase and can really cause her and her laning partner trouble. Doesn't work against a lane with heals though, so he is definitely highly situational. In teamfights his main trait is his ult of course.
It's also incredibly funny to play him against Blitzcrank or junglers like Amumu/ Nautilus and to block their skillshots with your ghouls, though that's easier said than done :P

Pheyniex wrote:

i find funny your apmid oprions for now, since its either fullout damage or total frustration for the other side. =D

no middle option?

Ehm.... o_o

The way I see it is I have an aggressive pick who can dominate lanes ( Zyra), a safe pick who I can use against champions that I expect will cause me trouble ( Ziggs), an assassin-type with a solid lane who is especially great at helping sidelanes ( Ahri) and an overall solid, mainly teamfightbased champ as backup ( Morgana) who is banned most of the times.
Only champ I might add again is Galio because I don't really have a champ to pick if the enemy firstpicks something like LeBlanc.

... Not really sure what you mean though? :S

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2012 5:14am | Report

Game 16

Duo Queue with GrandmistressD

So I got invited for a ranked quite randomly by Nick (who was 1622 elo and at risk of losing quite a bit of that rating). Of course he ended up as firstpick (picking Xerath) while I was lastpick, so I supported with Janna. After the enemy team had picked Blitzcrank- Ezreal, my AD Carry picked Kog'Maw though which got me worried as his laning phase is so weak.

Bot lane was relatively even in the beginning, but a couple of Malzahar ganks from mid screwed us over quite hard to a point where we were really behind. After that we tried to limit the damage and allow Kog to come back late game, but Ezreal was stronger by this point and Blitzcrank could zone us easily with his presence and the threat of him landing a Q.

The teamfights weren't terrible considering how far we were behind, but the Yorick ultimate made it hard for us to properly focus and dispose of Malzahar and/or Ezreal and when Ez picked up a quadra and started to snowball just as hard as Malzahar it was pretty much done.

ELO: 1456

Game 17

Duo Queue with GrandmistressD

So of course we weren't gonna leave it at that as we decided to go for another one and I again picked Janna to lane with Caitlyn (against the somewhat strange Blitzcrank- Ashe combo).

Despite Caitlyn getting grabbed and instakilled after GMD had picked up first blood mid (3 ganks by Lee Sin proved to be just about enough), she was still ahead in cs and Lee Sin and/or Twisted Fate regularly ganked bottom lane to get Caitlyn quite fed. GMD also ganked top a couple of times (though the Singed there was a bit harder to kill) and he got himself heavily fed while helping all lanes in the process.

We went into teamfights with a clear advantage but still had to watch out for the Ashe initiation combined with Blitzcrank pulls, Skarner ults and Gragas barrels. Unfortunately, some of my teammates proved not to be too good at this and got caught regularly, even resulting in us giving away Baron when we had a "teamfight" (if you can really call it that) in which everyone except for me died (they lost only one member of their team).

It proved out not to be a turning point though as we quickly killed Singed to get rid of at least one of the Baron buffs they had, all lanes were pushing and we pressured their base 5v4. Eventually we had a final teamfight in top lane (after pretty much all enemies had lost their Baron buff due to it running out or them dying) in which Twisted Fate got a double kill and we aced them 5-0 and pushed for the win.

ELO: 1472

Sidenote: Janna now my most played champ (7 games), ahead of Caitlyn and Sona (6)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2012 9:16am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

Well, if you've played as much support as I have, you start trying some unconventional options and every now and then it works. I haven't played things like support Fiddlesticks or Gangplank (though some people claim it works), but Yorick is actually surprisingly good if picked in the right situation.

I ran into it during a time where a lot of people firstpicked Janna and I found he works great against her simply because she lacks heals. He's very good at poking with Omen of Pestilence during the laning phase and can really cause her and her laning partner trouble. Doesn't work against a lane with heals though, so he is definitely highly situational. In teamfights his main trait is his ult of course.
It's also incredibly funny to play him against Blitzcrank or junglers like Amumu/ Nautilus and to block their skillshots with your ghouls, though that's easier said than done :P

Ehm.... o_o

The way I see it is I have an aggressive pick who can dominate lanes ( Zyra), a safe pick who I can use against champions that I expect will cause me trouble ( Ziggs), an assassin-type with a solid lane who is especially great at helping sidelanes ( Ahri) and an overall solid, mainly teamfightbased champ as backup ( Morgana) who is banned most of the times.
Only champ I might add again is Galio because I don't really have a champ to pick if the enemy firstpicks something like LeBlanc.

