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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Guides broke! by Asternova » Jan 4 @ 11:03am Yes, it's working now! Thanks a... Asternova Jan 4 @ 02:45pm 1,202 5
Guide by TheMrDarkness » Jan 2 @ 02:29am Hey there , Seems to work... Fruxo Jan 2 @ 02:40am 837 2
Incorrect Guide Credentials by BlitzIMO » Dec 29 @ 09:06pm Looks like this has been... Hades4u Dec 30 @ 03:16am 1,118 2
Guide suddenly a build? by DutchWolf114 » Dec 26 @ 03:43pm Thanks, will do ! DutchWolf114 Dec 27 @ 06:09am 1,051 3
Not letting me create guide by Penguto » Dec 21 @ 03:12am Hello again! I'm glad you... Hades4u Dec 21 @ 07:59am 876 4
I need a little help. by MikeVix » Dec 9 @ 09:30am thank you so much for the quick... MikeVix Dec 9 @ 11:29am 1,053 5
My guide's website doesn't work. by lulw » Nov 19 @ 11:31am Thank you so much! lulw Dec 7 @ 07:07pm 890 7
Bug report by Jesuscirraptor » Nov 25 @ 05:36pm no problem, i can make the... Jesuscirraptor Dec 4 @ 01:19pm 2,696 9
Help with search tool by Jesuscirraptor » Nov 23 @ 06:01pm Ok, thanks man Jesuscirraptor Nov 30 @ 02:22pm 725 5
Is there a way to get my name changed? by [deleted] » Nov 28 @ 11:49am Hello, Please send me a PM... Hades4u Nov 30 @ 01:50am 761 5
How do I edit an already published guide? by Potato Mob » May 20 @ 02:12pm thank you very much [deleted] Nov 26 @ 02:40pm 2,544 4
My Guide is not saved by SlukDog » Nov 16 @ 07:28pm I assigned the guide to your... Fruxo Nov 17 @ 01:49am 822 3
Twitch by DoublefeedOP » Nov 12 @ 09:35am Hello , If you go into your... Fruxo Nov 12 @ 01:31pm 795 2
Delete tier lists by DjapeFromSerbia » Nov 1 @ 08:01am If you cannot find a delete... Fruxo Nov 1 @ 08:06am 766 2
I forgot to login ! :D by Popu » Oct 27 @ 05:54pm Thankk youuuu <3 Popu Oct 28 @ 05:20am 878 3
Prime Failure by TTVXiralid » Sep 19 @ 04:10am Hey! Please send me a private... Hades4u Sep 19 @ 04:28am 846 2
Guide partnership idea by TheFwnK » Aug 12 @ 12:51pm Hey ! Yeah, that's perfectly... Hades4u Sep 13 @ 09:04am 1,205 4
verification not working properly by painkillertop » Aug 28 @ 05:29pm sorted! thank you painkillertop Aug 30 @ 05:39pm 1,199 3
video embedding problem by tokyodamonsta » Aug 23 @ 06:50am thanks it worked! tokyodamonsta Aug 24 @ 05:32am 1,945 6
how to delete a guide by ZxCastform » Aug 19 @ 10:02am Thank you ZxCastform Aug 19 @ 11:52pm 1,103 5
Bot spam by TentiTiger11 » Aug 15 @ 04:50pm Thank you for reporting... Fruxo Aug 18 @ 06:40am 2,980 4
Badges by TTVXiralid » Aug 11 @ 07:15pm Hey there, I already see that... Fruxo Aug 12 @ 04:51am 1,125 2
Recover old guide version by Lichskorpion » Aug 3 @ 12:56pm Hey ! I'm sorry to hear... Hades4u Aug 4 @ 12:15am 1,373 2
Rep? by TentiTiger11 » Aug 3 @ 10:35am Reputation is a measurement of... Fruxo Aug 3 @ 10:42am 983 2
Nexus Blitz Buides? by Commados » Aug 2 @ 10:00pm Nexus Blitz is an awesome... Fruxo Aug 3 @ 02:53am 810 2
Lower The Amount of Ads? by TentiTiger11 » Jul 28 @ 10:40am Hello ! I'm sorry to hear... Hades4u Jul 29 @ 12:16am 1,014 2

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide