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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2019 10:17pm | Report

Poppy pushes vs Nasus. About even.
Zed pushes vs Veigar. False, Veigar pushes in Zed. I guess the ranged rule holds here.
Tristana + Morgana pushes vs Vayne + Yuumi. True.

I don't win the 1v1 vs Xin Zhao.
I don't win the 2v2 with Veigar vs Xin Zhao and Zed.
I might win the 2v2 with Poppy vs Xin Zhao and Nasus.
I can win the 3v3 in Bot lane with a Tristana and Morgana.

Setup to countergank Bot or gank Mid

My route: Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp
Xin Zhao's route: Red > Gank Bot

What actually happened?

I warn my laners that Xin can gank at level 2. I frequently ping my Bot lane that they have no ward out in Tribush or river.

As predicted Xin Zhao ganks them for a double kill. Xin then goes towrad scuttle but it not up yet. I don't try to contest since my Bot lane can't support me. He then decieds gank Mid lane. I do not ping Veigar (that is a mistake on my part) he too dies to a gank from Xin Zhao. I ping out that he is heading for Top scuttle and a path toward Top. Xin takes scuttle and then opts to take his Blue side jungle. He then opts to go for his raptors and then try to gank Mid again, but I am on one side of the river from Mid and Morgana roamed down from Top side. Everyone backs away, except Veigar doesn't get the memo and by that time Yuumi has shown up. Veigar dies to Zed and Yuumi.

Meanwhile Nasus is stacking merrily in Top lane and I can't get up to do anything about it for a while.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 28, 2019 11:13am | Report

Gnar pushes vs Darius. I believe this is true. Darius was late to lane though, so need to see it more times.
Ahri pushes vs Lux. Lux had the push on Ahri.
Varus + Leona pushes vs Vayne + Braum. Vayne and Braum pushed I would assumed to Braum's higher early threat rating than Leona.

The 1v1 vs Vi. I believe Vi wins this if she hits her Q.
The 2v2 with Darius vs Gnar and Vi. We win assuming we don't let ourselves get kited.
The 2v2 with Ahri vs Vi and Lux. Likely depends on how it goes down due to skillshots
The 3v3 in Bot lane with a Vayne and Braum. I believe this depends on the Vayne, but could also be losing.

My route: Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Countergank Top or Gank Mid
Vi's route: Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Red > Gank Mid or Countergank Top

What actually happened?

It went down like I predicted as far as jungle pathing.

I ganked Top and we killed Gnar. Picked up Top scuttle and I still hadn't seen Vi. I pinged out that she probably was on Bot scuttle. Laners didn't respect and got chunked. Vi hung around. Braum backed. They dove Vayne, but didn't juggle the aggro correctly so Leona died.

So I made a mistake. After getting Top scuttle for the vision I should have backed and gone to Bot lane. I think this would just come from experience because until Vi actually ganked, I did not know where she was 100%. But if I'm doing my Krugs, I get to counter that gank.

I did get a second gank off on Gnar that got us another kill, but Vi ended up choosing more wisely, since she was getting two laners ahead and putting two of our laners behind.

I did get to Bot for a gank, but it turned out to be an even fight and our team splitfocus and Vayne went down quickly because she used her Condemn offensively I think before everyone knew what was going on.

I got Braum out just barely. But since Lux had the push on Ahri they were able to put four into Bot lane. I backed up and thought I was okay, but Leona Flash Zenith Bladed me and then I got dropped when Vi came in from the side.

At that point Darius wouldn't shut up in chat about Bot lane dying under turret and I knew I could write game over because at that point at least one of my teammates is not actually trying to win the game. I talked with him about it afterwards. Explaining that he needs to figure out how to carry, especially with the lead I had given him in Top laner rather that worrying about things that weren't under his control. Hopefully he takes something useful away from that conversation.

So, my takewaway is I still need to be thinking about what the enemy is capable of even after I've had some success. I want to stymie the enemy at every point I can. Backing instead of going into their jungle and getting their Krugs would have been the better course of action if I thought Vi was really on that side of the map looking for a gank. I did learn a little more information by my trip into their jungle but a countergank in Bot lane would have lead to a much harder punish, putting my team into a better situation.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2019 1:11pm | Report
What is interesting is that my early game with predictions has felt more reliable. I'm pretty consistently showing up in the right place to get kills. But that hasn't translated into wins. Which feels weird because I played very reactively before and some how it still led to me winning around 48-51% of the time (enough to occassionally accrue enough wins to get myself into promos).

