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Aatrox Build Guide by Sn1p3rL0rd

Jungle Aatrox Jungle: Teach me how to Aatrox

Jungle Aatrox Jungle: Teach me how to Aatrox

Updated on September 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sn1p3rL0rd Build Guide By Sn1p3rL0rd 2,322 Views 0 Comments
2,322 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sn1p3rL0rd Aatrox Build Guide By Sn1p3rL0rd Updated on September 9, 2013
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Hey Guys! This is my First Mobafire guide, so I apologize for any mistakes I make.
This guide is on Aatrox, the Darkin Blade. He can be played in lots of places, but this guide is dedicated to teaching you how to jungle as Aatrox. Before you start reading,please remember that I'm new and don't hate. If you don't agree with or like something, please tell me in the discussion section. Enjoy!
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Pros / Cons

+Good Sustain with Blood Thirst
+Can towerdive early game with Blood Well
+Has 2 forms of CC
+Pretty solid ganks
+ Blood Price will basically double your dps with Massacre active
+Fast clear times
+Can easily duel someone

-Squishy at all stages of the game
-If CC'ed=dead
-ganks will be countered easily with a good ward
-IF Blood Well is down, can to focused easily.
- Randuin's Omen and Thornmail will pretty much end your reign
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Creeping / Jungling

If your on blue side, I like to start at red(smiteless), then go to blue, smite, and gank top. This will usually be achieved by 3:10. Start the gank with Blades of Torment, and use Dark Flight only when they try to run, the gank should blow their Flash, if not, kill them. Then INSTEAD of recalling, go to mid immidiately (if their not there, go ahead and recall) and repeat the combo. This'll usually make them Flash or again, you might just straight up kill them. From them on, just recieve endless praise from your team!(Or not, if you died)

If your on Purple side, repeat but start at blue.

Now someone might ask, "Why not gank bot lane first?" Let me explain. Bot is 99% of the time going to be warded. So why not gank an unwarded lane. It'll be a 1v2, the least you'll do is blow their Flash. With bot, you, your adc or support might die, and the gank will most likely be spotted by the support's ward.
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Masteries, and Runes.

For masteries, I like to go for 21/9/0. The reason is because Aatrox needs to deal large amounts of damage. Why no Butcher , Tough Skin , or Bladed Armor ? Because those are useless on Aatrox, just like Hunter's Machete. Aatrox just doesn't really need those "standard" jungler things. For the offensive tree, get Fury because attack speed is AWESOME on Aatrox. Skip Summoner's Wrath because you don't use Ignite, Exhaust, or Ghost. The rest is common sense, don't build AP or crit on Aatrox.


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush
For runes, get 9 Greater Seal of Armor, 9 Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, and 9 Greater Mark of Attack Speed. (AD runes aren't as good on Aatrox) My Quints are a bit different, I go for 2 Greater Quintessence of Life Steal for the jungle sustain, along with Blood Thirst, and 1 Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed. Attack speed is waaay better than pure AD on Aatrox.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I like maxing out Blood Thirst first for the jungle sustain, plus the extra dps from Blood Price. you don't really need to max out Dark Flight because it doesn't really scale per rank that well, and isn't your main damage source. AS for your Blades of Torment, it could be viable option, because it would be a good AOE clear in the jungle, and the slow is nice for ganking, too.So why is better about maxing your Blood Price first? It's not because your W is a good choice, it's basically needed, because in order to use your abilities and use Blood Well, You need to deal damage to YOURSELF. So in order to just live, you NEED the life steal from Blood Thirst.
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The End

Thank you for spending the time to read through my guide! If this helped you in anyway, please remember to up vote the guide so other people can discover it. :) If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Also, if there's anything I can improve on, then let me know. Thanks again!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sn1p3rL0rd
Sn1p3rL0rd Aatrox Guide
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Aatrox Jungle: Teach me how to Aatrox

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