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Rammus General Guide by SovietTuna

Middle AP Mid Rammus: They See Me Rollin'

Middle AP Mid Rammus: They See Me Rollin'

Updated on May 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SovietTuna Build Guide By SovietTuna 20,683 Views 0 Comments
20,683 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SovietTuna Rammus Build Guide By SovietTuna Updated on May 25, 2013
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Introduction (Lore, Pros/Cons, etc.)



Ravaged by Rune Wars long past, the lands south of the Great Barrier are wrecked by chaotic magical storms, leaving the grasp of nature's rule tenuous at best. While abnormal flora or fauna are the norm rather than the exception in these ruined areas, perhaps none is more curious than the case of Rammus. While no one is entirely certain why an armadillo from the Shurima Desert crossed the ***ungu Jungle into the Plague Jungles, Rammus made just such a journey. There, amongst the twisted vines and festering rot, he came across an oddity - a healthy evergreen hedge maze, stretching as far as the eye could see. As he explored the maze, something compelled him towards its center - a light, a presence of some kind. As he drew closer, the light surged, blinding him and knocking him unconscious. When he awoke, Rammus' whole world had changed. The maze had vanished and he felt truly cognizant for the first time in his otherwise unremarkable life. As his predicament dawned on him, Rammus had a moment of panic. As he trembled, the earth around him began to shake, the intensity increasing until he managed to steady himself. As the quake receded, Rammus arose and left the Plague Jungles in search of others like him. His search brought him across all the lands south of the Great Barrier, but everywhere he went, he was unique. The hardships of this sojourn inspired him to craft the suit of armor that would earn him the title of Armordillo. Rammus's quest eventually drew him to the only place where a sentient armadillo is less than confounding - the League of Legends.

Reasoning (Pros/Cons)

You might be asking yourself: "Rammus Mid?"
Yes, Rammus mid. There are quite a few reasons why I comfortably choose Rammus as a mid laner.
1) You have the element of surprise.
2) You have good damage as AP.
3) You have very high survivability.
4) You have good CC, which makes you valuable in teamfights.
5) You are in a good position to gank both lanes, which is one of Rammus' most valuable assets.
6) Ok.

Since we're at it, we might as well talk about Rammus' downsides:
1) Gap closers are your downfall.
2) People think you are trolling and many losses will be blamed on you for no apparent reason.

NOTE: This is NOT a build made for ranked. While it is viable, it is not meta and therefore you will have a hard time getting a team to accept your choice of champion.
NOTE: Just saying this guide is not finished, and I will include more information as time goes on.
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Laning (Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Death)

During the laning phase, specifically until level 6, you want to farm as much as you can. Don't be afraid to use your Powerball, but make sure you use it on large group of minions so that you don't waste your mana.

When I'm in lane I try to get the enemy minions to one side of the lane. This allows you to go around them without hitting a minion and stopping your Powerball when attempting to attack your enemy lane.

When you start becoming comfortable with AP Mid Rammus, you can be more aggressive and dominate lane from early on. But from personal experience, I cannot stress this enough,
Play Safe.
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They See Me Rollin' (They Hatin')

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Teamfights (Peelin' Like Gangplank)

Gangplank. Peeling. Oranges.

Anyway, your job as a Rammus is to engage, peel, and chase. Chances are you will survive a good number of teamfights, so it is your job to finish off those slimy AD carries. If they try to fight you it just makes your job easier. It is also your job to defend your carries. Best way to do this is to use your Puncturing Taunt, preferably on their AD carry or top laner, but it works just as well for any carry. If someone on their team is fed, regardless of AP or AD, you will want to CC them as much as possible and not let them tear apart your allies.
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Conclusion (and Credits)

I hope this build/guide has helped you in some way and I'm hoping that you will help me and help all other who read this guide in the future by leaving a constructive comment. I will take any and all comments and I will try to reply if you have a request or question. With the help of this community I can make this guide really take shape!

Thank you to JhoiJhoi for her guide on making a guide!
Thank you Chamillionare for the iconic song about Rammus. Copyright information on Youtube.
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