I think I need to assess what I do after my first steps as quickly basing and buying and getting back on the map may be a better option that going back into my jungle as say taking Gromp after a successful gank.

I think having the plan is better, but I need to constantly be updating my plan in ways that continue to allow me to maximally punish the enemy team. Will have to work my way into 11venty dimensional chess masterhood.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2019 4:06pm | Report

Pantheon pushes vs Gangplank. True.
Veigar pushes vs Fizz. False, fizz pushes.
Caitlyn + Janna pushes vs Jhin + Thresh. True.

I win the 1v1 vs Evelynn. True

Me: oRed > Look to gank Mid or Top > Invade tBlue > kill Evelynn
Lee: Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Scuttle > look to gank Mid or Top

What actually happened?

Fizz pushed in the Veigar, which I suppose makes sense since fizz has AoE. Fizz can choose to not push, so I probably should have asked him not to. But I kind of wanted to harass Evelyn regardless, though honestly that would be a bad plan given what I predicted about the lanes.

But since Fizz was pushed and I kept and I eye on Pantheon, I got Evelynn's Flash in a trade for my Flash and walked out before Pantheon could respawn. To keep moving I ended up going for Bot scuttle and then rotated back and got Veigar's Flash. Then Fizz finished him off, which got me an assist.

Evelynn went to cover Mid, so I went and checked her Raptors which were down, so I just waited for her in the bush by her raptors in case she pathed that way and I chunked though I couldn't quite kill her.

My Bot was out of lane so I did my Blue buff. Their lane was pushed and I walked up, but the blast plant was down. Thresh got what I was after so he walked up and I walked around and he tossed his lantern to me. Thresh flayed them toward my tower and we put and end to Caitlyn.

I bought an early Hexdrinker but by Mid game it didn't nothing vs the Veigar, so I worked toward a Sterak's Gage. Thinking I might should have gone straight for the Sterak's Gage.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2019 5:15pm | Report

Teemo pushes vs Nasus. True.
Lucian pushes vs Vladimir. True.
Miss Fortune + Janna pushes vs Yasuo + Rakan. True.

I can win the 1v1 vs Ornn, but I need to dodge his abilities, so best to poke him down with Qs until I have some items and try not to fight him in confined spaces.

Me: Red > Krugs > Raptors > Back for Hunter's Machete > Top Scuttle > Gank Top or Countergank Mid
Ornn: Blue > Gromp > Raptors > Red > Scuttle > Countegank Top or Gank Mid

What actually happened?

Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases. Ganked Top for a kill, Nasus died to Ignite from Teemo. Ran into Ornn in the river, Nasus Teleported back to lane and joined me. I got low and backed off Nasus Flashed for the kill on Ornn and got it. Teemo got back to lane at that point, but I spotted him and warned the Nasus in time so he was able to walk out.

Backed and headed for Bot scuttle. Ornn got their before me so I saw the animation of it turning into the shrine so I knew Ornn was near. I found him and since his Flash was down and Lucian had priority I went hard on him and got another kill. Then I greeded for his Blue buff and Ornn actually came back for it and managed to kill me as he had level advantage. That Brittle proc hurts!

Krugs > Red > Raptors > Top scuttle. Lucian had priority, but Nasus did not. Lucian traded about evenly with the Valdimir.

Rand into Ornn and Teemo at the scuttle. Luc and I killed Teemo and Ornn. Vladimir joined the fray and we killed Vladimir too. Game over since four of them were AP which made my itemization easy.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2019 6:24pm | Report

Teemo pushes vs Jax. False? This Teemo was not trying to push, so our Jax pushed him in.
Qiyana pushes vs Akali. True.
Kai'Sa + Nautilus pushes vs Jhin + Zilean. Unknnown. Jhin and Zil pushed because they didn't have to leash.

The 1v1 is somewhat in my favor vs Nunu & Willump since I can pound him with cleavers, but I have to hit them and of course he can snowball away since I can't slow him when he activates it.

