This is a very difficult matchup for Darius. In Low Elo I would take Conqueror with Sorcery, this with nimbus cloak and celerity will help you to run her down once the wave shoves post level 3. If this doesn’t work, you need to try and burn her flash with your jungler and then take trades once she has either used Q to retreat or if she has used her E. Rush Plated Steel caps and try to get Stride-breaker as soon as possible as this is the only way to stay on her. If she uses R disengage immediately. In High Elo (master+) take Second Wind and try to survive for ganks. You can trade and disengage if the Vayne somehow gets into the E range. Only all in her when she is below 50% Hp otherwise she wins. I would Ban this champion 9/10 as she is the only true threat to Darius that has no counterplay.
When playing against Kennen make sure that you rush Mercs as soon as possible! Try and force trades after he uses E while also positioning behind minions to prevent his Q from hitting you. This makes it harder for him to free trade you with Q, W. If you can get a Kill early, you can snowball against him hard with an early Hearthbound. You can always run him down after he uses E with Ghost. You beat him hard late game as you can itemize very well into him, for example Force of Nature and Maw.
This is a hard lane for Darius as Cassiopeia can poke from range and stay out of combat with Phase Rush. Make sure you dodge her Q as then she will have to waste her W to stop you from trading. Make sure that you start Doran’s Shield and rush Mercs treads! When looking to trade make sure you have some Jungle prio, if not wait for her to push the wave and after she uses a Q you can look to engage.
More annoying than effective! Make sure that you take Doran’s Shield and that you can get Q's off against him tower at level 2! Once you get Merc Treads you can safely Q his towers while trying to dodge his stun. If you can take out 2 towers without his response, make sure you try to run him down and finish him off. If you fall behind look to roam and play the rest of the Map more effectively as he can’t match your roam timers once he has placed towers and is lacking mana.
Laning against Jayce early is difficult! He can disengage from your lockdown with his Hammer Form E as well as his kite ability in his gun form. In Low Elo take phase rush and try to stay healthy until level 3! At level 3 take a full E, W, and Q trade and back out with phase rush. You should end up healthier than Jayce! Try and bait the next trade with your jungle and run him down with Ghost after he uses Hammer form E. Rush Plated Steel Caps and take Dead man's third if you start to fall behind. In High Elo take Resolve secondary with Second wind and Unflinching. Look to Trade once he changes form and goes to auto-attack minions. Try to land a True E, Q combo and disengage. Keep doing this as he will eventually run out of mana quicker than you will depend on wave positioning. When he is below 50% HP you can look to all in him once you can bait out his Hammer E.
If you can land your E, it's fairly easy to reposition yourself behind her and run her down. If she plays very safe, try and freeze the lane and wait for your jungle!
Teemo is annoying, but as long as you don't die to him early he shouldn't be a problem! Try not to waste your W when you are blinded and wait out the duration before attacking! A Teemo's team fighting is dreadful, so make sure you have ghost and flash up and use him as a stacking tool when he falls out of position. If you find this matchup hard you can go phase rush and let the first 3 waves push, while staying healthy and running him down level 3 with ease. The only problem will be that you won't scale into the late game as hard compared to conqueror.
This is a skill matchup that favours Darius in Low Elo but becomes harder in High Elo. Try to bait out his first Q at level 1 and then hit yours! Try to rush him at level 2 and force a big wave under his tower at level 3. You should be able to back on an extra D-blade and completely out-trade him once the wave pushes back in your favour. If you get ahead, make sure you buy an executioner or Bramble vest as this significantly reduces his healing. If you are ahead Aatrox shouldn't pose any threat to you. If you are behind, try and wait for your jungler to punish any mistakes or keep waves closer to the tower and try and counter trade if he gets greedy.
She is very annoying to lane against as she can go in and out of Darius's abilities. Rush mercs in this lane and try not to get hit by her empowered autos after she Q's. Only go in against her after she has used her shroud, and start trades with your Q.
Camille can be a problem early if you fail to respect her shield and her W. Make sure you are poking her with Q in the early laning phase, while also being wary of lane position. You can pull her out of the E2 so try and take extended trades once you have achieved this! Don't be fearful of taking early trade damage as you will mostly always win extended trades against her. Please be careful late game as she does outscale you! You need to press your lead during the midgame.
