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Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
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Your greatest nightmare: Here, your ult is counter by his annoying oranges, and his constant poke will force you to just hit minions with your q to survive.
AP Warwick in s7, does it still work?
If you want to do huge damages and regenerate your life faster than a soraka in season 1, you could find here what you're looking for.
First, remember that your laning phase will often be difficult to hold. You will be pretty weak against range or poke champions, so your first goal will be to survive before you level 6.
After that, You can try to rekt your opponent, but i recommend to roam botlane often; your natural speed under your w will make ganks pretty easy; remember that before disrespect the meta, warwick is a jungler!
15 mniutes of game and you're still alive? Great! Now the fun part can begin! As soon as your hextech revolver is finished, you can finally stop to be the rekt one, you're the one who rekt. Your damages are able to instant kill the carry, and your life steal will grant you a victory against tanks.
Dont fear to be the front lane in team fights. Even if your build is not deffensive, your ult will grants your whole life, and each q will heal you of 1/4 - 1/2. In 1 vs 1, I recommand to wait to lose some hp before q. When your opponent will deal enough damages, ult on him to recover your full health. Then your q is already up, so you can recover life, and again, and again...
Bite Them to def and have fun!
After that, You can try to rekt your opponent, but i recommend to roam botlane often; your natural speed under your w will make ganks pretty easy; remember that before disrespect the meta, warwick is a jungler!
15 mniutes of game and you're still alive? Great! Now the fun part can begin! As soon as your hextech revolver is finished, you can finally stop to be the rekt one, you're the one who rekt. Your damages are able to instant kill the carry, and your life steal will grant you a victory against tanks.
Dont fear to be the front lane in team fights. Even if your build is not deffensive, your ult will grants your whole life, and each q will heal you of 1/4 - 1/2. In 1 vs 1, I recommand to wait to lose some hp before q. When your opponent will deal enough damages, ult on him to recover your full health. Then your q is already up, so you can recover life, and again, and again...
Bite Them to def and have fun!
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