Don't trade with Aatrox when he has his passive active. It has a very long cooldown, so whenever he
uses, look to trade with him. Do your best to dodge his sweet spots or you will take a lot of damage. If you get hit by his W, you can E out of it to the side and back. Don't fight him in his ult, unless you already have grevious wounds. He will outheal your damage.
Don't ever Q3 into her if she has charm up. You will take her full combo to the face and die. Do your
best to dodge her Q poke early game, especially the return which is true damage. At level 6, it's harder to
kill her because she's so mobile. Bait out her charm and then look for short trades or an all-in if you can.
Never ult into her if she has her ult up, or she will just ult away and live.
Akali is annoying because of her Q spam, shroud, and dashes. Never Q3 into her when she has E up, or
she'll just dodge it; her E will chunk you and you'll be in kill range. Do your best to dodge her Q poke early
game. A huge chunk of HP is not worth that one cs. Use your E before you have Q3 so you can hit her more
easily. Early null-magic mantle is good especially if the lane is even.
Akshan is very oppressive early. You cannot fight him until you have zerks and vamp scepter. Play with
the goal to scale and hit your item spikes. Do your best to farm without taking too much poke or you will be
susceptible to ganks/dives. Don't stay in the wave because he will Q the wave, damaging you and pushing the
wave at the same time. The more targets his Q hits, the further it will go.
Anivia is annoying, but this matchup is even. You HAVE to dodge her Q or you will take her combo and
get chunked. Bait out her Q by E'ing and running to the side. You can also E forward when she walls you. Your
E will go behind the wall; use this to escape a gank or with your life. At level 6, most anivias will just
perma shove, so you can just play to scale and farm for your items.
Rush null-magic mantle in this matchup and she will never one-shot you with her combo. Use your W when
she Qs you to mitigate some damage during the trade. She will look to harass you with her long range AAs. Look
to all-in her as soon as she uses her stun passive. She will have no way to retalitate and will have to blow
Aurelion Sol
Insanely easy lane, He has to stand still to use his main damage tool so just always try to cancel his Q with your 3rd nado, just freeze against him and all in him and you can never lose any fights against him.
This matchup is Yone favored, provided you don't let him harass you for free. Take D Shield and Second Wind and lane is a lot easier. You can cancel his Ult's CC with your Q3 or your Ult. Use your W to block his Q damage. Get on top of him so he can't E away and escape. If his E collides with you, it will stop him from taking the entire E.
This matchup is really easy, provided you can dodge his Q and W. Take very short trades with him and he will
never be able to full combo you. Not very many people play this champ outside of support, so you will rarely
ever play against Brand mid. Don't Q3 into him or he will full combo you.
This champion is still very strong even after all the nerfs. She will probably take TP/Ignite. Do not
stand next to walls or she will just all-in you. Stay out of her AA range when her Q2 is active. Use your W
in response to her W. As long as you keep up in items/gold, you should be able to 1v1 her. Whoever hits their
mythic first will take over the lane. Your E can also stop her R if you time it right. Use your E to dodge her
This matchup depends on how good the Cass is. Do your best to dodge her Q
poke. You can never Q3 into her or she will just ult you. Her W prevents you from Q3'ing, E'ing, and returning
to your E. Use your E to dodge her Q if needed. She is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze the wave at
your tower and call for jungle help. Only go on her if she misses her Q trying to harass you. Max range ulting
is better than Q3'ing because she can't react to it unless she flashes.
Tank Cho'Gath is a lot easier than AP Cho'Gath. He is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze
the wave at your tower and call for jungle help. Always keep moving when he silences you to dodge his Q. Use
your W when he Ws you. Dodge his E poke as well. If you ever see him ult, you can win the all-in. If he has
ult, do not try to all-in him.
The Corki matchup is incredibly easy.
His early game is weaker than your's because of Lethal Tempo. This lane is pretty much free for you.
Take Doran's Blade and Conditioning/Overgrowth.
Put 4 points into Q, then Max E and your E CD will be shorter than his W CD. You can all-in off cooldown and secure easy kills.
Only way you lose this lane is if you let him freely AA and harass you + do literally nothing.
This matchup is incredibly hard, regardless of how well you play it. A good Darius will freeze the
wave at his tower and you're unable to play the game. If you walk up, he will just Ghost, run you down, and
kill you on repeat. The only chance you have of living is ulting away immediately. Don't ever let him 5 stack
his passive or you're dead or very chunked. Save your E for when he uses Q to dodge the sweet spot. Take short
trades against him and do your best to kite. You will never win 1v1 until you have Shieldbow.
This matchup is pretty even, provided you can dodge her Q harass. She is better early since she has
Hextech Alternator and sorc shoes. As soon as you get shieldbow, she can never one shot you and you just take
over the lane easily. Try to always go in when she misses her Q. If she hits Q, just back up.
Dr. Mundo
This lane is pretty easy, but it can be annoying. Dodge all of his Qs. His passive negates your Q3
as well as your R, so try to get rid of it before you ult him AND make sure you walk over the capsule that
pops off when you do. You don't need to rush executioner's anymore becase you out-damage his sustain. Don't
hide behind minions that are about to die; he will E them and you will take a lot of damage.
This lane is pretty easy. He will always E out of your Q3 and just get a massive trade on you. He's
very mobile so try to catch him off guard when he's going for a cs. Always pay attention to his ult shadow and
his W or you will die. Always be aware of the audio cue.
This lane is pretty hard. Never Q3 into her or she will just parry you and you will die. Pay attention to vitals. You can run out of her vision to get a new one if
needed. Rush executioner's early game to cut down on her healing. You can bait her parry out by Q3'ing in a different direction from where she is. Look to fight her when her parry is down; you cannot fight her otherwise.
This matchup is pretty even. Save your E to dodge his E. Early null-magic mantle is good, similar to the
Annie matchup so he can never 100 to 0 you. Save your W for when he Qs into you to block a big part of his
burst trade. He can animation cancel his Ult with his Q, so be aware of that. Use your E to dodge his shark as
This lane is very boring. Galio can never kill you unless he has help. His damage is just too low.
The annoying part about this lane is his insane gank setup, so be very careful if you overextend and do
your best to play around vision. Ping mia when he decides to roam after pushing you under tower. You can
cancel his W with your E if you time it correctly.
A good GP is a nightmare for anyone. His q poke is oppressive, especially after he buys Sheen.
Don't let him proc grasp for free, play safe until zerks and vamp scepter and you should be able to take
over the lane fairly easily. However, once you get Shieldbow you dumpster him. Be very careful of his
barrels, as they do massive damage and slow you for a while. If you go up for CS, time your W with his Q
so you avoid some poke damage.
This matchup is incredibly annoying because of his sustain and his W. They usually take ignite and
try to cheese you. When you engage on him, he'll probably use his W. If that happens, just E back and
wait to trade with him. Always try to E back when he goes to Q you or you will lose trades very badly.
Farm until Shiedlbow and you'll have an easier time fighting him.
This matchup is fairly easy, provided you dodge his Qs. Only fight him when he's in mini-gnar as he
is a lot squishier and has less HP. Never position yourself near a wall if he's Mega Gnar because he will
E and Ult you into the wall and chain cc you and you'll die. You can buffer his Mega Gnar W or Ult with
your E or your own Ult. Never Q3 into him while he's in Mega Gnar or he will just W you and full combo you.
Pretty even matchup. His poke can be oppressive if you don't dodge it. Pretty sure your Q3 cancels his E if you time it right. Do your best to dodge his Q poke and just farm/scale bc realistically u will never kill him until after zerks + zeal bc your Q CD isn't low enough to get consistent nados. Post 6 you can kill him, but just be careful bc he will ult you into his tower.
This matchup is pretty even. He will just look to push you in 24/7 so just play to scale and for
farm. Do your best to not interact with him; he does a lot of damage and has a lot of burst as well as
waveclear. Don't line up near a wall or his Q will 100% hit you. Make sure to keep track of his E stacks.
This matchup is pretty easy for Yone. Gwen is also a scaling champ so the lane isn't too difficult.
Yone is very mobile, so you can easily dodge her empowered Q and kite out of her Ult safely. Keep in mind
your R and Q3 will not hit her if you are outside of her W. Respect her level 1 as she is incredibly strong
with the new Lethal Tempo.
Do not fight him if he has a lot of turrets out; he will chunk most of your HP. Use your E
to dodge his E. Be careful using Q3 on him because he can and will just E you and you'll die. He will most
likely push you under tower, so just play to farm and scale. You can only go on him when he doesn't have
many turrets down and his E is on cooldown.
This matchup can be very annoying if you can't dodge her Es. Do your best to juke with your own E
and the movement speed you get from it to dodge her E and her tentacles. After she get's level 6, instantly
disengage unless you know you can kill her. She is insanely strong at level 6. She doesn't really do much
if you can dodge her Es however. She still does a lot of damage though. You can only win an all-in if her
Ult and her E are down.
This matchup is an absolute nightmare for Yone. It doesn't matter how well you play, or how bad the
Irelia is. Her champ is just better. Play to survive until Shieldbow. Even then, this matchup is still very
hard. If she ever freezes on you, you can't play the game. You can't walk up, similar to the Darius matchup.
She will just run you down and kill you. This is my personal permaban for top lane. Do your best to dodge
her E with your E. You can never fight her if her passive is stacked; you will always lose the trade/all-in.
This matchup is incredibly hard, but winnable. Just play for short trades against him. Save your E for
when he Qs onto you and Es so you can avoid the stun. Once you get Shieldbow, the lane becomes a lot easier.
You will never win a stat check against him, so do your best to kite him and only fight him when you're in
your E. If you ever take an extended trade with him, you will always lose because of his passive, his
mixed damage, and his E.
A good Jayce is a nightmare for anyone. He will look to poke you in and out of bushes level 1, so
don't take too much free damage. If you catch him off guard in the bushes however, you can actually 1v1 him
level 1 and force his flash. Always be aware of his QE combo. Watch minion HP bars because he will look to
surprise you with it. Do your best to farm and scale. His ult cd is 6 seconds, so take advantage of this
cooldown when possible. He does a lot of damage so do your best to dodge his abilities. If you ever go for
an all-in, do it when he's in cannon form. Hammer form gives him more resistances.