In all honesty, as long as you're not facing a challenger Fiora you really can't lose as Darius, contrary to popular belief. Start Dorans shield and play inside your minions, when she goes to a Q trade with yours. Make sure that when she starts the engage you must wait for her W to then hit yours! You need to be really sneaky and mask when you use your E, for example, if she QAAW avoid the W then Q instantly E and run her down. Rush Bramble every time! Remember, you win at 5 stacks before 40mins! I see so many Darius players fearing Fiora but she has to play the lane a lot more cautiously and cleanly to create a lead for herself. One big issue I see is that players fear her scaling! In the current meta and state of the game, it is very hard for the game to go 40+ minutes so have confidence!
This lane is very annoying for Darius! He will constantly poke you down with Q and Grasp. Make sure you rush Plated Steel Caps and take trades when he has used his barrels. If you are smart enough, you can AA W to destroy the barrels quickly. Try to fight him at level 3 with E and force early trades.
In Low Elo go Phaserush and try to run him down at level 3 once the wave is near your tower! You can beat him at all stages of the game if you have higher HP than him and he has no E! Rush Plated and phage and look to bait his E! if you are losing early you can comeback into the game significantly at level 11 and once more at level 16. Try not to let him proc his passive too much as the movement speed will be too much to handle. In High Elo take Second wind and try to poke him with Q's if you can. try and stay even on CS and take decent trades when he turns Mega. You destroy him at level 6 and 11 so use these levels as big spike advantages.
This is very favourable to Darius before level 6 so you need to abuse this. Force jungle pressure and control the waves so that you can freeze and stop her scaling harder. when she is 6 make sure you instantly disengage if she hits you with an E, and even if she doesn't try to not fight her inside tentacles. I would recommend going executioners early into a Tri - Deaths Dance and forcing any mistakes she makes with your jungler.
This lane depends on how well, Jax does in the early trading! If you can land 2 clean Q's without getting hit by his E at level 1 you can snowball the lane very hard! Make sure you take your E level 2 to disengage if he tries to leap on you! rush Sheen and try to get Trinity quickly to push your lead. Once he gets BORK the lane becomes difficult, you will need to purchase bramble and start to wait on Deaths Dance. Try to pressure him with the jungler and make sure he doesn't just get to free farm.
Don't push the wave, try to force mistakes out of her at level 3. If you get a lead try to snowball by tower diving her and pressuring top hard. Be wary though if the game goes past 35mins she will beat you!
This is a purely skill-based matchup! If you can fight him within your wave you should win sustained trades. Make sure that you can avoid his Q as the heal reduction limits your sustain. You beat him until he hits level 11. Try not to trade with him if he has his W up as this increases his burst significantly. Once he dismounts try to get close and time your E with his Q. Kill him as fast as possible once he has dismounted.
This can be difficult if you allow him to get free trades off early. You have much better range, which means you can poke him down with E, Q, W at level 3, just don't make sure you are pushed as his Q and gap close will become a problem for you. I would recommend rushing phage and poking with Q, using the movement speed to avoid his Axe’s, while also ensuring the wave doesn’t permanently push. Once you Hit level 6 with Sheen and Plated you can look to fight him if you can bait out his W.
Pantheon is heavily favoured early game, but he falls off hard. If you manage to dodge his empowered Q you can engage him. Try not to use your ult until he has used his E, bait this out with Q’s and you E to get him in close. I would recommend waiting until level 6 to hard engage or waiting for a clear ganking opportunity.
Level 1 and 2 favour Darius, but at level 3 he can dodge your Q while also stunning you and escaping at the same time… try to poke with Q and bait out his E by stepping back inside the wave. If you manage to get a freeze off in lane it is very favourable for you as he must push up and burn his cooldowns to do anything. You do outscale Renekton but it is harder due to the Blade buffs. Try and fight him when you have at least Tri-DD alongside bramble and Plated Steel Caps.
She is still ok, her changes make her lane sustain more annoying but she needed it, to be honest, just don't go for crazy trades and waste mana early. Look to build early Plated Steel Caps. Building HP vs Riven is very effective as this slows down her powerspike especially at level 6.
It can be difficult if you take a bad early trade. They usually take E first so try and farm within your wave. Look to poke with Q and once the wave is shoving you can run him down at level 3 once he uses W. He must use a lot of mana early to shove u in so try and capitalize on this and track his mana costs. Rush Mercs into this matchup. If the game goes too late he will just burst and poke you down with ease.
It can be difficult if you take a bad early trade. They usually take E first so try and farm within your wave. Look to poke with Q and once the wave is shoving you can run him down at level 3 once he uses W.
This is free for Darius if you can zone him from the wave as soon as possible. Make sure you land all the Q's you can so he has to heal with his Rage. You can abuse your range with W and E allowing him to be kited and poked inside both waves. Try not to fall behind in CS and make sure you rush Plated Steel Caps and Stridebreaker. If you fall behind purchase an early Wardens mail to stop you getting dove.
This is not too bad for Darius as you will almost certainly have a base movement speed advantage. Rush Mercs and try and get on him as much as possible. you can land your E whenever he goes to auto the wave, just make sure he uses Phase rush and his W before hard engaging on him.
You can abuse Cho if he uses his Q too frequently within the wave. Once you have a freeze it is really easy to run him down with a Flash E, W, AA Q to then finish him off near his tower. This has a high success rate when Cho is at about 60% HP.
Dr. Mundo
Rush mercs. Make sure you avoid his Q with minions as this will automatically push the wave in your favour. try to burn his passive with your E if your jungler is close and keep the wave close to your tower.
Garen is so free for Darius its kinda unreal. You can free poke him with Q and kite out his Q with your E. Make sure if he goes in hard you can still land a Q, W AA before his Q lands. The only way you lose is if you engage him at half hp and he has his ult up. Just keep poking him in lane and set up a nice engage once you are level 6 and have higher HP than he does.
Early Bramble is your best friend here! Don't fight her when she has her passive stacked!!! make sure you are only fighting her inside her wave as she cannot stack her passive as easily. If you can dodge her E and then you can set up the rest of you engage with an easy Q into AA, W, AA E, AA, and R. It is easy for her to beat you once she gets blade now so wait until you have completed Trinity in order to re-engage her.
You win this matchup early, but you have to be able to get a sustainable lead otherwise he can come into the game post level 6. Make sure you get your passive as soon as you can and try to avoid his E, as this can ruin your Q hitbox. If you can cast your Ult early to avoid the shield and kite back the trade until your Q is off cooldown.
Ornn Feels a lot harder to play against than he used to due to the durability patch. Rush Mercs and look to keep the wave closer to your tower. If he is within the Q hitbox go for it and see If he trades back with his W. After this look to E his E on the timer as this will keep you in the fight longer and force him to either flash or die. You need to get a lead early or he will outscale you, stay focused on the wave and manage your back timers well to keep a decent wave position. Look for Jungler pressure if he is always overextended and doesn’t take too many bad trades.
You can win this matchup hard if you can dodge his E or if he uses his W prematurely. Try to stick to one side of him when trading with him as this will ensure his passive won’t shred you. Capitalize on the mistakes he makes as this will make as it is easy to do in this matchup. Watch out for your HP once he gets to level 6.
Wukong is difficult for Darius as he has 2 ways to gap close inside your Q, his sustain can match Darius's while also having the chance to cast his Ult twice which can slow down stacking. Try and Rush Plated Steel Caps early while also looking to use Q just outside of his model but close enough for him to E you. This forces him to engage with a stack already on him in which early game you win. Once you hit 5 stacks disengage! At 2 items you can fight him, but make sure he either has no sums or you can flank him and get 2 or 3 stacks off without any reply. This might be from a true E,Q,W combo, as then you can get 5 stacks and ult quickly after this.
In Low Elo you can poke him and dominate every aspect of the lane here! just freeze and watch as his cs falls below 75% of yours. just make sure to ping missing as he can just press R on your mid laner and they will flame you for it. In High Elo try and force a freeze by Cheater recalling the wave level 3, this is the only way to get him up lane and therefore put him in a position for you to chase and kill.
Poke with auto's and run him down at level 3.if he dodges your Q with his E, press ghost and end him. if you get far enough ahead you can easily 2v1 the jungler as Moakai becomes a stacking tool.
In Low Elo this is one of the easiest Darius lanes. you bully him so hard that all you need to be careful of is constantly getting ganked. If you are a level up, on him and have over 50% more hp don't be afraid to attempt the 2v1! In High elo against experienced Nasus players this matchup becomes a nightmare. He will usually take phase rush and Max W. This therefore can dictate the waves and also poke you out while making it impossible to reach him. In this scenario try and cheater recall the wave level 3 and get your jungler topside to burn his summoners. After this rush Mercs and look for flank positions or any position to trade from. Make sure you take Second Wind in this matchup, and rush Stride as soon as possible after mercs.
