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Amumu Build Guide by Quinzac

AP Offtank Amumu, Our sad little mummy takes Top!

AP Offtank Amumu, Our sad little mummy takes Top!

Updated on May 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Quinzac Build Guide By Quinzac 185,610 Views 3 Comments
185,610 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Quinzac Amumu Build Guide By Quinzac Updated on May 11, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Amumu the Sad Mummy!

In my opinion, Amumu is one of the most game changing Champions. He has a great kit, and great burst ability with his passive Cursed Touch and his other abilities. Especially his Ultimate. He is best known to be a jungle champion, but he can be pretty effective top lane if done right.

In this guide I will show you how it can be done, but I won't make this purely for my build, as I will offer up different ways to do go at this with his Item build, runes, masteries, etc.

So let's go!
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Season 6 Revival

When Season 6 begun I saw taking Amumu top as an absolute impossible idea again. I decided to stop updating this build for the time being to focus on other champions. However due to changes among items and such, I now believe Amumu top can be brought back to have a little fun ;). So Ill be doing some experimenting with him on top and letting you all know how it goes!

Until then however Im going to make some changes now to freshen the build up to season 6 standards! Hope you enjoy and have fun on the Rift guys!

I'll also be creating a full AP build for the fun of it. Maybe a build you can take in 3s, Aram, or Custom! But that will also be a work in progress.
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Before we Begin

A lot of you would probably be hugely against Amumu top lane and I fully understand why. I just wanna point out a few things first.

1. This is not a build I would suggest to go into rank games. If you find yourself up against a team where they chose a top lane that I have said Amumu counters heavily, than I would go for it, but as your top lane main? No lol.

2. This is purely a build to experiment and have fun with. I'm making this guide so others can see that Amumu top can work very well if executed correctly. It will be difficult at times and other times you're probably gonna think "F**k this guy for giving me this idea*, but if you do Amumu top the right way, you'll thank me later.

3. I am not some Diamond ranked player. I will not claim to be the best player ever, and that probably is gonna lead you to wonder why I'd ever wanna make a guide for others to follow, but I just hope you give my guide I a chance, or at least a read to see how I've made Amumu top work.

Thank you.
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+ Has a game winning Ultimate.
+ With a good amount of AP, can do amazing Burst damage.
+ Built in Tankiness.
+ Easy to Secure kills with his spells.
On top of having great AP ratios on his spells allowing him to burst, he can be built to be tanky and his kit allows him to be able to secure kills with your jungler/team.


+ Can suffer from Mana Issues.
+ Very Low run Speed, easy to get ganked.
+ Not a great laning Phase.
+ Might get flamed due to Amumu not being common top
Amumu will suffer from Mana issues if not played correctly. Something you might do and something I've done some times, is use my spells on minions carelessly. If you do, you will suffer. Also, do not push beyond halfway into their side of top lane. You will set yourself up to be ganked hard. And if you don't have flash or Ultimate, you're most likely dead.
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Flash. You should always have flash. It's gonna be nearly your only escape tool. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Teleport I would say Teleport is a pretty good Summoner Spell. It will allow you great map presence and to be able to buy your items and get back to your turret in time. Due to the low run speed I take this often. Also you will be able to use this spell for ganks. RECOMMENDED

You can take ignite as a replacement for Teleport. You'll lose the map presence you'll have from Teleport but you'll get a higher chance at securing a kill early game. SLIGHTLY RECOMMENDED AFTER ABOUT 10 GAMES WITH TOP AMUMU

These are the Three Summoners I recommend only choosing.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

  • Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Amuumu has probably two options to choose from for his Quintessences. If you plan on getting a kill with your Jungler however, you're gonna want to have the damage to do it. With your Stun and your ultimate (Depending on your level and your Jungler), your opponent shouldn't be able to escape easily.

  • Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: I suggest nothing but these. They'll increase your damage, and go well with your Passive

  • Greater Glyph of Ability Power: Once again, you're gonna need to Damage to get the kill. Amumu would be a tad too weak without some Starter ability power.
  • Greater Seal of Armor: Due to most top laners being AD, and you being able to be ganked easily, this will supply a good base armor for the start of the game before you begin building tanky items such as Hourglass and Sunfire Cape.

