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Neo's ELO Tour!

Creator: utopus May 4, 2015 9:26pm
210 posts - page 3 of 21
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2015 8:39pm | Report
Game 18

LSI codes!

We had an AFK from the start; Nothing much to say here. I ended up giving up first blood because my duo partner was snapchatting the bae instead of warding the entrance to the jungle that they invaded from. Even with the opponents vayne have fb, we destroyed lane with cait getting 3/0. I'm mostly happy with how i played; I need to be more impulsive with my Dark Bindings though
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2015 9:46pm | Report
Game 19

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I got carried this game. Not to make it sound like an excuse, but I was terribly tired, slightly tilted, and was certainly not playing my best. Minions on several occasions seemed to just kinda walk and body block what should've been a landed Dark Binding on a sona. One big blunder I made was trying to commit to punishing Sona's lack of mobility. When junglers would gank, I would put a lot of resources into focusing sona, and instead of focusing the CC locked sona, my partner and the jungler would go onto the cait. It was poor communication on both of our parts.

Our lane got poked down REALLY hard in the early levels, and it actually forced lucian to recall early. Thankfully, after level 2 shenanigans, we were able to really punish my opponents for Dark Bindings that I landed. We weren't ever able to kill them, but there were several times where both of them left lane with <100 HP left. While we didn't decisively win lane, mid and top and jungler were fed out of their minds. A decent Soul Shackles near the dragon area split up the enemy team near their dragon pit. Once nasus hit 600 stacks, we just decided to 5 push mid, take 2 towers, inhib, 2 nexus turrets, and end the game LOL
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2015 8:30pm | Report
Game 20

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Freelo janna. She's not my favorite support because she can't make catch plays like Morgana or Thresh, but if you have an ADC that knows what they're doing, then janna is like a blessing from god xDD

Evelynn started out with a smiteless red, which wasn't as bad as it should've been, since i prevented 2 Eye of the Storms worth of damage. She cheesed and killed mundo at his blue. Jinx and i gave vayne and thresh a hard time. There wasn't much they could do to win lane unless thresh landed a good hook, which never happened because we pushed them under their tower the whole laning phase land thresh couldn't have landed a hook without really hurting himself. Towards the mid game, we killed them with a good exhaust -> knockup -> snare.

There was one cool instance where Vayne almost outdueled Jinx. I had thought that she was trying to duel her, so I roamed back bot from mid, and got to jinx just in time to Flash + Eye of the Storm her so she would live. Vayne cancelled her next auto since her last auto would've killed jinx were it not for my shield, and jinx ended up living with like 4 hp.

Aside from a couple small positioning errors in the laning phase ( Thresh got off a free AA, etc), there were only two positional blunders that I made. One was where I positioned in a line with my other teammates and got knocked up with Malphite's Unstoppable Force long enough for Katarina to sneak in and get a good Death Lotus off. That was really bad because all i really needed to do to win us team fights was save Monsoon for when Katarina ultied. To be fair, i probably got hit at max range, anyways, so I think i just need to know malph's range a bit better.

Another time i got "caught" out was when i was defending tier 2 turret. Our opponents team was split up, and for some reason, Malphite decided to ult me, and let kat kill me with Death Lotus. To be honest, in that situation i think it's worthy my death for kat's 1 person ulti + malph ulti, but I'll need to look at the replay to really see if I had anything else I could've done.

Aside from that, the game went pretty smoothly. Kat didn't ever cascade a team fight out of control (although she was extraordinarily good at catching out my teammates and beating them in 1v1s).
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
TheRealCefor's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2015 9:00pm | Report
^ i think you got the wrong pic up, bro
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2015 11:56pm | Report
Game 21

LSI codes!