Yasuo can only stand in lane against Darius at level 1 and 2. After this once he has shoved brainlessly, run him down with ghost and try to E his E to land an easy Q. Once he hits level 6, try to trade close and time his knock-up with your E so that he can't ult. Yasou does outscale you but the game should be over by then.
Sion eats your Q! make sure you are avoiding his Q and landing clean E's in lane. try and poke him down and force him out of lane early to start building a sustainable lead.
Auto-space him with your W like you would a Tryndamere. Make sure you play around his W, it's longer than everything you have apart from your E! If you can poke with Q and try to avoid fighting in minions. You beat him hard late game once u get some armor!! Try to all in him when he uses W and kill him before it comes back online!!
This is Darius favored, don't underestimate Shen's early burst. You can start to beat him hard at level 6, try to pressure waves so he doesn't ult, look to run him down once he has used his taunt.
As long as you try not to get a leash early you can handle his first wave pressure and absorb the minion aggro with your Q on him. Make sure you hard engage him as much as possible once you hit level 3 and also try to freeze when your jungler is topside! Easy lane once you get ahead but can be a nightmare if you somehow fall behind.
try not to get cheesed level 1 or 2 by his W damage. Make sure you engage him once his E has fully finished and his sheild depleted. You can easily run him down level 3 if he tries to engage on you and misses his E. If you are struggling rush Plated Steel Caps and play around your jungler. Normally you would rush trinity into DD and snowball against him at all levels. The only scare might be if he is able to cheese you and somehow freeze early, in this case look to roam and look to fight the enemy jungler as this will undo the wave.
Try and play around her W, and look to Q whenever she goes up to CS. Early mercs is essential and keeping good wave position is very important as she is very immobile on the retreat.
Akshan is annoying as he can disengage you easily with his E. rush plated Steel Caps and try and wait for a jungle gank or level 6 to kill him. Once you have Stride with summoners up he can't do anything.
Tahm Kench
Play passively early and don't shove the lane as he will look to eat you and throw you under tower. You hard win post laning phase as you can use him as a stacking tool in team fights. Having a decent wave position all laning phase is very important in this matchup!
Lillia can be a big issue for Darius if you look to trade with her off cooldowns. try and only fight her when you have E and you have managed to poke her with a Q. Cancel her W with your E and you can win the majority of trades. Don't walk up to her when your E is on cooldown as she will free poke you.
Hard Matchup! Make sure you don't push the lane and look to fight him before level 3. You can out damage him if you can dodge his E and he uses Cage pre-emptively.
His Ult ruins your resets.
Nice pressure on the side-lanes during the midgame.
Her Ult can ruin your lockdown potential.
Renata Glasc
His Ult ruins your resets.
Nice pressure on the side-lanes during the midgame.
Hi, My name is Just1kb. I've been a league player since the end of Season 2 and started Grinding Ranked during Season 8 while studying for my degree. I have just finshed Season 14 Split 2 peaking at 718LP! I stream Daily on So feel free to drop by and say HI.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this guide, if you learn anything new please give it a thumbs up! I update this guide daily with added patch thoughts and matchups, please make sure to scroll to the bottom to see the most recent additions. Many thanks.
I started playing league back in season 2, I had never played ranked and I only started to really climb when I could put more hours into the game! I have huge amounts of Darius experience in every ELO starting in Silver when I picked up Darius in S5. This guide provides the basics of playing Darius in EUW and how u can play him effectively and climb easily.
End of S14 Split 2 Achivements!
Ended the Season at a Peak of 718LP - 1399 in the EUW ladder.
Ranked in the top 5 Darius 'OTP' in the World by LP.
Ranked in the Top 15 Darius players in the world by LP.
58% Winrate in Split 2. Only played 199 games.
Season 14 Split 3
Welcome to Season 14 Split 3! Darius will be in an OK spot goint into split 3, every item has been nerfed and Darius will feel alot more tankier in this new Split. Currently the previous build is still the best to go even though Stride and Steracks got nerfed. Trinity has been gutted and would only be purchased if you have always used it and can't use Stridebreaker. matchups are very the same as always. I will be providing more Youtube videos and streams throughout the new split so please stay tuned!
Basic Combos, Tricks and Tips.
+ Incredible amounts of damage. + Very difficult to kill due to his ability to heal back. + an win entire teamfights by himself. + Can punish mistakes very easily. + Able to turn a jungle gank into a double kill. + Free armour penetration. + He can go down but he is never out.