This matchup is pretty easy. She will never kill you unless you get hit by everything. Her poke is
very annoying early but with Doran's Shield and Second Wind it's not much of an issue. Just play to farm
and scale. Don't stay in her Mantra W; she will outheal your damage and root you for a while.
This lane is probably one of the easiest. Rush zerks so you can dodge his Qs easier and the lane
is cake. He has no CC for you. Nobody really plays this champ unless it's a one trick, so you won't play
against it often.
This matchup seems pretty easy, but a good Kassadin can make this lane exhausting. He does a lot
more damage than most people expect, especially when he takes electrocute. Your Q spam will help him use
his E more, so be aware of that. Do your best to space properly so he can't AA, W, Q you. At level 6, he is
a lot stronger. Look to all-in him when he uses his Ult.
This lane is pretty boring because she will just roam. Do not stand on or near her daggers, or
she will look to trade with you. You heavily out-sustain her. Just ping her roams because they rely on this
to get fed. She will probably dodge your Q3 and Ult with her E, so try to all-in her when she doesn't have
it. When you look for a trade, go on her with either Q1 or Q2; she will easily dodge your Q3.
There's no easier lane for Yone. Just don't fight her level 1 with Lethal Tempo because she is a lot
stronger with it. You can perma all-in her whenever you want until level 6. She can't walk up to the wave
early or she will get chunked. At level 6, it becomes a bit more difficult because of her range, but just
get Q3s and all-in her with your E. If she ults, just E back and wait for your E to come up again and just
all-in her again.
This matchup is very annoying early. He will look to poke you down when you go for cs, so just
don't take free damage. Play safe and play to scale. Short trades are the most effective in this matchup.
Pick up an early mantle, similar to the Annie matchup and he can never 100 to 0 you. If against Kennen mid,
I would take exhaust as it hard counters his ult.
Do your best to dodge his Qs or you will lose every trade. Do not try to trade with him when his W
is active; he does a lot of damage. If you ever Q3 into him, he will just Q you and you'll lose the trade.
Go for an all-in on him whenever he's unmounted; he's very immobile and won't be able to dodge your Q3 or
your Ult.
This matchup is incredibly hard. Not only does she shit on you 1v1, she also has really good gank
setup just like Galio. Use your W when she throws Q at you. Try to freeze the wave at your tower. Play this
matchup to scale. If you are even against her, you are already winning. Never Q3 into her because she will
just double chain you and you'll die.
This lane is pretty easy, but you can never really kill her. She plays too safe and she'll just
E away if you try to fight her. She has incredible gank setup similar to Galio and Leblanc. I would take
Cleanse in this matchup if you're not too confident. Opt for short trades with her. Time your E for her Ult.
This matchup is easy, but annoying. Once you get vamp scepter you will out sustain her damage. Her W
is very annoying regardless of the game state. Always try to E back when she Ws you so you don't take any
free damage. Remember she has a lot of shields and her Ult healing. Don't get baited when you try to all-in
This matchup is annoying early, but it's still fairly easy. Always try to dodge her E and her Q or you
will get chunked. Never Q3 into her or she will full combo you. Only do it if you know she's already used
E and/or Q.
One of the more annoying tanks because of the attack speed slow on his E and his armor early game.
His poke early is very annoying, so do your best to W when he Qs. He should never be able to kill you 1v1,
but at level 6 be careful of his Ult, especially if his jungler is near. You will either die or have to blow
This matchup is very free. You get to scale freely and he has no kill pressure on you until level
6. The only negative in this matchup is you are roped into buying a QSS. Don't rush it; instead get zerks,
then vamp scepter, and then QSS into Shieldbow. You can pretty much kill him on cooldown because he's so
immobile and squishy.
Probably the easiest tank matchup. The only way you ever die is if you overextend and he sets up a
gank on you. Stay away from the brushes and he doesn't do anything to you. You can break his W and Ult with
good E timing or Q3 timing.
This matchup is pretty easy if you can dodge his Qs. Never trade without your E because if he
stays on you he will probably kill you, but even then, Lethal Tempo is just so broken right now that it
probably doesn't even matter. Your E can cancel his ult with proper timing. Don't fight him when his W
shield is active. Wait for it to go away, then look to re-engage.
Win this lane by freezing at your tower. He's so immobile and incredibly easy to gank. Trade with him
when he goes for stacks, as this is his only way to get damage. Any time he withers you, just disengage. The
attack speed and movement speed slows are oppressive. Your trades are most effective when you have your E
because of the true damage on the mark proc. At level 6, just be careful because that's when he is at his
strongest. Just disengage and kite when he tries to all-in you.
This matchup is annoying as hell. You can never Q3 into her or she will just E you and full combo you.
E back when she channels her ult. If you get hit by her Es at all, prepare to lose lane or most of your HP.
Use your ult after she uses her W so you have vision of her. If you hit her when she uses W while you're in
your E, the E mark will show the real neeko. Don't let her poke you for free with her autos and her W
Probably the most even matchup for Yone. Her poke is very annoying early, but she's very immobile.