Again, freelo Janna. We should've lost this lane hard, but Thresh was overaggressive and poorly positioned himself so that he got chunked pretty low. The good thing about this was that if they ever played aggressively, that would telegraph a gank, 100%. Overaggression on thresh caused us to poke him pretty low. Jinx stayed and she retreated. Thresh came back in to try and save her and we just switched to thresh and instakilled him. Vayne got back into lane a little earlier, and tried to do that vayne thing where you 1v2 your opponents. She did pretty well, but she was 1/2 item vayne, so there wasn't a big window for outplaying. She died tunneling on the wrong person, and apologized profusely after I burned some summoners trying to save her. After this point, things started getting scary. Sejuani ganked mid lane, and I roamed mid to try and save Ziggs. He escapes with low health, and shyvana goes in for a countergank, bochting Dragon's Descent REALLY badly. I gave her a shield so she could try beating up heim or shyvana, but ends up just getting kited by Heimerdinger's turrets, and good coordination between mundo and his team allowed for an excellent TP gank that left me and shyvana and ziggs dead, and first dragon.

Later, a team fight arose in our blue side jungle. A good Monsoon from me forced heimer out of the choke point we fought in, and separated Thresh and Jinx from the rest of our team. Vayne was low, but a good Exhaust stopped the full health Jinx's damage from killing vayne, and a well timed Howling Gale cancelled her autoattack that would've killed vayne. It should be noted that Vayne had an underappreciated Condemn that stopped Heimerdinger from getting a 3 man UPGRADE!!!d Hextech Micro-Rockets.

Later, we had a big team fight. Shyvana had a REALLY terrible ulti, and initiated basically 1v4 when she was at 50% HP. She instadied, and ziggs cleaned up the kill that shyvana was trying to do. Heimerdinger died to ziggs flanking him, and vayne went HAM, even though they have a full health, with Maximum Dosage mundo, full health jinx, and half health Thresh with Exhaust. We got aced and lost 2nd dragon.

We lost another fight around dragon; Sejuani landed a 3 man ulti off on me, shyvana, and vayne. I got killed quickly by jinx. Poor positioning by Jinx got her killed thanks to a good condemn. Vayne and ziggs disengaged briefly, and then wukong re-engaged to execute the low health thresh. Wukong kited mundo back to the banana brush, and vayne blundered the team fight at that point by not instantly Condemning the mundo. if she had condemned the mundo, the team would've gone even (which would've been REALLY desirable for us), and she would've lived. Mundo at the end of the tema fight was 8|0|5.

We got outrotated and lost both mid and top tier 2 turrets. A good flank by mundo left wukong and shyvana effectively pincered. Goodplays made a smart decision by Nimbus Strikeing Jinx and Heimerdinger, and then Cycloneing to lock them up and get them low enough so jinx would die to ziggs' Mega Inferno Bomb. We disengage, and ziggs pokes down thresh and heimer low enough so that vayne does that vayne thing. A good flank by sejuani gets me killed, but vayne was able to get the kill on heimer. Sejuani dropped a pink making it impossible for vayne to kite. Mundo thresh, and sejuani leave the team fight with <10% hp. Sejauni tries to kill ziggs, but ziggs 1v1s her. He baits in mundo, and doesn't get a kill on him, but it looked really cool - the outplaying he did.

Vayne later split pushed bot, and outdueled the mundo, and sejuani (with some help). I got too stingy with my cooldowns and even thought we were 3v1ing sejuani, she pulled out a surprising amount of burst and killed the shyvana o,O we converted our numbers advantage into a dragon for us, and I died trying to deep ward. I got too greedy :S

At this point, the enemy team was looking to pressure baron. They had a really strong team fight presence, and at this point we were still insecure about our team fighting abilities. Had Vayne scaled late enough so that we could shred tanks? At any rate, they started baron before i could finish warding it. Shyvana and goodplays managed to steal it somehow though. Vayne did that vayne thing again, and went in 1v4. He got 2 kills, and would've kited more, but Ziggs got the Satchel Charge execute on Jinx, while also knocking mundo in autoattack range of Vayne. That's something to debate - would it have been better to guarantee trade ADCs, or try and let vayne do her thing? I'm leaning towards the former, although i'm not quite sure, since this vayne was QUITE good. Given our situation, we were pretty happy with how the team fight came out. The score at this point was 29-16.