A feeding Darius can easily get back
into the game with a few kills in a team fight. + Good Survivability. + Helpful in team fights. + Ranged Skills. + Can deal TONS of damage. + Very low mana cost on ALL of his abilities. + Decimate deals massive damage if the enemy is hit properly. + Noxian Guillotine refreshed after a successful kill with it. + HE IS MADE FOR A PENTAKILL!!
- very easy to kite. -Missing your E means death. -In higher elo's landing your Q is difficult as its easy to spot. -Falls off Post 40-50mins -if u are behind early its a struggle.
Hemorrhage is the most important part of the Darius kit. The bonus AD you can get by reaching 5 stacks in teamfights or in lane can swing the gamestate in your favour at the right time. Everything you do in lane must be situated around this passive, as knowing when to trade passively with lower stacks and when to reach 5 stacks can influence how much of an early bully you are in lane! The bonus AD reaching 5 stacks gives you amplifies every other ability as they scale on this amplified damage. The key within teamfights is making sure you spend the maximum amount of time up with Noxian Might This way you can guarantee the maximum amount of damage.
Decimate(Q) is essential to master in order to effectively hit your enemies at the edge of the blade, It gives Darius massive amounts of 1v1,1v2 and 1v3 pressure as the healing you can get scales on how many targets you can hit with the edge of the blade (up to 3). It has a relatively low mana cost but you can run out easily if you try and spam it, make sure you use it effectively and only last hit with it when you are behind or in an unfavorable, or ranged matchup.
Crippling Strike (W) This is used as an auto reset to get Noxian Might quicker during a combo. It can also be used in conjunction with flash to get you quick and unexpected kills. It scales of Noxian Might and can be used on towers to split push effectively. It has a low cooldown and can be reset in half and the mana refunded when it is used as the killing blow. This is an essential tool when learning to last hit under your tower and its 90% slow is useful when keeping targets in range of your other abilities in order to get easy kills.
Apprehend (E) This ability is essential to doing well with Darius, landing this can grant you easy kills or assists. Using this well will make you effective even against ranged poke. The armor pen is really nice into tanks, and can help you transfer into the mid game. the best combo you should use with it is an (E) auto (W) as the (E) has a slow built into it. You can also (E) AA and w if you are fast enough as this will guarantee 5 stacks. Your (E) is essential in engaging in team fights as you can hook multiple people and engaging match winning team fights!!!! Noxian Guillotine (R) The SLAM DUNK!! This ultimate is insane and can be essential in winning fights. This move is the ultimate finishing move!! Combined with your 5 stacks of Hemorrhage, you become an absolute monster in teamfights. At rank 3, if Noxian Guillotine kills its target, its cooldown resets completely!! You can combo this ability in a 2v1 in order to completely change the outcome of a lane once you hit level 6. You need to be careful as this ability counts as a dash, so any other moves for example Miasma cancel it.
Playing around your Passive.
When using Darius, it is essential that you understand how to play around his passive. When Darius damages an enemy, they take 1 stack of Hemorrhage or bleed, once you reach 5 stacks of hemorrhage, you gain Noxian Might for 5 seconds which applies bonus damage to your abilities scaling from 30-230 per level. In lane you need to keep count of how many stacks you have applied to your opponent and when the best chance to get 5 stacks and use noxian might, will be. In most case scenarios it is better to aim for 5 stacks at the start of every fight so that you can use the maximum damage combo possible. It is also wise to try and passive juggle. This is when you gain 5 stacks of Hemorrhage in a team fight and look to auto or attack other opponents which prolongs the duration of the stacks and therefore the duration of Noxian Might. Be wary though as this does not apply to minions and monsters, only champions. The main thing to get across is knowing when to try and go for 5 stacks and when to surprise your opponent with a Flash Decimate when they are on 4. Another thing to mention is that if an enemy is on 4 stacks and you manage to Decimate him with other opponents in your Decimate range you will get 5 stacks and also apply a full 5 stacks to any other enemies hit, this is another more advanced form of passive juggling. Refer to the video for a visual reference.
Basic Combos.
The easiest damage combo for Darius is Apprehend, AA, Crippling Strike, Decimate. This applies 3 stacks of Hemorrhage, its really good for poking in lane and showing early dominance. If the enemy has flash or No escape you change the combo to E, AA,AA,W,Q. This is because of the E slow which can allow you to path forwards and get another AA off on the enemy. This combo also ensures that your next auto will get you 5 stacks while you are in range. This combo is insane when you can use you R. so this makes in a half hp execution combo. E,AA,AA,W,Q,AA,R. this should kill most people at half hp or higher, during the early to mid-game. It is really important as a Darius player to practice how fast you can W,Q. You need to be able to animation cancel this ability so that it looks like one Decimate motion but with the Crippling Strike. Refer to the video for a more in depth look and a visual representation.