Don't let her auto or poke you for free and this lane is a lot easier for you. She's decently tanky because
of her E passive when her ball is on her. Look for a trade or an all-in when her ball is not on her or when
she uses Q and/or W. You start winning at zerks and vamp scepter.
One of the easier tank matchups. You get to scale for free because he does no damage. Just do your
best to dodge his Qs and don't stay near his Q or walls because of his E. Don't let him W auto you and this
lane is free. You can E to dodge his ult if you time it correctly. Save your E for when he Ws you; you will
go behind him and he won't get the brittle on you.
This matchup is impossible early game unless he misplays. His kit just counters yours. You have
no way to trade with him because of his E. He can just full combo you on repeat and you have no way to react
or outplay it. You have to play super safe in this lane or you will die over and over. Do not walk up when
he has his passive fully stacked. You really only have a chance after you get Shieldbow, but even then, his
champ is just better early game. Play with the goal to scale. Use your W when he Qs or Ws you to dodge some
of the damage. You can E his W if you time it correctly.
This matchup is very hard if she's good. She has really high base damages and her W counters your
entire kit. If you Q3 or E into her, you'll be grounded for a while and she can just out trade you. Try to
step on her passive when she uses it to farm. Do NOT go near walls for any reason or you will die/get
chunked. If she uses her passive on you, just W the damage. At Shieldbow, this lane is a bit easier, but
Poppy is still Poppy.
This matchup is annoying because of her stealth and mobility. Early cloth armor is good here so she can't 100 to 0 you. Do your best to dodge her Qs. You can dodge her ult with your E or ult. She can really punish your positioning; don't stand near walls or you'll die or get really chunked. Ping her when she's mia because she loves to roam. Be careful in river because her ult will also stun you there.
This matchup is only annoying early because of her range. You can't E into her or she will just E you
in return. Instead, you should E into Q3. Don't let her poke you for free and give up cs when necessary, but
do your best to stay in xp range. You outscale her at Shieldbow, so just do your best to farm for it.
This matchup is impossible to win 1v1 just because his kit counters yours. Early tabis is a
must. The only window you have to beat him early is at level 1 and level 2; he is incredibly weak at this
point. After that, you can't trade with him unless he misplays. Be extra careful if he goes Prowler's
because he will 100 to 0 you even through tabis. At level 6, you still can't fight him, so just do your best
to not die on repeat.
This matchup is just as unplayable as the Irelia matchup, but he is susceptible to ganks. That's his only weakness. Rush early cloth armor or you will get one shot over and over. You will never have prio early, so give up cs and let the wave push into you. Call your jungler to help you push the wave to his tower or you will never break his freeze. Do your best to survive and not die 100 times during laning phase and group with your team later on. Giving up 50cs and dying less is a lot better than contesting every cs but dying 10 times.
This matchup is a nightmare and it's totally in Riven's control. Her champ is just better. She can
just perma engage on you, perma cc you, and 100 to 0 you with Conq. Do your best to farm and scale.At level
6, if you mis-step or use your E incorrectly, you just die. She just permanently stat checks you.
This matchup is very hard. He can miss everything and still kill you because of how his heat works.
Do your best to dodge his Es because they give him more magic pen. Don't fight him when he uses Q or you
will always lose the trade. Ping him mia because Rumbles love to roam. He just does way too much damage for
Yone to handle. Do NOT fight him when he's overheated; his autos will outdamage yours.
He is very annoying early game. He just hard pushes you in. This matchup is a lot easier with Lethal
Tempo, but he still does a decent amount of damage. Don't let him harass you for free. Don't stand near the
wave when he EQs or you will get hit too. You can kill him at level 6 if he mis-steps or overstays. If he
tries to Ult away, Q3 or ult him and his ult will be cancelled.
This matchup is free. You get to scale, she has no kill pressure unless you try to get hit by
everything. You roll her at Shieldbow so just farm until then. She plays super far back, so just focus on
cs'ing instead of trying to kill her. She can be annoying because of her sustain, shields, and her movement
This matchup is pretty hard. Don't walk up near your minions or he will E and stun you and out-trade
you. He out sustains you as well because of his passive. Save your E to dodge his W. He just stat checks you
all game, so you'll probably never win 1v1 unless you outplay him. Lane is a bit easier after Shieldbow, but
Sett is Sett.
This matchup is hard. Try to dodge his E with yours. Don't fight him in his W. Just play to scale.
This lane is a lot easier after Shieldbow. Ping him when he's 6 and try to keep track of his ult cd. Don't
walk between him and his sword, because if it goes through you, he will slow you and do more damage.
Rule #1 of League of Legends: Don't chase Singed. You can kill him level 1 because of Lethal Tempo.
His W counters your Q3 and your E, so just try not to fight him when he uses it. Whenever he ults, just
disengage; he gets so many free stats and it's not worth your time or damage to fight him. Lane is very easy
after Shieldbow.
This matchup is incredibly easy. He has such long cooldowns early so just abuse that. Later on in the
lane, it's more annoying because of how tanky he gets, but his abilities are so telegraphed; he should never
kill you. Respect bushes and don't let him fully charge Q on you. You can break his W before it charges to
block its damage. You can perma all-in with E; the true damage from the mark will help with trades.
