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Patch 4.10 Notes

Creator: Wayne3100 June 18, 2014 7:03am
56 posts - page 4 of 6
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 3:21pm | Report
Vynertje wrote:

First of all, BT or Blade >>>> essence reaver in terms of damage / lifesteal / utility.

But it kicks their butts when it comes to giving you mana steal and cooldown reduction. You're making the mistake of comparing items one for one rather than seeing how items and skills can multiply off one another.

Vynertje wrote:
Muramana isn't cost efficient either. You need 3k mana (which you won't get) until it beats a BT / IE in straight AD. Besides that Tear of the Goddess is a terrible lane item and delays your power spike.

You're not taking into account the extra damage proc from Muramana, which is kind of the item's whole point. At 2000 mana, you'd get 60 AD plus another 120 damage that procs on every auto attack and on every single target ability. If that proc were affected by critical strike, which I had originally hoped it would be, this build would be completely OP. As it is, it's still pretty decent.

Regarding a Tear of the Goddess being a "terrible lane item," it depends on the champion you are playing. If you are playing a character who needs mana to harass your enemy, a Tear of the Goddess is a godsend. It's almost like an infinite mana supply.

Vynertje wrote:
Also, the one phantom dancer you're replacing boots with gives approximately 15-20 movement speed with. Tier 2 boots give 45 movement speed if I'm not mistaken + the movement speed you can get from upgrades. It's also a lot cheaper.

Yes, but I have two Phantom Dancers, which gives about 35 movement speed. Sure, it's slower than straight Berserker's Greaves but not terribly slower. At that point, it depends on your character's skills. If you character has a slowing ability or a gap closing ability, then being just a little slower than your opponent won't make much of a difference. It depends on the situation.

Vynertje wrote:
It's really pathetic that you're still bothering to defend this build ...

I would really appreciate it if you would stop with the gratuitous insults. I've been more than patient with you up to this point. My initial comments involved throwing out a new build possibility that people might think about and try out. For people who like to use a Muramana build, the Essence Reaver might be a godsend to them. Joxuu mentioned that he might try such a build with Yorick. Electro mentioned the possibility that it could work with characters with toggle abilities like Ashe and Jinx. In the end, this type of a build might not work for everybody or anybody for that matter, but it's worth exploring. If you have an idea for a champion that might benefit from a Muramana and/or maybe a different build setup, I'll be happy to run some numbers for you to see how they pan out. However, please leave the gratuitous insults at the door.
<Guide Critic>
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 3:59pm | Report
1) As an ADC you want as much damage from auto's as possible. Anything else is luxury. It gives only 50 ad and takes up a full item slot which is a 100% waste.

2) Auto attacks crit which means the damage differential is very slight. And then to realize it is %CURRENT mana, the total damage will be about equal. And this is not to mention that with decent mana management, you shouldn't need all the mana at all. The item is NOT effective at all if you don't need a 1k mana pool and especially not as you need to stack it.

3) I am a support main and I'll tell you, I've seen enough people build tear of the goddess first but if you are only halfway decent you'll punish the **** out of it as mana =/= combat stat. Two doran's + longsword beats doran's + tear all day. If they don't, it's their mistake.

4) Now you're comparing completely asymmetrical things. You're justifying not buying boots (a 900g purchase) with two 2.8k purchases which makes no sense at all. The only item you should ever use to replace boots with is a zephyr as it gives more movement speed, tenacity, cdr, ad and AS.
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 4:34pm | Report
sirell wrote:
you didn't do the comparison using defensive items

Fine, you want your Guardian Angel and your Berserker's Greaves, I'll give them to you.

Traditional Build

Items Enemy Armor Damage over 4 seconds
100 1946
200 1420
300 1117

Essence Reaver / Muramana / Last Whisper Build

Items Enemy Armor Damage over 4 seconds
100 1775
200 1295
300 1019

Essence Reaver / Muramana / Inifinity Edge Build

Items Enemy Armor Damage over 4 seconds
100 1900
200 1280
300 964


Just looking purely at basic attacks, the traditional build does a little more damage, has more life steal (15% versus 10%) and a little more speed. The Muramana build has 10% CDR and basically infinite mana.

However, we still have to keep in mind that the Muramana will proc for 120 damage (mitigated by armor) on any single target damage ability. So, if you are playing a character whose abilities will proc a Muramana several times over 4 seconds, then the damage with the Muramana build will be higher. Also, the 10% cooldown reduction will help you spam those abilities more often. A Yorick type character would be a good place to start.

In addition, you still neglect the garbage laning phase you'll get by stacking an early Tear of the Goddess.

No, as I mentioned before, there are some characters who would benefit by being able to harass their lane opponents with spammed abilities. It doesn't take long for a Tear of the Goddess to become effectively infinite mana.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 4:46pm | Report
" there are some characters who would benefit by being able to harass their lane opponents with spammed abilities."

There are no ADC's that benefit more from a tear than a second dorans item and a longsword.

Also, regarding what sirell said, a defensive item is not mandatory. BORK can fill that role with its active and extra lifesteal. PD however cannot because it just doesn't give any defensive utility except 15 movement speed which isn't worth much.

