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Nerfed Soraka

Creator: jhoijhoi February 10, 2012 11:19pm
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How much does Soraka suck now?
Zell's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 10:53am | Report

*claps* well put well put. May the valentines day corperations grant you a free romp at the bunny ranch in Los Vegas.

lol I actually googled this to get a better picture behind it (wink, wink). I ended up here, dang I wished I lived in Las Vegas I mean thanks god my country doesn't have such ease of access to such provocative sleezy demeaning vacations.
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Zell's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 10:55am | Report
Mooninites wrote:

they're not unharassable. It's very easy to bait a heal on Soraka. Also Tristana and Miss Fortune are very strong against soraka.

Anyway, you just auto attack soraka until she is force to heal/burn a summoner then switch to her ad carry and kill him. Not difficult at all, very harassable

Agreed, idiot Soraka players are not difficult to harass or kill their lane partner.
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Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 11:11am | Report
Zell wrote:

Agreed, idiot Soraka players are not difficult to harass or kill their lane partner.

Soraka and most of the other supports are actually very high mechanically skill capped.
Tri lane for life.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 11:14am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

Soraka and most of the other supports are actually very high mechanically skill capped.

this is true
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Zell's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 11:16am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

Soraka and most of the other supports are actually very high mechanically skill capped.

Credit to Jeff and jhois for creating my signature and avatar design.
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<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 11:48am | Report
I didn't realize that finding your "R" button on Soraka was difficult...Or your "W" on Sona. Or whatever one it is for Taric. If anything KARMA is the most technically challanging the others involve NOT forgetting how to press/click/target your skills on people who need it. I'm not saying it can't be demanding...But if I can play supports (least favorite role for me to play personally) then it really can't be difficult...At least mechanically it's not...Proper supporting comes down to properly ***ecssing a situation and then divining the strongest course of action.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 1:43pm | Report
you'd be shocked at how many players have that problem

also karma might be one of the hardest champions to play, but don't forget Alistar and Janna. Very few people can play these champions well.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
<Altruistic Artist>
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 1:58pm | Report
I suppose there are people who can't...But I mean...People are crying about Soraka getting some nerfs as though she'll be unplayable...More like they'll have to think while sitting in their lane. I mean I guess I've had the same knee jerk reactions when some of my favorite champs were nerfed. But if they can't see that being able to literally never leave the lane/perma sustain their carry was OP....Then they should probably play against Soraka more often as an AD carry. As I said earlier this is a change that NEEDED to happen. But what's it matter? Soraka version 2.0 is coming in the next few months as Riot has hinted (at a support coming out not necissarily that the support would replace Soraka). And Karma is going to get uber buffed so she can actually SUPPORT her lane more effectively....I mean Soraka's days of being a tourney pick are numbered.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 3:24pm | Report
I wouldn't say Soraka was OP exactly, just really really irritating to have in a game.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2012 3:54pm | Report
Jeffy: The thing is, for those of us who actually played Soraka outside the support role, the mana return was somewhat necessary for our playstyle. She doesn't have huge burst like other AP casters, and Infuse allowed you to spam Starcall without penalty - allowing you to do as much damage as another AP mid.

Without Infuse returning mana, Soraka now has to watch how much mana she uses on Starcall, has a very slow heal and a silence that can do a lot of damage BUT NOT AGAINST AP MID BECAUSE MOST AP MID HAS MAGIC RESIST RUNES.


I didn't read the whole thread.

Just saying that Soraka was a pain in the butt, but easily rolled by Alistar/Sona/Taric if played correctly. I'd even say Taric is stronger than Soraka as he's much harder to kill and far tankier, has a "double" heal, a targeted stun that can't miss and a damage amplifying ultimate.

All they had to do was make her Infuse single targeted and give half mana back to herself. That would have nerfed her enough.
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