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Dodge if you're your team's only AP, but AD TF screws him over until VERY late game.
Hold your W for her ult or for when she engages on you. Everfrost is good into her because it prevents her from dashing. Go hourglass 2nd.
Dodge his Q and you should be fine. You win this as long as you don't interact with him. Shove and roam. Take safe route back to avoid him ambushing you.
Has good waveclear early and can easily punish positioning mistakes. Play very safe as they like to use lack of vision to W and E you. Take teleport so you can back with a cheater recall.
Annoying waveclear and can wall you so you can't run, play extremely safe and the worst she can do is flash W R. If she starts to zone you off ask for jungle gank.
Pre- 6 you can bully her but after that stay away. If she lands Q on you wait out the moonlight. her threat is her double dash so if you can dodge her Q you might be able to trade, but you should shove.
This is player dependant. Ahri can kills you easily, but requires hitting her charm and Q to do so. If she misses E, trade back then back off. You can rush Merc Treads into this matchup.
If you dodge his skillshots you win. Call Jungle and stay spaced so he can't use ult. Shove and roam.
Do not go near her unless you have your jungle because she gets movement speed from her passive and WILL solo you.
Can zone you off wave and still clear minions which is super annoying. Focus on getting your team ahead and ask for ganks.
Can and will tower dive you after level 3. You can poke him down before but after stay away. Try to perma freeze at your tower so he has to be aware of your jungle. Rush hourglass.
You can both punish positioning mistakes in this matchup. Dodge E. Take perfect timing and rush everfrost. Ideally, bait her into a tower dive.
i'm honestly unsure about this matchup. He can counter your roams with his ult and can also kills you in lane. If he tries to zone freeze at your tower and call jungle.
Take corrupting pot to out sustain and heal from grasp. During laning phase you can trade as long as he doesn't have a barrel combo ready.
Dodge. AD Tf might be able to cope with her, but idk tbh. If you go AD rush wit's end against her and merc treads.
This is super rare. Take swifties and negatron cloak to counter his slow and damage. You can also take barrier into this matchup which will be good until mid-late.
Shove and roam and you should be fine. Stay far enough away from her E range and you should be fine. Negatron can be taken here, but second wind is also a solid option.
Boots start and roam. She has to hit Q to kill you. Take Swifties or Merc treads depending on how good the lux is. You can kill if she blows her Q and doesn't have barrier. Hourglass is also good idea.
Take bone plating secondary. Rush Seeker's. He can completely pressure you off the wave if he chooses to so ask for gank and let your jungler take his combo. When he gets his first item your only hope is to shove and roam. Rfc rush can also be good bc it forces him to use E so he won't be able to deny your team's burst a second time or when he dives.
Early game champ with decent waveclear. Negatron cloak with hourglass. Dodge her E and you're golden.
You can boots first item into this. Learn to space properly and it won't be an issue for you.
Twisted Fate
Will likely burn his W on waveclear enabling you to all in him without any punishment unless he has everfrost.
Rush hourglass into Everfrost and you can deny him early kill pressure pretty well. Shove and roam.
If you get Seeker's he can't burst you. Shove and roam, be careful for counter roams by watching mid when you roam.
Use tethering to avoid her poke. Shove and roam. Do not try and fight her unless you have jungle.
If you play this champ mid you deserve death.
They deserve death too.
Shove and roam. ping his ult when he steals yours because he is an assassin with a roaming ult which is ***VERY*** broken.
He can bully you early if he knows how to poke but just tough it out for awhile and you will be able to shove before he can which will cause him to lose CS while you get your team a lead.
Don't play into this unless you go AD, but even then you'll probably still die.
not much a threat early. If he cages you don't panic and let his W fall on you. Pull a gold card and do your full combo on him to punish.
Boots start. Dodge. If he ults you can either ult away or ult onto him. It will probably take him a second to locate you. If possible use your ult on him to stun during team fights.
Counters AP TF but not AD. When he engages on you cycle through your cards to threaten his full dive when he overextends past windwall. Punish when the opportunity presents itself.
Shits on AP Tf, I have no idea about AD Tf. Just freeze if possible.
AD TF counters him, but you can still play AP TF into this. Inspiration primary with resolve secondary. Shove and roam.
You can boots rush into this if you want, but not necessary. He can shove you in as well. This basically becomes waveclear simulator. You will lose turret, don't worry about it, just roam.
