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viper459 wrote:
I've always found hybrid build so much more interesting, be it hybrid tank-dps or ad-ap or ap-as, there's just much more variation in building them. every full ad/full ap/full crit-ad build is pretty much the same, but with hybrid champs like shyvana, volibear, twisted fate there's just so much interesting stuff to consider.
the lastest i've been busy with is Hybrid mid Twisted Fate, which has really been either raping the opposition or being raped and depending wholly on ganks:
early game:
Doran's Ring, Berserker's Greaves, Sheen( Doran's Blade)
core items:
Guinsoo's Rageblade, Lich Bane, Nashor's Tooth
after that i throw in Sword of the Divine and Hextech Gunblade. it's going to be interesting to try Ionic Spark if they're still planning on making it available in SR.
I myself adore hybrid tf as well, i build him with less AP, but with more survivability.
Boots+3(4) - X amount of Doran's Blade, Berserker's Greaves, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Trinity Force, Hextech Gunblade. And from then i go survivability.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
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"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
I've always imagined an on-hit Miss Fortune would be devastating because of her W. Now I really want to try it!!
In my head, it would look roughly like:
Berserker's or Sorcerer's boots...probably Zerks.
Wit's end
Banshee's / Guardian's.
And then you sit back, pop an E to slow people down, activate W, and proceed to lay waste.
I doubt it would outdamage an AD MF the majority of the time...but it would be fun still :)
In my head, it would look roughly like:
Berserker's or Sorcerer's boots...probably Zerks.
Wit's end
Banshee's / Guardian's.
And then you sit back, pop an E to slow people down, activate W, and proceed to lay waste.
I doubt it would outdamage an AD MF the majority of the time...but it would be fun still :)
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
Fun is what its all about.
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