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Just another Diamond adventure story

Creator: SpawnOfHell September 22, 2013 3:08am
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 3:08am | Report
So since I rather enjoy reading the other ranked queue adventures that the more well-known MOBAfire-ers (someone enlighten me on the proper term) I thought it'd be fun to start my own starting from my recent achievement of Diamond (and yes, I know the season's over soon, but w/e)

So, a bit of info about my prefered champions:

Top (best role): Tryndamere, Singed, Aatrox, Udyr
Jungle: Udyr, Aatrox, Vi, Nautilus
Mid: Orianna, Kayle, Zed
Support: Nami, Janna, Zyra
AD Carry: Dodge. But if I must e.g. promos (spare me T.T) Graves, Varus, Corki

This was my first game after I got Diamond V ( Syndra's Masterminds)
Details: 3rd pick, jungle Udyr, 0/9/21, 15 AD runes, Doran's Blade start. +23 LP.

I'll upload actual post-game scores in the future, just don't have this one.

So putting aside that Blitzcrank was actually a duo queue Gold V... -.- This was actually a good fun game. Renekton was FB'd by a 5man invade early on (kill went to Corki) but my buffs were protected. Standard clear from Red buff to Blue buff then tried a gank on top but **** Akali and that stealth. Aatrox got a level above me because I then sat around top for a bit to no avail but w/e.

Anyway, the game was pretty even all around. Major screwup on a bot lane tower dive gave Corki a triple kill (but he died) though Caitlyn was farming well. Top was losing since he died for FB but apparently he was against the world's most passive Akali who only managed to kill him twice in lane, one of which she died for. I was 5/1/2 at one point but then a few positioning mistakes and bad teamfights put them at an advantage. We managed to get Baron but almost got aced by the enemy team and nearly lost mid inhib.

I think we were overall down on kills the whole game but fortunately we had such strong sieging and poking potential that we were able to pick off several good kills (mostly on Blitz, his positioning was horrible) and push down all their towers and inhibs. At one hilarious point both teams lost everyone except for their tanks (me and Renekton, Blitzcrank and Aatrox) and we tried to finish the nexus but neither of us built damage so we both got killed while the nexus was at like 300-400. That dragged the game out even longer because the team decided to mess around and go for the base without us and die... lol. Nonetheless we grouped up, got our second Baron and pushed for the win.

Overall, a great start to Diamond. I'd love to continue if anyone's interested.
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 3:35am | Report
How do you play/build Aatrox top?

I'm relatively new to him, so just wondering. Good luck with your games :)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 3:44am | Report
Doran's Blade -> 1 or 2 extra depending on how the lane's going -> Sunfire Aegis or Spirit Visage -> Ravenous Hydra -> other tanky item. Finish the core build with Last Whisper and Guardian Angel. Edit: Oops, forgot boots. Just standard Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads.

Runes/Masteries/Skills: Attack Damage red, Life Steal Quints, tank seals and glyphs. 9/21/0. E -> W -> Q.

Maw of Malmortius/ Randuin's Omen/ Zephyr/ Warmog's Armor as situational tanky items. I don't build Blade of the Ruined King like most people do, I think it's a stupid build.

I feel Aatrox has good enough base damages that he doesn't need a glass cannon build like Tryndamere and he's really unkillable if you build him mostly tanky. His Q is a great pseudo-initiate and he has so many offensive steroids to make him a threat.

And thanks for the end comment :)
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 8:34am | Report
Game 2 of Diamond V:
Details: 4th pick, picked at same time as 3rd. 1/12/17 (not sure if this is optimal), Magic pen + health runes.

Voluntary support pick since last pick wanted top. Normally I'd play someone else but this comp was practically screaming for a Sona pick (in hindsight Zyra would've worked too, but oh well) so I was like, eh, what the hell.

The score might not show it but this was actually a pretty even game up until teamfights started. Singed lost in kills but outfarmed Kennen and took his tower first, and mid was having a hard time. Bot won pretty hard after our first gank from Xin Zhao. They were just so squishy that every time I got an ult off it was 1-2 free kills. At one point when Elise and Singed ( Teleport) did a 4-man gank Caitlyn survived and I managed to pick off the 200 health Nami with a Q+passive combo before I died, lol.

