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Why are you stuck in "Elo Hell"?

Creator: Justos February 16, 2013 4:00pm
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BluAnimal's Forum Avatar
Jun 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 1:15pm | Report
Agreed with Wrath on this one.

ELO is going to represent their skill level (which it does, fairly well), it's not going to tell you who's an ******* in chat and who sometimes has to get up from the computer for a minute or two.
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 2:58pm | Report
ELO-Hell is a term I use to dish out in Season 2. Primarily I used it as an exert to relieve stress and also relate it to the fact I just got a dumb-*** team, all honestly, i'm a hypocrite - everyone using this term is one for that matter. Why? Well no-one has had a perfect game, or scored above average...Everyone has had one of those games where nothing is going well, you're on a losing streak and basically you've just given up, motivation is at zero, you're fed up and you just feel like..."trolling". I've been there and done that, in-fact I did it 2 days ago, trolled with AP Sion jungle and support, and ever random picked Heimer and Morde with clarity. (Don't worry, riot have banned me enough for these games)

Now, you may not be like me, and troll. Maybe you're someone who keeps their spirits up all day, and just takes everything as it comes, but I guarantee you've still had a bad game. Secondly, one team must win, it may seem like its ALWAYS you on the LOSING team, well...really, it isn't.

I've been on a 23 losing streak, yeah you heard me...23, last 5 probably my fault for reasons above, but still... I ask myself WHY? WHY ME? i'm going 9/0/5 and 5/1/0, winning my lane in every-game, but i'm still losing. But really, is this my team fault? or is it my own? Usually its your team, but there is games where it is your fault. I see countless times the opponent im facing top absolutely dominating me 3/0, but I win. Why? Well, he did nothing with his 3/0, he stood top free-farming, when he should of helped other lanes, so that's his fault. So if you're ahead of your game, play the strengths and help your TEAM, if your bot lane is struggling and you're winning top...guess what...go help bot. Now this doesn't apply to every game, but it can turn a loss into a win.

As for the term ELO-Hell, don't get me started, so many people apply this to the 800's~1600's well, really, its everywhere. I've been at 700 elo, ive fought through 1200s for over 600 ranked games (some of the players complaining about elohell haven't even played 600 ranked before), ive been at 2k elo as well on smurf accounts. So really i've seen the big picture, and for those thinking 1700 or 1800 is the "promise" land, which i thought it was, Well, I got bad news for you, even at plat/diamond you get afkers, players going 0/5, trolls etc, sometimes just as bad, recently 3 days ago I had 2 games in a row 4v5. It just happens. The only difference between diamond/plat and silver/bronze is the level of play, people just understand the game better.

So, coming from experience, if you want to get out of elo hell, learn to understand that it generally isn't always your teams fault, it sometimes is your own. Also find a champion/role you're good at and stick to it, learn the basics of other roles and if you must support, then so be it, remember its a team game, you cant just say "me mid" (despise these people). Also understand and analyse the game. Don't just pick a champion because you want to play it, that won't work. you need to pick a champion that synergizes with the team, and best of all, ranked was design to counter-pick the enemy.

As for the question: 'Why you stuck in Elo-hell?'
Well, it doesn't really apply to me, if we're going to suggest the term Elo-hell as being bronze-gold division, but for those of you who are, you simply deserve to be there, its hard to say this, because i hated people saying this to me myself. But from 4000+ ranked games experience, if you genuinely think you deserve to be platinum you should be able to get there, or at least close to it, say Gold II/I, if you can't carry yourself out of silver, then something isn't right, and it isn't your team. I remember a thread on league of legends forum to which someone said "After 1000 games, whatever rank you're, you deserve".

1. ELO isnt a fair and accurate representation of someones TRUE skill
2. If you wanna get out of elo hell, stop playing normal games and work at it (playing 50 rank games over 3 months and then complaining you're still in elo-hell doesnt suffice)
3. Practice Practice Practice
4. To gain a better chance of getting your "elo" up, try not to flame or troll like me.
5. Tryhard mode activated

P.S. I know ELO isn't applicable to the new league system but generally people still refer to it.

TL;DR Trolls and afkers are everywhere even at diamond, you're at elo-hell or stuck there because you deserve it, or you're just the most unluckiest player, which you're not.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 4:26pm | Report
"ELO isnt a fair and accurate representation of someones TRUE skill"

For the most part it is.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 4:52pm | Report
Elo system was created for 1v1 purposes only, having more variables such as allies determining your "skill level" is unfair, as you may get a troll/afk and other team doesn't, so your "skill" suffers for the most part, whereas someone going 0/9 on other team wins, even though they played bad / deserved to lose.

