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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Experience after 6 months of not playing

First thing my acc got stolen, so i had to create new one. I created new acc, played 6 games, and didn't meet any salty player. Then it hitted hard, 2 players from my team, spamming chat with abusive language, and saying that our family should die. After that one of them left the game, and other one wanted to surrender. But we didn't accepted that, and told him that if he wants to end it, he have to leave game like the other one. Didn't left and was complaining about us not accepting surr. When game ended all what he wrote was "report ash for not FF". I wrote "well if you didn't wanted to play you should leave game like the other one". And what can you expect from some small kiddo "Your family should die and you too".
Sorry for my bad english, didn't wrote or spoke in english quite long, so I need to get to it.

Enemy Junglers Spontaneously Combust Between Ganks

Actually they don't.

And if they are healthy after a gank they may be coming for you next.

Pan to the gank and watch. See if anyone uses a summoner spell or ultimate.

Check how healthy the enemy junger is and which direction their character model is facing as it goes into the fog of war.

They may stop to do scuttle crab, but if they were facing down river to your lane they may be coming for your next.

Graves, Lee Sin,

Chogath op?

Have you ever noticed that a really good cho'gath player can just mess up everything? As a Cho player myself I've survived 4v1s and once even had a Quadra without having my ult up. People always complain that he isn't versatile and a good champ because he has a nuke that has a 45 second timer but no one ever looks at what those feast stacks do. Your e does 0.5% of enemy health with each feast which can go up to 130%. Isn't that insane?

Learning to Play Midlane

Yesterday, I played my second ever game on Ryze, as you can see here my score was 9-2-6:
I am a midlaner who is learning how to properly play meta midlaners. Currently I am working on Zoe and Ryze and sometimes Veigar and I will start Casseiopia soon. My average CS by 10 minutes is about 80-90 depending on my game. I am looking for advice on my play, so ai can become a better midlaner and push out of Silver. Now into my Ryze match: many of you know, Ryze has perhaps the games worst early game, so i died to a well done early gank by Jarvan. I was playing against Azir, who was an interesting opponent, who was poking me down very well. However I knew that I could win extended fights once I had my Rod of Ages. I got an easy 1v1 kill as soon as I got my Rod of Ages, yet I knew that this game (unlike last) I wanted to try the damage version of him, instead of the Abyssal Mass semi-tank. I joined my team to fight a lot, because Ryze has an in…

My Personal League of legends journey

My first ever blog hope you enjoy!

Admittedly, I did not like League of legends at all when I first heard about it. My friend who is an exceptional player has played since it was first released and has spent a lot of time playing that game and from time to time would try to convince me to try it out. He showed me what the main objective of the game was and what you had to do with champions,minions,items etc.

My first reaction was how the hell can you enjoy grinding up to level 18 and then starting the next game all the way from level 1. This to me sounded crazy as I was used to games like skyrim where you keep your progress. Another thing was that it was a MOBA and the top down camera view was something I never played with before as again I was used to 3D first/third person views.

Eventually, I decided to make an account and try it out. Garen was one of the few champions I could really select and the amount of champions in the game for a complete beginner was already intimidating as…

How to help your jungler help you

I want to win the game. I need your help.

Protect the jungle entrances at the start of the game.

-Don't AFK while watching. Be ready to drop a ward and retreat if they do invade.

Play around my position on the map.

-If I'm close you can be more aggressive.
-If I'm far, play more passively unless you know where their jungler is and know you can beat them 1v1.

During lane if you can get deep vision into their jungle that helps a lot.

-I will try to get some in there myself
-Be safe about it (check your map to see where their laners are and if they move out of vision when you go to ward)

Have a control ward out on the map at all times, especially covering paths that allow me to gank for you.

For ganks to be successful we need at least one or more of these things to be true:

-An unwarded path into your lane
-A healthy (health bar and mana bar) laner and jungler
-For the enemy laner(s) to be in a risky position
-For the enemy laner(s) to be half health or lower
-Enemy with no Flash…

State of the Bot Lane: 8.7

What changed?
There was a lot of buffs this and very few nerfs this patch, to mostly champions, and a few items. However not too many changes are going to effect bot lane this patch. With that being said i'm going to only look at the changes that I think will have a impact on bot this patch.

I think the following will have a impact on bot:
- Lux mana refund on Final Spark increased, easier to get refund.

What is the one champion played in competitive that...

For me it's definitely Varus. Although if we go beyond just one champion, I'd say any immobile AD Carry that is strong early but weak late game.

Varus is just so awful in my opinion. And here's my reasoning. What are the main reasons why the pro players started picking him?

-Good early game
-Great power spike with Rageblade
-Good poke and solid DPS if left untouched

Let me go over why those three reasons are invalid.

First of all his early game. Okay he has a good early game. So what? Most of the time when I see a Varus, he's unable to capitalize on his early game. And even if he does, if his team is unable to win the game quick enough, if the other team has a scaling AD Carry, the game is over once that scaling AD gets his items. Literally the only time when this isn't applicable is when the team playing against Varus has an early game champion too like Kalista or Draven. So yeah basically in my opinion his so called "great" early game isn't worth picking him. Game are often not d…

Just accept that your teammates are touched

This isn't an invitation to hate them or hate on them, it is just a fact that you need to play around if you want to win.

At Silver and Low Gold you have to micromanage your team in the early game. The do not know gank timers, jungle paths, nor do they often look up from their CSing or trading to check their mini-map.

They will die to ganks from junglers that walk over wards.

They will die to ganks even after you have pinged out the location of the enemy jungler.

They will die to ganks even after they tell you to stop pinging because they see the enemy jungler.

As soon as an enemy jungler is not visible on the map your laners will forget that they exist.

I've seen an enemy jungler go Top > Mid > Bot killing Rift Scuttlers along the way and get kills or summoner spells despite the fact that it is completely obvious what their plan is to you as the jungler.

If you know where the enemy jungler is at you need to type it out. If you see them on a ward you need to type it out.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide