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Hard early because he has a better range and hard late because you had a bad early.
Easy matchup because you can hit a free Q when he's charging his Q and you can cancel his R with your wall.
You can be in 10/0 in early, Cassio will always destroy you in late because of her movement speed and easy dps.
Aurelion Sol
Not a hard lane because your CC is easier to hit.
Even fed, its always easy to kill Ezreal in late, just slow him with your R and Q when he dashes out. You should kill him with one E because he's very squishy.
Her W is useless because of your R and if she E you, it's almost every time a free stun.
Very easy matchup because he have to E you to do damage and it's very easy to oneshot him when he does.
The lane is hard because of his Q and in late it's impossible to touch Q because of his dash.
Master Yi
Very easy to counter:
When he Q you, just R and Q with the right timing to oneshot him and use your wall to cancel his W.
His R is useless because you have an egg and you can stun him right after he R you. Very funny to play against even thought he have a better poke early.
Well, you have a wall. And she can use wall. Not very useful but it works.
You can use your wall to help Vayne with her E, but most of the time it's useless.
Pretty good combo again with the wall. I don't think i have to explain why.
Jarvan IV
Free damages if Jarvan does a good R because you just have to R too.
Tahm Kench
When you have a Tahm in your team, he'll always cancel your R by eating you.
Miss Fortune
Strong in teamfights with both of your R in action.
Well, you have a wall. And she can use wall. Not very useful but it works.
You can use your wall to help Vayne with her E, but most of the time it's useless.
Pretty good combo again with the wall. I don't think i have to explain why.
Jarvan IV
Free damages if Jarvan does a good R because you just have to R too.
Tahm Kench
When you have a Tahm in your team, he'll always cancel your R by eating you.
Miss Fortune
Strong in teamfights with both of your R in action.
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