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Taliyah Build Guide by Bouhhsolene

Middle [10.22] How to Taliyah mid !

Middle [10.22] How to Taliyah mid !

Updated on October 30, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bouhhsolene Build Guide By Bouhhsolene 38 6 163,164 Views 0 Comments
38 6 163,164 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bouhhsolene Taliyah Build Guide By Bouhhsolene Updated on October 30, 2020
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Runes: Late game damage

1 2 3 4 5
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Base spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Who am I ?

My name is Solène, I'm and EUW platinum player who started the game around ~2 years ago. I started maining Taliyah along with Quinn last year. Those two champions help me climb from around silver last season to Plat 3 in Season 9 !
Right now, I stand with 250k mastery points on Taliyah !

Informations on the guide

In this guide, I will try to explain as much as I can on how to play Taliyah in the midlane, as I love the champion, and I would like others to love her too !!

Why play Taliyah ?

Taliyah is a very strong champ when mastered, especially in low elo where everything works. She has a kit that makes her roam around the map, and that's something really important in today's meta. Taliyah can also be a fun champ for some people (including me), her kit can be really fun to use, especially when you're fed.
Ah and, Taliyah is a champion that, most of the time, tilts the Yasuos because they don't know the champion.

Pros and Cons


- Decent early
- Fine early
- Good roaming
- Easy push in early
- Strong midgame
- Disengage
- Anti-dash
- Good catch potential
- Mobility on the map


- Squishy
- Lacks of waveclear late (give AOE Q back <:()
- Vulnerable to cc
- Vulnerable to gank if no W
- Needs blue buff to be efficient
- Don't have that much of winning matchups
- Lacks of damage late


Summoners spells

Flash: Taliyah isn't that much of a mobile champion, so flash gives her mobility to kill or to escape. Flash is always a must have for that kind of champion.

Teleport: I genuiely like teleport more as Taliyah doesn't have that much of kill pressure in early and really need Lost Chapter to kill so most of the time I run tp so I can back with my lost chapter and go back to lane faster to either take the push and roam, or try to kill your opponent.

Ignite: If you like to kill early, run for ignite, or if you're against Vladimir. I personally don't like ignite that much but I think it's about what you like more.

Exhaust: To take against champions like Irelia or Tristana to deny them some all in and to maybe outplay them.

Heal: Against champions with a lot of slows, this is what you should take as it will help you escape those slows.

Cleanse: It is what you should take against CC reliant champions such as LeBlanc Sejuani Ahri or Zoe. It will help you survive ganks or all in.

Barrier: Against champions where Exhaust won't stop them from killing you like Talon


Dark Harvest[


Dark Harvest is what you should go for more late game damage but less early burst.
With it, you should go Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection and Ravenous Hunter in principal tree for the substain and the bit of more damage.
In secondary tree, you have three option: Precision with Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace for the mana from Presence of Mind, Sorcery with Transcendence and Gathering Storm for the damage and the CDR, or Inspiration with Magical Footwear and Minion Dematerializer as the boots can still be interesting and the minion dematerializer gives you more waveclear, especially in early.
Also, for the stats, you should take some ability power, some attack speed for easier last hit and some adaptative resistance.


Electrocute is what you should go for more early game damage or one shot potential on your combo, if you're looking for kill potential early or damage, go for it..
With it, you should go Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection and Ravenous Hunter in principal tree for the substain and the bit of more damage.
In secondary tree, you have three option: Precision with Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace for the mana from Presence of Mind, Sorcery with Transcendence and Gathering Storm for the damage and the CDR, or Inspiration with Magical Footwear and Minion Dematerializer as the boots can still be interesting and the minion dematerializer gives you more waveclear, especially in early.

Also, for the stats, you should take some ability power, some attack speed for easier last hit and some adaptative resistance.

Phase Rush

Phase Rush is probably what I love most on Taliyah right now, as I feel like she lacks mobility. It allows me to kite more freely, deal more dps and escape ganks.
With it, you should take Nimbus Cloak for even more safety, Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm as in lane you will really need those damage.
In secondary tree, you should go for Domination with Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter for good substain.