... Not really sure what you mean though? :S

nvm. those were left out and i read the other way. sorry for the inconvinience. =3

and yes, i think you should keep Galio against Kassadin, LeBlanc or Cassiopeia, or just need a secure mid with AoE potential.

Sig made by elenah
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2012 10:07am | Report
Ziggs can cope quite well with Cassiopeia, but yes, especially against those other two I should probably keep Galio.

Just need to practice him more in normals then ;)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2012 2:50am | Report

Game 18

Solo Queue

Dis Rengar.

I warded the brush in lane early, but shortly after it ran out Rengar came for a lane gank and pretty much twoshotted me (I'm assuming the enemy Janna timed the ward and told her jungler to gank which was very well played by her).

Ezreal was ahead in cs and wasn't really in trouble, but Rengar soon decided he liked ganking bot and despite my warding he could still use his ultimate to catch up with me and pretty much instantly kill me as Sona (especially in the beginning when I had no boots) is just too slow to get away.

Meanwhile our somewhat unconventional mid pick Nautilus gave fb with a misclick but after that owned Ryze pretty hard who was QQing on all chat about his damage constantly.

Top lane was pretty even until Irelia randomly went afk for a couple of minutes and Darius got way ahead in cs and eventually kills. Once Irelia came back my teammates started flaming her and each other for the fact that we were behind (most of the QQ was aimed at Irelia and Dr. Mundo who also didn't have an impressive game).

Although the score was still pretty close, the enemy team pushed their slight advantage to pick up multiple towers and dragons as we were forced back more and more.

Our only hope late game was our fed Nautilus and reasonably strong Ezreal, but Rengar and Darius did a good job of keeping Ez at bay and we were too far behind to turn it around.

ELO: 1457

Game 19

Solo Queue

Forgot to take a screenshot >.<

Top: Cho'Gath - Malphite
AP: Zyra - Gragas
AD: Corki - Ezreal
Support: Taric - Sona
Jungle: Shyvana - Skarner

This game I ended up as Zyra against Gragas and through some aggressive play I managed to get him quite low early. Skarner tried to help by ganking but I got him low too and he had to back off. After that I ran out of mana however, which allowed Gragas to stay in lane using his passive.

Top was doing a very good job against Malphite, picking up first blood when Shyvana came to gank and winning the lane after that quite easily.

Bot, however, got screwed when Shyvana went for a gank that apparently backfired because she did something wrong (don't know the details).

In mid, I started getting ganked by Skarner and died a couple of times due to the fact that his ultimate is so ******ed you can't even Flash away when he uses it. Problem was Gragas was also pushing me back which made it hard for me to ward against it (and Skarner would just dive me whenever he ganked so it still worked out for them).
Gragas also frequently went bot after that and I pinged for my teammates and/or called the ss, but it was hard for me to follow as Gragas is much more mobile. My teammates bot still flamed me for it though.

Once teamfights started happening there were so many mistakes made that it honestly could've gone either way. First we aced them, then they aced us, they got a Baron, they didnt use it and we were still stronger after it ran out, we won a fight, they won a fight.. Main thing for me was I got back in the game after my 0/3 score in lane.

Eventually though, we had a very bad fight in the jungle which pretty much instantly decided the game. I used my Zhonya's Hourglass by accident in that fight which really screwed me over as I wasn't in any danger when I used it (but soon after using it I was ofc >.>).

They then pushed mid for the win.

ELO: 1440

Not happy about my play in these two games.... :c

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 8:55am | Report
Galio added again due to reasons mentioned earlier.

Haven't played ranked in a while because I didn't feel comfortable about it and my performances were sub-par. Also need to work on a number of champs in my roster (most notably Leona, Ahri, Galio and Vladimir) before I play them again in ranked.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 10:40am | Report
I like Galio but I don't think it's necessary to pick him if Lb / Kass / Cass are picked. I think Cass would own Galio actually since he has to last hit early game and she could so easily harass / zone him.

Just make sure to have a full magic resist rune page and rush a negatron cloak. This makes you pretty save vs. them on anybody. Sure Galio is good with these items but as long as you don't feed these champs / warn when they go to gank you could turn out better off if you have a champion you are better with / fits your team better.

I don't actually have a FULL magic resist page... but it's what GMD suggests particularly for going against Leblanc and I believe it since a Lb 100-0'd me at lvl 2 when I was running flat magic resist glyphs. :_(
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 11:49am | Report
Ehhrm mowen, galio rapes the **** out of cass: Poison, gain health <3
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 12:01pm | Report

when you get chalice of harmony and mecury's she's basically shut down and you can farm/harass with Resolute Smite

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