Marks- None other I recommend.

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: These can come very in handy for Amumu. Due to his low run Speed, they will help with chasing, escaping, and getting places. They will also assist when you jungler comes to gank. If these fit your playstyle than I recommend them

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power: These will help you scale into late game, however I wouldn't recommend them due to losing the ability power you could use early game to secure a kill. But not a bad choice.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: These will help you against any AP Opponents early game. If you'd like you can also get the Scaling ones.

Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration: With Amumus Oom issue, these can play a very nice role in assisting you in staying in lane. However, losing the armor will make you somewhat squishy early game until you get your Tankier items, so be cautious.
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Work in Progress.
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Skill Explanation

Cursed Touch
Your Autoattacks will lower your enemies Magic Resist.
It's pretty simple to under. Every basic attack keeps the MR of your enemy lowered.. On top of having items such as Abyssal Specter, Liandry's Torment, and Sorcerer's Shoes, this will be just another factor that makes your damage shred your enemies.

Bandage Toss
A Long range gap closer the deals good damage and Stuns
Most of the time, this will be your spell to engage with. It is your gap closer pretty much. But it's not just great due to the fact it has a stun, but it deals amazing damage. With a 70% Ratio with AP, you'll be doing great damage with this spell. The stun is the cherry on top. You're gonna want to max this Second.

A small range AoE that deals damage based off your enemies HP/Your AP and drains your mana.
This is a fairly good spell. It allows you to do constant damage to your opponent when you have it toggled on. However, it can be the spell that ruins your chances with getting a kill sometimes due to it being able to Oom you quickly. Do not use this spell to clear minions, only toggle it on when you engage the enemy champion and turn it off soon after the fight is over. Despair also works great with Liandry's Torment due to it constantly applying the DOT. This should be the last spell you Max.

Short range AoE that does good damage with a great Passive.
This is gonna be the ability you will find your self using the most. It has great passive that will reduce physical Damage taken from both Autos and Spells, so it's great against Melee. It deals fairly good Damage, and allows it to be spammable due to the fact, every time you get hit, the CD is reduced. You should max this first.

Curse of the Sad Mummy
// A Massive AoE that snares all enemies surrounding you.
The Ultimate of all Ultimates! Amumu is famous for his amazing AoE ultimate. This is the spell that will make or break team fights for you. With dealing Massive AoE Damage with a 80% AP Ratio, this is your strongest spell. With a fairly long CD, with select items and masteries, you'll be able to have this spell to use every minute which can be very dangerous for the enemy team. Always put a point in when you get the chance to increase damage.

Tips and Tricks
  • When planning on using your Q, try to get closer to your enemy to increase your chance at landing your toss instead of using it from a far distance.
  • Remember to use your E every time it get's off CD to make to make the best of it.
  • When using your ultimate, try to get as many people in it as possible to increase your teams chances of winning a team fight.
  • If you are being dived on under your turret, try using your Q and your Ultimate on those diving you. Try to take one of them down with you at least.
  • Try to find time to gank, with your abilties you'll be helping your team.
  • When attempting to gank enemies like Fizz, Yasuo, and other enemies who have high mobility and can doge spells, try to time your ultimate right so you don't miss. I can't tell you the amount of times Fizz jumped when I used my ult. >:0
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Skill Order

Skilling Order

> > >

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Alternate Skill Order

This was a very interesting test I did that surprisingly didn't work that badly. [Bandage Toss] is an ability that one could actually max first. Personally I thought this was a stupid idea until I tried it out and shockingly, the damage was pretty neat.

Bandage Toss already does an large amount of damage alone. And can help with bursting down your enemy early. The downside of course is the lost of Armor and spammable damage Tantrum can do, but just a little discovery I had! However, of course doing this wouldn't work as good as the regular skill order does!
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Items to Start With.

