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[14.13] MIDLANE Carry Lux : Build and Match-Ups explained!
Updated on July 7, 2024Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue
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Recommended Items
Runes: Poke in lane Comet
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order E>Q>W - Standard skill order for midlane
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I just permaban this champ, his entire kit counters you : wall, dashes etc. I don't really have advices against him. Dodge or good luck!
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Going for barrier here is a bait IMO, because once he reaches you it doesn't matter for him whether you have a barrier or not cause he has too much dps. If I could ban an other champion, it would probably be Yone. The good thing is, his E is very telegraphed and his 3rd Q commits him way more than yasuo. His ulti is a threat, so be ready to dodge it or flash it out. Depending on how good your laning phase went, you can go even with him. The sad truth is, that he will always outscales you once he reaches his items. Play with your team!
Flash - TP - Flat HP. Early game runes. Q start. Same thing with yone, if she reaches you, usually she will have enough dps to cut through your barrier no matter what. Try not to walk too far in lane or she will catch you with minions. The only window to shut her down is before her BRK, so call your jungler if she pushes too much. After that she will just go for magic resist and you won't ever be able to one shot her. Play with your team since you are more useful in teamfights : if you land a good q on her she will get down easily!
Flash - TP (ignite or barrier can work) - Flat HP. Q start if he starts E. Sylas is a tricky matchup depending on the player you're facing. if they're good, they will make your laning phase a nightmare. Your Q is just too slow, he can just use his E to dodge it and gap-close you at the same time and land his chain. I would actually recommend to play super safe in this lane because if you both go 0-0-0, it is to your advantage. If he doesn't go for zhonyas, he's a pretty easy target to one shot from afar in fights. If the sylas player is bad, this match up turns into easy since you will just be able to one shot him with your combo.
Flash - Barrier - Flat HP. Q start if he starts E. Go zhonyas 2nd or 3rd item depending on how much you feel he wants to kill you. Pre-level 6, try to poke him as much as you can without losing HPs, so you can be full health and not him when you both reach level 6. At that time, he won't be able to 100-0% you with barrier up. If you don't panic, have right items and don't waste your spells on his E, this matchup is not so horrible as people think it is. Play with your team!
Flash - TP - Flat HP. First strike rune. You win early but can't really kill her due to dshield + second wind. Play for first strike golds and prio, after 6 don't step too far on the lane or she'll just run you down. Overall play for prio and help your team. If you can get decent chunks on her from afar it's good, but don't get greedy and come too close or she'll kill you.
Flash - Barrier - Flat HP. I like to go barrier against katarina because usually that will allow me to deny her burst and deny her a reset. It will most likely screw up her fight, so that's nice. You easily get prio, be sure to not step onto her daggers and she will never kill you. It is possible for you to kill her in laning phase, but usually good kata players will just survive laning phase and wait for roams to get fed. Play with your team later on!
Flash - TP - Scaling HP I think Viktor is the hardest mage matchup for Lux midlane, because he out trades you in every scenario : his E has more range than yours and if you try to get close, his Q shield + dmg will out trade you aswell. His damages are undodgable while yours require to actually hit your spells, that's why this matchup's so hard. He scales hard but you scale decently as well, play for picks cause he's still an easy target to one shot later on!
Flash - barrier - Flat HP. To me Qiyana isn't the worst assasin to face, because as long as you don't stand near walls, you won't get one shot. You could even be able to combo her and kill her if she doesn't kill you. You will easily poke her out of lane, and when you have items, you will just one shot her (unless she buys EoN).
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. If you can land Qs and chunk her, you will win and have pressure in lane. If she gets a charm on you then it's the opposite. Once lvl 6 don't try to trade as much, she can just gap close with ulti to get a good charm. Play for long range Qs to chunk her with your ult and the matchup's shouldn't be hard. Usually poking her in lane makes you win this matchup.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. He will probably get prio the first two waves because of how strong his early trades are. Play it safe and try to land Qs from afar to chunk him down, and force short trades. Once you have your items, he's just a regular adc you can one shot.
Flash - TP - Flat HP. Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler. Annie pre-level 6 is easy to deal with, don't go for passive procs though, unless she uses her spells on the wave. When you reach level 6, you should be super wary about her flash + tibbers combo. Always try to predict her flash in so you can flash out. Once you get banshees she shouldn't be a problem for you anymore.
Aurelion Sol
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. I place this matchup in even because you should win lane and have prio (if you don't fk up lvl 1 and get chunked). However, later in the game he scales way harder than you, and will often outimpact you because he has such large AoEs.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Azir isn't that much of a threat for Lux, as long as you play far away enough, he will never be able to reach you with his soldier ulti combo. He's very easy to catch and one shot once you get your items.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. If she has good movement, this matchup is super hard. Play from far away and she won't kill you. Just look for very very short trades/pokes with q+e or ulti just to chunk her. You will never 100%- 0% her, get prio and play with your team!
