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Jinx Build Guide by TianDaMan

ADC [25.S1.2] Rank 1 Jinx NA | Advanced Build Guide

ADC [25.S1.2] Rank 1 Jinx NA | Advanced Build Guide

Updated on January 24, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TianDaMan Build Guide By TianDaMan 40 2 27,115 Views 4 Comments
40 2 27,115 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TianDaMan Jinx Build Guide By TianDaMan Updated on January 24, 2025
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.2] Rank 1 Jinx NA | Advanced Build Guide

By TianDaMan
About Me
About Me - TianDaMan
Hey there! I’m TianDaMan, a Master Jinx ADC main in League of Legends. I’ve been playing since Season 3 and have dedicated countless hours to mastering Jinx, reaching a peak rank of #1 Jinx in North America. My streams are all about sharing high-level gameplay, in-depth strategies, and advanced mechanics to help fellow Jinx enthusiasts and ADC players improve. Whether you’re here to learn or just enjoy some exciting matches, I’m glad to have you along for the ride! You can find all my content at Feel free to come ask any questions. I'd love to start building a Jinx community.
Please thumbs up this post if it helps you at all. All support is appreciated <3 Thanks!

Understanding Jinx's Kit
---Understanding Jinx's Kit---
Passive - Get Excited!: Whenever Jinx participates in a takedown on an enemy champion, turret, inhibitor, or epic monster within 3 seconds of their death, she gains 175% bonus movement speed that decays over 6 seconds, and 15% total attack speed for the same duration. Additionally, Jinx can exceed the attack speed cap during this time.
Q - Switcheroo!: Switches between Pow-Pow (minigun) and Fishbones (rocket launcher).
  • Pow-Pow (minigun): Gains bonus attack speed for 2.5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The first stack grants 30% bonus attack speed, with each additional stack granting 15% (for a total of 60% at 3 stacks). The stacks decay one at a time and refresh with basic attacks on-attack.
  • Fishbones (rocket launcher): Jinx's basic attacks gain 75/100/125/150/175 bonus range, deal 110% AD to the main target, and splash 80/100/120/140/160% AD to all nearby enemies. Each attack consumes 16/17/18/19/20 mana.
W - Zap!: Jinx fires a shock blast in the target direction, dealing 10/60/110/160/210 (+160% Bonus AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 30/40/50/60/70% for 2 seconds.
E - Flame Chompers!: Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that land in a line after 0.4 seconds. They arm after 0.5 seconds and explode after 5 seconds, dealing 70/120/170/220/270 (+100% AP) magic damage to all nearby enemies. Enemies who walk over an armed chomper cause it to explode instantly, rooting them for 1.5 seconds.
R - Super Mega Death Rocket!: Jinx fires a global-range rocket that explodes upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing 250/350/450 (+150% Bonus AD) physical damage, plus 25/30/35% of the target's missing health (max 500 damage against monsters). The rocket deals 80% damage to nearby enemies.
Rune Choices
Lethal Tempo: Jinx thrives on extended trades and team fights due to her passive, Get Excited!, which increases her attack and movement speed after takedowns. Lethal Tempo complements this by further increasing her attack speed, especially when switching between Pow-Pow and Fishbones. This allows her to maximize damage output with Runaan’s Hurricane’s multi-target passive and synergizes with Infinity Edge’s crit damage.
Press the Attack: Jinx’s ability to stack basic attacks quickly synergizes well with Press the Attack. Once fully stacked (3 attacks), the target takes increased damage from all sources, amplifying the burst damage of her lethality items.
Presence of Mind: Jinx’s Fishbones consumes mana with each attack, and Zap! (W) can be mana-intensive in extended trades. Presence of Mind ensures she sustains her mana pool during team fights, enabling her to continuously cast abilities and maintain high DPS. This is particularly crucial during long skirmishes or late-game sieges.
Legend: Alacrity: This rune is a great option for lanes with no poke, where Jinx isn’t under constant pressure. Alacrity provides bonus attack speed, allowing her to scale faster and increase DPS, especially in early laning phases. In lanes with no poke, Alacrity helps Jinx push through the early game and reach her power spikes quickly, making her stronger for mid to late-game team fights.
Legend: Bloodline: Jinx often gets focused in fights due to her high damage output, and Bloodline provides lifesteal to sustain her health during trades or team fights. Lifesteal is especially useful when crit-based builds like Infinity Edge amplify her damage and allow her to heal for significant amounts in fights, making her harder to take down.
Cut Down: Jinx excels against tanks or health-stacking champions due to her Fishbones splash damage. Cut Down further amplifies her DPS against targets with higher max health, letting her shred through tanks and bruisers efficiently, which pairs well with the armor penetration from Infinity Edge.
Absolute Focus: Jinx’s long attack range with Fishbones allows her to maintain high health in fights, especially if she positions well behind her frontline. Absolute Focus gives bonus adaptive damage (AD or AP) when above 70% health, which scales her damage output during sieges or poking enemies from a safe distance.
