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Jhin Build Guide by Skappsi

ADC [12.23] M7 600K+ / Khada's Mastered Jhin ADC Guide

ADC [12.23] M7 600K+ / Khada's Mastered Jhin ADC Guide

Updated on December 7, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skappsi Build Guide By Skappsi 58 6 174,457 Views 2 Comments
58 6 174,457 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skappsi Jhin Build Guide By Skappsi Updated on December 7, 2022
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Runes: Fleet Footwork + Ingenious

1 2 3
Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Taste of Blood
Ingenious Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

[12.23] M7 600K+ / Khada's Mastered Jhin ADC Guide

By Skappsi

"𝐼𝓃 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒, 𝐼 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓂, 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓌𝓃."

Hello! My name is Skappsi/Khada. I've been playing Jhin for a while, and I am M7 600k+ points.

Jhin is a very strong ADC champion in the meta at the moment. His AD Scaling + Dark Harvest is insanely good, but no man can play Jhin well without a guide to tell him how to do so. So here's my guide to show you how!

Passive: Whisper

This is what gives Jhin all his AD. His passive converts Attack Speed and Crit to AD, giving him more AD as he levels. This is why Dark Harvest works incredibly well on him as well.

Q: Dancing Grenade

The first Jhin ability you max, this grenade bounces 4 times to nearby units. If the grenade eliminates a unit on the bounce, it gains extra damage for the next bounce. This is your main waveclear ability, that you should often cast on low minions first for more damage.

W: Deadly Flourish

What people call Jhin's sniper ability. Any damage dealt by you or champions on your team to an enemy marks them. Hitting this ability whilst the enemy is marked Root's them. You can use this ability for Chain CC with your support, and to setup an easy R where you'll hit the first shot.

E: Captive Audience

Jhin's Trap ability. Jhin has 2 traps available that refresh quicker based on how many points are put into the ability. The traps last for 3 minutes. Upon stepping on, the trap opens for 3 seconds, slowing enemies inside, and then it explodes. You can use this ability to put in traps where you can get ganked from, giving you an early warning and giving you time to hit a W and get back.

R: Curtain Call

The coolest ability. Jhin opens up a cone area and has 4 long ranged shots, with the 4th shot hitting a guaranteed crit. This ability is super good for securing picks, and works in a really good synergy with as you can pop it whilst in the ultimate.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Starter Items

New meta starter for ADC. Good aggressive start.

Works for Jhin as passive start since you already have enough early AD. Good with Time Warp Tonic as you can start 4 Pots.

You are able to take 3-4 depending on what item you started.

There is no debate, early game you should take this.

Critical Strike Build


Jhin's most popular mythic. It's just a high damage good mythic that works for many scenario's.

These have always been the optimal boot choice for Jhin. Unlike Boots Of Mobility, Swifties offer high movement speed without being out of combat, which works really well with your 4th shot movement speed. Get these after your mythic, but make sure to get Tier 1 Boots before.

This items is becoming less essential for Jhin because of the higher armor around after the durability patch. You should only be going this item 2nd vs a full squishy team.


The current meta massively advises LDR second instead of The Collector, as it has great armor penetration, and is well suited to the meta.

This item is really good on Jhin as extra range helps you stay further back from the action and increases your movement speed and damage. I recommend taking this item 3rd.

Once you're above 40% Crit, you can buy IE. You generally can choose between RFC and this item third, but at the moment its better to take this after RFC.


If you're up against some lifesteal champions, you must get Executioners and then upgrade it into a Mortal Reminder if your teammates are not buying antiheal.

If you're up against some heavy CC champions (Veigar, Leona, Galio etc.), it is worth going for a Mercurial Scimitar for the cleanse. It's also good vs. Mordekaiser as you can use it to get out of his ultimate instantly.

A GA can be incredibly useful in teamfights to resurrect and win them, and is a great last item.

In patch 12.3, Maw was one of the bruiser items that were reworked. With this rework, Maw now has AD scaling shield, omnivamp after the shield, its cheaper and more AD and Ability Haste. With the magic shield now being based off of Bonus AD, the shield can go up to 1.1k, and with Ingenious Hunter, on a 30 second cooldown. New Maw is pretty broken right now on Jhin and can be considered for a last item vs. many AP threats, but its CD will be nerfed in 12.11, so this wont be as broken.