Anyways, when it came to teamfights they pretty much didn't stand a chance, since we had Kennen + Sona ults and Ashe literally missed every important ult (she was probably the only bad player in this game) including one where I was KNOCKED UP BY Chum the Waters and it barely missed me. Fizz couldn't get any ults off on important targets (usually hit me or Xin) and Singed couldn't do anything to Cait because Xin and Ken were bosses and zoned their whole team. Elise idk what she was doing, wasn't watching. We won every teamfight and pretty much stomped them mid game for the win.

Anyways, Diamond seems disturbingly easy so far. I'm expecting the almighty Riot matchmaking gods to smite me down very very soon.
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 1:03am | Report
OMFG this game
Details: 2nd pick, Tiger Udyr top, 9/21/0, 15 AD runes.

This Sona literally made me want to kill myself. Or her. Or just anyone in general.

Went top against their Pantheon and died to a Rammus gank because I was stupid and tried to kill Rammus ( Flashed and survived Ignite) but didn't lose top too hard. I was about 10 cs down at worst and got Pantheon's tower after he did an awful ult to bot and died.

However, our Vi and Vayne were apparently both experiencing different amounts of lag and Vayne actually disconnected a couple of times trying to fix it up (I think it worked eventually) but this Sona... literally 70% of her deaths consist of her GOING OUT TO AN AREA WHERE SHE HAS NO VISION ALONE AND GETTING PULLED BY Blitzcrank and dying. Then she'd go back to the SAME ******* PLACE even though it's CLEARLY warded. Sad part was that we STILL could've won this game since we were wrecking them in teamfights ( Vi ruins Ahri apparently) and Vayne got a triple kill at a dragon fight. But we were losing towers left and right and then while in our base this ****ing Sona GOES FOR A WARD THE BLITZ PUT DOWN 1 SECOND AGO AND GETS PULLED AND KILLED. Who the **** falls for a bronze tier ward bait like that? And the best part is that afterwards she put up an 'idgaf' attitude and I pretty much insta-ignored her at that. We still won ****ing teamfights even though they got BARON but this damn Zyra and Sona were flaming back and forth and didn't ****ing coordinate at any point ( Zyra once got caught by herself at bot by Blitz and died) and I pretty much knew we were screwed. Then the next teamfight we got into I died in about 2 seconds because fed Kog'Maw and Vayne fail flashed over a wall so we pretty much got obliterated. G fking g.

I ****ing called it in my last post T.T
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 6:28am | Report
Some more Udyr. He's quite possibly one of my favorite champions right now.

Game 1.
Details: 2nd pick (I think, can't remember) Jungle Phoenix Udyr. 0/9/21. Attack Speed + Movement Speed runes. Boots start.

AAARRRGGHHH. We had this game. Renekton and Draven + Soraka lane swapped and it worked in our favor, Malphite was completely zoned and lost his tower long before ours went down. I even decided to forgo tanking and build to force engages and finish the game (hence the Shurelya's Battlesong, normally would never build it) but the team just refused to group despite them being so low on damage that I could tank 3 of them even with my ****ty build until we started getting caught and killed. By the time we engaged 5v5s we had to deal with a fed Ezreal and a fed Ziggs who abused every positioning mistake the team made. Idk what the Wit's End was even there for, I was just so frustrated that I bought random items which served no purpose whatsoever. GG throw OP.

Game 2.
Details: 1st pick Jungle Tiger Udyr. 0/9/21. 15 AD runes. Doran's Blade start.

Ok. Calmed down a little and decided to work on my personal play rather than focusing on winning only. Turns out it works out much better.

Looking at their team I knew I had to make an impact early because I would get kited and be useless late game. Ezreal got first blooded at blue tribush because for some reason he didn't take Barrier and Vayne landed a god Condemn and my Tiger DoT got the kill after his Flash. Nunu & Willump didn't even try for my red for some reason so I did my usual clear and roamed around trying for ganks. Camped the lane bushes at top lane expecting Nunu & Willump since Tryndamere did the Long Sword start with no wards. Lo and behold, he shows up, gets baited by Tryn into the bush, dies, then we dive Vladimir despite his Barrier (idk why he even had that)

Unlike last game we made little to no mistakes and continued to press our lead while they were weak, pushed into their base and they surrendered.
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 7:31am | Report
God I love this champion

Details: 1st pick. Jungle Tiger Udyr. Same setup as always.

