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Zac Build Guide by Einsteinium99

Jungle [10.25] Pre Season Zac Jungle Guide - Diamond Mono Zac

Jungle [10.25] Pre Season Zac Jungle Guide - Diamond Mono Zac

Updated on December 9, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Einsteinium99 Build Guide By Einsteinium99 28 2 59,008 Views 2 Comments
28 2 59,008 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Einsteinium99 Zac Build Guide By Einsteinium99 Updated on December 9, 2020
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Runes: Agressive Tank

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+6 Armor


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Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

[10.25] Pre Season Zac Jungle Guide - Diamond Mono Zac

By Einsteinium99
A little about me
Hi guys, my summoner name in League of Legends is einSTÉINium and I play in the Europe West server. I am a Zac main and in season 10 I had 66% win rate in 314 games with Zac. You can check my league stats in this link.

I love the type of champions that can be little more clumsy than others and engage into team fights and still get out of a fight victorious. Zac is the perfect champion for that. You can even 3vs1 sometimes because of the massive sustain you have with Zac Goos paired with Spirit Visage while you deal great damage.
About Zac
''Zac is the product of a toxic spill that ran through a chemtech seam and pooled in an isolated cavern deep in Zaun's Sump. Despite such humble origins, Zac has grown from primordial ooze into a thinking being who dwells in the city's pipes, occasionally emerging to help those who cannot help themselves or to rebuild the broken infrastructure of Zaun.''
Basics of Zac
FIRST OF ALL, CATCH THE GOOS GUYS!!! (those little things that jump out of Zac when he hits abilities).

The most important skill of Zac is his Elastic Slingshot. Always play around of this ability and
have a good sense of the cooldown, if you miss Elastic Slingshot really bad things happen:

- Despite being tank you get exposed to the enemy CC and carries, you will die most likely.

- You lose health by activating skill and if you don't HIT anyone you lost a potential goo.

- Zac's Elastic Slingshot is an agressive skill but can also be used to escape, so crontol it well and know when and how to use it.

Why you should play Zac:

- Like I said before Zac works around with his Elastic Slingshot, this means he can easily gank lanes without being seen and close gaps like no other champion can, just make sure to clean enemy wards before ganking or you can be trapped.

- Very good at stealing drakes. Try to hit the enemy jungler with Elastic Slingshot when stealing drake so that he can't smite because of the CC and because Unstable Matter deals life percentage you have a safe line of damage so that you can smite drake.

- LOTS OF CC,you can make so many people cry with Zac's CC. You also give plenty of time to your teammates to join you and deal damage. You can CC various enemy champions at the same time aswell.

- Tank and a lot of fight sustain. More enemy champions = More damage, well this is generic, but for Zac it means more GOOS wich means more health wich means more sustain and more damage and more tankiness and more... You name it!

- Very easy champion to learn, and very easy mechanics, you can rank up very easily.
Zac combos
The most basic combo is Elastic Slingshot to close the gap between you and the enemy champions, Stretching Strikes for more CC and finally Let's Bounce!. While doing this combo, make sure to always use Unstable Matter when possible and AA's as well. ( you can use Unstable Matter while ulting )

Elastic Slingshot - Unstable Matter - Stretching Strikes - Unstable Matter - Let's Bounce! - Unstable Matter

When you are already in the fight or near an enemy champion use Stretching Strikes to control his movement and then proceed to use Elastic Slingshot and finally Let's Bounce!. This is better when you Stretching Strikes 2 enemy champions. While doing this combo, make sure to always use Unstable Matter when possible and AA's as well. ( you can use Unstable Matter while ulting )

Stretching Strikes - Unstable Matter - Elastic Slingshot - Unstable Matter - Let's Bounce! - Unstable Matter
AP Zac
Zac is also an amazing assassin. If you build AP Zac can one shot enemy carries very easily, JUST MAKE SURE NOT TO MISS ZAC'S Elastic Slingshot !!

Use Conqueror or Dark Harvest, I made some rune pages in the beginning of this guide, check it out.

The new Mythic item Riftmaker has 15% Omni Vamp and will deal more damage the more you fight, this item paired with Conqueror ( check the 4th slot for the Conqueror rune page above ) and a couple of tank items, Zac becomes a great mage fighter and almost unkillable ( don't forget to catch the Goos for the extra health ), my AP TANKY build is listed above, you can have lots of fun with this build!
Motivational Videos

Zac Ability Poweeeeeeeeerr!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Einsteinium99
Einsteinium99 Zac Guide
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[10.25] Pre Season Zac Jungle Guide - Diamond Mono Zac

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