In patch 12.3, Death's Dance was one of the bruiser items that were reworked. With this rework, Death's Dance is slightly more expensive, but the heal now scales with 175% bonus AD, giving you massive amounts of healing after takedowns, in addition with new magic damage defence and the base armor. New Death's Dance is pretty broken right now on Jhin and should be considered as a last item vs. many AD threats, but its heal will be nerfed in 12.11, so it wont be as broken.

Lethality Build

(Not recommended right now!)

This is the best rush for the lethality build as it is a very gold efficient item in stats, and offers a great passive of taking down wards.

These have always been the optimal boot choice for Jhin. Unlike Boots Of Mobility, Swifties offer high movement speed without being out of combat, which works really well with your 4th shot movement speed. Get these after your mythic, but make sure to get Tier 1 Boots before.

The best lethality mythic for Jhin as it offers an easibly accessable shield (Auto + Q), sufficient damage and omnivamp.

LDR is the best option with this build as lethality is often easily countered by the slightly more tanky person on the enemy team, and offers extra burst against the squishies.

This item is really good on Jhin as extra range helps you stay further back from the action and increases your movement speed and damage. I recommend taking this item 3rd.

Once you're above 40% Crit, you can buy IE. You generally can choose between RFC and this item third, but at the moment its better to take this after RFC.

Fleet Footwork + Domination or Inspiration

The current best keystone for Jhin, it gives him everything he wants. In games where you won't be getting many kills (if any) in lane, Dark Harvest will not be worth it as you will never have the chance to be stacking it. This is the circumstance for most lanes at the moment, so Fleet is the better option.
We take Presence Of Mind for mana restoration.
We take Legend: Bloodline for the extra lifesteal.
We take Cut Down as most enemies are tankier than Jhin.

We take taste of blood for the healing to survive and have better trades.
After some investigation, Ingenious seems to be the better option for Jhin at the moment as its synergy with Galeforce brings the CD lower. Now Ravenous is gone, there is not a clear better choice for the domination tree.