Most of the time I take this when I'm against an AD opponent. The armor is nice, and it will also build into your Frozen Heart/IBG. Buy with HP pots.

I would recommend this start only for players who've experimented greatly with Amumu top. You'll be getting a decent amount of AP from this starter and some Mana Regan to assist your Oom issues. Buy with HP Pots

What us to be in this spot was Null-Magic Mantle, however due to the change of price they made, you can no longer start with that unless you have points in Utility for extra starter gold, so instead, if you're up against an AP champion and you want to rush Spectre's Cowl, I would just suggest buying a Ruby Crystal, farming up gold, than recall back to buy.

Pretty much the new Sustain start. You'll be able to stay in lane a bit longer and collect as much gold as you can possibly. The buff that comes with it is pretty nice as well for that extra touch of magic damage.

This isn't a common start but lately I've been seeing Ranged Champions going top so if you'd like it won't be a bad idea.
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Main Late Game Items


This is pretty much the AP Item youll be wanting to use. It comes with a pretty large amount of Health with a good amount of AP to give you that extra boost in Damage. What really makes this item important though and gives Amumu a new chance at top lane this season is the Active which will act as a type of flash almost. Giving you a boost forward. You can also use this to engage with out having to use your Q. On top of that it shoots out FIRE BOLTS. If you plan on doing a build with only one AP item I recommend this.

The other Hextech item that is also up for question here. What makes this a considerable replacement are multiple things. 1. It comes with a great amount of mana which helps Amumu with the mana issues he can suffer top. 2. It gives you a tad bit more PA than the other item. 3. And lastly, and possibly the best reason to switch them is the passive that takes Mana you use and gives you HP in return and gives you mana in replace of Damage you take. This would help his sustain with Mana/HP an awesome amount considering hes a tank. This like the Protobelt also comes with a long range attack that can slow enemies so it could help with escaping but not as much as a dash. Choosing between the two is truly up to you and how you feel either would benefit you in your current situation.

The stats you get with this item are just too good to give up. The Armor will help you greatly against nearly all top lane Champs considering they're AD Based. The CD is amazing, and the mana will help you with Amumu's oom issue. And the AS Reduction will help you a lot against some of the AS reliant champs such as Fiora, Jax, Xin, ADCs, etc.

This another great item you should consider getting. The Passive slow is going to work great with Amumus abilties. The massive amount of HP and AP is also a nice boost which makes picking this item a great choice.
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Common Items to Consider.

I moved all the boots down in this section simply because the boots you get depend on the opponent and their team. If you find yourself up against any AP champs top, these will be a very nice item to consider. Also the CC reduction will help you out very nicely, so if you find yourself against AP, I recommend unless you're having an easy match up.

I find myself with these a lot of the time due to the Magic Pen. It will increase your Damage output greatly and you will find your abilities doing more than you expected.

I will nearly always take these when their team have a strong amount of AD or if I'm going up against a AD Fighter Champ.

This is actually a very nice item to consider on Amumu now. It gives you a great amount of Health and Mana, with awesome HP Regan for any poking being done to you. Good choice for a tank build at the start to help you Oom issues.

I find myself taking this over spirit visage more in an AP enemy situation due to most of the time I find myself not needing the stats that Spirit Visage comes with. Most of the times I will find myself already with 45% CD reduction and due to me being the tank sometimes I find the Shield and HP Regen Unique more useful. But either item is very good.

I highly recommend this item if you wanna get tankier. The Armor and HP is great, but the passive which does AoE Magic DMG is also great. Very good buy.

This is also another great buy. It can greatly help with Amumus lack of mobility. It also comes with a good amount of HP and decent amount of armor.

Once again if you find yourself in a hairy AP situation, a very good buy to get. Comes with an excellent amount of CD reduction, A good amount of Magic Resist, Good mana Regen, and a decent amount AP. Good buy. And the passive will restore a good amount of mana after you've done a kill or an assist so that's just a nice bonus! I don't get this often, but I've found myself with this a few times!

