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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Tryndamere will simply just press his R anytime you even think about killing him and nullify your execute.
Hard CC
Hard CC
Champion Build Guide
Hello, I am Yoon! I'm far from a professional League player, but I am extremely motivated by FUN and spend a great deal of my free time smashing together characters with the jungle role. I've decided to start Yoon's Jungle Book in an effort to create and update guides for as many characters, meta or not, in the Jungle as I can. I'm always open to suggestions and commentary from fellow jungle mains (or anyone who mains the characters I make guides on) and have no issue incorporating new information and builds!
It should be noted that I never bring my Off-Meta builds into ranked and do not recommend you do it, either. That is, unless you're 100x better than me ;)
Please feel free to recommend other champions to add to my Jungle Book!
Ganking: Extremely Proficient Speciality: Move Speed, Exeuction, Kill S(tealing)ecuring Why Pyke Jungle? A better question would be, why not Pyke Jungle? He's typically a very excellent roaming support and every now and then, an excellent roaming mid-laner. Of course, I can acknowledge his clear is..lacking, and his farm is always sub-optimal. But his ability to secure kills for himself and set up kills for others is impossible to ignore. With two types of CC, invisibility, insane move speed, an execute, and gold sharing.. what's not to love? |
Note: Pyke is not a full-clearing jungler. To clear with Pyke it's important to remember only one of his abilities does damage to minions, his Q, and it is single target. Despite this, I find more success having him clear Red Side first because of Crest of Cinders. Pyke certainly doesn't need any mana boost and his cooldowns, while long, are fine to deal with when ganking between lanes. Extra damage and self sustain is much more useful. Red Buff Krugs Raptors Gank |
Hail of Blades is a typical Pyke keystone. It's usefulness in early game kills before your ult is up (and even after) is incredibly vital to his ganking ability. Without being able to effectively gank on Pyke, you're effectively useless.
Profane Hydra is not only a great waveclear item, a lethality item, and an execute, but it also is fantastic with Pykes jungle clear in the mid-late game. Youmuu's Ghostblade is a necessary lethality addition to help with Pyke's movespeed in his W. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is for a cooldown reduction (CDR) which is useful in any situation, but especially to stay mobile on Pyke Jungle. |
DRAGONS Chemtech Soul is Pyke's most optimal soul. |
+ Ganking All throughout the game, although especially in the early stages, Pyke excels at ganking. His ability to hook a champion, stun them, go invisible, and execute with the click of a button make him an incredibly lethal jungler. |
+ Movespeed By bringing Ghost with Youmuu's Ghostblade while in the initial move speed bonus of Ghostwater Dive, Pyke can reach up to 1000 movespeed, slowly decreasing to around 700 in a few seconds. This type of movement speed is insanely valuable for escaping and initiating fights. |
- Objectives Being unable to solo Voidgrubs, Drakes, and being incredibly slow with Rift Herald makes Pyke a bit of a failure in the objective department. However this can be mediated with a cohesive team willing to help him. |
- Clearing Although not needing to struggle with a level one invade, Pyke does struggle with clearing in general and does not benefit from a full clear. His clear speed before Profane Hydra is abysmal and even after it is still below average. |
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