Summon Aery

Summon aery is what you should go if you like to poke early, it's not that good but you can still go for it if you like it.
With it, you should take Nimbus Cloak for even more safety, Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm as in lane you will really need those damage.
In secondary tree, you should go for Domination with Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter for good substain.

Overall, Taliyah few runes that can be good on her; that you can switch between different games depending on what you like or what you need more!

Passive: Rock Surfing


Taliyah gains movement speed near walls.

In depth

Taliyah's passive will help you roam faster and get to lane faster. It doesn't occur in combat.

Q/A:Threaded Volley


Taliyah throws a volley of missiles in a target direction, moving freely as she does. This works the ground below her. If Taliyah casts Threaded Volley on worked ground, she only throws one missile.

Hurls 5 rocks in a direction, each dealing 70/95/120/145/170 (+45% Ability Power) magic damage. Subsequent hits on the same enemy deal 50% reduced damage. Creates Worked Ground for 45 seconds.Casting Threaded Volley on Worked Ground only hurls one rock but its cost is reduced to 1 mana.

In depth

You should use your Q to poke and mostly do damage. When there is no enemy minion nearby, use it to poke your opponent. You can also use the single throw to last it.
It is mostly her base damaging ability.

W/Z: Seismic Shove


Taliyah causes an area of ground to erupt and throws enemies within in a direction of her choosing.

Taliyah targets an area. After a short delay, enemies caught within the area will be pushed and dealt 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage.You can control the direction enemies will be pushed by clicking and dragging your mouse in a line.

In depth

Use it either to get your opponent(s)closer to you, to get them farther to you, or just for the burst with your combo (that I will explain later). When you're getting ganked, if the two champions on the same lane are close to each other, use it to push them in the other way, or if you're fed and you think you're safe, you will push them into you, and then e so you will burst them. You are most likely to take the W/Z third, but, if you feel like you're gonna get ganked, or all-in level 2 (or if the enemy has xp lead), you should take it level 2 to disengage.

It isn't a burst ability, except if you use it in your combo.

Passive: Unraveled Earth


Taliyah creates a slowing minefield that explodes if enemies dash through it or are pushed/pulled through it.

Places a field of dash-sensitive traps that deal 50/75/100/125/150 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage and slow enemies in the area by [0]%. After 4 seconds, the traps explode, dealing damage again.Enemies dashing, being pushed, or being pulled through Unraveled Earth will trigger traps, taking 0 (+0) magic damage from each trap (maximum 4, each hit after the first deals [0]% less damage).

In depth

You can use it to zone in smalls area such as jungle or baron pit, to burst or poke, or to avoid getting engaged by any dash champion (or to damage them if they keep dashing), like Vayne, Lee Sin or Riven. Taliyah's E can be really good in teamfights, for, as I said before, poke. It does lot of damage late, when you have it level 3 at least and when you have some items.

R: Weaver's Wall


Taliyah creates a very long wall and then surfs it.

Cast once to create a wall. Recast immediately to ride ahead of the wall. Moving or receiving damage will cause Taliyah to stop.Weaver's Wall lasts for 5 seconds. Deactivate this spell to break the wall early.

In depth

You can use it to block enemy and roam botside for exemple. You use it to go deep behind the enemy to block them to our side (if it is not clear here is a little scheme)You can also use it to block pits like barons or dragons when you're doing it to block enemy, it obviously doesn't work against dashing champs but you have your e for this. Here is a scheme, again on how to use it there, it's better this time.(for the dragon pit, it's the same as for baron, except the red side r and the blue side r are just reversed)
When you use it to roam bot, here is how you should do:
You can also use it to get faster into fights, or to escape person when you're getting chased, but don't use it when they are too close, because if you take damage, you'll get cancelled in your surf.


So, for your combo, you are it is different depending on if the one you want to combo is close or not, but you are most likely to do:W +E +Q
They will take your W damage, then they will take, if you are Quick enough, the base E damage and then the dashing damage, but you have to be quick to do that, if you can't it is okay as it's still a lot of damage, and finally you use Q. Once you cast W directly cast E, else they won't take the damage from it.
You can also firstly cat E and then cast W to push them into your E if you don't feel like you can cast W+E quickly.
When your opponent is closer, you want to E so he takes the damage from the first proc, W, and then Q so he take 2 E procs, and you are almost sure to kill him.