You can take Biscuit Delivery for Jhin's early mana problems if you struggle with it.
Additionally, taking Time Warp Tonic to make your Biscuits and Pots more effective when you need them.
Flash is essential for most champions, and Jhin is no exception. Flash is just an incredibly useful Summoner Spell, and you should ALWAYS take this on Jhin.
Heal is the most common ADC summoner, and you should be taking this most games.
Only good if your enchanter support (Soraka, Sona etc.) takes Heal.
Cleanse is the optimal summoner spell to replace Heal when you're up against heavy CC champions (Veigar, Leona, Maokai etc.)
This champ was the beginning of 200 years. To play against Aphelios effectively, you have to understand the champion. Calibrum, the sniper rifle, will always outrange you, and he will have it early game, so be careful about being poked out. Severum, the healing red gun, is not a huge problem in itself, but be careful about its pairings with Crescendum. Gravitum, the root gun, is dangerous as it is easy cc. Infernum, the flamethrower, will do damage if you stand behind enemies when he hits them, so be careful about that. Lastly, Crescendum can one shot you if paired with the right guns to stack its chakrams. Aphelios can be easily killed as he has no mobility. Other than that, its really hard to teach Aphelios, you have to learn through experience.
This champ is really annoying. Be careful of your positioning or you'll be caught out by her R and infinite slows and die. Ashe is not the best ADC at the moment, and you will outscale her, but her slows can be insanely annoying and you must be careful to stay out of range of her early game.
You can kill her easily if she pushes up but otherwise you'll just get poked down like crazy. Shoving waves into Caitlyn is not a good idea. Jhin actually does counter Caitlyn, as you can use your Q on the wave to poke her, especially with its killing blow damage stacking on minions first.
Jhin's 2nd biggest counter. He will bully and exploit you, and theres a high chance you won't win this laning phase. He wins 1v1's against you at all points, you can't face this champ alone. Just try not to feed him.
Ezreal poke is annoying, but you can beat him pretty easily as he is very squishy, and your quick combos with Galeforce and 4th shot can oneshot him. Standing behind the wave will make him unable to poke you. Exploit him using his E aggressively if its safe for you to do so.
A very strong ADC at the moment. With her rockets, she has more poke than you, but she is highly immobile without her passive being activated, so you can catch her out easily. Be careful of her root when walking up aggressively.
Kai'Sa's hybrid build is the most popular at the moment, so you must be careful about being hit by her W's. She will out DPS you, but if she gets behind, she doesnt really do that much as she requires to get into the action to do much.
Unpopular and bad ADC at the moment. Early game she can beat you up pretty bad, but you will outscale her and perform better. Be careful about early game, and you will most likely not win 1v1's.
He's only really a problem when paired with Lulu, but hes very squishy and very immobile, and can be exploited super easily.
With Lucian Nami being pretty popular, his damage can be insane. Be extremely careful early game, but you will outscale him as with most ADCs.
Try and establish a lead before she hits her Level 6 powerspike. Avoid standing behind your minions, especially if that minion is low HP, as it will chunk your HP.
Not as OP as she used to be, but she can easily jump on you from her supports CC and completely destroy you. She's not really an ADC, so don't think of her that way. You will outrange her, and can outperform her if your team comp is hard for her to engage into.
She definitely does damage, but she's been unpopular for a while, and you can do a lot more for your team than she can. Be careful about her Q, but it is quite easily dodgible if not CC'd.
You should consider banning her. She will jump on you, abuse you, get fed and stomp the game. If you get CC'd by her support, you might as well be dead. She is super easy and annoying, with her high DPS and high mobility.
Personally, I find this champion really annoying and often ban him. Play carefully around his invisibility and don't shove waves or you wont be able to farm if hes around and invisible.
He is often underrated nowadays but you can deal with him fine if you don't let his Q or R hit you. He has 2 builds, a lethality and crit. Lethality, you really need to avoid Q. Crit, just keep your range. You wont be against this matchup to often though.
True damage is annoying man. If she starts fighting you, you have to fight back or you'll be demolished. Don't stand near walls. Weak laning phase so exploitable, kind of OP at the moment though.
The new lethality build is more popular than crit, and can one shot you pretty hard. Be careful about the combo, and avoid standing in front of feathers. Has no mobility so easily exploitable with a CC support in the laning phase.
Can be really annoying. At level 6, you are in great danger. You usually have free poke before 6. If paired with Malphite, it wont be fun post 6. All I can say is good luck.
A newer pick coming from the mid lane to bot. Has lots of poke, but if he cant hit his abilities, hes useless. Avoid being hit by a lot of poke early. He will definitely out DPS you if he hits abilities.
Her mobility and slows can really screw you up in trying to hit skill shots and chasing/escaping. In lane you can win by playing it safer, waiting for a support/jungler to engage for you. Beware of her jumping over a wall with her E and suprising you.
Thank you for reading my Jhin Guide! If you can leave it a like, it would be greatly appreciated! I'll be updating this guide regularly and putting the update notes below this. You can also check out my Samira guide below.

Update Notes
5th February 2021 [11.3]: Guide is released!
3rd August 2021 [11.15]: Revamped for the new patch.
7th September 2021 [11.17]: Revamped for the new patch.
16th September 2021 [11.18]: Revamped for the new patch.
7th December 2021 [11.23]: Revamped for Preseason 12.
8th December 2021 [11.24]: Revamped for the new patch.
14th January 2022 [12.1]: Revamped for the new patch.
24th January 2022 [12.2]: Revamped for the new patch.
5th February 2022 [12.3]: Revamped for the new patch.
16th February 2022 [12.4]: Revamped for the new patch.
3rd March 2022 [12.5]: Revamped for the new patch.
30th March 2022 [12.6]: Revamped for the new patch.
17th May 2022 [12.9]: Revamped for the new patch.
2nd June 2022 [12.10]: Revamped for the new patch, made some edits to freshen up the guide for the current meta.
10th June 2022 [12.11]: Revamped for the new patch.
27th June 2022 [12.12]: Revamped for the new patch.
13th July 2022 [12.13]: Revamped for the new patch.
31st July 2022 [12.14]: Revamped for the new patch.
13th August 2022 [12.15]: Revamped for the new patch.
28th August 2022 [12.16]: Revamped for the new patch.
13th Septemeber 2022 [12.17]: Revamped for the new patch.
25th Septemeber 2022 [12.18]: Revamped for the new patch.
7th December 2022 [12.23]: Revamped for the new patch.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skappsi
Skappsi Jhin Guide
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[12.23] M7 600K+ / Khada's Mastered Jhin ADC Guide

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