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Kayle Build Guide by Velkyann

Support [14.17] Drown in Holy Fire! - Kayle Support Guide.

Support [14.17] Drown in Holy Fire! - Kayle Support Guide.

Updated on August 31, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Velkyann Build Guide By Velkyann 16 3 68,239 Views 2 Comments
16 3 68,239 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Velkyann Kayle Build Guide By Velkyann Updated on August 31, 2024
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Runes: Guardian

1 2 3 4
Font of Life
Second Wind

Manaflow Band

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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[14.17] Drown in Holy Fire! - Kayle Support Guide.

By Velkyann

+ Very Powerful Ultimate
+ Very High Movement Speed
+ Scales Really Hard
+ Versatile Builds and Playstyles
+ A lot of Utility in the Kit
+ Strong Peeling Mid/Late Game

Kayle Support can be played in a lot of ways with different runes, spells, or items. Her utility can be very strong in the right hands and can save entire games. For example, you can Heal your team with Celestial Blessing and save allies from dying with Divine Judgment in every fight. Her Radiant Blast helps a lot with the Slow and Armor and Magic Resistance shred. Your Starfire Spellblade can deal damage based on Missing Health, which can kill enemies who are low and that your team can't finish off. You can still survive the laning phase with the right runes or items, for example, Fleet Footwork, and win games just by being with your team.

- Weak Early Game
- High Mana Costs Early
- High Cooldowns Early
- A Lot of Bad Matchups

Laning as Kayle Support is always hard and can be very stressful when playing against strong engage supports like Leona or a support with a lot of poke like Senna. Kayle has a very weak early game because of the really high Cooldowns and Mana costs but can still win the majority of matchups at level 1 or 2. Just be careful of who you are against, and if you or your ADC take too much damage, it may be very difficult to Heal them with just Celestial Blessing. Against a lot of damage or with a bad ADC, your Divine Judgment has a very long base Cooldown without Ability Haste, so be careful. Kayle Support requires a lot of games to learn her limits and what to build, so I don't recommend giving up after just a few games.
Divine Ascent Divine Ascent is not very strong for Kayle Support, but it can still help, especially early. Your passive stacks Attack Speed up to 5, and at max, it gives Movement Speed. At level 6, you gain ranged attacks; at level 11, your auto-attacks while the passive is stacked release a fire wave that deals spell damage, which can proc items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter. At level 16, you gain more range and max stacks.
Radiant Blast Radiant Blast is a very strong Slow that reduces Armor and Magic Resistance and provides good poke. It also extends its range after hitting something. The Radiant Blast hitbox is very strange and can sometimes hit when it shouldn't because of the extended range after hitting something. You can move while casting Radiant Blast and use abilities right after casting it.
Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing is the main part of Kayle Support for the entire game. It Heals you and an ally while providing a lot of Movement Speed. Celestial Blessing is strong even in the early game because of the Movement Speed it gives alongside the Heal. Celestial Blessing targets the ally with the lowest Health if you don't aim it, so it can focus on untargetable allies like Gwen in her Hallowed Mist.
Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade is the main source of damage for Kayle. It gives passive auto-attack damage, and the active makes your next attack deal extra damage based on Missing Health and makes it ranged. Before level 6 and after level 11, it deals AoE damage. Because Starfire Spellblade makes Kayle ranged, it gives you less money with the Support Item, but it doesn't change much.
Divine Judgment Divine Judgment is the strongest part of Kayle Support. Divine Judgment makes you or an ally Invulnerable for 2.5 seconds and then deals damage in an area. Always try to find the strongest or most carry-potential person on your team and try to help them win every fight with your ult, especially if they are a frontliner like Aatrox.

This is the sequence you will want to take with Kayle Support in most games, but you can level Starfire Spellblade second to deal more damage. I only recommend this if your team needs another damage dealer or if you prefer a damage-focused playstyle. You can also level Radiant Blast first; it may be good when you are against a lot of melee champions, but I have not tested it.

