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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 25, 2018 9:42pm | Report

My turn to rock the Dr. Mundo into a reasonably favorable matchup. Twas a good thing as Swain dcd for a good portion of the game.

Braum and Kai'Sa were using the gold funneling strategy so Kai'sa got huge, so even though we were down a champion we were winning most skirmishes.

Came back to lane with a Spectre's Cowl and killed Maokai immediately. So, happy with my recognition of and the use of the item advantage.

Tanked a boatload of damage because Mundo goes where he pleases.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2018 9:18pm | Report

Pretty much got dumpstered everywhere. Pantheon ganked me from behind my turret and that royally screwed me as Darius was able to accrue a level advantage on top of the item advantage that he already had. I couldn't fight Darius and I couldn't even walk up in lane to get farm as Pantheon would just man drop onto me.

Lee Sin was the only one doing okay but that wasn't enough to make up for the rest of our team being so behind.

Guess I'll have to find someone else that I feel comfortable countering Darius on as Yorick is not it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2018 10:24pm | Report

Team did a good job in the early game of helping me keep Nasus in check. Gnar in his current nerfed state is not what I would call a Nasus counter, more that if you come Top and I have my cool downs we will pick up a kill on him. Jarvan IV played the early game very aggressively and picked up quite a few kills or assists around the map.

However their Diana got silly fed since she had some juicy targets to go on and for the most part they hadn't built any MR until I suggested they might want some. "You all need to get MR and I need to get more." so that included myself in the comment after I got killed by the Diana while only have Mercury's Treads and Spirit Visage. I went Merc's because of Lux bindings and Wither from Nasus and Condemn from Vayne, otherwise I probably would have rather have had Ninja Tabi.

I guided our team to picking up the first Baron. That helped stem the bleeding. Picking up a Zz'Rot Portal helped me slow down one wave of super minions flowing into our base.

They got Elder Dragon and then rotated to Baron. My team was scattered, and I think if I had not moved to go see if we could contest we would have lost the game. As it turned out, we managed to catch them either warding or setting a trap in our jungle as three. That confined space let us bring our strengths to bear, so we mauled them and then chased down the rest as clean-up despite them getting the Baron. It was late enough in the game, that they were donezo.

Whew. Gave props to the JIV. He got work done in the early game which gave us a solid foundation. And the rest of the team managed to pull their weight when it came down to the wire and they didn't give up, even though we were definitely on our back foot.

I may start picking Gnar as my generic Top laner. He isn't great right now, but you can at least farm with Q, set up ganks pretty well, and potentially splitpush eventually, or provide a heap of CC in team fights.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2018 11:03pm | Report

Last pick on my team. Still don't get the counterpick. Been banning Irelia because event if **** on them in lane they still go on to penta your team, so didn't ban out Teemo. And you can't trade into him. He just wins the trades since you can't auto after he blinds you. Had Diana get into the lanes pushes for a gank so I started a fight. She entered the fight after I was having to back pedal. To be fair I might have been able to get Teemo closer to her, but jeebus you enter the gank once they have committed to the fight and my ganker had a gap closer, so wasn't expecting her to take a nap.

I honestly don't know what to do with the games where the enemy Mid lane assassin gets 3 levels ahead of our Mid laner. They can just kill anyone on the map. In Zed's case, probably even if you have armor if he has built Black Cleaver and/or Last Whisper. Invariably someone tries to go help the suffering lane and a double kill later, their assassin is just that fatter. Okay, I know what you have to do, CC them and kill them, especially if they get full of themselves and try to 1v5, but if they play smart it is really hard to deal with that situation.

Anyway, so I didn't do well and no one else on the map was **** well, so despite the fact that Diana started picking up some kills it was too late.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2018 11:09pm | Report

Panic picked Garen because they had banned Malphite so I ran out of time to make my choice.

But despite picking up some kills here and there, Lux was way too heavy. I don't recall here ever actually hitting a skill shot on anything except minions.

If she had hit a binding on Graves when we caught him going after the Top side scuttle that probably would have gave us a kill and two assist. He only had two ways to go and she threw it behind him.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 5, 2018 10:11pm | Report

That was a tad frustrating. They kind of outscaled us becasue of Pyke, in that they could do enough damage to my positionally challenged teammates that he could just clean up every fight and I only have one ultimate so...

On that note, I wasn't quick enough on the draw on my ult in a couple of situations. Jinx got blown up at least once becasue I wasn't fast enough, because again, Pyke and I missed saving Elise once by underestimating the damage that Garen could do to her.

Ekko and LeBlanc had so many dashes that they could resposition themselves away from me, so I had to try and chase them down. Kind of wish that I had gone Frozen Mallet earlier as that might have let me keep up with them despite their innate mobility.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 5, 2018 11:07pm | Report

Our Lee Sin was a bit touched. That made things harder than they needed to be. Lissandra is a irritating to lane against, but as Garen you can kind of start ignoring her after a certain point in the game outside of her CC, which can screw you when trying to get to her other carries. If you can catch up to her, your silence on Q can screw up her up generally forcing her to ult or die.

As skins go, God-King Garen is pretty sweet.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 6, 2018 10:14pm | Report

Riven was decent in that I've seen a lot of them just get ****ped on by Nasus once he has some armor at my ELO. She actually kept him low enough to keep him on his back foot, which is reasobably impressive to me since he can lifesteal so much if you leave him alone with the wave for any length of time.

The team was fairly proactive at rotating and helping other on Top of winning their lanes.

Bot lane was crushing it.

Lost a dragon to Lee Sin coming in over the wall because my team wouldn't rotate to take it.

Almost lost the Baron the same way. >:( We killed Lee and I called for Baron, but the rest of the team ****ed around doing other things. It took Nami and me so long to take the Baron that Lee had respawned and was able to get into the pit. Fortunately I won that Smite fight. Which was fortunate because I might have just quit the game over my team's ********. We could have mowed the thing down in no time with the full team present and that close call would have never happened. And the even stupider thing was that it was Wukong that suggested we focus on Baron, which I agreed with because our ability to siege was **** especially vs a Ziggs for waveclear.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 6, 2018 11:02pm | Report

Their Bot lane seemed to be better than ours. I didn't get far enough ahead to make up the difference. Swain is fairly irritating to lane against. I solo killed him with Ignite. Almost did it again. Was one AA shy, but he caught me with his grasp thing on the retreat.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 6, 2018 11:53pm | Report

Started Corrupting Potion and my CSing suffered for it. And on the balance, it isn't that much better than Doran's Ring for sustain. You still go OOM after about 4-5 Qs. I get that they don't want Malphite spamming that thing. He would wreck just about any squishy that didn't speficially itemize and plan their runes for the poke from it, but it feels like **** to run out of mana that fast. Looking at you Swain and other champs that have much more forgiving mana costs, cooldowns, or mana pools.

Bot dropped their tower in record time. I was like, why is Bot lane in Mid. Oh Bot tower is gone. I was busy trying to dodge Flawless Duet. I might allow that they give her some damage (but only a little!) back but fix the freaking hit box on that thing it is as bad as Ornn's Searing Charge and maybe worse since the thing has two ends and stuns everything in the middle and pretty far outside the ends.

We kind of flaked a Mid to later part of the game. Yasuo kept shoving up in Bot lane when the rest of us weren't pressuring elsewhere on the map. Yes, he picked up some kills, but he also died a couple of times which slowed us down more overall than the kills the picked up.

I had a nice ult that hit two or three of them to pretty much finish icing the cake. We took it home shortly after that.

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