Taliyah has quite a restrain item build, as she needs a certain build to do damage and to optimize her kit.

Starting items:

Corrupting Potion: It will help you regen mana in lane, gives you substain and favorable trades. Take it if you like it ! And also if you are against a poking champion it can be good.

Doran's Ring+ 2 Health Potion: The mana regen and health is pretty good, and it is overall a good item on mages.

Dark Seal + potions: Go for it against poking lanes or lanes you want to kill early.

Hunter's Talisman + Refillable Potion : It's what you should take when you're jungle.

Frostfang + 2 Health Potion: It's what you should take when you're support.

Basic build:


Luden's Tempest: It is something that gives Taliyah waveclear and an early powerspike. When you're building it, or GLP, back with 1375 gold for your Lost Chapter and a Control Ward, then take a Blasting Wand and finally back with your complete item.
It is one of the main item on Taliyah if you're aiming for damage early, but if you're not, go for GLP.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter: It's a good item on Taliyah as the slow on your Q can help you kit easily or to land your combo easily. You should buy it on second item if you like the item.

Morellonomicon: If you don't like Rylai's, you can go Morellonomicon second item for the damage it gives you. You should still build it against heavy lifestealing comp even if you have Rylai's.


If you don't like the build I gave up there, you can go for this build with core:


Everfrost: It is good as it allows you to have more damage in your combo and be able to hit your combo with more ease. The con is that you have less waveclear.
Back with your Lost Chapter and a control ward, then with your Hextech Revolver and finally with your finish item.

Morellonomicon: You're most likely to aim for more damage, so morellonomicon is a good item. If you want utility rather than damage, go for Rylai's instead of Morellonomicon.


Rabadon's Deathcap: If you're pretty fed, go for it early, else try to get a Rabadon as last item if you don't need any other item.

Void Staff: It's what you should take when the enemy team is heavily building MR as it will give you more damage overall.

Zhonya's Hourglass: It's what you should get against assassins (mostly ad) or when you feel like you'll need to tempo.
Against Assassins you're scared to die against level 6, you should get a Seeker's Armguard at your first back.

Liandry's Torment: It's what you should get when your opponents are building a lot of HP or just when you overall need damage.

Banshee's Veil: Against champions that will engage with a CC like Syndra, Malphite or Ahri. It will allow you to tempo and to bait CC.
You can also build it when your opponent are mostly ap.

Playing in lane

In lane, you should try to take the push and the prio to, when you get level 3, be able to help your jungler. Up in lane, you should just try to push the wave and poke , and when you get your first back, aim for a kill either on your laner or on the botlane. If you don't feel like you can take any kills on your opponent, try to push and roam, that's all you should do. Give an advantage to your botlane, as they probably have more snowball potential than you.


In teamfight, you should stay back and use your ability. Try to get a blue buff before starting the fight, so you won't have mana problem.
Use your E to deal AOE damage or to zone the enemys that has dashes.
Try to hit your W and E to do big damage.
You can also try to flank by using R behind them if you have Zhonya so you can block them and don't let them disengage.
Overall, you should just act as a carry.
So here is a small list of mistakes you may do as Taliyah (mostly midlane, but it can also be for Jungle):

Not knowing the Q hitbox:
So, Taliyah's Q has a bigger hitbox than what the spells indicate, so be careful when you farm, so you are most likely to target a bit on the right when you cast your Q.

Not using passive when you move

So, I saw some players moving aroung the map, or going into lane by the middle of the lane or the river, but, you will gain time by moving next to the walls as you will gain movement speed.

Not changing the way of the W
This is something I see a lot with first time Taliyah, but even some better Taliyah don't do so. When you cast W, know where to knock out the enemy, close, or farther.

Thanks for coming this far and thanks for reading!

If you have any advice; feel free to give them to me and if you enjoy the guide, feel free to upvote it.

You can also check my others guide: Quinn guide, Senna guide ; Kayle guide and Neeko guide !

I hope you have a good day !!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bouhhsolene
Bouhhsolene Taliyah Guide
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[10.22] How to Taliyah mid !

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