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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2018 9:07pm | Report

Sigh, from what I can tell, Camille beats Akali until she gets Hextech Gunblade. Unfortunately, while getting the first kill in the match-up, our Camille started dying even before Akali finished Gunblade.

And with those kills under her belt Akali could zero out everyone on our team, including me despite having armor and MR.

I can't really camp the Akali since she can just shroud and use her maneuverability to get away from me or kill me since she usually had already killed Camille by the time I arrived to try and help.

The Ahri was doing okay in Mid and helping with roam plays, but I'm a little fuzzy on why the Lucian and Thresh were hugging their turret against Janna and Tristana. You would think those two should bully that match-up at least early game. Then again Janna did more damage to champions than anyone on our team did besides Ahri so what do I know?

I guess I should have camped Top lane after the first kill? But by that point Bot lane was hugging their turret and Orianna was roaming Bot along with Rengar threatening a dive on them.

We had an opportunity to get an Infernal Drake, but our team over chased. Thresh walked into the back of the Dragon pit to try and hook a target and Janna hit the drake from outside the pit and Thresh died to it because he was so low.

Rengar promptly soloed the Drake after my team waved off trying to take it. Like freaking really? At least two of them were dead. Pull the Drake out of the pit and kill it or them if they come and try and contest.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2018 9:41pm | Report

And my power blinked shutting down my internet as I was on my way to my second camp. Flippin' A. No breaks on the games today. :-(

Got back in the game but I was like level 2 and the Brand already had four for five kills.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2018 9:32am | Report

Whew, one in the win column despite a Darius who had wild ping swings and disconnected a couple of times and a Draven that was just done with lane after Bard left him one too many times. Gave honors to Draven for sticking with it after the laning phase and getting targeted by Shaco in a lot of the fights.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2018 10:49am | Report

Draven picked up an early kill, but then we died in like every lane and Akali started pooping on Galio. Mentally I am like there is this thing called Abyssal Mask that would help against her compared to going Rod of Ages, but Galio made it work by roaming to other lanes and to be fair when he did get enough damage he could kill the Akali if he played it right.

Speaking of Akali. Four dashes, five if you could Flash, and true invisibility so control wards don't counter it. Like WTF Rito? I can see how someone took that champion to #1 on the challenger ladder.

I like the fact that Volibear stomps on most carry junglers. They think they can get away with harrassing you and it is fun to teach them otherwise.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2018 11:51am | Report

The throw at Baron. We killed Ekko and one other champion so the team wanted to do Baron. Alistar peeled off I thought we were turning on them and so I peeled off too. Our carries didn't so the ended up trying to finish Baron Nashor while taking aggro from it. They got it but we got wiped, which is what I was freaking afraid of since Ryze could hit everyone of us with Spell Flux. We should have turned and killed the two or three of them that were coming and trying to stop us.

But honesetly this game would have been difficult regardless, we were only ahead because we played the early game a little bit better and their scaling was going to catch up to us. They were also ahead in farm and the Nasus didn't know how to splitpush properly, dying repeatedly for no gain once he had pushed all the way up to their base. And WTF why does he have Ionian Boots of Lucidity, he was against a Jax! Mercury's Treads would have also have made sense given their team comp, but Boots of Lucidity....

I can see the Baron call going either way. We might have been able to finish had a I stayed in the pit with Alistar running interference. This would have been an instance when voice comms would have helped a lot.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2018 5:42pm | Report

Should have dodged when I saw Ezreal locked in vs their team comp. That and I had a premonition or recollection that Dr. Mundo into Cho'Gath is a bad matchup for the Cho.

Picked up two early kills when they invaded us at level one so I was ahead of the curve. Managed to throw away any lead I had by getting picked off between the Anivia and Sejuani. That was quite the deadly combination.

Picked up a couple more kills in Bot lane. Two bad Dr. Mundo Teleported in and picked up a triple kill. I held back a second to slow Dr. Mundo when Ziggs hit his hourglass. That got us both killed.

Also got ahead of my team on a gank in Bot lane. Their Bot lane played it well and Kalista managed to stick enough spears to kill me with Rend she hit 6th level in that exchance and mnanaged to kill the Ezreal.

Lots of mistakes on my part after a good start. :-(
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Apr 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2018 2:57pm | Report
Vexroth, thanks for continuing to share all of your ranked games with us. And those disconnections are a huge bummer!