This matchup is annoying because of his sustain and burst. You can't Q3 into him or he will just E
you. Rush vamp scepter to match his sustain. You have to dodge his Qs, especially the 2nd part. Don't take
extended trades with him. Hide in between minions so he can't hit you with the second part of his E. Mortal
Reminder is a good 2nd item, especially if the enemy team has more healing.
This matchup is one of the more annoying mage matchups. She will Q you whenever you go for cs. When
you E, she will just E you in return. To counter this, try to be more erratic with your movement to dodge it.
You can only all-in or trade with her if she misses her E. Early mantle is good so she can't 100 to 0 you
when she hits level 6. Play to scale and set up ganks with your jungler because she's very immobile.
This matchup is pretty easy. Just respect his level 2 powerspike. Don't let him land both parts of
his W or you will lose a lot of HP. Pick up an early cloth armor if you think you need it. When he Ws, you
can E behind him and dodge the 2nd part; he can't proc his passive if you do this. At level 6, it's a bit
harder. But the way you play it remains the same.
Since the buff to his Q, this matchup is a lot harder. Do not fight him early because of his poison.
Play to scale; don't worry about trading with him early. He will out-trade you with Q. Once you get
Shieldbow, the lane is a lot easier, however. Get Red Trinket around level 6 so you don't hit his shrooms.
This lane is impossible early. If you walk up, she just E Ws you and you die or blow flash. Play
super safe early and give up cs, but try to stay in xp range. If she Ws onto you, try to E into her to
dodge the damage and the slow, stack your Q3 on the wave, E back, and Q3 to safety. Exhaust is a must in
matchup. The lane is a lot easier the more you scale, so just do your best to farm.
Don't try to fight him level 1. His Q steals your AD, and if he takes Lethal Tempo, you will not win it. I feel like you can just perma jump on him with E until 6. After he has his Ult, do NOT try to fight him bc he will steal your armor/mr so just do your best to kite out of it + his pillar. You can beat him in the side lane later on if you are fed enough. If they have a lot of healing in their comp, executioner's / mortal reminder is extremely valuable.
This matchup is annoying but it's Yone favored. He out sustains you. He is a lot stronger than
you early with Lethal Tempo, so respect that. When he Es onto you, E into the wave, stack Q3, return to your
E, and Q3 out. Do your best to kite him. You can take ignite in this matchup to win the level 1, but if you
die, your lane is over.
Twisted Fate
This matchup is Twisted Fate favored to a degree. Trade or all-in him when he uses his W. Do your best to dodge his Qs. He will just look to push and roam, so ping him mia when he does. You can cleanse his Gold Card with proper timing on your E.
Use your E to dodge his E. If you ever get hit by his E, you either die or have to blow flash. He
completely controls the lane early game, so just do your best to farm and scale. The lane is super easy after
Shieldbow as long as you can dodge his E.
This lane is similar to Akshan or Lucian. You can't walk up for cs or you'll just get chunked. Do your
best to stay in xp range while giving up cs. You can't really trade with her until Shieldbow, but even then
her mobility is obnoxious. Don't ever let her proc her W on you. She is very squishy, so once you get on her,
you should be able to kill her. If you E or Q3 her, she will just E you away. Don't ever go near a wall or
she will E you into the wall and you will probably die.
This matchup is incredibly easy. You get to free farm and scale. Do your best to dodge his Q and W.
The only real threat he has is his cage, especially if and when you get ganked. Your E will stop the stun,
but you will be stunned when you return back. If you're in the cage, you can ult out of it since you're
unstoppable. Try to deny him his stacks, but don't overplay the trade.
Relatively easy matchup as long as you can dodge his kit. Stay out of the wave when he Ws. You can
dodge his Q and E with your E. When he uses his abilities on the wave, then you can look for a trade or an
all-in. He should be pretty easy to kill after level 6 since he's immobile.
This matchup is a nightmare early. Her kit just counters yours. Her passive will fear you out of your
Q3 and your E. Go on her when she uses her spells to wave clear and when her passive is on cooldown. You
can't fight her when her passive is active. Early null magic mantle similar to Annie or Fizz will prevent her
from oneshotting you with her full combo at level 6.
Pretty much a farm lane. Just don't take too much poke from him and you're fine. He will look to push
you in when he gets his E augment. Use your W to shield some of his Q poke. If you ever Q3 or E onto him, he
will just W, so E out. At level 6, it's a bit easier, but he does a lot of damage so try to trade or all-in
when he uses Q or E.
A good Vlad can make this lane hell, especially if he goes electrocute. However, Lethal Tempo makes this matchup a lot easier. You can perma engage on him, but do not walk up or try to trade with him when he has his empowered Q. You can put extra points in your E since his W cooldown is so long. Executioner's isn't really needed since you'll most likely take ignite. Early null mantle if you're behind is fine, too.
Very tough lane. Take short trades against him and kite him out. If he Ws you, you have to back off
or you will take a lot of damage and he will get healed. W him when he goes to Q you. Use your E to kite him.
Be careful at level 6 because he can dive you.