Your leveling in the early game can change a lot based on the situation or matchups. In some matchups where you can't fight at level 1 or 2, like against Ashe, it may be better to take Celestial Blessing at level 1 to Heal poke or save your team. You can also take Radiant Blast against hard melee matchups like Pyke for the Slow and poke.
FLASH: You will always want to take Flash because it is the best spell to help you survive in the game or Flash to get a kill. You can Divine Judgment first and then Flash to instantly help an ally. Keep in mind that you can't do the same for Celestial Blessing.
GHOST: You can take Ghost only if you really know how to use it. You can trade your Flash for Ghost and almost guarantee a kill early. However, Ghost will not be very good in the late game for Kayle Support because you will probably have a lot of Movement Speed already.
HEAL: This spell is one of, if not the best, for Kayle Support because it Heals you and an ally and also gives Movement Speed to both. Heal is super useful for extending items like Ardent Censer. Heal scales with Heal and Shield Power, which is very strong for items like Redemption.
EXHAUST: You can take this spell if you want to have more utility or if you are against heavy damage/assassins. Exhaust can help you and your ADC survive a burst of damage and get to enemies with the Slow.
IGNITE: This can be good for the extra damage and anti-heal against some matchups. Ignite does not have much synergy with Kayle Support compared to other spells like Heal, but it can still be useful if you want to use it.


Fleet Footwork is very strong early for sustain and for getting to enemies without using spells. Fleet Footwork remains strong in mid and late game because you can Heal from monsters and gain Healing from poke. I highly recommend this rune, especially against tough matchups. After the recent changes to Press the Attack and the removal of Lethal Tempo, this rune is the only good option for Kayle Support. You can use Press the Attack, but it only counts for personal damage now, so it doesn’t help much.
Presence of Mind is very strong for sustaining Mana in lane, especially in matchups where you can be aggressive because you can proc it with your Starfire Spellblade. Presence of Mind is particularly useful if you secure kills or assists early, allowing you to stay in lane for more time.

Legend: Alacrity is not very good for support but can be great for more consistent Attack Speed, which is surprisingly effective for clearing wards throughout the game. Legend: Alacrity has some synergy with Kayle Support because it can make it easier to stack her Divine Ascent which is very important for a damage oriented playstyle.

Legend: Haste is pretty straightforward and can help a lot. It’s a bit difficult to stack, but you will always have it completed by the end of a game. Legend: Haste gives 15 Basic Ability Haste, which is standard Ability Haste but doesn't work on your Divine Judgment. The upside is that it provides a significant amount of haste, even if it doesn’t affect Divine Judgment.

Coup de Grace is effective for finishing off enemies, especially with Starfire Spellblade. Take Coup de Grace if you don’t want to fight early or only want guaranteed damage.

Last Stand is basically the opposite of Coup de Grace; it only works when you are low on health, making it very effective in early fights. Take Last Stand if you prefer to fight early for an advantage.


Summon Aery is a strong choice in the Sorcery tree and is especially good for the enchanter playstyle. Summon Aery can be very effective for poke and providing extra Shield with Celestial Blessing or even Shurelya's Battlesong, but you are really weak early and can’t fight until level 6. I only recommend using Summon Aery if you want to utilize Sorcery or are going for the enchanter playstyle. I also recommend buying Shurelya's Battlesong and Echoes of Helia if you use this rune because Shurelya's Battlesong procs Summon Aery, and Echoes of Helia procs on Shields.
Manaflow Band is very good for Kayle Support because her Starfire Spellblade can proc it. Manaflow Band is also excellent for the extra Mana and Mana Regen early in the game, helping you a lot before you finish your second item.
Transcendence provides more consistent Cooldowns even at lower levels, making your level 11 power spike much better by reducing basic ability Cooldowns with assists.

Celerity is really strong, especially with items like Shurelya's Battlesong and your Celestial Blessing. Celerity can be very powerful if you prioritize Movement Speed and dodging abilities. The best part is always being faster than the enemy support, which can change the game by allowing you to reach objectives before them.

Gathering Storm is not very interactive, it's just AP every 10 minutes but it is still one of the best runes. Gathering Storm is especially strong with Kayle Support because of the difficulty in gaining levels, making it very valuable to get free stats over time instead of levels.


Guardian provides a Shield when an ally near you takes significant damage. The default range is quite short, but you can increase it by Healing your ally, which extends the range to unlimited for 2.5 seconds. The powerful aspect of this rune is that it can proc Echoes of Helia even when your Celestial Blessing is on Cooldown. However, one major drawback is its long Cooldown, especially in the early game, and its reliance on using Celestial Blessing to extend the range.
Demolish is really strong and can define an entire playstyle around it. Demolish procs within a 600 range, and Kayle gets 525 range at level 6, which stays the same until level 16. This allows you to proc Demolish comfortably throughout the entire game.

