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Recommended Items
Runes: Bring down the sky
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Run it back
Threats & Synergies
Sivir ult enables you to get into fights and onto enemy backliners. super helpful.
Sivir ult enables you to get into fights and onto enemy backliners. super helpful.
Champion Build Guide
1st Commandment (Intro)
Howdy gamers, I'm boc and I was a Coach with Cloud9 for 2 years. Now, I'm the Coaching Manager for C9's performance partner, FITGMR! Urgot is a disgusting champion right now, and you should be abusing him for some FREE LP. He wins most of his top matchups against meta picks (K'Sante, Jax, Rek'Sai), and even when behind can build tanky and provide utility with slows + the fear from his Ultimate. He also has a simple, straightforward playstyle which makes him easy to pickup and learn regardless of rank or skill level. |
2nd Commandment (Build Summary)
Teleport or Ignite will determine your playstyle.. and that is what this guide is for! Win your lane early with your range advantage and then decide if you prefer a team-fight centered bruiser build or an unbeatable duelist split-push playstyle. The best part is that your first 2 items will be the same in 90% of your games, so forgetting what to rush first item or itemizing "wrong" is a thing of the past!
All you need to start dealing damage is your Black cleaver, after that, it is smooth sailing. Titanic hydra synergizes VERY well if your W, and by the time you have it build your W should be maxed (or close to being maxed!) If you are confident, consider an AD mythic or just go tank w/ Jak'Sho or Frostfire. Super adaptable itemization after cleaver+titanic allows you to be useful while facing any comp.
All you need to start dealing damage is your Black cleaver, after that, it is smooth sailing. Titanic hydra synergizes VERY well if your W, and by the time you have it build your W should be maxed (or close to being maxed!) If you are confident, consider an AD mythic or just go tank w/ Jak'Sho or Frostfire. Super adaptable itemization after cleaver+titanic allows you to be useful while facing any comp.
3rd Commandment (Basics)
Bone plating + your tanky build + shield from E, allows you to absorb tons of dmg in fights while dealing tons of dmg with your passive and W.
Ulting a target at the beginning of a fight and then E-ing/Flashing in to fear the enemy team can let your team mop up the rest with ease.
Make sure to abuse your early lane pressure. In most games if you are blue-side, you can look to just stand in the enemy tri-brush and kill them when they are coming back to lane after leashing their jungler. Many times you can chunk them to 1/4 HP or even kill them if they are dumb enough to try and trade back on you. Your E shield and passive gives you TONS of damage, and only a handful of champions can match your level 1 pressure.
Ulting a target at the beginning of a fight and then E-ing/Flashing in to fear the enemy team can let your team mop up the rest with ease.
Make sure to abuse your early lane pressure. In most games if you are blue-side, you can look to just stand in the enemy tri-brush and kill them when they are coming back to lane after leashing their jungler. Many times you can chunk them to 1/4 HP or even kill them if they are dumb enough to try and trade back on you. Your E shield and passive gives you TONS of damage, and only a handful of champions can match your level 1 pressure.
4th Commandment (Pros and Cons)
+ Very aggressive/high pressure early game + Spikes HARD at first item + Almost guaranteed win if you get 1 or 2 early kills + AOE abilities = ez to farm and push with + Simple-ish kit, easy to pick up and learn Your level 1 is VERY strong since you take E, giving you a gap closer + a shield, combining with your passive allows you to win almost all lvl 1 trades with ease. Use your range and early game damage to pressure and get vision in order to help your jungler get scuttle crabs and early objectives. Comet runes also allow you to poke from far away if you can't get close |
- Only 1 movement ability with a long CD (E) - Easy to gank if overextended - Large hitbox and low MS w/ W active - Does poorly into hard CC comps - Is not very useful if significantly behind. Ranged matchups can be tough before boots and a few points in Q, so you might have to adjust your playstyle a bit and look to go aggressive only when you hit level 6. Make sure not to use your E unless you know where the enemy jungler is, because of its long cooldown it is almost impossible to run away from a gank if you use E too early. |
5th Commandment (Summoner Spells)
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6th Commandment (Items)
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Pick into comps with heavy AD. Pretty self explanatory. |
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Your go-to boot option in most games as heavy CC will shut you down HARD. |
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Part 1 of your bread and butter build. CDR, HP, and AD. Everything a growing urgot needs. Your W also applies the cleaver armor shred passive almost instantly making you very effective into tanks |
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Part 2 of your bread and butter. Wave clear, LOTS of damage, HP. At this spike very very champions in the game can beat you if you are both even in levels and items. |
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The premiere bruiser antiheal item, better than thornamil in almost every situation (unless into a FULL team of AD auto attack-based champs) |
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Very solid if into ranged champs and you need to stick on them more. Land a Q, tag them with and Iceborn auto attack, and then run them down! |
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If you have another tank on your team and want to teamfight 5v5, consider this item. Your R will keep your team healthy and you like the stats it gives you (Haste, Armor, MR, HP) |
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THE PREMIERE ANTI AP COUNTER. Also takes champs like Teemo, Singed, and Kai'sa out of the game. *Build only in certain situations* |
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This is prettyyyy cheesy, but if you go the Comet build, this solves your mana issues early and your W applies muramana passive! |
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Split push split push split push. Please do not build this item if your team needs you to 5v5 with them otherwise you are wasting stats!!! |
Urgot is a VERY simple champ, but there are two (2) EXTREMELY important combos you need to know on him.
1. The Flash + E. Pretty self explanatory, but you can use your E, and during the initial wind-up for the dash you can use flash to gain extra distance. This is VERY useful when trying to initiate a fight or confirm a kill etc. etc.
2. With W max it is imperative that you weave in normal auto attacks with your combo in order to maximize DPS, especially if you have a sheen item like Iceborn Gauntlet. With your W maxed you can toggle it on and off midfight, the most optimal timing i have found is letting your W auto 4 times, toggling it off to auto, then toggling it back on again and repeating. Now this is not 100% necessary but it is a SIGNIFICANT increase in your damage if you do this, so I recommend practicing in Norms/practice tool to get comfortable with this playstyle.
1. The Flash + E. Pretty self explanatory, but you can use your E, and during the initial wind-up for the dash you can use flash to gain extra distance. This is VERY useful when trying to initiate a fight or confirm a kill etc. etc.
2. With W max it is imperative that you weave in normal auto attacks with your combo in order to maximize DPS, especially if you have a sheen item like Iceborn Gauntlet. With your W maxed you can toggle it on and off midfight, the most optimal timing i have found is letting your W auto 4 times, toggling it off to auto, then toggling it back on again and repeating. Now this is not 100% necessary but it is a SIGNIFICANT increase in your damage if you do this, so I recommend practicing in Norms/practice tool to get comfortable with this playstyle.
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