This matchup is near impossible because he is just bruiser Malphite. He will auto you and get armor
because of his passive. W when he Es onto you to block some of the damage. Early ninja tabi is really good
into Wukong because all of his damage is basic attacks. If he ults you, try to kite out of it with E and Q.
Just try to freeze the wave near your tower if you can.
Just dodge his poke and this lane is incredibly easy. If you freeze the wave at your tower, he is
forced to walk up. He is very vulnerable to ganks and super immobile. Use your E to dodge his Q, W, and ults.
If you ever Q3 or E at him, he will just E you. At level 6, you can just ult him and he can't do much.
He is a lot stronger until level 3. Just don't take too much damage early and you're fine. He will
look to Windwall your Q3. You can always W his passive away. Try not to fight in the minion wave because he
will E over and over. This matchup is purely a skill matchup after level 3.
This matchup is Yone favored. Do your best to dodge his Es so his ghouls don't jump on you. When he Ws you, you can E out of it, stack Q3, E back, then Q3 to safety or all-in him if you think you have the damage to kill him. Once he's level 6, it's really hard to fight him with his Maiden up. Yorick is incredibly susceptible to ganks, so just try to get your jungler to come top for you.
This matchup is a nightmare if the Zed is good. You have to save your E for when he uses W or you will
have a hard time dodging anything. You absolutely have to take exhaust against Zed or you will die on repeat.
At level 6, you have to play incredibly safe since you have no escape ability. Pick up an early cloth armor
and steelcaps if their jungler is also AD. You can't Q3 or ult him unless his W and R are on cooldown because
he will just dodge them and kill you.
He can't really play the game against you. Just dodge his Q poke and this lane is a breeze. You can
put extra points in your E, similar to the Vlad matchup, since his W is such a long cooldown and it's his
only escape ability. He will also just perma shove the wave, so you can just free farm and scale.
This matchup is pretty annoying early, but once you get zerks and vamp scepter she can't really do much
against you. Don't let her harass you for free early. If you E when she Es you, it will cancel it.
Abuse his early game rly hard and only all in him when you bait out his W with your Qs AND DO NOT USE YOUR E UNTIL HE USES HIS W, if you get chain cced by his W into 3rd Q it can be very bad for you and find urself under his tower. Matchup gets much harder after 6. DONT STAND NEXT TO WALLS.
Hello! For those who don't know of me, I am Tempest. I've been a North American Challenger mid laner and Yasuo Main ever since season 6. I was Challenger seasons before that, just not with Yasuo. My all time peak in Season 6 was Rank 4, pretty much one tricking Yasuo. I also peaked Rank 2 in Season 7, mostly playing Yasuo and Zed.
I have been maining Yasuo ever since Heimerdinger was reworked; I have never been bored by him or his playstyle. Since Yone's release, I've mostly played him and Yasuo, but have fallen in love with Yone. Here are my active accounts.
Unfortunately, the only screenshot I have of my previous ranks is when I was top 10 in season 7:
Here is my S11 account where I only played Yasuo and Yone to Grandmaster with a 71% W/R:
Yone is one of the most fun and interesting champions to play due to how many things you can pull off on the champion and how you can always do something better in a fight with him, kinda similar to Riven. Yone has one of, if not the highest skill ceiling in the game and has so many small tricks and mechanics that you will always find yourself in new scenarios and improving on something.
Yone is also a very unique champion because of his resource bar and cooldowns. He is the only champion in the game that has such low cds on his main abilities AND has 0 mana costs. If you are all about hitting your buttons fast and having no downtime or waiting for cooldowns, then you will LOVE Yone.
If you like looking stylish, nonstop pulling off 2v1s, 3v1s, and love being the center of attention (good and bad) then Yone is definitely the champion for you!
Pros & Cons
+ Very high carry potential, can kill multiple people in a teamfight once he has his core items. + Can melt through squishies and tanks due to his mixed damage. + Can be played Mid, Top, and ADC. + Has one of the best basic abilities in the game ( Soul Unbound). + Highlight champion, flashy, and makes you standout. + Next to no cooldowns on main abilities and doesn't use mana.
- Has one of the weaker laning phases in the game. - A lot weaker if you don't have setup for his ultimate. - His approach is very linear and very easy to counterplay in higher ranks. - Feast or Famine champion.
Press the Attack IMO best rune on Yone, helps you have presence in lane and will do the most damage in short e trades, scales very very well too and just all around the best rune].
Fleet FootworkWould only take this in rly hard lanes or if you rly dont need extra damage later or cant proc pta in lane, matchups like ahri/zed/lb
Triumph can be a clutch rune that saves you in skirmishes and help you tower dive. The extra healing can potentially turn a game-winning fight.
Legend: Alacrity is what I prefer into melee matchups. The attack speed is very crucial to getting your Q cooldown as low as possible and will result in more damage output throughout the game.
Legend: Bloodline is what I prefer into ranged matchups. You won't be able to do much with Legend: Alacrity since you will rarely be able to trade/farm in a ranged matchup. Do your best to cs and farm up the lifesteal from Legend: Bloodline.
I take Last Stand almost every game because it gives Yone the best dueling and outplay potential. It is better and more useful than Coup de Grace because it does more overall damage.
