VexRoth wrote:
I'm not an expert on

Swain's abilities are relatively short ranged, he has very limited wave clear, no escapes, and his autoattack animation is horrible.

Swain is kind of like

Swain's abilities aren't relatively short ranged on top lane, he out-ranges most except Lissandra. And his auto-attack animation isn't horrible, it's pretty smooth lol.
He's not comparable to Nasus because Swain is a lane bully, not a passive farmer.
Don't think theres a single good time to pick swain top. He can't lasthit for ****, has 0 wave control unless you max W, and has mana issues as well. (you don't get blue buffs as top lane either) His damage isn't anything to write home about either, his crowd control is at best slightly above average, and he falls off lategame as well.

I don't think he's a particularly great top laner, but his mana issues are fairly minor in lane. The really good Swains I've played against who could get a lot of CS would sustain really well during the laning phase. It's mostly in team fights, when you leave your ult on and don't have time to farm up your mana, that you notice the lack of blue buff.
He just seems like one of those one-trick-pony type of champions since he's not very reliable if you fall behind or get pushed to tower in lane.
He just seems like one of those one-trick-pony type of champions since he's not very reliable if you fall behind or get pushed to tower in lane.

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