Gathering Storm: Jinx is a late-game hyper-carry, and Gathering Storm ensures her AD scales as the game progresses. With this rune, her damage potential increases exponentially, synergizing with her core crit build ( Yun-Tal) and making her an unstoppable force in late-game fights.
Cash Back: Lethality builds require high-cost items to achieve their full potential (CollectorCollector, Opportunity, etc.). Cash Back helps mitigate the cost of these items by refunding gold when purchasing, allowing Jinx to reach her power spikes earlier.
Jack of All Trades: This rune provides a well-rounded stat boost that complements the lethality playstyle. Bonus attack speed aids her auto-attacks, adaptive stats increase her damage output, and base health improves her survivability.
Magical Footwear: Jinx benefits from Magical Footwear due to her reliance on her mobility to engage and disengage fights effectively. The bonus movement speed allows Jinx to reposition quickly, making it easier to kite enemies or escape dangerous situations. Additionally, the free boots enable her to save gold for critical damage items, helping her power spike faster. The early speed boost also synergizes well with her need to stay at the correct distance while poking with Fishbones and later in team fights.
Situational Items
---Situational Items for Jinx---
1. Lord Dominik's Regards
When to build: Against teams with tanky champions stacking armor. This item significantly increases your damage against high-health enemies.
2. Mortal Reminder
When to build: Against enemies with heavy healing or sustain, such as Soraka, Vladimir, or Aatrox. The Grievous Wounds effect reduces their healing effectiveness.
3. Guardian Angel
When to build: When the enemy team has high burst damage or assassins like Zed, Talon, or Akali. The revive can give you a second chance in fights and make enemies hesitate to dive on you.
4. Mercurial Scimitar
When to build: Against teams with heavy crowd control, such as Morgana, Leona, or Malzahar. The active can save you from fatal situations.
5. Bloodthirster
When to build: If you need extra sustain and survivability in extended fights. The shield and lifesteal are invaluable against poke-heavy teams.
6. Rapid Firecannon
When to build: If you need additional range for sieging turrets, poking enemies, or safely dealing damage to champions with high engage potential.
7. Maw of Malmortius
When to build: When facing heavy burst magic damage threats like Syndra or Leblanc. The shield can prevent instant deaths in team fights.
1. Jinx vs. Ashe
Playstyle: Farm, poke, and disengage
Strategy: Ashe has strong poke with her Volley and slows from auto-attacks. Standing near minions when she has Volley ready can help negate some damage. In trades, wait for the right moment to engage with rockets. Watch out for her Enchanted Crystal Arrow. You may want to take Cleanse for this lane.
Tips: Play safe and poke when her ultimate is on cooldown.
2. Jinx vs. Caitlyn
Playstyle: Play defensively early
Strategy: Caitlyn has a significant range advantage, so focus on last-hitting and poke her with from range. Watch out for her Yordle Snap Trap and Piltover Peacemaker. It's good to know that Caitlyn's does %60 reduced damage if it hits an enemy before you so use this to your advantage.
Tips: Don't stand still too long to avoid getting caught in traps. Look for opportunities when her traps are on cooldown.
3. Jinx vs. Ezreal
Playstyle: Farm and poke
Strategy: Ezreal has high poke potential with Mystic Shot. Play safe behind minions and look to poke with Fishbones. Be wary of his Arcane Shift for mobility.
Tips: Wait for his Arcane Shift to be on cooldown before engaging in trades.
4. Jinx vs. Jhin
Playstyle: Play cautiously early, punish with your range
Strategy: Jhin can trap and snare you with Deadly Flourish. Play carefully and use your Fishbones to poke from a distance. Watch out for his Ultimate Ultimate for burst damage. Stand away from minions that are in packs of 3 or less so prevent his Q from bouncing to you.
Tips: Avoid standing still too long and wait for his Deadly Flourish cooldown before engaging.
5. Jinx vs. Kai'Sa
Playstyle: Poke and farm safely
Strategy: Kai'Sa has high burst potential with Icathian Rain and Killer Instinct. Play safe in minion waves so her Icathian Rain isn't isolation damage on you and poke with Fishbones.
Tips: Once she uses Killer Instinct, she’s more vulnerable for a short period.
6. Jinx vs. Miss Fortune
Playstyle: Farm, poke, and disengage
Strategy: Miss Fortune has strong poke with Double Up and area poke with Make it Rain. Play safe away from behind minions and poke with Fishbones. Watch out for her Bullet Time in team fights. Try not to fight her in tight spaces or stay alongside the wall, otherwise her Bullet Time can hit you easily.
Tips: Play safe early to avoid too much poke.
7. Jinx vs. Sivir
Playstyle: Stay safe and wait for the right opportunity
Strategy: Sivir has high mobility with Spell Shield and strong poke with her Boomerang Blade. Try not to engage her directly unless you have a strong advantage in items.
Tips: Wait for her Spell Shield to be used before trying to land your skill shots.
Matchups with Supports
---The Rock-Paper-Scissors System of Supports in League of Legends---