Me: Ratpors > Red > Krugs > Back for Hunter's Machete > Top Scuttle > Gank Top or Countergank Mid
Nunu: Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Red > Scuttle > Countegank Top or Gank Mid

What actually happened?

Nunu munched my Blue buff despite a ward being there and I didn't notice because Dr. Mundo's clear is a little dicey without going double armor, but armor + health scales better.

You can do the Raptors > Red > Krugs clear and have enough health to gank if you go double armor and three health pots, but you should probably only do this if you are planning on camping the lane near Krugs and vertical jungling on that side of the map.

Okay, Nunu & Willump took a terrible route. He went tBlue > oBlue > tRed > scuttle, the problem is that he was only level 2 from that route. He hit the vision plant, but toward the scuttle so he didn't see me, so I killed him in exchange for my Flash then took scuttle.

He also went Snowball Barrage 2nd, which I guess you would do if you are trying to kill single target champs, but it doesn't get you around the map very fast, so guessing this person isn't a Nunu player.

He should have taken Biggest Snowball Ever! to get to my Blue faster and then ganked Jax.

Honestly I think the game was over when he didn't avail himself of that opportunity.

I missed Akali's roam to Bot. I should have seen that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2019 9:24pm | Report

Teemo pushes vs Darius. True
Ahri pushes vs Poppy. True
Caitlyn + Swain pushes vs Ashe + Sona. True

1v1 vs the Kayn depends on who hits their skill shots.

Me: Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Top Scuttle > Countergank Top or Mid
Kayn: Raptors > Red > Krugs > Gank Top or Gank Mid

What actually happened?

Changed my stats around to be +AS, +AD, +AR. That smoothed out my clear a lot. I was able to make it over to the blue side of my jungle with that setup, which gives me a lot more options.

I went my path and Kayn went Blue > Gromp > Red > Look to gank Top. Very weird route.

Took a big risk going for scuttle as I was rather low. Kayn came in from Top side so I got several cleavers on him, but still had to Flash. Teemo Flash Ignited the Kayn and I got the kill. Then I got Top scuttle and pathed and took bottom scuttle. Dropped a ward in Kayn's bot side jungle and took his Gromp. He took my Gromp in kind.

I based and pathed to Krugs . My Bot lane went aggro on their Bot lane and Darius Teleported in. We kited him out and killed him.

Raptors > Red > Bot Scuttle > Infernal Drake with help from Swain.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2019 10:42pm | Report

Camille pushes vs Kled. About Even
Lux pushes vs LeBlanc. Leblanc ended up pushing Lux
Lucian + Nautilus pushes vs Miss Fortune + Pyke. MF & Pyke pushed

I win the 1v1 vs Amumu.

Me: tBlue > Krugs > Red > Raptors > oBlue > Scuttle > ?
Amumu: Red > Raptors > Wolves > no Blue > > ?

What actually happened?

Kled killed Camille via remounting and finishing her off.

I took scuttle and should have looked for a gank Bot, but for some reason I went back into my jungle, but then thought better of it and attempted a gank. We got Miss Fortune's Flash. Pyke dashed out.

Amumu looked fo a gank on the Kled after he Teleported back to lane, but didn't get anything from it.

Kled killed Camille again. Leblanc killed Lux. Amumu ganked Top and got a kill on Nautilus.
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2019 3:42am | Report
Seeing you play my love Vi brings a big smile onto my face. :)
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2019 10:38am | Report
Fruxo wrote:
Seeing you play my love Vi brings a big smile onto my face. :)

I quite like Vi, however I'm finding I'm a little bad at engage style champions. You don't even know how many Malphite ults I've managed to whiff. I even kinda suck with Amumu, but that is more due to turning off Despair at inopportune times. With Vi that isn't really a problem, except when it it is (like when they Flash me under their turret).

For that game, Xin Zhao got ridiculously fed in the early game. One thing I struggle with is how to get my teammates to respond appropriately to a 2 move enemy jungler (Buff to gank). I mean I use it to my advantage when I play Xin. You either Flash the third Q while being close enough to your turret or you die.

Twitch jungle the same thing. Played vs that as Renekton into a Pantheon. I warded their Red with support from my Mid and started Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions and gave up some CS until I knew where Twitch was after he took his Red. He ganked Mid. My Mid also survived. Since Twitch never really got off the ground he was manageable in the later stages of the game.

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