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Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
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I hate this champ, in my opinion she dont need skill at all. Q-W-E every 3 seconds ready. She will bully you sooo hard around, so ask for a camp
Why do i write this Guide? The answer is simple. I hate the metas and at the moment is Gangplank one of the best "off" meta champs who is out there. And so many people around me always say i cant play Gp he is way 2 hard for me. At the beginning yes, later is he just funny when you halflife the enemy ADC or APC with one E-Q combo.
This itembuild will get you easy to diamond. Most people, even in platin 1, cant play against Gangplank lategame. After your first 3 Items you gonna deal tons of dmg and they cant really 1vs1 you anymore. If you aske why you build Deaths Dance then is the answer simple. You get life back per physical dmg you dealt. So if you E-Q 1 minion wave in lategame you get back like 300 hp(vs Champs 100-150)
But there is an important point. Always ask your jungler for a camp. If he camp you thru the early game then you cant lose anymore.
But there is an important point. Always ask your jungler for a camp. If he camp you thru the early game then you cant lose anymore.
+ Op in Lategame
+ when you E+Q the minions after you got some items and you instant kill them= awesome feeling!
+ high Carry potencial
+ your Ult helps your teammates and you get assists
- weak early
- if you get camped by the enemy- hard to come back
- if you lose vs your laner- hard to come back
- Barrels got no chance vs ad speed champs.
+ when you E+Q the minions after you got some items and you instant kill them= awesome feeling!
+ high Carry potencial
+ your Ult helps your teammates and you get assists
- weak early
- if you get camped by the enemy- hard to come back
- if you lose vs your laner- hard to come back
- Barrels got no chance vs ad speed champs.
When you got your 500Coins you will ask yourself which Ult upgrade to buy. I prefer Deaths Daughter because the enemy wont stay the whole time in your ult so the chance that your ult is killing someone or dealing 3x times the dmg before he leaves the circel is high.
After Deaths Daughter- Fire At Will- Raise Moral.
After Deaths Daughter- Fire At Will- Raise Moral.
Before you play rankeds, try to learn him in normals. Learn to time your E-Q cause its really annoying when you try to farm with it and the enemy just destroy your barrel. Always buy pink wards AND place them so you dont get even more behind. That one of the points why you take Tp.
I hope this Guide will help you to improve your Pirate Skills. More Pirates = more fun in the "new World"!
I hope this Guide will help you to improve your Pirate Skills. More Pirates = more fun in the "new World"!
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