Due to Frozen heart having no HP, if you rather take this over Sunfire Cape, there is no problem with that buy. It costs a bit more than Sunfire Cap, so if you're in no hurry and feel you could use this item to it's advantage, than I would buy it. I've found myself using the active when my ult is about to end to reduce the chance of them getting away faster.

This was something that I used to use a lot during Season 5, however due to the removal of the AP on sheen, I wouldn't recommend this item. The Armor, mana, and CDR is nice but you won't really see a boost in your damage. I'll keep it in this section though simply because I know there are players who could possibly utilize this item to their benefit.

This isn't a bad item to consider. It can be very helpful if you're running a tank build, the health is a great boost and the passive is very nice. However, it isn't something you should rush unless you're up against someone like Olaf or Darius who do true DMG, and you want some HP to counter that DMG, and are going a tanky build. But I don't find myself taking this item really.

These are items to consider for your last two slots, and some as replacements for my main items. The situation can always be different.
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Laning Phase

During the laning phase, (Early-Mid Game), you'll want to keep the minions on your side of the lane. The last thing you want to do is push your minions because you will be way to easy to get ganked. So try to stay on your side. Getting last hit on minions can be difficult when laning against certain champions. Champions such as Darius or Garen who can wreck havoc on you when you're in their range makes last hitting hell. So to avoid death you might need to give up CS until you're build is coming together. Focus on getting Exp and setting up a gank with a jungler so you can make up the gold you might lose from being unable to last hit.

Due the to surge in mobile jungle champions this Season I want to be extra clear on being safe. Try to keep the bush as warded as you possibly can. Do not over extend unless you are aware of their jungles location. Champions like Xin, Shaco, Wukong, etc, will just make laning hell for you if you're not paying attention.

Hopefully once you've done a good gank, start to push a bit, try to last hit as much as possible with the minions, and see how much you can get their turret. If you're not gonna farm, I suggest buying what you can and heading right back into lane to do a repeat of the gank. Your opponent will try to play safer most likely with wards, so try to deal an effective gank to beat the wards.

If you find yourself experiencing a bad lane, and you're just not getting fed, I highly recommend you go into a more tankier build. If you attempt to go into a more AP build with getting no kills you might not come off more useful than you could. If you have another tank than maybe stay little bit on the AP side, but if you're team has no tanks and you're having a bad game, than once again, it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you go for a more tankier build until everything is going good again.
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Late Game

Late game is where you'll find yourself shining. I've been in games where I started off terrible, but Amumu just has a kit that isn't about damage, but the utility his abilities have is so great. From the stun on his Q to his ultimate, late game is great for Amumu. You'll want to be the engager most of the times because if you can ult their whole team. 90% of the time, you most likely will ace or kill most of their team.

You'll want to Q on their ADC if you plan on starting a team fight. Most likely once you Q on their ADC, their team will come at you or be near you, so that's where you'll want to ult.
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Lane Adversaries

Work in Progress on threat level.
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I just would like to say this again. This will be a difficult lane for some of you. Amumu top is not easy. There will be certain laning opponents that will be hell.
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Why your Jungler is your Best Friend.

Your Jungler is what makes or breaks how you do in this lane. With your abilities, let your jungler know you will need ganks, and I promise you, if you use your abilities correctly and coordinate a good gank, you will get a kill! Ganking is a strong factor in some match ups that Amumu has difficulty in so ganks are priority.
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Please leave all your questions, suggestions, and criticisms for me to make this guide better.
7/10/14 - Published.
7/13/14 - Added Lane Adversaries. Will be making changes to the Item/Substitute Sections soon.
8/31/14 - Added more Lane Adversaries. Made changes to the item build.
9/5/14 - Added more details in some sections. Made tiny changes.
12/23/14 - Editing for Pre-Season 5.
5/11/2016 - Revived Build for Season 6, still a work in progress.
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Special Thanks

I'd like to give a special thanks to Jhoijhoi for providing me with the help to making this guide. When I decided to make this guide, I wanted to be serious with it, and I wanted it to look serious. And Jhoijhoi was able to provide the advice for that so thank you, if you ever read this.
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