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Vi Build Guide by CommanderRexy

Jungle Be Vi from Fortnite (jg) (14.8) (Diamond Elo)

Jungle Be Vi from Fortnite (jg) (14.8) (Diamond Elo)

Updated on April 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CommanderRexy Build Guide By CommanderRexy 14 0 49,031 Views 1 Comments
14 0 49,031 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CommanderRexy Vi Build Guide By CommanderRexy Updated on April 19, 2024
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Runes: Build 1 Runes (14.8)

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


Every Game
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Be Vi from Fortnite (jg) (14.8) (Diamond Elo)

By CommanderRexy
How to use VI Abilities:
Vi is an extremely versatile jg, and there is no job you can't do.

You skirmish, zone, engage, disengage, pressure, kill, tank, cc, peel, single target, AOE, and look hot while doing it. You also scale pretty ok, and this build will help you compensate late game, but you don't win over the late game as much as the early game. Team comps are important when evaluating when you need to start forcing your lead into a close. If the other team has Champions like Vayne, Nasus, Kayle, Veigar and your team has champions like Pantheon, don't let the game go too long. But If you are the one with late-game champs on your team, you are not in a rush to throw your lead at the enemy for no reason, you have more time to use it as efficiently and with as little risk as possible

Skirmishes/How to fight with VI:

1. Proc your shield and Sheen/ Trinity Force as much as you can.
2. NEW: Use your titanic like another E you have stored up, EX of a combo being Q - auto - E - auto - Titanic active - E - auto. (You are now full lethal tempo stacks and W attack speed boosted in 2.5 seconds, and within melee range of a near-dead champion with shredded armor btw)
2. Cancel their spells with your Q/R.
3. Don't waste your Q/R if you think they will run away, dodge it, or if you think you may need to run away yourself.
4. save/use your Q/R to interrupt spells if you know a member of the other team has a long cast animation of some kind, like Zac jump, Malzahar R (if it's not already on you, it can't stop your R though so you can anticipate it and use your R to wreak him or his team or both), Tahm Kench W, You can Q or even R Ornn trying to reflect his R, etc.

When Clearing/fighting, your combos are: Q, Auto, E, Auto - and - Auto E Auto. Use your Q, and especially your E as auto attack resets when you can, but sometimes you will need to just Q then R, or R then Q to make sure they can't do anything if you think they will kill you or run away to a point you can't chase, like Malzahar with passive down but R up. Otherwise, do a combo before and after your ult and you will be fine. If you can, use your R after you shred their armor.

Note for Titanic: Your item proc is not the same as your E. It will reset your auto but you will then resume autoing from that proc, rather than being an extra hit in-between autos. Try it out and you will see what I mean.

Team fights:

Just play around your team, peel, and then ult their back line, letting your R Cease and Desist hit everyone along the way, and then beat them up. They either focus you and probably lose while your team kills them, or don't focus you as you kill their back line, and then they will probably lose. By putting them in this lose-lose scenario, you will probably win if you do it right when they are out of position/in general as long as your whole team is there and they are not too behind. Do know when to peel for your back line though if keeping yours alive is more important than taking out anyone on their team.

If you hit a tank in the front with your Q to peel your carry, auto them twice, then ult their back line then you have just created a situation where their Tank is momentarily knocked aside and armor shredded, and their backline is knocked up and occupied with you and your bonus attack speed. If your team is in a good spot when you do this you should win most games.

If they have a Vayne, just ult Vayne usually. Don't ult a tank who is in the front, ult their squishys in the back.
How to jungle as Vi from Fortnite:
This is how to jungle in general, but more specifically as VI:

You will want to prioritize ganking and objectives.
Farming is important, but it does not win games... unless you like never farm at all lol.

Get lev 3 from clearing one quadrant of the jg, preferably the side with red buff. The best way to do this is to kill Crest of Cinders with your W and a leash and then using your Q over the wall for krugs (use your first Smite on big krug) . Then group the raptors together and kill with aoe damage from your Q between autos. You then get lev 3 and go gank a lane. If you can't/after you do that, clear the other side of your jungle/ rift scuttler. Use Q on rift scuttler then smite at 600 hp. Try to get Sheen on the next back and start building Trinity Force/boots. You then prioritize/pressure Drake. You can trade it for grubs if it is less risky. Look for priority from lanes for objectives. This new season is all about basing your choice of giving, taking, or just ward objectives off your team's positioning/waves in lane.

