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Talon Build Guide by MangoTheSerb

Middle A Masters Players Attempt to Explain Talon

Middle A Masters Players Attempt to Explain Talon

Updated on July 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MangoTheSerb Build Guide By MangoTheSerb 2,801 Views 0 Comments
2,801 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MangoTheSerb Talon Build Guide By MangoTheSerb Updated on July 3, 2023
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Runes: Standard Assasin

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

A Masters Players Attempt to Explain Talon

By MangoTheSerb
Just a quick thing
I want to say that English is not my first language as you can see by my name, so if there are misspelled word I am sorry. And if you have any questions fell free to ask.

In short how to play Talon
Talon in an extremely strong champion curently, you can beat most mid laners if you play correctly.
But some like Pantheon, Vex, LeBlanc you can only win lane if they play extremely bad.

Item start is always long sword and refills, you can go corruping if you are playing into something like Vex and then you should go timeworp in runes in stead of boots.

If you are playing mid you should always go minion dematt cuz if you use all 3 on the back line minions you can one shot them level 7 instead of level 9.

Laning you want to try to hit both Ws to get 2 passive stacks and then if you aren't at the risk of being killed you Q in and proc passive and pull back, if they decide to continue to fight and chase you and can turn around and probably kill them or force a flash.

In fight you want to play slowly if you aren't giga ahead and just wait for them to use their escape/disengage and then you go in.

Later on it depends on the state of the game.
If you are giga ahead and their team doesn't have a feed carry you can just normaly teamfight, coming from the flank to kill the backline.
Only difference if they have a feed carry is that you only engage on him not the other squishys.
If you have an even game you can go split push to force people to come to you.
This also aplies if you are behind.
The actual guide
You start long sword and refills every game. You can either instantly upgrade W or wait a bit to see if the enemy comes too close when you can upgrade Q and take 33% of their health in one trade. You try to be the first one to lvl2 to see if you can go for an all in to burn their summs or kill 'em. For most squishies if they are belove like 35% hp you can look to kill them. You can easily do that by hitting the first part of the W and flashing next to them so the W return hits, and after flashing go AA Q AA and ignite and they will die before knowing what happened. I would recommend taking E lvl3 just in case the enemy jung decides that you will not be having fun on mid.

The fist items that you buy should be dirk, or long swords if you don’t have the gold for dirk.
If you aren’t going boots in runes you should as well buy boots after dirk.

Next few levels are just going for trades, pushing waves, and roaming and helping your team.

When you get lvl6 you can just start dominating the enemy mid or go dive bot a few times. As well you can go solo invade the jung and oneshot them before the enemy has time to help them.

You should buy your desired mythic and then dirk before considering buying tier two boots. The latest you should wait until buying your boots is after third item.

Now just run around the map killing them for a bit if our team hasn't griefed the game already, if they did just stay and get feed mid.

Mid Game
Mid game you should always be moving. Just push the wave on the lane you are currently on and go out of vision.
Doing this will force them either to send someone, if that happens you can just rotate and do an objective with your team, or you will be able to push for free and get a tower.

Late Game
Late game you have the same job as a standard assassin, going around and killing their squishies.
If you can’t get to a squishy then just slowly fight and look if the support has no abilities and then you can go in. And remember if they have exhaust you are doomed. If the exhaust you just run away.
Late game you can still do the same stuff you did in mid game unless you are the only one that can do anything.
If you team inted their ***es of you unfortunately need to be permanently with them to not let them int any further.
Specific matchups
The matchups that i'm going to mention are:

Versus Zed you will go the standard runes and just play slowly. Early levels you want to try and survive with as much health as possible. You are able to kill him but only if he missplays.
You still want to try and get two passive stacks with your W and go in but if he is smart you will not be able to do that.
When you both get level six he can’t do anything if you have R and over 50% hp.
If you hit him with W before he ults you can wait for him to get out of you and R aa Q with this you should be able to 100 to 0 him.
And always try to match his stats. This is a matchup in which the one with even a little bit less stats instantly loses.
All in all don’t give him a lead.

This matchup is very interesting because it is a skill matchup. But the only difference is that it leans to his advantage a bit if you are the same skill level.
He can block your whole kit with his outplay button (E). Now you can try to force his E by throwing W at him and walking up, he may panic and use E after which you can hard trade him. If he is smart you can try a riskier strat which is to W and Q and then cancel the AA after Q and wait for his E to finish and then trade him.
And remember he has a better oneshot combo than you so be always careful if he has press the attack or you are below like 60% hp.

I would recommend it if you can dodge or pick someone who isn’t Talon.
I lock Aatrox into this matchup but Zed should work if you know how to play him.
If you are crazy enough to lock Talon you can try to play around her fear but if she just doesn’t use it at all you can only wait to fall asleep of how boring it will be. If she does spam her fear than just look for short trades and then when she is low just kill her.
Again a prayer is smart, idk what your beliefs are but you will at least start believing in some higher power after somehow winning this matchup.

Katarina matchup is pretty straightforward, you can go null orb in your secondary runes if you want her to rage because you survived on two hp or go standard.
You always want to be on her knives if you have Q up because your AA Q AA W deals more damage than she can do before six. After six if she jump on you and ults just W R AA Q AA and she will die before you (this is where null orb is funny). And be even more wary than usual because if she lost lane she will permanently try and go bot and you should be always ready to spam ping, even if she went to recall. Better safe than sorry.

Go conqueror and goredrinker and just destroy her. If she doesn’t land E she can’t do anything and even if she does you can out damage and outsustain with goredrinker.
And we all know how mentally stable Irelia players are so she will either go run it down or AFK.

First I can believe Talon has a 52% winrate into her.
So vs Ahri you will just want to dodge her E after which you can almost always take half her hp in a trade.
Nothing more to say just don’t let her land E and you will win this matchup.

If their team has Lulu you can say goodbye to going bot unless she and her adc are under your team’s tower. You can try to trick her into ulting herself in fights by casting W and R next to her and then running to her adc, she will most likely R herself thinking she is the target and then you can just oneshot the adc.
Talon combos are pretty simple to be honest.
Your standard trading combo is W + Q where you want to wait for W to start coming back to you which will almost guarantee you proc your passive on them.
This is also what you will use before six if you get engaged on.

Then there is a combo that mostly works early in the game. If the have around 33% hp and hugging their tower you can cast W into them and when they try to sidestep the W return you flash next to them and AA Q AA and oneshot them.

Later you have the classic oneshot combo W + Q + R which you use most of the time on Talon but you have variations on it. You can Q + W + R which is better if you are chasing them and can't catch them to be able to first use your W.

If you are in a 1v1 where you can’t onehot them hold R till the end and then use it to either chase them or run.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MangoTheSerb
MangoTheSerb Talon Guide
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A Masters Players Attempt to Explain Talon

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