Font of Life provides a very weak Heal to you and the lowest Health ally when you Slow or Immobilize an enemy with a 20-second Cooldown. The interaction between Font of Life and Echoes of Helia is back and is really strong with the recent changes to Echoes of Helia. It only starts working at level 9 for ranged champions and level 5 for melee, which doesn't mean much, but it's something to keep in mind.

Second Wind is incredibly strong because of the massive Healing it provides, which can be crucial for surviving through lanes, especially against poke. Second Wind gives you Healing based on your Missing Health when you get hit.

Bone Plating is really strong against burst or melee matchups because it allows you to resist a significant amount of damage. However, Bone Plating is not very consistent due to its Cooldown, but you can work around it.

Revitalize is really strong for any support, especially enchanters. Revitalize amplifies your Heals and Shields, which applies to things like Heal and Summon Aery. This makes it a must-have for the enchanter playstyle and really good for any situation.


Zombie Ward is very strong for various reasons, such as the fact that the ward it summons cannot be destroyed by Oracle Lens when placed in a bush; enemies will need to enter the bush to remove it. The main drawback of Zombie Ward is the time it takes to fully stack when enemies don’t ward frequently. However, Zombie Ward provides significant information to your team and is useful whether you’re ahead or behind, as it depends on enemy wards. It also greatly increases your vision score, often doubling it.
Treasure Hunter is the weakest of these three options and is generally only worth taking when you’re building damage or really prioritizing your first item above all else.

Relentless Hunter is strong and often underrated. It can be the key to winning due to the permanent out-of-combat Movement Speed, making you faster than the enemy support when roaming or going for objectives.

Ultimate Hunter is probably the most consistent of these three, as it reduces the cooldown of your Divine Judgment, helping you win many fights, especially early on when the Cooldown is significantly longer. However, its effectiveness diminishes as you acquire more Ability Haste or level up your Divine Judgment.


Triple Tonic may not be the strongest option, but it is a comfortable choice for some players, making it viable in the right hands. Triple Tonic provides you with three tonics at levels 3, 6, and 9: Elixir of Avarice, which grants 40 gold; Elixir of Force, which can assist in early skirmishes; and most notably, Elixir of Skill, which offers an extra skill point. Note that this extra skill point doesn’t allow you to unlock Divine Judgment early; it simply provides an additional skill upgrade.

Biscuit Delivery is excellent for Mana Sustain in the early game and offers a small Heal when you’re low. Biscuit Delivery provides a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will every 2 minutes until 6 minutes. These biscuits offer Mana Regen and Healing based on your missing Mana and Health, and they also permanently increase your maximum Mana by 40 for each one consumed.

Cosmic Insight is a generally good choice and not particularly interactive. It’s a solid option for any Support, providing valuable generic stats. Cosmic Insight helps with item Cooldowns, though not by much. The rune shines in offering significant Summoner Spell Haste, which is especially useful.

Jack of all Trades is powerful if you can reach its full potential. It’s most effective when you’re planning to build various stats, as you can activate it with items like World Atlas, Boots, Ardent Censer, and Vigilant Wardstone. Jack of all Trades grants Ability Haste for each different stat, with a total of 10 Adaptive Force at 5 stacks and an additional 15 Adaptive Force at 10 stacks, for a total of 25.

Standard for Early Damage

Standard ( Adaptive Force or Movement Speed)

Since Season 14, the support item system has undergone a significant overhaul. Now, every support champion begins the game with World Atlas. This item provides general stats beneficial for the laning phase, generates Gold every 10 seconds, and accrues charges that stack up to three times every 20 seconds. Each charge grants a fixed amount of Gold when you execute low-health minions or strike enemy champions. It’s important to note that the support item only functions when an ally is nearby. The Gold earned from executing minions is also shared fully with the nearest ally, and the amount of Gold you receive differs between executing minions and hitting enemy champions. The earliest you can obtain the first charge is at 1:50, as the item only begins charging at 1:30.

Upon earning 400 Gold with the support item, through both its passive gold generation and charges, it upgrades to Runic Compass. This upgraded item continues to perform the same functions as the basic support item but generates additional Gold and grants ward charges that stack up to three times. When you first upgrade it while in lane, you’ll receive one ward charge, and every time you return to base, your ward charges are fully replenished.