Teamed up with Jax top lane for their tower and a couple of good kills while Lee Sin camped bot doing the same. Both teams played mechanically decently but our teamwork and coordination was just better. Also this Vayne was the same Draven in the mega throw game (he got really ragey once we started losing) and apparently was being a jerk this game too (plus one of my teammates had him in a previous game as Corki, lol)

Our teamfights were just better since Jax was playing both tank and carry with his initiations forcing all the focus on him while Ezreal and Anivia did their thing from a range. Irelia would try to dive our carries but just got invalidated by bear slaps all game. I think I unlocked my inner Saintvicious this game though, Lee stole our first Dragon and Baron from us because I missed Smite. Still didn't win them teamfights though.

I think I've found my new main. Also, look at all the Trinity Forces lol. It's almost like League of Cleavers all over again.
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2013 4:56am | Report
Details: The usual.

Enemy team went 2v1 top and kicked Pantheon's ***, we went something like 1-8 at the start, managed to even out the score to around 9-13 with even gold through catching people out of position but this stupid Panth kept trying to force engages without full vision on the enemy when they were the best disengage team comp in the world. GG.
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2013 3:55am | Report
Welp, after having a few losses that were kinda pointless to put up since they were basically 20 minutes of getting stomped, I actually managed to get carried this game:

Details: 3rd pick (every other role was called). (WARNING: If you play ADC this setup will probably make you cry) 21/9/0 masteries, WTF runes (crit/AS/LS runes from Tryndamere). Long Sword start (because runes suck)

Yeah best Vayne NA. Only player able to win a game as Vayne and still go negative. Anyway I considered dodging once I realized I was playing ADC, but I was sitting at 0 LP so I was like, ohhh great. Anyway I picked Vayne because she was the only ADC I could viably use my lifesteal rune page on, and I pretty much played passively. Or, like, I tried to. I actually landed a good Condemn on a Xin Zhao gank which screwed up Corki's Valkyrie and killed him but past that was only pain and misery. I think I was like 1/4/2 at one point. Xin was being a real ****, pointing out constantly that I was bad even though I said in champ select that my AD was subpar and my setup wasn't right. I got a few "GG vayne" "vayne so bad" "wtf BT and not BotRK" (yeah the last one might be legit, but my setup was ****ed and I wanted AD, and I was maxing Silver Bolts last, give me a break) but I remained silent the whole game, and luckily it seemed the other team was also raging and managed to throw the game with horrible positioning mistakes. I built Guardian Angel pretty early because I kinda knew I'd get dove and it was unlikely anyone on my team would peel for me, but turns out I didn't even need it in the end. Anyway idk how I even won this, I played horribly.

(I forgot to screen this one, sorry)

Details: 2nd pick, Top Lane Tiger Udyr. 15 AD runes, 9/21/0 masteries. Crystalline Flask + sight ward + Health Potion.

Totally do not regret buying Spirit Guard Udyr .

Pretty easy game with every lane winning. It turns out Udyr actually does really well against Renekton as long as you can keep up with him in levels and get around rank three with both Wilding Claw and Iron Mantle. Once I bought health and armor I could literally shield his combo and tear him apart with Tiger, then back off and heal off any damage he did to me. Eventually this became a farm lane since I could harass him but there was no way I was killing him, but fortunately repeated Tiger procs forced him to recall and Elise came to push down his tower. I think Phoenix lane might actually work better against Renek, but I need to try it out for myself. Anyways yay for Udyr.

And yes, that is the same Xin Zhao player who flamed me last game. I made sure not to give him reason to this time.
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2013 12:10am | Report
So I went quite a few games without posting. Long story short, I got into my series for D4.

Jungle Udyr game - 8/2/12 - Win
Support Zyra game - 5/8/12 - Win
Support Sona game - 1/6/9 - Loss
Jungle Udyr game - 5/0/4 - Win

And this was the game that got me to promos:

Love support Zyra. Crazy crowd control and damage potential for a support champion. My CC literally saved several sprees on my teammates. I think my high number of deaths was pretty much owing to Riven seeing me as a priority target for some reason and diving me constantly in fights. Didn't stop me from rolling them with my cooldowns before I died.
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