Second Wind is the best rune into a heavy poke lane. Coupled with Doran's Shield, it gives you the best survivability in lane.
Bone Plating is good in lanes such as Fizz and Renekton where they can't easily poke it off. Take it into lanes where you need to negate their heavy all-in early trades.
Overgrowth is a decent choice, and my preferred for most games, when you are scaling and the HP can help you survive a lot of mid-game situations.
Take Unflinching when you are against heavy CC comps. The extra tenacity will help you escape a lot of situations and with Last Stand and Immortal Shieldbow. Your low HP teamfighting will be even stronger and allow you to keep dishing out damage and change the closest fights.
Summoner Spells
Flash will help you secure kills, escape, pull off combos, and a lot more. Always take Flash every game no matter what.
Ignite will give you extra damage to secure kills in lane. Take Ignite as your standard summoner spell.
Only take Teleport on top lane Yone. Why? Top lane is heavily decided by lane/wave management and teleport is key for baron control later on in the game.
Only take Cleanse against Lissandra and Zoe. They both rely heavily on their hard cc. Cleanse gets even more valuable the more enemy champions have hard cc so look out for that when deciding if it's really worth to give up the damage Ignite gives you.
Exhaust is a very underrated anti-burst tool. Always take Exhaust against Zed. You can also take Exhaust into Annie and other assasins like Qiyana and Talon. Exhaust also scales super well and is the best teamfighting summoner in the game due to the damage you can negate with it.
Way of the Hunter (Passive)
Yone gains 2.5x critical chance from his items and his basic attacks alternate between physical damage and physical and magic damage.
Yone has the ability to get 100% critical strike chance at just two items. Yone has one of the strongest two item spikes of any champion. In addition, his passive splits his damage type from his auto attacks making him difficult to itemize resistances against.
Yone thrusts his sword in a targeted direction gaining a stack of Gathering Storm. After casting this ability at two stacks of Gathering Storm, Yone dashes a fixed distance knocking up enemies in the targeted direction.
Pay attention to the amount of stacks you have on Mortal Steel. Your third Q is your escape and often your engage tool. Use your third Q to combo with your Soul Unbound and Fate Sealed to lock up enemies and dish out huge damage and CC.
Spirit Cleave
RANGE: 600 COOLDOWN: 16-6 (based on bonus attack speed)
AOE slash that damages and shields you upon damaging an enemy.
This ability's cooldown scales off of bonus attack speed. It does decent damage and shields him during trades. Use this ability to avoid poke. The shield from this ability also increases in damage depending on how many champions he hits with it. The split damage types and percent HP also helps you deal some damage tp tanks as well late game.
This ability is not an escape tool. After 5 seconds, Yone will always return to his starting location unless he is hard CC'd or in the middle of an auto-attack windup. Use this ability to all-in your opponent. Soul Unbound repeats a percentage of the damage you've dealt to all enemy champions during its duration. Yone also gains ramping movespeed and ignores unit collision, meaning you can E into enemy minions without having to path around them.
You can reactivate this ability to avoid immobilizing effects such as Sleepy Trouble Bubble. Soul Unbound's damage is post-mitigation damage. This means that damage you deal to shields will not count towards the mark's damage upon reactivation/expiration.
Yone blinks to a target location knocking up and pulling enemies caught in his path to his target location.
Fate Sealed is one of strongest teamfighting ultimates in the game. You will win fights and even games with a proper ult. Fate Sealed is easily telegraphed, however. Enemies will Flash out of Fate Sealed's path, leaving you vulnerable. Fate Sealed is best used after enemies are knocked up by your Q3 or as follow up to other CC such as Encore or Crescendo.
Doran's Shield is good into poke lanes. Take Second Wind when you take Doran's Shield for even better sustain. You will lose out on some damage early for the trade of better sustain in lane. Take Doran's Shield against ranged matchups only.
Immortal Shieldbow is good anti burst for Yone. The shield helps you survive burst and in teamfights.
Infinity Edge is the highest damage item for Yone. Current build bath just makes it really hard to build atm and other items just are more well rounded for Yone
Blade of the Ruined King Is first item on Yone everygame, Gives everything and everything else stinks
Death's Dance is good into teams with a lot of AD burst damage. Get it 3rd if they don't have a lot of healing.
Guardian Angel is very strong on Yone. Late game teamfights can be decided by this item. If you need it, get it 4th item, but Guardian Angel is ideally the best final item for Yone.
Bloodthirster Is kinda just the New IE in terms of damage since this item now gives insane damage and no tankiness anymore
Spirit Visage is the best item into AP-Heavy team comps. Its passive gives you increased shielding/healing, which is incredible. Take this if you have an enchanter support such as Lulu, Soraka, or Yuumi.
I really like the reworked Force of Nature. It feels really solid, especially into Heavy-AP teams. It is a monster in teamfights, and it's probaly on par with Spirit Visage. Take this if you don't have an enchanter support on your team.
Thornmail is really only good if you're behind + they have a lot of AD and AA based champs. You can go early Bramble Vest into Fiora, but it will delay your spikes.
