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Janna Build Guide by 1yanou



Updated on May 2, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1yanou Build Guide By 1yanou 82 9 15,877 Views 5 Comments
82 9 15,877 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 1yanou Janna Build Guide By 1yanou Updated on May 2, 2024
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Runes: See notes, scroll down further for explanation!

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


1 2
Flash + heal
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By 1yanou
About me

Hi everyone!

I'm 1YANOU and I'm a Janna otp who is currently consistently above at least 300 LP and has so far peaked 544LP Master on EUW, I also stream almost all of my games on my Twitch! I always get loads of questions every stream, which is why I have decided to make a guide where I explain everything I do & build + my reasoning behind it, hope you enjoy the read and learn something from it!

Thoughts on split 2 changes
As all the new changes for split 2 are rolling out,I just wanted to write a quick note on what i think this will do for Janna and once it's live i will obviously update the guide too! Boots of Swiftness will be adjusted down to only 45 base ms and the passive will also be changed from slow resistance to getting movement speed after autoing, this means these boots will no longer be viable on Janna. The choice will most likely be either Ionian Boots of Lucidity or possibly the new boots that will be replacing Mobility Boots (empowered recall and u gain 45ms out of combat once you've travelled 150000 units which should equal about 7 min of walking), but i'd need to do some testing for that.

now, is this a big nerf for Janna? it surely is a nerf, but i'm not sure if it'll matter too much. Ionian Boots of Lucidity were the go-to boots on Janna before as well, and it feels good. The meta shifts away from movement speed, enemy champs will become slower too, causing Janna to still be faster if you get what i mean.

I also saw the Relentless Hunter nerf, I don't think it matters too much. Will need to test once it's live.

i'm not sure if i'll change build yet, but i think maybe Moonstone Renewer rush into Redemption with full Eye Of The Storm max might be good becauss Eye Of The Storm got buffed & Ionian Boots of Lucidity will also lower the cooldown.

Shurelya's Battlesong nerf just came out, i think Moonstone Renewer rush with e max really might be the angle next split. I'm already experimenting with this right now.

i'll be updating this with my thoughts as more changes roll out
Summoner spells

You obviously always take Flash.

Heal is amazing on Janna and works very well with her kit. A lot of great Janna players exclusively run Heal on her.

Ignite paired with the aggressive runes (see down below) is great for when you can play for lane. It gives you extra pressure and you can stomp lane even harder. It's also a great choice vs for example Soraka.

I personally never take Exhaust and in my opinion you don't need it if you play good because of Howling Gale and Monsoon.


The most common keystone choice is either Summon Aery or Arcane Comet, however Summon Aery is better. This is because Arcane Comet actually has a much longer cooldown than Summon Aery, meaning that if you play lane properly and poke well and as much as you can, you end up dealing more damage over time with Summon Aery. On top of that it increases your shields, so overall Summon Aery has more value for Janna. Guardian and Glacial Augment are bad.

Manaflow Band speaks for itself.

Celerity over Transcendence, because Celerity increases Janna's movement speed which is very valueable. On top of that, you don't need the cooldown reduction that Transcendence would give you at all.

You go can Scorch paired with Taste of Blood and Ignite if lane is playable, these runes are good if you can play for lane, constantly poke enemy and even kill them. It's great for easy matchups.

Gathering Storm paired with Eyeball Collection and Heal are generally great but also amazing for scaling, if you are vs a rough lane and won't be able to make much happen there + have to play more passively.

You always go Relentless Hunter, it's the best choice as again, you get more movement speed which is crucial on Janna.


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health I prefer +65 base health over 10-180 extra health scaling per level, as Janna's laning phase can be rough and the tiny bit of extra health could make a difference.
Viable items

I personally think Dream Maker is the best support item for Janna. Zaz'Zak's Realmspike was only good paired with Imperial Mandate, but that build got nerfed for 3% HP damage a few patches ago, and as of patch 14.9 they also gutted w max, making the build genuinely not worth it anymore. If you play good and don't get caught, you should never need Celestial Opposition and Dream Maker simply provides more value than Solstice Sleigh.

