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Kayn Build Guide by MathematicallyCorrectGold

Top [14.10] "The Louder They Scream" Kayn Top UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14

Top [14.10] "The Louder They Scream" Kayn Top UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14

Updated on May 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MathematicallyCorrectGold Build Guide By MathematicallyCorrectGold 45 5 81,707 Views 0 Comments
45 5 81,707 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MathematicallyCorrectGold Kayn Build Guide By MathematicallyCorrectGold Updated on May 18, 2024
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Runes: Both Forms: First Strike

1 2 3 4
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

[14.10] "The Louder They Scream" Kayn Top UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14

By MathematicallyCorrectGold
Why Kayn Top
Kayn is very reliant on his form as well as his 2 item spike. This means that going top lane, a lane notorious for constant fights, helps accelerate your orb gathering rate.
However, this playstyle is not perfect. There are several central issues with Kayn top.
One - Faster form.
Two - More reliable farm.
Three - You are a post durability patch menace.
Mana Costs, as Kayn is a spammy abilities champ, he runs into the issues of mana costs. This is alleviated with Corrupting Potion and Presence of Mind.
Durability Patch
Why Eclipse? Goredrinker has been a staple on Rhaast for the longest time, but things have changed. Following the durability patch, the same issues with Aatrox have happened with Kayn, Goredrinker deals zero damage, not only does it not do damage, not dealing damage means you don't heal, as Kayn's passive heals off damage dealt. And similarly to Aatrox's meta build, inspite of having low health, one Reaping Slash will heal you full hp against enough targets. And now with the benefits of the durability patch, you can slowly farm up in top even longer and hit your item spikes before the game ends, and Kayn with Rhaast is very good at making come backs happen at 3 items+.
Double Jungle
I do not play double jungle, I am not sure if this strategy is still viable after the changes, however, if you wanted to try the method, it used to be you stealing 3 enemy camps, selling item, then go back to lane.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MathematicallyCorrectGold
MathematicallyCorrectGold Kayn Guide
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[14.10] "The Louder They Scream" Kayn Top UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14

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