At the next team fight, ziggs got flanked by Sejuani, and i rush to her to peel for him. sejuani gets a 3 man Glacial Prison off, but her team isn't anywhere close. They come to assist her, and Wukong gets a good 4 man Cyclone. A good Teleport from mundo zoned me and ziggs from the fight though. Vayne had rotated to mid from bot once he saw the sejuani flank though, and she did her vayne thing. The time in the replay is 29:00; I strongly recommend you watch it; It's so beautiful it could go into a youtube video or something. She gets a 1v4 quadra, and noone on our team ends up dying because janna's heals are freelo. We convert our temporary lead into a tower. Mundo tries defending his turret, and vayne Condemns him. I thought that that was our signal to dive, so I go in and lock down mundo, and goodplays jumps on him. Turns out that that wasn't the plan; vayne autos the tower for a little longer, then switches focus to mundo. his Thornmail kills all 3 of us. We get another tower and ziggs /ffs at this point LOL

Shyvana overstayed trying to counterjungle and ends up getting chunked pretty low. wukong gets caught near our blue buff, and shyvana and him die instantly. Vayne kites mundo pretty well in the mid lane, but thresh helps mundo just barely stay alive. Mundo recalls, and sejuani jinx and thresh try and make a play on our mid inhib turret. Sejuani jumps and tries to kill ziggs with her Glacial Prison just coming off cooldown, and i manage to cancel jinx's autoattack, and kill her (she was really low), while also peeling for Ziggs through Eye of the Storm and Mikael's Blessing.

Goodplays makes a terribad Teleport top and tries to take the tower, and ends up just getting 1v1ed by the 6 item, 15|1|13 mundo. We take dragon. We reposition to ward baron. There is a 4 minute long baron dance. The other team tries so hard to catch us out, while we struggle to get vision of the baron area. Dragon respawns and we win a team fight, with Sejuani Glacial Prisoning me and vayne, while ziggs instakills the thresh, and vayne proceeds to get a kill on the god like mundo. We take dragon, get vision on baron again, heal, and then fight again in the mid lane. Mundo flanks from a weird direction and i pop Turbo Chemtank to give us the mobility to inititate if we're getting flanked. A good Warrior Trickster soaks up a lot of damage and gives goodplays the time to land a 4 man Cyclone. With Mega Inferno Bomb, ziggs picks up a kill on jinx, and kills thresh later with an auto. We take baron, then fight at 4th dragon, and cleaned up and won the game shortly afterwards.

A really good game to watch though.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2015 11:58pm | Report
^ i think you got the wrong pic up, bro

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2015 12:36am | Report
Game 21

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Not so freelo janna :< Graves and I won lane pretty hard, but top lane and mid lane lost really badly. Goodplays played well by getting 5 kills in 10 minutes, but our maokai kept on dying to renekton, which is really unacceptable if you have TP. By the time we got to team fight, Lee Sin and Renekton could one-combo me with they stalkers blade: warrior + Black Cleaver / Ravenous Hydra + Black Cleaver repsectively. I felt bad that i couldn't peel for graves, but those two would just instakill me, and then move on to graves. It was pretty annoying. Also, our xerath couldn't land skillshots for **** xD
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2015 8:58pm | Report
Game 22

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Pretty annoyed at this game. I told our first pick to ban Gragas and Jinx, and he instead banned LeBlanc and Zed like wtf? Also, Annie denied me and my partner duo bot, which just isn't something you do unless you're like aphromoo or something like that. We manage to get first blood off of a good invade, but our lead is quickly thrown; Annie played way too aggressively, and was trying to trade with the opposing bot lane while she was standing in the middle of her opponents bot lane cannon minion wave. When she died and my duo partner didn't blow Heal to save her, she started raging at my ADC - to which he responded, "I don't waste summoner spells on trash" LOL