Boots of Swiftness are the only boots I run on Janna. It is never worth to go Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps, and the movement speed and passive you get from Boots of Swiftness is (IMO) worth more than the CDR you get from Ionian Boots of Lucidity.

Moonstone Renewer is truly a core item for Janna because of how well it works with her kit. This should generally be in your build every game.

Shurelya's Battlesong is currently an amazing first item on Janna because of the stats it gives you. The active is amazing as well as it helps you roam even faster + you can catch people with it more easily.

Staff of Flowing Water is amazing for Janna because of the passive, especially if you have a fed AP dealer on your team. When I'm extremely ahead and the game is quite a stomp, I tend to build Shurelya's Battlesong into Staff of Flowing Water.

I pretty much build Redemption on Janna every game because of how great it works paired with Moonstone Renewer and Monsoon. Even just in general, you can really make the difference with Redemption even if you are far away. Great item. An amazing build is Shurelya's Battlesong into Moonstone Renewer into Redemption.

Mikael's Blessing is pretty situational but can be great! I don't think it's ever really worth rushing, but it can be a great 3rd or 4th item if needed due to enemy comp.

Ardent Censer can be great when you for example have a Twitch, Jinx or Vayne, but is never worth rushing. I personally rarely build this item, simply because other items are better on Janna.

Vigilant Wardstone can be a good 4th item after you've for example finished Shurelya's Battlesong, Moonstone Renewer and Redemption. It lets you place 2 control wards, which is amazing when facing Evelynn or Rengar and it also gives great stats!

It feels kinda bad to build Oblivion Orb, but you can do it if you notice your team really needs antiheal but no one is building it. If you do end up building it, just buy the Oblivion Orb and sit on it, only build it into Morellonomicon once all of your other items are finished.

It can be nice to go Mejai's Soulstealer when the game is a complete stomp, or if you've finished several items and don't really need another one and aren't dying.

Locket of the Iron Solari honestly shouldn't really be in the list and it's kinda troll to build but it CAN be good on a very very rare occasion if it's your only hope to survive in for example a 45 minute game.

Build variations

Build variations (items are in order of when to buy!)

The most common build that I go the majority of my games paired with 3 points into W, after which I max out E. Most games end before you get to the 6th item, but if the game goes on you can refer to the chapter above as your last item is always situational. Sell dark seal if it isn't giving any value anymore or if selling it can help you finish an item right before an important objective.

I like going this build paired with fully maxing out W when the game is a hard stomp. If you have a great buy, you can get Mejai's Soulstealer right after Shurelya's Battlesong as well but it depends on your gold. You can also go Moonstone Renewer third instead of Mejai's Soulstealer if you suddenly feel like you need it because your team for example started throwing.

This is also a great build that I'd especially recommend for anyone that is still learning how to play Janna or anyone that is lower elo and unsure on how and when to roam (so they kinda just stay in lane). You fully max out E and this allows you to still be extremely useful (shielding for half hp) if you aren't so great with your Howling Gales yet. The build is also great if you have a full scaling team and you can't make anything happen and have to hope for the best and it is also viable vs really rough lanes.
Ability usage, laning phase, roaming & mid-game.
It's really hard to cover everything and there is so so so many possible scenarios but I will try my best to keep it simple and to cover the basics and most crucial things that you can apply pretty much every game.

Starting off with laning phase:

Level 1 you start Zephyr and try to get prio. Attack the minions to make sure you hit level 2 first and play around the bushes. Ideally you wanna be going in and out of them, using Zephyr on the enemy and going back into the bush before they can trade back. Don't forget the enemy jungler though, and if needed (because you don't know where he started, or know he will be bot), go ward after the 2nd wave.

Try to punish the enemies for stepping up for minions and try to stay next to your adc. Don't walk up too far by yourself while he's farming. Generally, you want to try to recall at the same time.