Elo is an approximation, so already its inaccurate and thus so shouldn't be used as a reliable resource to depict whether a player is good or bad. This is why you find a lot of bad players at high elo and good players at low elo, vice versa ofc. not only that but the way League of legends works in terms of a Elo system, its more of a confidence interval. A player with 50 games played and at 2k ELO, generally has a interval of 1750~2250. Whereas someone with 1000 games played at 1900 elo, has an internval of 1850~1950. A wide majority of players at high ELO have only played about 500 ranked in total over the three seasons, some get lucky, some get carried. Which brings fourth to the fact that the ELO system can easily be manipulated, especially with the new League system, as I could duo with someone bronze league and face Silvers/Golds. Other manipulations is smurfing, and thrown games.

ELO systems never worked, only rarely such as in Chess. I played Halo:Reach for first year of its release and I was put into the highest division despite I was actually not that good at the game, I didn't deserve to be there, I just struck lucky, and I knew it.

So to conclude "ELO isn't a fair and accurate representation of someones TRUE skill"
even though there is a level of degree that ELO can denote some level of skill, it doesn't show the bigger picture.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 5:03pm | Report
If you duo with someone lower you are going to get virtually no gains and high losses.

There's a reason bad players are in bronze and great players are in diamond. There is a rare amount of consistently bad players in plat/diamond. Sure they are there, and some may have gotten carried, but people do have bad games and go on tilt and you usually don't see the same people playing badly every single game if they are in diamond/plat...9.9/10 times they belong there.

Yea it is unfair when you get afks and **** team streaks but the enemy gets that to and you make up for it in the games you WIN from that.

This is a common argument, it's been over discussed and it's been proven through experience that it works. Some people climb quicker than others due to luck factors, but if you deserve to be up you will get up if you keep playing. Especially with this new system that is more forgiving, your argument is pretty invalid.

Believe me, I was on the opposite side of this argument two years ago when I thought that I only lost because of luck and soloq is 70% luck. In honesty, it is a lot of luck. But, as you can see, I still got up, and all deserving players do get up eventually, you just have to play more to counter it. It's not a flawless system but it's the best they can do for a game like this.

There are very few people legitimately "stuck" in lower Elos even if they are more deserving to get up, even as you said yourself earlier you will get up eventually, and you have more of an influence than you may think (roaming etc.).

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 5:06pm | Report

If you duo with someone lower you are going to get virtually no gains and high losses.

Actually that's untrue. Me and Berzerk duo and he's a tier higher than me and we get the same LP gain/loss as if we were solo queue.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 5:13pm | Report
No, you don't. Even if it's like 5-10 less it adds up. And what it will also do, even if your visual LP gains/losses don't change much, the higher duo will gain less hidden MMR and lose more, just like with the Elo system, which will restrict them from skipping divisions and getting higher gains in future tiers; it will also lead to the lower gains and losses when approaching a tier if your hidden Elo doesn't match what it should for a tier promotion.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 5:17pm | Report
Hmm didn't know that. It always seemed like the LP gains werent changing
Fealow's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 9:00pm | Report
There is a catch to all this "Carry your team" talk...

By carrying your team to victory all your doing in the short term (possibly long term too) is carrying up bad players with you. Every time you carry a bad team you increase your chance of meeting them again in another match where you may carry them up even further to where they don't belong.

So here is my definition of "Elo hell" from observing all of your thoughts.

Elo hell is when you are trying to climb out of the gutter because you have the means to, but all those that don't have the power to do so latch onto you with a sturdy grip that is not easy to shake off. Let us do a bit of math here as well. Let's say that 10 of you in this topic are not in the division/league/elo you're meant to be in and all 10 of you carry your matches to victory. You just carried 40 people to a place they don't belong. Now if we take the population of LoL into consideration that's a lot more bad players being where they shouldn't be over good players being where they should be.

But hey, I've not even played a ranked game so what do I know? I guess all I have going for this statement is my lack of a bias and the information all of you have provided here. I would say elo hell exists, but to be in it you have to be a good player, bad players simply don't have the motivation and/or patience to take that first step to improve themselves and will remain where they are, good players will climb there way into elo hell and then pull themselves out of it.

Would anyone agree with this analogy?
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 10:08pm | Report
i wouldnt agree with that analogy simply because the player base is so big the chances of meeting the same person twice is low, in lower Elo's (im aware that in high Elos you play against the same people multiple times since less are up there) so when you win a game with 4 bad people they go up but then they get matched with other people and they will either lose or win, same with you, and once they get to the higher Elos the actual good players will weed them out back to where they belong
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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