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Corki isn't that much of a threat, but keep in mind that he still has decent damage early on with his E. You should always dodge his Q to avoid free damage. He'll probably be hard to kill because of hexdrinker, but he can't really kill you either if you just poke him.
Flash - TP - Flat HP. Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler. Diana is a Lux favored matchup if you dodge her Qs, if you don't, the matchup's turn to hell. You have the tools early on to poke her out of lane. Again, play from afar and try to look for long range Qs in order to chunk her with ulti.
Flash - TP - Flat HP. Start Q. Be careful he took hail of blade runes, because he will most likely start E and try to chunk you lvl 1. His damage can be surprisingly high early on if he reaches you with his E. Later in the game he has a very fast waveclear with his Q, which is bad for you until you get 5 points in E. After 6, if you ever hit a Q on him, don't hesitate to ult to chunk him, if he ults to regen, you're winning because your ulti has a lower cd than his.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune. Galio can't really kill you but you can't kill him either. He will most likely push the whole game in order to find good ultis for his team, try to perma push the waves in order to prevent it. Play with your jungler.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. I haven't experienced a lot of games agaisnt Hwei yet, however I must say that he's lowkey a mirror matchup for you as Lux. Obviously he has more spells than you which makes him more versatile. After 2 items, he'll be kinda hard to one shot due to his Archangel's shield. Matchup is relying on who will dodge the spells of the other.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. If you dodge Jayce's E+Q, then he can't really do anything to you. Be careful as he is stronger than you in skirmishes. After level 6, if he doesn't build hexdrinker, you can have kill pressure on him anytime you land some Qs.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Karma midlane is strong depending the patch, one thing for sure is that all your spells have more range than hers. Later if you ever hit a Q on her and she can't mantra W, she is most likely dead. She also downscales super hard, you scale way better.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune. You want to avoid to have too many AP champs in your team against kassadin, however if he locked it that's probably the reason why. You can bully him decently early on (pre-level 6). However if he's smart he will just run dshield + second wind and go into gigascaling mode. The best you can do as Lux is to farm gold from first strike off of him, and use your early prio to help your jungler. You will never be able to kill him or even be near him in lategame. I would recommend to go for scaling runes, to at least be able to one shot his team, if not him.
Flash - TP (barrier can work) - Flat HP. Q start, since most of LBs will start W to trade you lvl 1. Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler. In people's mind, this matchup is LeBlanc favoured, but IMO it's pretty Lux favoured if both are the same elo. Let me explain to you how it works : in lane everytime you see she will try to Q+W combo you, don't hesitate to instantly throw your Q+W on yourself to root her and negate most of her damage, like this, your Q should always hit. Then usually, you will have time to passive proc + E + passive proc, and there you won the trade. Post level 6, it is even easier because you have even more dmg to chunk her down. LeBlanc is really threatening when she's full health, but she's not that much of a threat once you chunked her. The way for her to outplay you, is to take short trades onto you with Ws just to get close to you without hitting you and then trading with sigil + chain. But most LB won't do that.
Flash - TP - Flat HP. Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler. Lissandra doesn't have much counterplay against you, since her gap closer (E) is very telegraphed. Most of the time if you full combo her, she will self ult, but again, you win because your ult has a lower cd. She will usually try to ask for help from her jgl/supp, given that she has amazing gank setup.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Malzahar is a worse version of Lissandra : he only has 1 cc and no gap closer besides his flash. You can proc his passive shield very easily with your E slow, wait a bit, then detonate it to damage him. Be careful of where his jungler is and you should be fine since he can't 100%-0% you alone even with flash.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Naafiri is annoying due to her small dogs if she manages them well. However her E ability is very telegraphed, and she always jumps first so you have a guaranteed Q if she decides to use it for no reason. Be careful when your Q cd is off because her all in potential is scary.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. You have a range advantage against Neeko, however she has kill pressure on you if she hits a lot of Qs on you. pay attention to the waves in case you have 4 melee creeps. As usual play for poke and chunks to force her out of lane.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. A good Orianna is hard to beat because even though you have a slight range advantage, you can almost never go for passive procs in lanes due to her passive. She is more useful than you for her team with her shield, speedboost and airborn AoE cc. She can be hard to kill if she builds archangels, so don't try to trade too much and only go for Qs for afar to win your trades.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune. Ryze is an awkward champ because you don't see it that much. He's usually a (somehow) tanky farming robot. Since he has this tankiness, I'd say that you should chill and enjoy the farming simulator lane aswell. You can still poke him out of lane, but as the Cassiopeia matchup, if he has good movements, you will never win.
