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Recommended Items
Runes: Agressive Tank
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Skill Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Well, Vayne is known to melt Tank, Zac is no exception. She can also dodge Zac's jump and even stop it with her E.
If Zac jumps on 3 enemy champions and Lissandra is around they both can chain CC them and deal amazing damage. Lissandra can also root the enemy mid laner and Zac is guaranteed to hit his E, amazing for ganks.
If Zac jumps on 3 enemy champions and Lissandra is around they both can chain CC them and deal amazing damage. Lissandra can also root the enemy mid laner and Zac is guaranteed to hit his E, amazing for ganks.
Champion Build Guide
I love the type of champions that can be little more clumsy than others and engage into team fights and still get out of a fight victorious. Zac is the perfect champion for that. You can even 3vs1 sometimes because of the massive sustain you have with Zac Goos paired with

The most important skill of Zac is his

have a good sense of the cooldown, if you miss

- Despite being tank you get exposed to the enemy CC and carries, you will die most likely.
- You lose health by activating skill and if you don't HIT anyone you lost a potential goo.
- Zac's

Why you should play Zac:
- Like I said before Zac works around with his

- Very good at stealing drakes. Try to hit the enemy jungler with

- LOTS OF CC,you can make so many people cry with Zac's CC. You also give plenty of time to your teammates to join you and deal damage. You can CC various enemy champions at the same time aswell.
- Tank and a lot of fight sustain. More enemy champions = More damage, well this is generic, but for Zac it means more GOOS wich means more health wich means more sustain and more damage and more tankiness and more... You name it!
- Very easy champion to learn, and very easy mechanics, you can rank up very easily.

When you are already in the fight or near an enemy champion use


The new Mythic item

Zac Ability Poweeeeeeeeerr!!
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