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[Poll] Guide Page Redesign Preview!

Creator: Matt May 1, 2012 10:21pm

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What do you think of the new Guides design?
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2012 10:21pm | Report
We have been working on a fully redesigned guide page. This is a lot more than just a face lift. The Veterans, and later on the Editors and Scouts, have been helping us to test and iron out the new guides, and now we want to open it up to get as much feedback as we can before we launch it.

One of the key things we need feedback on is the new multi-page guide feature. Read on for more information on that, and then answer the poll above to let us know your thoughts!

We are considering this an "open beta", instructions for how to check out this new guide layout are at the bottom of this post.

Essentially, guides have now been broken up into 3 sections with tabs for quick navigation. There are three tabs now; "Builds", "Guide" and "Discussion". Various components have also been redesigned and updated with a new look.


The "Builds" tab is now your guide's home page and will show your cheat sheets and navigation into the rest of your guide.

The builds section has been redesigned with a new look that we hope you will all like! More features will be coming here soon :)


The "Guide" tab will contain all of your guide text.

You can now split your guide up into multiple pages. You will see a new check box in the guide editor labelled "Start a new page with this chapter". Check this box to insert a page break just before that chapter.

This feature has a lot of benefits both to authors and to readers. Easier navigation, faster page loads, less server load, better guide flow, better visibility for search, etc... We also hope it will make it easier for authors to manage their massive guides, as many of you have written volumes of information for your readers!


The "Discussion" tab now houses all your guide comments.

It is much easier to jump to the discussion this way, and it avoids long load times and piles of scrolling to view the first page of comments and navigate past it.

We have also given the comment section a bit of a face lift to match the rest of the updates, we hope you enjoy it!

Existing Guides

In order to minimize any potential negative impact of this change, being that it is such a massive change to such a core component of MOBAFire, we have decided to keep the guide text for all existing guides as part of the "Builds" tab rather than moving it to the second "Guide" tab. Your guide will remain this way until you add page breaks as described above, at which point your guide will move to the "Guide" tab. You can undo this by simply removing all the page breaks.

We may in the future bump all guides to the second tab, but I can't say for sure at this time.

Comments are on a separate tab now for all guides, however. The new designs will also applied to all guides automatically.

Great, now how can I see this new layout???

It's simple. Just log in on your account (only members can see the new layout, it is locked from guests temporarily), load up any guide, and modify the "/build/" component of the URL to say "/build-new/". Here are a couple examples;

Easy! Feel free to add page breaks to your existing guides to test with the new layout - they will not break your guide in the old layout, and then when this new version replaces the old one (possibly later this week!) you will already be taking advantage of this new feature!

So give it a go, and let us know what you think! We welcome all feedback, positive or negative! This is a huge change so we want to be 100% sure you guys are going to like it before we put it out :)
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2012 11:21pm | Report
no offense, but it looks like garbage to me. I know solomid is doing something similar to this, but frankly i don't want to have to click 80 things just to understand the build. What's wrong with the current layout anyway?
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2012 11:40pm | Report
Moon, you can choose to have your guide all on one page or multiple pages. I think having the build/guide/discussion in separate tabs is nice so people can switch easily between them. Then it will be up to the user to decide how many pages they want their guide section to be.

I think this is nice and makes content easier to organize. You can remember "this part was on page x" instead of trying to scroll up and down to find something. Also the table of contents looks a lot better than the current bright yellow text. :P

The faster load time is definitely good for keeping newcomers coming. Long load times = frustration an going elsewhere for guides.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2012 11:45pm | Report
Discussion page is great. Keep that. :D

Summoner spells seem a bit understated to me. It would be nice if they were a little bigger and fit near the runes and items if at all possible.

Runes, Items and skill order look nice.

Not sure if I like the page system or not. I guess it might be fine as long as authors are given the option to have a single-page guide or at least pretty long pages. Personally I wouldn't want mine (which are fairly long) to be more than a few pages. Having to load a new page for every one or two sections would be annoying.

EDIT: Well if it's completely optional, then I guess I have nothing to worry about. You have my vote :).

