DuffTime wrote:
No. There is no poking Yorick =_=
There is outlasting his mana bar and full to zero murderfacing Yorick. Nothing else :p
But yeah I prefer super sustainers that are good all game. Trundle is my pick vrs Yorick.

+Rep me if i'm useful!
Zoning a good Trundle is pretty much impossible :P
And Nid, ionno. I don't play Nid, I think she's a bit over rated due to poor scaling into late game.
And Nid, ionno. I don't play Nid, I think she's a bit over rated due to poor scaling into late game.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
He dones't need blue, but with it...
Get yourself the safe resolution:
Mana Crystal -> boots -> Phage -> Mercury -> Glacier -> TF.
Hell for any AD solo top.
And btw: Talking about how you can deal with him on lvl 6... doesnt quite cut it, if he can do anything he wants until then.
Somewhere there is a thread about "support yorick" maybe even a build.
Get him HoG/Philo and he still facepalms you in terms of dmg output...
Get yourself the safe resolution:
Mana Crystal -> boots -> Phage -> Mercury -> Glacier -> TF.
Hell for any AD solo top.
And btw: Talking about how you can deal with him on lvl 6... doesnt quite cut it, if he can do anything he wants until then.
Somewhere there is a thread about "support yorick" maybe even a build.
Get him HoG/Philo and he still facepalms you in terms of dmg output...
Yorick can't crush your face from levels 1-6 if you play smart, there's no way. He's a natural lane pusher, Akali will get 6 just fine.
And meh, I don't like that Yorick build much. It's okay, but IMO it needs a tear.
And meh, I don't like that Yorick build much. It's okay, but IMO it needs a tear.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Only a suggestion, didn't play him myself for more than some free-week "get together".
But even if he can't kill you easily that way, you can't towerhug until lvl 6..
What I want to know is a way to deal with him early 1-5 lvl.
The moment both parties become lvl 6, it'll only get harder anyway IMO.
If you're not going to oneshot him or waste Flash on a retreat he'll drag you with him.
But the problem is to let him die first...
Srsly, why should there be a need to resurrect yourself, when that ulti ghoul nearly doubles your autohit dmg output?
But even if he can't kill you easily that way, you can't towerhug until lvl 6..
What I want to know is a way to deal with him early 1-5 lvl.
The moment both parties become lvl 6, it'll only get harder anyway IMO.
If you're not going to oneshot him or waste Flash on a retreat he'll drag you with him.
But the problem is to let him die first...
Srsly, why should there be a need to resurrect yourself, when that ulti ghoul nearly doubles your autohit dmg output?
Lugignaf wrote:
The key to winning vs him is to not ***** out. Actually fight the ghouls. Build early lifesteal and armor.
I know this post was early, but this WORKED for me. An early vamp scepter (wriggles) and fighting the ghouls back works most of the time. But of course, you have to do tradeoffs by harassing him when you have the chance to. And he has no escape spells other than a summoner spell, so a gank works too.
^ First time I gave that advice, it was just like "Idunno what works, here's something that might"
Turns out I was right. The Yorick called him a noob for fighting them, lol. The ghouls scale really slowly is why. It's the initial burst that's the most powerful from them.
Turns out I was right. The Yorick called him a noob for fighting them, lol. The ghouls scale really slowly is why. It's the initial burst that's the most powerful from them.
PotatisFarfar wrote:
you can't win against yorick in lane.
Never lost a single top lane with yorick. If the yorick player knows what he is doing, you can't do **** against him.
Your personal experience doesn't prove squat. If he was really an unbeatable top, he'd be the #1 top laner at high elo. He's strong, but not free-win strong.

Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
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And about outlasting his mana bar...WHAT IF JUNGLER GIVES HIM FIRST BLUE????
Also, would quick, repeated burst do anything? My logic is to get him low quickly so he HAS to heal with ghouls.