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+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Tristana has an extremely powerful all in and can simply do more damage to you than your adc is doing to her
A powerful early game champion that will greatly appreciate all the kills you give him. Draven loves lockdown supports that let him move around the battlefield freely to collect his spinning axes
A powerful early game champion that will greatly appreciate all the kills you give him. Draven loves lockdown supports that let him move around the battlefield freely to collect his spinning axes
Champion Build Guide

Positives of hard engage tank supports
-Good for cc locking enemies long enough to burst them down
-Forces engagements to go on longer, which may be better for your team
-Can tank non piercing skill shots like

Negatives of hard engage tank supports
-Most abilities are short range, so they are vulnerable to poke if they cannot
force an all in
-Abysmal in 1v1 situations due to lack of damage output

-Passively increases the damage of allies by a flat amount, which is better
when paired with low damage allies
-Her engage tool

surprisingly different playstyle

against certain abilities such as


that armor and MR are significantly more gold efficient for her than champions
without a similarly scaling ability
-It is fairly easy to keep

permanently in combat

-Her ultimate is a targeted AOE with a 0.625 second cast time
-Her solo damage output is particularly terrible
-Her full combo has less raw cc than most similar supports

Your secondary summoner spell should generally be

Another decent option is

Primary Tree -

Secondary Runes

All three runes in the secondary slot are good on

Because Leona isn't likely to send or receive any powerful heals, the third slot is a toss up between

Secondary Tree -
The only tree with any terribly relevant runes is

Extra Stats
Because of

Support Item
The difference in which support item to take is a small one, but will influence every single one of your games.
Steel Shoulderguards

Relic Shield

Gargoyle or Zeke's+Knight's Vow?
The difference between pure tank and support items largely comes down to personal preference.
Gargoyle Stoneplate

Zeke's+Knight's Vow

It's generally a bad idea to take

These support items can be valuable when disrupting the enemy team is more important than soaking damage. but are primarily reserved for supporting a very fed ADC.
On a side note, because

Later Game and Situational Picks
Most games will end before you have need of these extra items, but it's good to be prepared.

Enemies hit by Leona's abilities take an extra burst of magic damage when hit by a damaging attack or ability from an ally. This passive makes up a decent chunk of Leona's level 3 damage and only increases as she builds tank. Because she can inflict this debuff once per ability, for optimal damage

Shield of Daybreak
With a 5 second cooldown at all levels and universally terrible damage, this should be your last ability to max.


Zenith Blade
This is

Solar Flare
Leona's ultimate is a powerful, if somewhat difficult to use long range AOE

Ability Combos

If you're engaging into an enemy that can easily

When engaging using your ultimate, simply cast

Finally, the ultimate high damage, extended cc duration combo to kill a high priority target is E+Q+R+AA+W. This provides a 0.5 second root followed by an uninterrupted 2 second

Flash Combos
With or without

The much more common use of

Level 1 Jungle Teamfights

Levels 1-2

At level 2, you generally take

levels 3-5

At levels 4 and 5,

Level 6 onward

As the laning phase ends, you should be spending your time warding and initiating team fights, unless there is another champion with a better means to do so, such as

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