EDIT: Can we choose the champion portrait?? :D:D It'd be fun to customize the art that goes on the front of your guide. :)
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2012 11:55pm | Report
lol, whoever likes the current system clearly do not know the pains of having a long guide, with many graphics and more than 100 comments.

The new design:

1) Loads the page quicker
2) Immediately allows you to navigate to the comment section
3) Allows separation of chapters
4) And even if you're so against the whole thing, you can keep your guide exactly how it used to be by having all your stuff on one page and make it an agony for other people to read

I love the new design, it's everything a guide should have the potential to be. If people want to hold back on progress, they can do so. Don't take negative comments too hard, Matt and Flash. Everything in the new layout has been improved. Some people just don't like change - even when it revolves around something that they should have no word in controlling.

Keep up the fantastic work.

(I voted Launch of course)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2012 12:04am | Report
Now that I've had some time to think about it (and been forced to use it, since my Veigar guide refuses to load past my Skill order section normally), I'm actually pretty excited for these changes. Mostly I'm looking forward to the split between build/guide/discussion, but I think the multiple page format would be pretty nice as well. It would let me break up some of my longer sections into their own pages and organize smaller sections in groups.

Plus we get a stat sheet that works, don't we? :D
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2012 12:22am | Report
The new build design, tabbed discussion, reworked stats box (not in yet, still working on it, current stats are same as old), updated graphics, updated toc, etc... Can all be kept separate of each other and, more importantly, separate of multi-page guides. We can remove multi-page guides without affecting the rest of it.

The key concern we have right now is whether or not guide paging is a good idea. Clearly there are a lot of benefits, but if too many people feel it is a pain then it should be dropped. This is a vital part of MOBAFire and we don't want to screw around unless we're sure it will lead to a better experience for (almost) everyone. This is why we've been stepping this forward so gradually and didn't just go for it - it's really important we get this right.

Note that, multi-page guides are only optional for the AUTHOR. The reader is left with whatever the author's decision is. If the author decides to stick with the current single-page layout, or use multiple pages, the reader has no choice but to view the guide in that format. However, the readers can of course make their opinions heard by voting and commenting, if they don't like the author's guide layout.

If you vote against multi-page guides, try not to do it simply because it's a big change, give the new version solid consideration first. It's possible that the concerns you have can be fixed, and that once we have fixed them you may change your mind.
A Chubby Baby
A Chubby Baby's Forum Avatar
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Feb 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2012 1:02am | Report
think the new design is great so far. only problem i find is because of the extra tabs and loading process, i crash sometimes because i loaded too many mobafire pages. that's just me i think though.
Vitigam's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2012 3:51am | Report
The new design is great. As you mentioned, the only concern is the page breaking, but that is totally optional! That what makes it even more awesome! If you don't want the page-breakers, simply don't enable it. The best part is, you can chose where to break your page, for even more organization of your guide. And you can go to the comments section without having to scroll all the way to the bottom, I am totally up for this change! Can't wait!
Thanks to Arcana3

Check Out All These Peeps Who Make Sigs <3
LaCorpse, Jhoijhoi, Miss Maw, Arcana3
Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2012 5:01am | Report
I really like the idea behind this, and the look it has is awesome, but you did this to help people with slower internet and computers, loading up MOBAFire seems to take a LOT of time, even with my computer and internet (which are both really good). Having to change pages, and ergo reload the entire site seems like it does the opposite of what it's supposed to do IMO. (Yes, I know that you don't have to use pages.)

If I had to make a suggestion I'd go with this:

Hierarchical type of organization :3

Have it be set up into the same "tabs" but have them all be in extension boxes, so that when you click them, it will expand and show the next set of chapters.

So for example,the guide would go something like:
  • Guide
    • The Champion
      • Base Stats
      • blah blah blah
      • insert more chapters here
    • The items
    • blah blah blah

Have it so that each spot is a layer basically, that they can load each one seperately, if they only want to read in the guide, about the champion, the base stats, then they click three plus signs next to each of the headers for the sections.

That's my 2 cents.

tl;dr - Pages require reloading MOBAFire, slows it down; go hierarchical style for organization.
To be updated soon!
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