In League of Legends, supports can be categorized into three main types that counter or are countered by each other, creating a dynamic "rock-paper-scissors" system. Here's how it works:

1. Engage Supports (Rock)
  • Examples: Leona , Nautilus , Alistar , Rakan
  • Playstyle: Engage supports thrive on initiating fights and locking down enemies with crowd control (CC). They excel at diving in and catching squishy targets.
  • Strengths: Strong against Enchanters who lack mobility or CC to stop them.
  • Weaknesses: Weak against Poke/Disengage Supports who can kite and keep their distance.

2. Poke/Disengage Supports (Paper)
  • Examples: Zyra , Karma , Morgana , Janna
  • Playstyle: These supports excel at keeping enemies at bay through poke damage or disengaging with CC when enemies dive in.
  • Strengths: Strong against Engage Supports who struggle to close the gap.
  • Weaknesses: Weak against Enchanters who can sustain through poke and protect their ADCs.

3. Enchanters (Scissors)
  • Examples: Soraka , Lulu , Yuumi , Nami
  • Playstyle: Enchanters focus on healing, shielding, and empowering their ADCs to win trades or outlast opponents.
  • Strengths: Strong against Poke/Disengage Supports who rely on poke damage.
  • Weaknesses: Weak against Engage Supports who can lock them down before they can peel or sustain effectively.

Summary Diagram

  • The system is not absolute and depends on skill, team compositions, and game state.
  • Some champions, like Thresh , blur the lines between categories, offering versatility.
  • Adapt your playstyle based on the matchup to maximize your impact.
Annimation Canceling
---Jinx Ability Animation Cancels and Combos---
Animation Cancel: Switch with or : You can cancel the animation of and by quickly switching between her minigun and rocket launcher. This lets you squeeze in basic attacks between abilities faster.
Fast Switching: Minimize downtime when switching by timing so you’re firing your next shot as soon as the animation ends.
Animation Cancel: Casting During Move Commands: has a cast time, but casting it between movement commands can reduce delay, especially useful while chasing or kiting.
Animation Cancel: During an Attack Animation: Press immediately after attacking to queue Chompers’ cast right after your attack, zoning or peeling while maintaining DPS.
Combo: Weave in Between Basic Attacks: Weave your ultimate between auto-attacks to amplify burst potential in all-ins.
Jinx's Ult
---Ult distances and timers---

In League of Legends, the in-game map is measured using units. A unit refers to the basic measurement of distance within the game, with the common reference point being the size of a Teemo model. 100 units in the game is approximately the length of Teemo’s character model. This means that, when measuring distances in the game, you can think of 100 units as being roughly the size of Teemo’s character.

