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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by Tchouvline

Middle [9.21] Middlesticks, a genius pick ! (including matchups !)

Middle [9.21] Middlesticks, a genius pick ! (including matchups !)

Updated on November 8, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tchouvline Build Guide By Tchouvline 79 6 200,244 Views 10 Comments
79 6 200,244 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tchouvline Fiddlesticks Build Guide By Tchouvline Updated on November 8, 2019
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Runes: Main

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Sudden Impact
Ingenious Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[9.21] Middlesticks, a genius pick ! (including matchups !)

By Tchouvline

Welcome to my first guide, today we're gonna talk about The Harbinger of Doom, Fiddlesticks.

I used to play Fiddlesticks alot on League of Legends, and now it's my main champion, i play it on a special lane for him, the midlane.
Well played, Fiddlesticks can litteraly carry a game, and we'll see how and with what !
If you see ANY error, please leave a comment and i'll answer to you !

DISCLAIMER : This build is not 100% finished yet, BUT if you wanna add something to this build, just comment ! :D
LAST UPDATE : Adding progressively all mid matchups ! (08/29/2019)
I'm actually graphically reworking all the guide, to make it easier to read :D
About Middlesticks

Fiddlesticks - An unexpected Midlaner !
Ranged, Mage, Jungler, Support, Midlaner

Carrying potential: Really high !
Fun meter: Too high to imagine a value !
Speciality: Can occur a ragequit in enemy side !

Middlesticks is an exotic pick, it can be at your advantage, if you well play him, it will be a pain in the *** of your ennemies. Crowstorm deals ALOT of damages, combined with your CC spells, success is guaranteed ! Harassing the enemy will be your speciality ! Your kit is perfect if you wanna tryhard or having fun while playing LoL. Fiddlesticks is not a usually-banned champion, so you can easily OTP him without any problem !

Pros / Cons

+ Great sustain with Bountiful Harvest
+ Poke capacity with Reap
+ Engage potential with Crowstorm
+ Funny champ to play !
+ Easy to learn
+ In some situations, can comeback if behind.

Fiddlesticks is not my favorite champion in League of Legends for nothing ! Actually, this champion have great crowd-control abilities (like Terrify or Reap), making himself a huge threat for alot of midlaners. Well played, he can carry your team to the victory, with his AoE ultimate, Crowstorm.

- Squeechy
- Weak to CC
- High CDs early
- Mana consumption early
- Ultimate casting time

Fiddlesticks's strengths are also his weaknesses, let me explain. A simple CC during Crowstorm's cast and it's over ! Your ultimate will be on CD and you'll probably loose the fight if you're carrying ! Even with Terrify, you'll have some troubles if you get ganked.

Sorcery and Domination

Arcane Comet is a great choice for Fiddlesticks, it gives you AoE damages (very useful on laning phase) and it'll be very easy to proc it with Reap. You can also use Summon Aery if you wanna focus more on the enemy. As a late-game alternative, using Phase Rush will allow you to run through ennemies positions without any problem, and probably you'll be able to proc some flashes !
Manaflow Band is really good on Fiddlesticks, resolving your mana problems on early game, and providing you a good mana regeneration for the rest of the game. You can use Nullifying Orb if you're vs AP assassins like LeBlanc or Fizz.
Transcendence will provide you a 10% cooldown reduction, it will be really useful with Crowstorm to cast it more often. Celerity can be an alternative if you need some MS. However, i don't recommand using Absolute Focus, if you dive or engage, you'll rapidly fall under 70%HP.
Gathering Storm provides you a certain amount of bonus AP during the game, this is really useful for the late game (around 30 minutes) and will perfectly scale with Rabadon's Deathcap. However, you can perfectly use Scorch if you want a better laning phase.

Sudden Impact will give you a boost of flat Magic penetration while ulting, which is definitely the best choice for Fiddlesticks ! Alternatively, you can use Eyeball Collection to pickup 30 AP. Actually, Cheap Shot is good, but since his nerf, Sudden Impact keep the place of the best choice !
Ingenious Hunter can provide to Hextech Rocketbelt and Zhonya's Hourglass a maximum of 40% CD reduction ! With this, you will be able to cast almost everytime Crowstorm with Zhonya's Hourglass.
DREAD (Passive): After standing still or channeling for 1.5 seconds, Fiddlesticks gains A Harmless Scarecrow, granting him 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus movement speed which lasts for 1.5 seconds once he starts moving. Immobilizing crowd control resets this timer. (Additional thing, for the lore : If you stand for at least 5 seconds, you become a true Scarecrow !)

TERRIFY (Q): Strikes a target unit with fear, preventing it from taking any actions and causing it to run away from Fiddlesticks with impaired movement for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds.