You don't really want to be spamming Howling Gale, it costs a lot of mana. It's good to use it here and there, walking out of vision to cast one or placing it in the bush (make sure you don't leave the bush until it goes off, as long as Janna is out of vision, Howling Gale is invisible too.)

As the game goes on, you want to be looking for fully charged Howling Gales from out of vision. Each Howling Gale you hit might grant you a kill. A great position to place it at is the enemy's auto attack range (where they stand while hitting minions or the turret) it has a high chance of landing.

A great trick with Howling Gale in lane is to aim it like you see in the picture, it's undodgeable because of the turret and enemies almost always get hit by it. (arrow depending on your position)

The enemy jungler is ganking! A very common mistake is that Janna players try to hit the jungler with Howling Gale while fleeing. You should however place it as depicted in the picture, cutting off his path. This way he can never reach you unless he flashes it. This applies to literally every single scenario where you are running from someone. Use Howling Gale to cut off their path, don't place it trying to hit them in their current position as that is easily dodgeable.


Make sure to always look at the state of the wave. If there is a big wave about to crash into your turret, you need to always be there with your adc, or they might (and most likely will!) get dove. You can never leave in that situation.

You generally want to walk back following the arrows you see in the picture. This way you can decide wether you just walk back botlane or need to be mid because something might happen.

If you just crashed a huge wave (the circle) that is still under the enemy turret, you have a bigger timeframe to roam. In that case, you can just straight up walk mid, or maybe even toplane! See what your jungler is doing, maybe you guys can invade or make a gank happen.

If you and your adc just crashed the wave, you have a small timeframe to go do something. You could go ward enemy jungle (but be careful!), invade it with your jungler, or see if you can maybe make something happen midlane. Make sure you are back in lane by the time the new wave is there so your adc can safely farm it. Generally, every time you crash a wave like that you want to go in the fog, so enemy doesn't know where you are. When you come back after the roam, stay in the fog too. Maybe the enemy botlane thinks your adc is alone and engages not knowing you're there too. 2 free kills!


This can get pretty advanced and kinda depends on how the game is going and is mostly just macro and not very Janna specific so I'm just going to keep it simple and go with a few important bullet points.

The first thing I'd like to mention is kinda random but I haven't really been able to put it anywhere. Always use Eye Of The Storm on your ally before doing anything else, because whenever you impair an enemy's movement with Zephyr or Howling Gale, 20% of the cooldown is refunded. Also make sure to remember that you can cancel lots of things with Howling Gale and Monsoon, so it can be good to save it in teamfights! You can cancel for example Death Lotus, Elastic Slingshot, Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up and so much more!

Now actually onto the mid-game.

At this point, you want to be spamming Howling Gale on the waves whenever enemies are there. You don't lose anything from it, and one might hit and grant a pick.

Play with your jungler once the mid-game starts. Help your adc catch the wave mid and once they are safe again and waiting for the next one, look to do something with your jungler until the next wave comes in.

Play on the side where your jungler/carry is. If they are in the top jungle and you and your adc are mid, make sure you are on the left side of mid.

You don't facecheck at this point, unless you know where everyone is. You can use a fully charged Howling Gale on a bush as you walk towards it to keep you safe while you ward.

Ping your team. This is super important! Do something useful with the kills you get. Did you just kill enemy jungler and baron is up? Ping them to get it! Don't keep aram'ing mid.

Stay behind your team, we aren't playing Alistar and we can't save anyone when we're dead ourselves.

Make sure you always have a few wards, and recall in time to get some new ones if an objective is spawning. Don't spam-buy Control Wards, only get them for objectives.

You can use Monsoon to push the enemy jungler away from an objective as it's about to die, so they cannot Smite it.
Thank you!

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope it was useful! If you have any feedback or noticed any spelling errors whatsoever, feel free to let me know through discord!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1yanou
1yanou Janna Guide
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