Annie died a couple more times bot, which made her lane largely ungankable. I opted to camp top and did a good job getting Maokai fed. I tried ganking for Yasuo early, but it was really hard. Maokai and I would roam mid a lot to gank Kennen, but our yas was just terrified of Last Breathing any of our knockups -___- Additionally, Gragas' counterganks were too strong. While in theory, his kit conflicts with Kennen's, he's just so OP right now that it didn't even matter. Our graves did well in team fights, but he could've done a lot better if he didn't get greedy by trying to QR people, and instead RQ'ed: QRing people as graves makes it easier for them to sidestep the ulti. Since my Nunu & Willump was banned, I couldn't tank Jinx or Cassiopeia long enough for my team to make anything of it; I should've dodged this game. There were too many things that went wrong in champion select

I also need to place the proper amount of trust in my laners: Trust should be earned. I shouldn't have even tried to gank bot lane, and I shouldn't have EQ'ed in to knock up Jinx and Cassiopeia nearly as often as i did once I realized that Yasuo didn't want to Last Breath carries.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2015 11:46pm | Report
Game 23

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An interesting game to say the least. I try to avoid picking Lulu support, since she's a little weak during the current meta, my duo partner first picked Jinx after I told him that I've never seen him play that champion. Our opponents lock in Leona, Zed, Jarvan IV, and Cho'Gath, and I was like, WELP, YOU'LL NEED PEEL. Lulu seemed like a good counter to Zed, and Jarvan IV, and she can give Jinx enough shields and mobility to outplay the Cho'Gath. It's important to note that after champion select finished, my duo partner told me he sucks at jinx xDD

Laning phase was pretty boring. While our opponents could all-in us, we just elected to keep them pushed under their tower for the entire laning phase. It worked out well until a REALLY well timed Jarvan IV ganked us literally right when my partner's Stealth Ward expired and I was on my way to re-ward the river brush. I gave up a kill to kalista :< thankfully, our lane was so unbelievably ahead in CS and turret damage, that we were still in good shape. Flash + Teleport vlad somehow managed to get first blood on Cho'Gath too, which I'm still trying to get my head around lol

I bought a Sightstone and roamed mid to ward river. It just so happened that Zed tried to all-in vik when I was warding, and I got there in time to save vik from dying, while also getting him a double kill. That single handedly won mid lane the game, and kept zed from being relevant for the rest of the game. Vik and rek'sai took mid turret, and I roamed back bot. We continued to harass kalista and leona, and it got to the point where it was sucha war of attrition that both me and Leona ran out of Sightstone wards, and we just had to guess whether a jungler was coming to gank, based on playstyle behavioral changes. Jarvan IV decided to come bot and he jumped on me. I blew all my cooldowns and escaped with like 15% hp. Since my ADC was left to freely autoattack my opponents, by the time i flashed out, all 3 of our opponents were at like 40% HP. I just Whimsyed my ADC and Help, Pix!ed him and he got a triple. Shortly after, the opponents team surrendered.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2015 11:52pm | Report
Game 24

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Another rough game :< This should've been a dodge by me, since we totally got outpicked in champion select. In this game, I believe Diana was playing a role she didn't main: top lane, and Udyr was playing his least comfortable role of the three that he called: jungle.

Caitlyn and I won lane pretty hard the way Nami always does: War of attrition. Our opponents would chunk us down to like 40% HP, and then we would just heal up and whittle them down. I actually felt pretty bad about it LOL. Our other lanes did not do too hot though. Ziggs held his own against Anivia for quite a while, and actually was beating her in lane, but Gragas just camped his lane and forced him to concede tower, blow summoner spells, and just make his life living hell the way all junglers do to mid laners... Udyr didn't have such a hot game, nor did Diana. Diana fed several kills to Irelia early game, which is pretty unacceptable if you're running Teleport imo, but after she fed several kills to Irelia, irelia would just continually tower dive her. She tilted hard. We caught out the Lulu and the Jinx ( i think) at around the 25:00 mark, and my duo partner decided to make a risky call for baron. We started it and got it down to 2k HP, and then Gragas showed, then Anivia, then Irelia. We were like FK! Irelia got a quadra, and they ended the game right there. While my ADC was at fault for making that call, I think it was the only thing we could've done to really get us back in the game, so I don't blame him at all for what he did.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!

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