She will one-shot the back line which can cause a slow push towards your tower or she will just hard shove once her Q comes up again. Shove and roam if possible, but avoid your minions. Make sure you pay attention to which side she disappears to because that's where she'll bubble you from.
I'm adding him here because having a tf and an ezreal on the ***SAME*** team is bad. On AP your team doesn't have enough consistent damage to function in a team fight and with AD you will be the primary target since ezreal is harder to kill.
Any Champion wish CC synergizes with TF bc you can chain it. Champions like graves whose combos rely on hitting skillshots synergize with tf bc you make it impossible for them to miss.
Any Champion wish CC synergizes with TF bc you can chain it. Champions like graves whose combos rely on hitting skillshots synergize with tf bc you make it impossible for them to miss.
Hi, I'm 3Riptide3, a long term TF main who hovers between high silver and low gold. I started my league career back in Season 7, placing in silver 4 from placements where I decided to get better until I did them again. In Season 8 I got to silver 1, and in Season 9 I finally hit Gold 4. I started college in Season 10 and didn't have enough time to play consistently, so I ended silver 2. This Season I've bounced between gold 4 and silver 2, but I believe I have a lot to offer for new and experienced TF players due to my years maining him.
Why should you play TF?
For some back story, Twisted Fate was one of the original 50 champions and has not been changed as much compared to other champions. His kit over the years has largely remained the same with only numbers being tweaked occasionally. This means two things.
1. That TF's kit is very stable and healthy, meaning you won't have to deal with learning new mechanics on him.
2. That TF is usually in a good spot regardless of most metas.
Tf fits well into most team comps because his game plan remains the same through any of them: Gold card the enemy, roam, and apply map pressure when your ult is up (Not to be confused with when your ult is activated).
TF is a character about controlling the map with his presence. Any fight that may happen in lane or jungle always has the possibility of TF being there in less than 3 seconds to turn the tide, which makes everything risky for the enemy. Because of this,CC is easy to set up once an enemy is stunned and in turn making it easier for the enemy to be killed and giving your team mates a lead.
If you enjoy changing the outcomes of battle and having a large presence in other lanes even when you're not actively roaming then Twisted Fate, The Card Master, is for you!
Early game
Early game you want to play safe and use your Minion dematerilizer on Caster minions as much as possible unless you can get a quick trade-off or your jungle is ganking you. Just before or once you hit level 5 you should plan to back after shoving the wave so you can replenish your health and mana in case a roam opportunity is available once you're 6. After this point your goal is to instantly roam or power farm until level 9 where (If you're playing AP TF) you should be able to shove the wave in 2 Q's. Once you can do this you should disappear from vision to apply pressure to all lanes since they do not know where you are.
Mid game
During mid-game your primary focus should be peeling for your win conditions or making picks with your Gold Card. If you're struggling with this try buying Rapid-fire cannon to extend your attack range. Your other option is to split push while your team applies pressure somewhere elsewhere (Note: Preferably, you should only be one lane away from a team mate at all times since your ultimate is not global. If you're bot lane while your team is top lane you will probably be too late to help them win the fight and will have wasted time running to them. TF is decent at taking towers, but many players underestimate his damage which can lead you to get some for free.
Late game
During late game you should have enough damage to be more than just the threat of a stun card to almost anybody out of position. ADC's, Supports, mid laners, and even some junglers will have to start giving you serious amounts of respect. Even during late game your job is to still peel any immediate threat for your carries and you should not stop doing this at any point during the game.
Important information
TF's passive, Loaded dice, allows him to gain leads on the enemy laner just for farming well. Generally, you should focus on farming and roaming more than trading, but if you can get a lead early make sure to abuse it as it makes roams more successful.
Wave control on Twisted Fate is very important pre-9 because you absolutely do not want to get frozen on. You want to either freeze or crash waves and knowing how and when to do so is extremely important.
To freeze a wave you need the enemy wave to have 1-3 more minions than your own, with more minions the closer the enemy wave is to your tower. To keep a freeze you need to thin their wave to where there is still 1-3 three minions when the two waves meet again.
To shove you just need to kill the minions as quickly as possible. You should do this when looking to roam or when the enemy laner roams.
About this guide
This guide will be updated for the foreseeable future as changes to the game, other champions, and strategies evolve. If you leave a comment providing feedback for the guide I will try and add whatever you suggest. This guide will eventually have pictures to increase clarity and sections will be edited to provide more concise and valuable information peridocially.
Special thanks to the TF Mains discord server for helping me put together this guide you can find them here:
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