DRAIN (W): Fiddlesticks channels and leashes to a target for 5 seconds, dealing 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+45% of ability power) magic damage each second and healing himself for 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80% of the damage done. If the target leaves the range of Fiddlesticks' leash, he will stop channeling. If Bountiful Harvest's target dies before the channel completes, the remaining duration is applied as cooldown reduction.

DARK WIND (E): Fiddlesticks throws a crow that strikes an enemy target, then continues to bounce from that enemy unit to another nearby enemy unit up to 5 times, dealing 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+45% of ability power) magic damage per bounce and silencing every target it hits for the first time for 1.25 seconds. Reap prioritizes enemies being Drained or ones it has not yet hit. Deals double damage to monsters..

CROWSTORM (R): Fiddlesticks targets a nearby location and then channels for 1.5 seconds. After the channel, he then flashes to the target location with a flock of crows flying wildly around him for 5 seconds, dealing 125 / 225 / 325 (+45% of ability power) magic damage to all enemy units in the area each second.
A dash that will be very useful for Fiddlesticks when he use Crowstorm, dealing even more damages to the enemy ! And for you, it'll be a source of AP, CD reduction and Health ! A must have !
When Fiddlesticks engage, he will be the target of many opponents, including champions and turrets. The Zhonya's Hourglass is a must have item, the perfect one when you want to engage and deal alot of damages to the enemy team, without taking too much !
The third item that you must have in your core build. The Sorcerer's Shoes provide to Fiddlesticks more MS and Magic Penetration, which will be useful to inflict alot of damages to the enemy team !
Rabadon's Deathcap is a reaaaaally good item, which provides 120AP and a 40% increased AP, which is powerful ! This can be your 4th item if you're fed with Fiddlesticks, if you're not fed, you can buy it as 5th or 6th item.
If you're looking for a 4th item, here it is ! The Morellonomicon will give you AP, Health, Magic Penetration, and a great anti-heal passive ! I usually buy this as 4th item for Fiddlesticks.
When Fiddlesticks encounter some tanks with high MR, he needs penetration, that's why I included Void Staff to the build ! 40% of the enemy's Magic Resistance will be ignored (before Magic Penetration) ! Sorcerer's Shoes, Morellonomicon and Void Staff can litteraly rip the life of your ennemies, even if they're not tank !
Even if Fiddlesticks fear and silence everyone, his strength is a weakness. It's a squishy champion, and a single CC can give the opportunity to the enemy team to engage and destroy you and your team ! That's why, in some matchups, i buy Banshee's Veil ! But you can build a Banshee vs fed AP champs and try to take the advantage back to you !
Useful for your teammates, the Rylai's Crystal Scepter, combined with Crowstorm, will be able to slow down the whole enemy team, allowing Fiddlesticks and his mates to engage and try to get some Flash down. Health and high AP boost is appreciated !
In some cases, when you're overfed and you wanna litteraly 1v5 the enemy team, the Spellbinder will be useful, his active ability can give you up to 50% decaying movement speed and 80 AP boost for 4 seconds ! Combined with Crowstorm, the enemy team doesn't even have a chance versus you !
In late game, when you have your 6 items, it's appreciated to have a 50AP boost for few minutes ! In some cases, you can use it on Early or Mid-game to take the advantage, however i don't recommand using it until the late game, it can be a risk.
Matchups (WIP)
/!\ I'm actually working on this part, it'll be updated ASAP ! /!\




Zed vs Fiddlesticks

Mordekaiser vs Fiddlesticks

Diana vs Fiddlesticks

Katarina vs Fiddlesticks

Yasuo vs Fiddlesticks

Lux vs Fiddlesticks
The first spot is at the raptors, working in both sides !
The second one can be at every corner of the walls !

I'll notice that you have a last spot that can be used if your opponent is attacking your tower, this spot is available on the other side so it can be at your advantage !
Update Logs
Update logs will be cleared each month

~06/05/2019~ First version of guide published.
~08/12/2019~ 100 000 views reached ! Thank you !

~08/11/2019~ Cheap shot changed for Sudden impact in both runes setup.
~08/21/2019~ Abilities tree changed for Ranged/Melee matchup.
~08/28/2019~ Mid matchups from A to D added, more are coming soon.
This was my first build, don't hesitate to write a comment if you wanna ask me questions, if you have something to edit about the build, or if you're happy about it and that you're crushing your opponents !

I'll try to update this build as much as i can, until Fiddlesticks's rework, and then we'll update the whole lot !
You can follow my twitch channel if you want, i'm usually streaming, and of course i'll stream some League of Legends, if you're happy with this build, vote up it ! :D

Have a nice games and don't forget... "Fear me."
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tchouvline
Tchouvline Fiddlesticks Guide
Vote Vote
[9.21] Middlesticks, a genius pick ! (including matchups !)

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