Flash - TP - Flat HP. She has less range than you, except with her E+Q combo. Be prepared to dodge it when you feel she's stepping forward and usually you're free to poke her when her stun is down. Post level 6, don't try to go for passive procs because you will instantly lose the trade if she ever has the range to ult you.
Flash - Barrier - Flat HP. Talon's gameplay is very telegraphed IMO, level 1-2-3 he will almost always try to go for a cheesy passive proc play. Knowing that, I like to trade a lot with him and play to the limit with barrier, usually they don't expect barrier tanking so much of their dmg so they die. After level 6, the lane is just pushing simulator, as he will try to push as fast as possible in order to roam on the map. Try to match his push and play wih your jungler!
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. You have to be careful of Tristana's all in jump in lvl 2. If you avoided it, the lane is pretty boring since she will desperately push to try to get plates from your turret. The solution is quite simple, match her push safely and she'll be useless, considering she's a regular adc that can get one shot by your full combo once you have 2 items.
Twisted Fate
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. TP is mandatory against TF because he will basically have 2 TPs because of his kit. In lane, before he gets tier 2 boots he'll be easy to poke out of lane. The thing is, is movespeed build makes it super hard for you to hit you spells. After 6, unless you can find a good Q, Focus on the waves rather than hitting him and try to prevent his roams as much as possible.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Veigar is usually a free matchup for Lux, before level 6, you can go for passive procs. However at lvl 6, try to stay as far away as you can or he'll nuke you. He is easily one-shottable due to your range and damage, so play for chunks with long range combos.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Vel'Koz is annoying because usually when he's picked, the player only plays vel'koz. This lane is poking and movement simulator, just like Hwei, Ziggs and Xerath. Try to outpush him so he has to choose between hitting spells on you or the wave.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP. You outrange her before level 6, try to get your passive procs only if her fear is down. After 6, be careful with her ult, because she can 100%-0% you, just like fizz. To avoid it, I'd recommend to buy either banshee's or zhonyas depending on ennemy team. She is easily pokable in lane though.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Don't fall too low health in this lane or he will try to dive you with his pool and you have no counterplay against that. Poking him too hard is hard because of his sustain, and he can W your full combo. Play with your range to nullify his power, you have a range advantage against him.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Xerath is very annoying because he is one of the few champs that actually outranges you. Never stand in your wave against xerath. Why? Because then he has to choose between hitting you or the wave. Push the lane hard so he doesn't get the chance to harass you under turret for free. If both players are good, the matchup is even, since both of you literally only have skillshots as spells. Buy early tier 2 boots to prevent getting hit by too much skillshots. May the best scripter win!
Flash - Barrier - Flat HP. Zhonyas 1st or 2nd item depending on how much you need it. I actually think the Zed matchup is even as Lux, because if you play it decently, he can never really kill you unless he pokes you first. If he ever tries to all you when you're full health, land you Q behind you and throw all of your spells because he is 100% getting hit if you have good timing.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Ziggs doesn't really have kill pressure on you... if you try to match his push you pretty much nullify him. Ask some help from your jungler if he pushes too much.
Flash - TP - Flat HP I'd say Zoe does have kill pressure on you if she lands her bubble, however the thing is, you outranges her by a lot, and if you're good enough, you can throw all your ability on her before you fall asleep. Her R is pretty self countering for her as you can free Q and/or ult on her if she ever uses it in front of you.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Anivia to me is a worst version of Cassiopeia and Ryze because all of her dps comes from her ult, which requires her not move away from it. Considering that, you pretty much are free to hit your spells on her, and never to get into her range. If she just missed Q, walk to her to proc your spells and your passive because she's a minion. The sad thing is, you aren't really going to kill her a lot in laning phase, since you have to kill her twice. If you made her flash, call your jungler for a free kill.
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Taliyah doesn't have much kill pressure early game as you do. Later, it's quite the opposite since she probably is going to build archangels + zhonyas. At this point you should already have taken a lead because the laning phase is easy. If you go for passive procs in lane, it is mandatory that you dodge her W. Play for sneaky Qs with your long range
Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. It's a long time since I saw midlane Zliean but who knows. The champ is really bad in a 1v1 situation. He's most likely always going to need his jungler to kill you. After level 6, you can force his ulti with your combo, which is huge because 1) you have a lower cooldown, 2) his ulti is way more useful in a teamfight than yours.
Flash - TP - Scaling HP I think pantheon is a melee/burst version of Twisted Fate. I don't see him quite often in midlane, but as any melee champ, you can get easy prio on him and easy poking aswell. Be careful not to come too close of his W range. A good thing to know against panth about his E shield, is that you can actually bypass his invulnerability if your damages comes from behind him.
Very easy for you to hit your Q with her stunlock.
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Very easy for you to hit your Q with her stunlock.
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