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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Vi's main threats are powerful duelists, disruptors, and peelers. She sacrifices some of her dueling power in exchange for gap close, but if forced to gap close on a character who's only weakness is struggling to gapclose she will likely die. Disruptors and peelers will often stifle your ability to be effective and will need to be played around. Some examples that fit into one of these categories: Jax, Olaf, Malphite, Lulu, Nautilus, Rakan, Darius, Graves
Vi is best paired with reliable crowd control which she can follow up on, as she is not an ideal initiator, perhaps some magical damage to offset the enemy's ability to focus their itemization into armour, and some tankiness on her team so that she can safely itemize towards enough damage to be a threat. Some examples would be: Maokai, Galio, Rumble, Rakan, Kennen
Vi is best paired with reliable crowd control which she can follow up on, as she is not an ideal initiator, perhaps some magical damage to offset the enemy's ability to focus their itemization into armour, and some tankiness on her team so that she can safely itemize towards enough damage to be a threat. Some examples would be: Maokai, Galio, Rumble, Rakan, Kennen
Champion Build Guide
If you want additional insight on runes, items, and so on, you must hover your cursor over the text which says "Notes".
Here is an example of what it looks like:

My usual clear path is starting with the Red Buff, followed by Krugs, followed by Raptors. At this point, I can look for pressure at either of the two adjacent lanes (mid/bot for blue side, mid/top for purple side) or continue clearing with Wolves, Blue, Scuttle, and Gromp, while looking for pressure at those two adjacent lanes (mid/top for blue side, mid/bot for purple side). Vi needs level 3 to begin ganking and has her ganking power amplified once again at level 6.

My plans may be altered by invades, being invaded, a strong desire to be at a specific location at level 3, and so on, but those choices are all made circumstantially as the game proceeds based on my experience and what I believe to be the correct choice/response. I may also, for example, look to steal from the enemy jungle if I see that they have gone for a gank which leaves their jungle up for grabs.
As for my first buy, depends of course on how much gold I acquired before backing which can vary greatly as a result of ganks, invades, and so on.
After an initial clear the default choice is to go back to your golems which will have spawned very recently or just be spawning, and I usually begin to plan around the Dragon which will begin to be very important to take into consideration as an objective, especially because Vi is great at taking the Dragon. It is possible, however, that I will divert attention at the cost of potentially losing the Dragon for the sake of doing what I think makes more sense (for example, an easy and impactful gank). As a jungler, it is very important to always be flexible and weigh your options in the moment, it is a skill you slowly and subtly improve over the course of acquiring a lot of practice and experience.
It's important to keep in mind that Vi is great at taking objectives such as Dragon and to play around them heavily. Sneaking a dragon can often be a nice choice if you feel you'll likely be able to get away with it. Keep in mind that the Scuttle Crab's vision does not extend into the dragon pit and this can be abused to give your opponents a false sense of security, as well:

SEASON 11 UPDATE: I have updated the file to make a helpful Season 11 item set, unfortunately all items had to be consolidated into one section in order for them to all be accessible on a single page (as it's currently impossible to re-size the shop).
I think it's extremely helpful, for playing any character in League, to set up an item set which has every item you would ever buy including all components so that you can get in and out of the shop as rapidly as possible and save yourself time.
I made an item set years ago which I've maintained for myself to serve this purpose, and decided it would be helpful to share it here as well so, for those who are interested, here is how you can also use my item set:
First you must go to Collection>Items in your league client, click the "Import Item Set" button and then click "Select a File"

After this, you must select this .json file which contains the item set info
(click the text for the download link)
Once you've done this you should have the item set in your in-game shop, simply move to the "Item Sets" section and you should be able to see it like so:

I'm a North American challenger player who has played in high elo since approximately 5 months after starting my ranked career in season 2, and has hit challenger every season between 4 to 12, with some breaks. I went by a different summoner name until season 3, and then another name between season 3 and season 10. I used to be mostly known for my

During Season 5's pre-season I was very keen on expanding my champion pool to as many meta champions as possible while looking to enter competitive play and picked up

I hope that with the help of this guide and some practice you can also experience the same fun I have playing Vi in your own League of Legends matches!
Here are some social media links where you can find me and further content that might improve your Vi game:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Zativert
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zativert
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zativertvi
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