Finally, once you accumulate 800 Gold with the support item, it upgrades to Bounty of Worlds. This item allows you to choose between one to five different items, each offering a unique passive. Kayle Support can effectively utilize any of these options depending on the situation, all of which are detailed below.
World Atlas
This is the basic support item, it generates 3 Gold per 10 seconds, the amount of Gold it generates from executing minions is 15 and 22/20 for hitting enemy champions depending on the range of your champion.
Runic Compass
This is the first upgrade of the support item, generating 5 Gold per 10 seconds. It provides 20 Gold when executing minions and 24/22 Gold when hitting an enemy champion, depending on your champion's range. For Kayle Support, this should be ranged by this point. The major upgrade from the base item is the addition of ward charges, which can stack up to 3 times.
Bounty of Worlds
This is the final upgrade of the support item. It continues to generate the same amount of Gold passively as the Runic Compass, but it loses the charges for executing minions and hitting enemies. In exchange, it gains one additional ward charge and the ability to choose between one of five additional upgrades, which are all listed below.
Bloodsong is almost always the best option for Kayle Support, primarily because you can frequently auto-attack enemy champions while normally playing. Bloodsong deals 100% of your base AD and makes the enemy champion vulnerable. A vulnerable enemy takes 10% increased damage from all sources if you are a melee champion, or 5% increased damage if you are ranged. Keep in mind that you can only use one spellblade item at a time.
Dream Maker
Dream Maker is an excellent choice, especially for the enchanter playstyle. Every 8 seconds, you gain a blue and a purple bubble. When you Heal or Shield an ally, the bubbles are consumed, empowering them by reducing the next damage they take by 75−255 based on your level and granting them 50−170 on-hit damage on their next auto attack, also based on your level. This item is simple yet powerful, particularly in the early game.
Solstice Sleigh
Solstice Sleigh is not particularly strong at the moment, but if you need an item to help you escape from a fight, this is the best option. Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you and the nearest most wounded ally 20% bonus Movement Speed, decaying over 2.5 seconds, and 50−230 bonus Health based on your level for 2.5 seconds. This bonus can exceed the maximum Health. However, the item is inconsistent due to its 30 second cooldown.
Celestial Opposition
Celestial Opposition is the go-to item for surviving burst damage. While under the effect of Celestial Opposition Shield, you reduce incoming champion damage by 35%/25% depending on your range, with this effect lingering for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. Once the lingering effect ends, you lose the Shield and unleash a shockwave that Slows nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds. This item has an 18 second cooldown if you haven't taken damage. It's worth noting that the Knight's Vow passive does not trigger this item, so you can combine both for maximum survivability.
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike may not be particularly strong, even if you invest heavily in damage, but its potential scales well with the enemy’s max Health. When you deal ability damage to an enemy champion, it triggers an explosion at their location after a 0.5-second delay, dealing 10 (+ 20% AP) (+ 3% of each target's maximum Health) as magic damage to enemies within the area. Notably, you can trigger this item’s effect with the fire waves from your Divine Ascent at level 11. This item has a 10 second cooldown.
Boots of Swiftness
Boots of Swiftness are an excellent choice because Movement Speed is arguably one of the best stats in the game. The increased speed helps you dodge abilities and escape from enemies effectively. Boots of Swiftness provide the highest Movement Speed among all boots and offer 25% Slow Resist, making them particularly strong against matchups with heavy slows, such as Ashe.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are generally the best choice for Kayle Support. They provide 15 Ability Haste, which equates to approximately 13% Cooldown Reduction when it's the first 15 Ability Haste you acquire. For example, on your Celestial Blessing with a 15 second cooldown, these boots reduce it by 1.95 seconds, making them very effective in the early game. Additionally, they offer 10 Summoner Spell Haste, a rare and valuable stat that reduces the cooldown of your summoner spells. This can, for instance, reduce the cooldown of Flash by nearly 30 seconds.
Symbiotic Soles
Symbiotic Soles is more of a preference pick than a top-tier choice, but it still has its advantages. The primary purpose of Symbiotic Soles is to help you reach objectives and place wards faster than any other boots. After moving a total of 150,000 units of distance, this item upgrades to Synchronized Souls. Once upgraded, it grants 45 bonus Movement Speed while out of combat. However, it takes a considerable amount of time to achieve this upgrade, and Symbiotic Soles is generally only valuable post-upgrade, as its only pre-upgrade benefit is a quicker recall.
Warding for Blue and Red side. (Wards for Blue side are Green).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Velkyann
Velkyann Kayle Guide
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[14.17] Drown in Holy Fire! - Kayle Support Guide.

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