This image illustrates how long it takes for Jinx's Ultimate to reach a target after being fired. The numbers on the image represent the time it takes in seconds for the rocket to travel the distance from Jinx to the target, depending on how far away the target is. The graphic shows the speed and trajectory of the rocket, helping players gauge when to use the ultimate effectively for snipe kills or securing objectives, as the rocket travels a considerable distance at a consistent speed.
Wave Management
---Wave Management---
Early Game Wave Control:
  • Level 1-3: Last-hit only to avoid pushing the wave unless you want lane priority. Jinx’s long auto-attack range lets you poke the enemy without overcommitting.
  • Push for Level 2 Advantage: If you have a strong level 2 support, push for level 2 to gain the upper hand; otherwise, farm safely for your first item.

Mid-Game Wave Management:
  • Wave Clear with Rockets : Fishbones’ splash damage clears waves quickly. Use it when safe or when lane pressure is needed, but avoid overextending.
  • Freeze When Behind: If behind, freeze the wave closer to your turret to farm safely, using , denying your opponent gold and experience.

Late Game Wave Strategy:
  • Split-Push with Caution: Clear side lanes with AoE rocket autos but avoid staying alone too long. Clear waves, then rejoin your team for objectives.
  • Grouping and Siege Potential: Jinx’s range and tower-taking potential make her ideal for sieges. Stick with your team to quickly burn down towers.

Lane Control
  • The earlier spawn of cannon minions (wave 4) means stronger early waves. Coordinate with your support to either push or hold the wave, depending on your strategy.
  • Fast Push Tips:
    • You can create fast pushes by maximizing wave power rather than just focusing on killing melee minions. The more wave power you have, the harder the push will be.
    • Why Fast Push?: Fast pushing can deny enemy laners gold, create map presence, or secure vision and objectives.
    • When to Fast Push:
      • A: When the enemy laner is forced to base, allowing you to extend your lead.
      • B: When your jungler is flanking and preparing to dive.
      • C: When the enemy team is across the map, giving you an opportunity to pressure objectives or structures.
      • D: When you need to obtain vision to prevent jungle ganks or set up for an objective.
    • Remember, fast pushing is a tool that can be used in both laning phase and mid-game to secure advantages and force the enemy to respond to your pressure.
Slow Pushing:
  • Slow pushing in its simplest sense is killing the enemy caster minions. This results in the enemy minion wave doing less damage to your minion wave (which also means your minion wave does more damage to theirs) while allowing a large wave of yours to build up. This is because the pushing minion wave still requires a large amount of time to kill the “tank” melee minions.
  • Wave Build-up: As with fast pushing, the term “slow” refers to the total time that the wave will reach the enemy turret. This means you will have turret pressure in a while or that the wave will push slowly.
  • Applying Freezing Rules to Slow Pushing: The same rules that apply to freezing apply to slow pushing. If the wave lies in the yellow zone, you will need an additional two minions in order to slow push effectively (see below). If you have greater than four caster minions over the enemy, you will guarantee a push at any part of the lane.
  • Wave Power and Slow Pushing: Remember, slow pushes can be created by more than just killing the caster minions; minion pushes are based on wave power rather than simply “killing the casters.” The more wave power you have, the harder the push will be.
  • Strategic Uses of Slow Pushes: Slow pushes are often used for various strategic purposes, including:
    • A: To set up a cross-map objective play.
    • B: To deny massive amounts of experience and gold by threatening a jungle dive.
    • C: To base, roam, or ward.
    • D: To harass and siege structures.
    See here a slow pushed wave setting up a tower dive with jungler.
  • Why Slow Push Over Fast Push?: Slow pushing is often favored because it creates better objective plays, denies large minion waves, and generates more map pressure. It frequently results in applying lane pressure, allowing your team room to maneuver, set up wards, or make plays on objectives.
  • Pressure Window: It’s important to capitalize on the pressure created by a slow push quickly, as the window typically doesn’t last long.
  • Beyond Laning Phase: Most of the time beyond the laning phase, you will use a slow push for securing an objective as well as giving yourself a wave to siege the enemy's base.
  • Post-Laning Phase Slow Pushing: When slow pushing in a side lane, this is usually done after the laning phase. However, slow pushing during the laning phase can be used to win certain matchups, particularly in ranged vs melee matchups where the melee champion overextends and cannot dive into large minion waves.
  • Slow Pushing for High Creep Score: Slow pushes are also how you obtain a high creep score. When you slow push into an enemy turret, the wave will bounce and, in turn, slow push for the enemy team. This means that you will be able to collect a large amount of minions in a short amount of time while improving your creep score.