Laning Phase/Early Game
Yone's early game is generally weaker than most champions. He is easily punished and his weakness in lane stems from his low range, lack of early sustain, and engage. All of these factors leave him vulnerable to poke early and can stop him from getting to his item spikes. It is critical that Yone does not fall behind in lane too hard or he will have a hard time getting back into the game.
In tougher, ranged matchups, take Doran's Shield and Second Wind. The most important tip I would give new Yone players in the early game is to farm as best you can and play to scale rather than playing to kill your opponent. Sometimes, if you play way too aggro, you will lose too much HP, which will make the lane unplayable. If you fall behind too far in the laning phase, you will have a very hard time existing.
The optimal way to play Yone in lane is to wait for level 3, get your 3rd Q and look for an E into 3rd Q combo to get a good trade with the enemy. Yone differs greatly from Yasuo in lane phase. Yasuo can go in when he pleases due to his short E cooldown and high mobility in the minion wave. However, Yone's E cooldown is very long at early levels making his trading windows more spread out. When trading with your opponent in lane, ensure that you land every ability as missing even one 3rd Q inside of your E can make or break your lane. This is espeically true against higher mmr players who will abuse Yone while he E is on cooldown.
Yone is not the best at roaming. It's best to freeze the minion wave near your tower in the majority of lanes so you can take longer trades while your opponent tries to break your freeze. This will also make you harder to gank. You'll be closer to your tower and it will be easier for your jungler to gank since the enemy laner has to step up to your side of the lane to grab CS.
Mid Game
Mid game generally starts when the first couple towers go down at about 12-15 minutes. In mid game, your job as Yone is to pick up as much gold as possible. You want to be in a sidelane since you can duel a lot of champions in long lanes. You should ALWAYS be in the sidelane of the objective you are looking to secure. If you're playing top lane, you should be in the opposite sidelane because you have Teleport. So in short, if you are the mid laner: If dragon is up, you should be in bot lane. If you are the top laner: If dragon is up, you should be in top lane.
Another thing thats super important in the mid game: you need expand on the lead and get even further ahead with the lead you build in the early laning phase. The best way to do this is: after you push a wave into enemy tier 2 tower, always take the enemy jungle camps, whether it be gromp, rift scuttler, krugs, etc. You will build up an extremely huge level lead and this is one of the most important things to do to win more games. You get extra experience from doing this and you also deny experience from the enemy so this is a double positive win and is why you see high elo toplaners and split pushers get such a massive level lead.
So in short, get in a sidelane and push to enemy tier 2 tower, get control wards and clear their vision in the enemy jungle, and deny as many jungle camps as you can to build a massive lead and starve the enemy team. If you do these things and already have a lead in the early game, you will find yourself winning so many more games as Yone.
Late Game and Teamfighting
When late game comes around, the main objective is to choke out even deeper vision if you are ahead, force a teamfight to get Baron Nashor, and close out the game. If you're the mid laner, you should be grouping with your team 90% of the time to secure vision and choke out the enemy vision. It depends if you are ahead or behind at this point of what to do, but basically if you are behind when it gets to this point, you just have to try your best to clear their vision and not let them take Baron Nashor and win the game off a teamfight.
While teamfighting as Yone, it is important to play patiently and not miss your E and R. It is best to stack your 3rd Q and use your ultimate to follow up and stan an important carry or when the enemy team is stacked up so you can hit a huge ult. The worst thing you can do as Yone is rush a teamfight and E -> R onto a squishy target and then have no follow-up damage for the enemy carries. At the end of the day, there a lot of ways to play a late-game teamfight as Yone. If your backline is very strong compared to theirs, play front-to-back and look for a big ulti when the enemy team groups up. However, every game state is different so make sure you're being creative in your engages.
This is from my Yone Guide shown at the top of this guide. This video shows you all the necessary Yone combos and tricks you'll need to know. These do not include ones with Galeforce or any other off-meta items/builds. Just the main ones you will realistically use.
Favorite Skin?
Battle Academia, Obsidian Chroma
I hope you enjoyed reading my Yone guide! If you enjoyed it, come check out my Twitch channel where I stream regularly and my YouTube channel where I upload daily.
Massive thank yous to Chungmaster, AirborneCactus, and Amber for helping me make this guide!
12/09/21 - Complete overhaul. Updated spells, items, abilities, and the guide chapters to reflect preseason changes. Reformatted and proofreaded all of the guide as well. Will update matchups later.
12/10/21 - Fixed overall punctuation and layout of some sections, added Favorite Skin section
12/14/21 - Removed unneeded details in Summoner Spells
12/15/21 - Updated matchups up to Dr. Mundo, fixed some punctucation and layout.
12/23/21 - Updated items and description for Berserker's Greaves in Items.
1/6/22 - Removed Cull from suggested items, changed first back
1/22/22 - Embedded YouTube Guide, Updated all Matchups, Added Google Doc
1/24/22 - Updated all Matchups Ratings 1-5
2/4/22 - Added Table of Contents with anchors, Updated Runes, Added Combos Section, changed layout of guide overall.
2/5/22 - Added best Season 12 build.
2/9/22 - Updated Runes
2/23/22 - Updated Vladimir Matchup
2/28/22 - Updated all matchups; added Lee Sin, Rengar, Trundle, and Yorick, reflecting the spreadsheet changes
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