Make sure that you only use E Apprehend when it is absolutely necessary. The cool down is insane at its level 1 so you must learn to use it efficiently and effectively. It is not vital to use in a poke combo, walk up to your laner and try to path inside their movements. If the laner is smart they will always play around your E as they have 24 seconds to go in and out of trades. try to punish people when they have no cool downs or no escape, combo your E alongside your W in order to make people stick to you. When you are getting ganked wait until the last second to E, this way you can get the slow from it and escape effectively.
Early Game.
Darius is an insane lane bully in the early game. you need to quickly ***es how effective you can be at punishing your laner and adapt different styles in order to effectively gain a solid early lead. If you are against a Yasuo for example you can afford to push the early lanes and you have a clear advantage against him when going into level 3. If you are confident enough you can force hard aggressive trades while trying to 1v2 the enemy jungler if the Yasuo is low enough. The problem comes when you face someone like a Vayne or someone with ranged poke. I would suggest not pushing the first two waves, let them push into you and sustain, if the enemy pushes too far forward and you have higher HP than them go in with Ghost and run that *** down! If you are worried about jungle pressure try to force your jungler up and take a lane trade if possible while making sure you start whatever combo u decide to do with a Q, this enables you to get a really easy 1st stack in which you can long trade the two enemies with your jungler and then reuse your Q again once it comes off of cool down. If you decide that you want to push the first wave against someone ranged, try to hard push the 3rd wave, this way you can back on another Doran’s item while also making sure the 4th wave crashes just below your tower putting you in a freezing position and enabling you to run them down with ghost and small item advantage. Flanking in brushes early as Darius is really nice! whenever you can look to cheese and flank your opponent as you can usually hit a Q,AA,W really quickly from a brush and burn a flash. If you find yourself falling behind as Darius pick up boots as early as possible and try and get phage, farm under tower and look to roam mid with ghost whenever it is up! more than not the enemy toplaner will get annoyed at how safe you are playing and try to dive with the jungler! YOU CAN OUTPLAY THIS WITH YOUR E AND Q!!!!! make sure you use your E,Q at the last second under tower for a true combo and a very annoyed enemy top and jungle!
Mid Game.
Mid game can be tricky for a Darius player. Lots of small decisions need to be taken into account when going into mid-game as these things can dictate what you do and how you do it. Mid-game is where Darius spikes the hardest, you can hit level 11 and 16 and your Ult can completely decimate enemy teams! The hardest part about this stage of the game is deciding whether or not to commit to pushing top lane and destroying towers or rotating around the map to push your lead that you gained in the early game. A good rule of thumb for a Darius player is to look at the lead you have and if it can dictate objective control, this way you can understand how efficient it is to help your team push objectives or if it would be wiser to create pressure in top and force more enemy team members from objectives. If an important objective is up it is essential that you slow push top and rotate down, if you can save ghost and flash for these fights around objectives that is an added bonus, which can win games. In low Elo it is so important to take control of fights after 15 minutes, as 9/10 games are won and lost during this time! ESPECIALLY in plat and Below. It is really important to prioritize Herald effectively in the mid game, as you may or may not know herald deals 2000 true damage to the tower! towers gain more stats the more people are around them and the lower they are! SO!!! make sure you use herald to execute them not start on them! From 20mins onward you need to be constantly rotating around the side-lanes to create pressure while looking for flanks with your team around objectives! it is essential in this part of the game to save ghost for important fights as it can win or lose you team fights as Darius. One final tip for mid-game is ple***ssse try not to die!! this halts your ability to create pressure in the side-lanes and ultimately gives back map control and pressure to the enemy team, meaning they can control objectives which decides the game.
Late Game.
This is the saddest part of the game as a Darius player. If the game is not over by 40 minutes then it is a lot harder to win by yourself, by this time the enemy ADC and midlaner can shred through you! However you can still catch people out and look to hard engage on their ADC with a Flash E! Your main objective however in late game is to engage second and protect your backline! If you can kill someone in a sidelane then your team should be able to rotate and take objectives however your damage is staggered and you do get out-scaled by a lot of champions during this part of the game!
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