  • Why Freeze?: Freezing keeps the wave near your turret, allowing you to farm safely and deny the enemy gold and experience.
  • When to Freeze: Freeze when you’re behind, your jungler wants to gank, or you want to minimize risk while farming. You should also freeze if you don't have any summoners up. This will help you avoid being ganked or getting all-inned from the enemy bot lane.
  • When NOT to Freeze: Avoid freezing when your team needs lane pressure, you’re ahead and want to harass, or the enemy can clear waves easily and break the freeze.

Trading and Skirmishing
Minion Damage:
  • Given the increased damage minions deal to champions, be cautious when engaging in trades near large enemy minion waves, as they can significantly impact the skirmish outcome.

Team Fight Positioning
  • Backline Priority: Stay behind your frontline or with your support. Use Fishbones! to maintain safe positioning while dealing damage.
  • Kite with Pow Pow Pow-Pow!: Use the minigun’s attack speed boost for DPS when safe; otherwise, use rockets to maintain range.

Target Selection
  • Burst Down Low-Health Targets: Use your ultimate to finish low-health enemies from a distance, activating Get Excited! for a speed and attack boost.
  • Get Excited! Chain: Look to burst down one target to activate and chain resets for high-impact fights.
  • Zap! and Flame Chompers! for Self-Peel: Save and flame-chompers! to control or peel threats that dive you.
  • Zoning with Chompers: Use chompers to zone enemies off objectives or paths, trapping opponents or securing your escape.
  • Ultimate Sniping: Look for opportunities to snipe low-health enemies with for kills, assists, or control over objectives.
  • Use Pow Pow!Pow Pow! for Neutral Objectives: Switch to the minigun when taking Dragon or Baron to maximize DPS.
--- Rotations, Roaming, and Map Awareness for Jinx ---
When to Rotate as Jinx
1. First Tower Pressure
• When to Rotate: After taking the bot lane tower or if the enemy ADC rotates top or mid.
• Why: Taking the first turret opens up the map. Rotating to mid lets you use your wave clear and range to pressure mid and set up objectives like or .

• How: Push the bot wave, set vision, and rotate mid with your and ready to disengage if needed.

2. Objective Control
• When to Rotate: Prioritize objectives when your team has lane priority.
• Why: Jinx's is excellent for executing objectives and securing fights.
• How: Coordinate with your team, ensure vision around objectives, and use your range to DPS from a safe position.

3. Team Fights
• When to Rotate: Rotate if your wave is safe and a fight is imminent.
• Why: Jinx excels in grouped fights with her passive, allowing you to clean up fights and snowball.
When Your Support Roams
1. Play Safely and Farm
• When your support roams, focus on farming under turret or maintaining a safe position.
• Use and (rocket form) to farm from range.

2. Ward and Stay Alert
• Use or for vision.
• Track the enemy jungler's position and avoid pushing unless you have information on the map.

3. Call for Backup
• If the enemy engages while your support is roaming, ping for assistance from your jungler or mid-laner.
When Should Your Support Roam?
• When You're Safe: If you’re under turret or the wave is frozen near your side, it’s safe for your support to roam.
• When You Have Vision: Roaming is safer when the river and jungle are warded.
• To Secure Objectives: Supports often roam to assist with objectives like or . During this time, focus on pushing the wave.
Tips for Maximizing Rotations
  • Communicate: Use pings to indicate your intentions or warn your team of potential threats.
  • Stay Alive: Avoid unnecessary risks—your late-game potential as Jinx is crucial.
  • Adapt to Enemy Composition: Against heavy engage, always rotate with vision and peeling in mind.
  • Follow Tempo: Match your team's mid-game pace and play around power spikes from Collector, Yun Tal, Infinity Edge, etc.
Good Luck and Dominate the Rift!
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