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Amumu Build Guide by Gun4ward

Jungle Amumu the lonely guy in jungle 4.18

Jungle Amumu the lonely guy in jungle 4.18

Updated on November 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gun4ward Build Guide By Gun4ward 14,120 Views 0 Comments
14,120 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gun4ward Amumu Build Guide By Gun4ward Updated on November 26, 2024
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Hello there, are you sick of your low health, not enough armor or magic resists so you have to recall lots of time such as Ashe? Or if you have a huge health and armor and magic resist, but you are sick of not having enough CC skills, or enough damages so you can't 1 vs 3 like Alistar? Then I would recommend Amumu, the crying healthy rapist.
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Why [[Amumu]]?

Amumu is a really tanky and also have massive cc skills, so you can actually jungle more further than other champions in early game such as Master Yi, and if you are gank a champion, you just need to simply use Bandage Toss. And if the champion is running away, use Curse of the Sad Mummy, or wait for Bandage Toss. The cooltime won't be long so it looks like that Amumu is raping :P.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Firstly, I start jungling with Tantrum, because passively, it gives more damage and more health to Amumu, and the skill also includes splash damages. Additionally, Despair and Bandage Toss requires lots of mana. After that, I upgrade Despair first, not Bandage Toss because Bandage Toss won't give enough time to get stun, and actually gives less damage then Despair, which also includes splash damages like Tantrum. And obviously, I upgrade Bandage Toss because it is useful while ganking and jungling. Bandage Toss is similar to flash, but you have to target an enemy or neutral.
And I master Tantrum first to get lots of passive damages and health, and Despair to get lots of damages. I master Bandage Toss at last because upgrading Bandage Toss is actually enough. After I use Bandage Toss to an enemy, I suddenly use Curse of the Sad Mummy, while using Despair. After that, I immediately use Tantrum to give the enemy lots of damages, while Amumu is getting only few damages, because Amumu is very tanky. More Amumu upgrade Tantrum and Despair, more you give damages to them. So I master Bandage Toss at last.
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Skill Combo

Ganking Combo = Despair, Bandage Toss, Curse of the Sad Mummy, Tantrum. If they are running away, use Flash if you wish. If you have really long space to the targets, use Flash FIRST to gank easily.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Normal AP.
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Ghost = For chasing/running away. But what about Flash?
Heal = To play the game a bit more safer in early-game.
Teleport = If you want to gank more clearly and more perfectly, use teleport, not by just moving Amumu. This will also save the time.
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For the starting items, i always go with Hunter's Machete (Obviously), and potions. I recommend you to get a mana potion if you are not getting Crest of the Ancient Golem first.
Amumu is really tanky with massive cc skills, so i mostly go tanky. The highest health was about 5500, with lots of defences and magic resists for me. If you decide that you don't need to be tanky because other team is trolling too much, you may go offensive.
For the shoes, choose one type of the shoes wisely.
Ninja Tabi = if the enemy's team have more AD or AD champion/champions is/are fed, buy this item.
Mercury's Treads = if the enemy's team have more AP or AP champion/champions is/are fed, but this item.
Sorcerer's Shoes = Buy this item if none of the enemies are fed and you are fed.
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Creeping / Jungling

Amumu can jungle more further then most of the junglers because it's tanky, so even Amumu have low health, give Amumu a try to kill the neutrals!
How to jungle for Amumu?
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Pros / Cons

Pros :

- Massive health, armor and magic resist
- Massive CC skills
- Can fight alone
- Can jungle further than other champions in early game
- Enough damages.

-Very bad at ganking in early game, especially before lvl 6
-If you get caught alone in early game, mostly you will die.
-If the enemies invade, the early game will get tougher.
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Team Work

In the team fight, make sure that Amumu is in front of other champions, not hiding back to protect your teammates, especially if your team have really low-health champion like Ashe. Do not use Curse of the Sad Mummy in anytime, use Curse of the Sad Mummy for initiating, which might be a brilliant idea.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gun4ward
Gun4ward Amumu Guide
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Amumu the lonely guy in jungle 4.18

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