Each of your losses I would give separate advice for, but I'd like to point out that in two of your recent losses, your team was doing well, and so was the enemy team. Sometimes you lose games, and it's not anybody's fault. Even if two teams are equal, League doesn't have draws or ties. I hope you're not taking these losses too hard.

I do have a general piece of advice: I've noticed that in many of your games (and every one of your recent games), the game generally ends before you reach level 18. There are strategies on how to catch up from behind, and ways to drag games out until the two teams plateau. Are these games ending early because of surrenders? Or are your teams not defending properly when behind, and getting their nexus destroyed? If it's the former, I can share mental strategies to keep your spirits up. If it's the latter, I (and members more experienced than myself) can help teach you how to play when behind.

All in all, looking forward to seeing more of your games.
Take care <3
My 3 rules of gaming:
1. If your game starts to feel too much like work, play a different game.
2. Have fun
3. If your idea of having fun is ruining somebody else's fun, find a different way to have fun.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2018 10:33pm | Report
I have difficulty realizing

A) if our team is behind
B) if our team has the tools to succeed from beind (good wave clear and some amount of disengage)

I have my moments. E.g. Okay the team is calm in chat, and we have a Sivir, a Xerath and a Nami, we are behind, but if we just clear waves and hit our item break points without losing too much then we have a chance of winning. I see that sometimes.

Patience is not always one of my greater virtues either. If my team is behind I will sometimes try and force plays that I shouldn't. Trying to do too much.

I also don't factor in how dangerous it is to be in the river vs some champions given how quickly they can respond Jayce or their ability to impede my get away Anivia.

And I definitely overestimate our teams ability to take a Drake at times.

32:33 game was not a surrender. We had some team fight coordination issues. Alistar kept going deep, running past towers, and getting bursted down without the rest of the team being able to follow up. Nasus was also on a solo mission that didn't really involve the rest of us. And the Caitlyn was pretty good. We might have been able to pull through had we gotten Baron Nashor, but I think it would have been close given the scaling on their comp. After that we bit off more than we could chew one more time and they were able to flip the switch and death ball us where we were ahead through I think slightly better macro play earlier in the game.

In retrospect I should have said something to Nasus in chat. "Hey buddy, if you want to split push, that is fine, but we need you not to die otherwise we lose all your pressure that you are working so hard to create."

And for the Alistar we would have needed to make sure Orianna got her ball on him before he went hip deep into their team for a good combination that might have let us take the objectives we were after.

The 27:07 game was not winnable after a certain point. Our comp did not deal very well with tanks and they had enough CC and other impediments to make it really hard to get to Kalista without leaving our own carries to the mercies of Dr. Mundo who could walk under turret and tank at least 15 or so tower shots.

I think would have had to have camped Top lane from the get go to having a remote chance of winning that game as we really had no answer to a fed Dr. Mundo. He could indeed "Go where he pleases."

I am feeling a little discouraged. I was hoping to make Gold this weekend.

Like Rito Xin Zhao and Shyvana in one patch? Thanks! But of course I was playing them because they were good to the point of being overtuned relative to the rest of the field.

Anyway, it won't stop me from playing ranked. Two loses do not a season make and I'm aware that there are ups and downs. Your decisions in game matter and the quality of your teammates and their decisions matter. If those things don't end up comparing well vs the enemy team then you are likely in for a struggle. It is sweet when it all clicks though.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 27, 2018 8:16pm | Report

Wukong suicided to Kled before the minions spawned. This would have repercussions later in the game.

I think I'm done with Sejuani for while. I can't seem to make a big enough impact on games with her.

I helped Wukong kill Kled early. Then Kled started killing him so I went back up there and we traded 1 for 2 because of his remount. Trying to deal with him as two melee champions is just a ***** job because if you don't burst him and then burst him again he will get a huge chunk of his health back when he remounts and he does a **** ton of damage when he has some items.

Didn't have a good answer for Kled and our ADC made some very questionable pathing choices late in the game that got him killed which allowed them to get work done on the map.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 27, 2018 9:14pm | Report

Game was decided in Mid. Diana got stomped by Yasuo with some help from Riven really before I could do anything about it. Every time she came back to lane she would burn through all her mana and get chunked to the point that I couldn't really assist her. I figured I might be able to make a play when she hit 6th level, but it wasn't in the cards.

My ganks in turn burned some Flashes, getting Vayne's Heal and Flash in one instance. We didn't manage to make a strong enough advantage from those summoner's being down.

Done with the ranks for tonight.

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