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Annie Build Guide by MeesterCheeSeen

Annie - Queen of Elo Hell

Annie - Queen of Elo Hell

Updated on July 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MeesterCheeSeen Build Guide By MeesterCheeSeen 7 3 15,957 Views 14 Comments
7 3 15,957 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MeesterCheeSeen Annie Build Guide By MeesterCheeSeen Updated on July 7, 2011
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Annie is a standard AP carry with a great stun. Her AoE Stun, Nuking potential, and her ability to kite with makes her a worthy candidate for the role of AP Carry. Her early game is good, her mid game is great, and her late game is awesome. Annie is good throughout all phases of the game. Whatever Annie brings to the table defines her.

Her amazing carrying capability can AND will carry you out of ELO hell. But not only must you play right, you have to have the ability to be able to blame yourself for your lost. No, you don't blame the 0-10 with . You blame yourself. You were not able to ward around the Ashe and protect her. You were not able to lead your team to victory. You were not able to capitalize on certain situations. Alright, with that said, ONTO THE GUIDE!
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-Burst Mage
-Lane is sustained due to
-Good throughout all phases of the game.
-Synergizes well with champions like
- Banshee's veil are not as effective against Annie as, say, .
- Her frostfire skin is just amazing.
-Tibbers provides massive dps from his built in " over his lifespan.
-Tibbers is a bear.
-Annie is a little girl.
[No one knows what I'm getting at?! D: ]

-Risky when using Tibbers to stun
-Countered by silence very easily.
-Global Taunt
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~~Runes are standard for mages. The blues/quints may be switched to your preference.

~~Masteries are also very standard. Spec enough to go into archaic knowledge and spend the rest into utility for cdr on summoner spells.
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Skill sequence

Skill W: Incinerate first and charge the stun at base. Grab two levels of Q early to help with last hitting and harass. Get a level of E at level 4 so you can prepare for the possible kill at level 6. Prioritize W over Q because it has more base damage and it's an AoE, which can be used to stun.

~~In short,
> > > .
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Summoner Spells.

~~Standard Mage Summoners,
~~ ~

~ . Nerfs made it less viable.
~ . Barely viable. Only good for laning and for creep clearing. Ward teleporting is easily countered by .

.Everything else is trash.
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Items: Glass Cannon

~~Start and 3x .

~Port back to base to buy a Catalyst the Protector.

~~Prioritize your now.

~Finish your .

~~Finish your .

~Finish your build with a and .

~~The last item is purely up to you, for you like to build Glass Cannons. Right?
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Items: Standard Mage

~~~~Start the same as the glass cannon.

~~Prioritize if your lane is going poorly. If not, Proceed with glass cannon.

~Note: You may switch for .

~~~Now, After Your , , and , get a .

~~~The last item is situational. This route is the standard route, where you deal a lot of damage but still have some sort of survivability.
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Items: Experimental.

This build is the tankiest of all.

~~Start and 2x .

~Rush a .

~~Proceed with your .

~Get your , Prioritizing Catalyst the Protector.

~~Get your .

~Now, Get , , .

~~Reasoning behind this build: You give up your burst ability for the ability to be tanky and nullify the global taunt.

Did I say Experimental? I meant Tank.
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Items: Situational

Team of massive ap carries or little to no magic resist?
~ .

~~With lots of cc, .

Against high physical teams,
~~~ .

Dying too fast?
~ , .

NEVER EVER HAVE ONE SET BUILD IN MIND. You may have a core. This build's core is the Deathcap and Void staff. Never go into a game saying, OH I WANT TO BUILD -insert massive magic resist items- while against characters like and .

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Why do I not get this? Because I (note I.) don't. You may if you feel you need it.
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~~~~Last hit. and Only last hit during the early laning phase.

~~You may only push if you need to go back to buy.

~Use to last hit for sustainability.

~~Mid game, your will one shot the ranged caster minions in the back, netting you an easy ~60 gold.

One on One:

~~Charge your stun with and at 4 stacks, use and stun them with . You may if you are sure you will get the kill.

~~~Try to pop any banshee's with , because of it's low cd and range prior to the fight. Don't waste your stun unless it's to initiate.

~~Stun with for stunning with is too risky.

~~~~~~Use only if you can hit it.
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Le Faq.

No questions. Bic.
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Annie doesn't define ap carry. AP carry defines Annie. Annie has plenty of utility and sustainability. She brings a lot to the team and is a great pick for competitive play.

~Solo queue teammates < A good Annie < A coordinated team.~

You don't win games, your team does. You, as the carry, only play a major part in the victory.

Spread this guide around if you like it, if not. Don't. I'm not forcing it upon you.

If you do, I'll be happy and you will get the satisfaction of making someone happy. In the non-sexual way.
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