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Zac Build Guide by Sayieh

Middle 13.8 S13 Mid / Top Zac - Sayieh

Middle 13.8 S13 Mid / Top Zac - Sayieh

Updated on May 1, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sayieh Build Guide By Sayieh 9,519 Views 0 Comments
9,519 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sayieh Zac Build Guide By Sayieh Updated on May 1, 2023
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Runes: Every Game

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

13.8 S13 Mid / Top Zac - Sayieh

By Sayieh
Table of Contents


Who is Sayieh?

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Introduction and Socials


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Runes
(ง⌐□ل͜□)ง Items


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Laning Phase
(ง⌐□ل͜□)ง Mechanics


Who is Sayieh?
Hey there! I'm Sayieh, a 16 Year Old Zac Top/Mid One Trick Pony! I Peaked 911 LP NA Challenger this season exclusively playing Zac. I noticed there weren't many laning Zac guides on here, so I decided to change that :)

Twitch - Come watch me, I stream most games. Check out my OP.GG and match up my vod to the matchup you want to watch if I'm not online.
Twitter - Twitter stuff. - Check out my account! (3+ losses in a row = don't talk to me.)

Conquerer is a must take in lane. The amount of damage output you get from Conquerer is crazy, and your extended fights early game are good. You will be able to proc it fast using your Ws and basic combos as well, boosting your damage.

Second Wind/Revitalize is BROKEN. You heal for SO MUCH. Trade down laning phase into healing off blobs, Doran's Shield, and Second Wind. Replace Armor with Magic Resist depending on matchup.
refer to notes at the start of the guide, will add more details later
Laning Phase
Zac's laning phase is pretty simple. Look to use your Q whenever possible, use W on the enemy champion when they walk up to CS, and conserve your E early game. Try to trade down your enemy laner early game to around 300 hp, and you can look to one shot them with your Q --> E --> Auto --> Ignite combo (spam W throughout of course) The level 6 and level 11 powerspikes are good, as the upgrades onto the ultimate give lots of extra healing. At these points in the game, always look to force trades and then sustain off your blobs. Don't be scared to use abilities on the wave if you need healing and there aren't any present dangers.
Zac is VERY simple. You're mostly going to be using Q1 Champion Q2 Minion --> E + W + Auto for the laning phase. You can look for an E out of vision onto your lane into ranged champions if they're sitting on their wave to prevent a Q1 onto themselves. Keep in mind that your blobs reduce your W cooldown by 1 second. Try to utilize the times you pick up your blobs so that you always pick up a blob when your W is on cooldown.

Utilize Flash to get in range to Q2, When you E close to the enemy, hover your curser ontop of yourself to make the animation instant. Look to use all of your abilities before you ult to maximize your damage output. If you're running away from your opponent in lane, you can still use E offensively to immobilize them and deal damage. Here is a clip of me doing some Zac things. MUSIC IS LOUD MUTE IT OR SOMETHING
yea this guide sucks... if you have questions come into my stream haha, may or may not finish this guide later.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sayieh
Sayieh Zac Guide
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13.8 S13 Mid / Top Zac - Sayieh

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