Finally, considering that the standard final build does MORE damage in pretty much every stage of the game and doesn't have any weaknesses like requiring tear to stack or a tear early purchase which both weaken all of your power points we can conclude that the standard build definitely is better. You don't even consider the extra AD resulting in more spell damage.
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:01pm | Report
Vynertje wrote:

1) As an ADC you want as much damage from auto's as possible. Anything else is luxury. It gives only 50 ad and takes up a full item slot which is a 100% waste...

3) I am a support main and I'll tell you, I've seen enough people build tear of the goddess first but if you are only halfway decent you'll punish the **** out of it as mana =/= combat stat. Two doran's + longsword beats doran's + tear all day. If they don't, it's their mistake.

That's nice. I main support and jungle. Who said that we were only talking about bottom stand still and auto ADC's? How about a Yorick who spams ghouls on hapless Nasuses and Garens? How about a mid Lulu who wants to play an ADC mid but needs the early mana to help harass her lane opponent? Heck, I'm sure that there are plenty of bottom lane ADC's who could use the early mana, too.

You're jumping on my case as if I had made a post saying, "This is teh UBER BUILD all champions MUST use or you R NOOB." Instead, I'm trying to explore the possibilities. Clearly, someone at Riot thought that the Essence Reaver would be a useful item and thought the stats and costs were reasonable. I'm now trying to get in that person's head to figure out what they were thinking. There must be some niche champion item combination where an Essence Reaver makes an important difference. So far, I'm leaning toward some combination with the Muramana with a champion who can spam a lot of single target abilities. It may not be an ADC at all. It might be a bruiser style character. How about instead of jumping on my case, you think about the situation and make your own suggestions?
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:03pm | Report
MungoGeri wrote:

However, we still have to keep in mind that the Muramana will proc for 120 damage (mitigated by armor) on any single target damage ability. So, if you are playing a character whose abilities will proc a Muramana several times over 4 seconds, then the damage with the Muramana build will be higher. Also, the 10% cooldown reduction will help you spam those abilities more often. A Yorick type character would be a good place to start.

2 things of note.

1) You have no guarantee that Muramana will deal 120 damage, since you are not likely to have maximum mana every time you use it also, other than Urgot, Ezreal is the only ADC with higher than 1000 mana at level 18, meaning all ADCs won't be dealing 120 damage anyway, unless you also build a Trinity Force. In addition, Muramana will be dealing even less damage than that prior to level 18.

2) We are talking of your suggested ADC builds, so Yorick-type champions are not even remotely relevant.

If you don't want 'your case to be jumped on', then why suggest anything in the first place? Did you expect us to just nod and carry on? Want us to bark and play fetch as well? You sound like you've never had your ideas criticised before. Whyever do you assume we cannot 'jump on your case'?
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Jimmydoggga 2.0
Jimmydoggga 2.0's Forum Avatar
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:17pm | Report
If reaver gets two champions back into the meta, Riot have done their job. Even if it's just Urgot and Yorick for example.
And this sort of theory crafting requires both sides to play test it, and then wait three weeks until it gets buffed and becomes OP.

Basically MOBAFire.
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:17pm | Report
What about something like a Nasus where you can pair the Muramana with the added mana from an Iceborn Gauntlet to get some extra damage from the proc? The Essence Reaver could keep the mana bar topped off while farming and provide another 10% CDR on Nasus's abilities. Or, maybe not Nasus specifically but someone like him.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:29pm | Report
Not fast enough.
It might possibly combine with Seraphs on AP Ez.
Or just work on some sort of Evelynn bruiser top lane.

Basically MOBAFire.
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 5:40pm | Report
sirell wrote:
If you don't want 'your case to be jumped on', then why suggest anything in the first place? Did you expect us to just nod and carry on? Want us to bark and play fetch as well? You sound like you've never had your ideas criticised before. Whyever do you assume we cannot 'jump on your case'?

Here are some examples of constructive criticism:
  • I don't think an Essence Reaver/ Muramana build will work for bottom lane ADC's because of these reasons...
  • Nice thinking, but I'm afraid the Muramana proc doesn't critical strike, so all of that critical strike% goes to waste.
  • Have you thought about using an X item instead of a Y item?
  • Your builds are too "late game." Can you run the numbers with a pair of boots and a Guardian Angel?
  • I see where you're going, but the extra life steal on the more traditional build is way too important to me. Also, the ADC's I play need more speed. Try a Zephyr or a Trinity Force instead of one of your Phantom Dancers.
  • Maybe ADC's aren't the way to go. Maybe try a bruiser build. Yorick might be a good place to start.

Some examples of criticism that isn't helpful;
  • "That build is so ******ed I can't even understand how you got gold."
  • "It's really pathetic that you're still bothering to defend this build ..."
  • "You lose so many stats compared to the traditional build, lol." (No specificity about what's missing that's important to the commenter)
  • And just generally commenting without thinking or trying to be constructive. If you've already concluded that Essence Reaver is junk in all cases simply because it doesn't help in your specific case, then clearly you're not helping.

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