Either get drag or ward it/move on to your camps, Grubs, or Rift Herald once it spawns. If you take Rift Herald then don't click anywhere near that ****ing thing once you summon him because you will hop in it and I hope you know how to drive it, because I do not. When you gank a lane, get a kill (be careful who/if you dive), then hit the tower with the wave if its wiser than doing camps/no camps are up. Use your your E/ Sheen proc/ Titanic Active, and maybe Q Sheen proc too to get as many plates early as possible if you do.

Now, you will be blamed for everything, because you are the Jungler. That's fine, let them whine, and don't talk to them if they are toxic. Just keep playing. They will want to tell you to only gank them and play for them, but they are bad, and stuck for a reason. They will say to do baron at bad times, and when you want to baron/drake, people will not come. It is what it is.

As far as getting ahead of the other jg, your job is to identify lane relationships and abuse the most messed up one you can. Gank often to give your team a lead, and prevent their good players from getting their early lead. The enemy jg might have an easier time ganking because your team sucks and pushes up without wards or map pressure or a clue what they are doing honestly. Your team will then blame you. Then they will ping you and say jg gap. That is fine, just don't take those fights because your team won't slide and their jg is FED off them, for this game and potentially future games you can spot it early and not die at all, and carry them hopefully.

Often wasting time on ganks that don't kill or at least get a flash is bad, but every once in a while just bringing an enemy low so they have to back is good map pressure. Don't die or fall behind in farm doing this, but in low kill games it's not about the extra two jg camps you missed, it's about the tower damage, map pressure, and EXP/Gold from the extra 6 waves their whole team missed because you beat them up so they were too low to lane. This is the consensus as long as you are still keeping up with your levels from camps, otherwise yes you should be doing your camps.

New 14.7 BARON: I made a section just for this because reading it could boost your rank 5 divisions alone. WHEN TO DO BARON: When you kill their whole team mid-game, Or their jungle late-game can suffice. At 20 minutes when it spawns, unless you are so ahead they would never be able to contest it, just ward it. If you have a small (or large) lead you can bait the enemy team into checking if you are doing it, then kill them. YOU NEED TO PULL OFF THE BARON WHEN THE ENEMY TEAM COMES, and PING your team to do the same. IF you do not TRUST your team, just DON'T DO IT. Here is the secret sauce though: Ping your team to wait for the other team to start it early, and if they do, which they do often in plat and below, then just wipe them = free win.

That wraps this up, but here are some notes that will save you some time and frustration:

Don't fight Kha'Zix alone.
Don't gank bad players twice, unless they are on the other team.
Don't disrespect Sylas, Yone, or Zac.
Do the drakes.
Do Rift Herald if no one is there. Otherwise, you can ward it.
Do use your E or Q with your 3rd W stack and Smite when it matters so you can steal/secure easier.
Don't counter jg for no reason, especially with no priority, especially with no priority on bot side. The new post 20 minute Red and Blue buffs are worth so much now so do invade those if they are free.
Do look at your map.
Do gank often.
Do work with your mid-laner.
Don't tower dive early game.... unless you are about it :)... but you are probably not and will feed.
Do ping your team to help you, or the other jungle will get more help and then you will blame your team and your team will then call you stinky. Don't be called stinky, ping your team.
Otherwise, follow these steps and you will win video games. :Clap:
Item Tier List/Builds 1-3 Descriptions.
(Art from: Gilberto Magno)
Item Tier List:
S - Sunderd Sky: don't be afraid to target swap.
S+ - Black Cleaver: best item on Vi rn, always go it seconds item after boots
A - Tri-force: Proc your sheen as much as possible by even "saving" your abilites for an esxxtra half a second.
A+ - Titanic Hydra: an extra Auto. Use it like another E. Great for stacking Tempo or even Conq.
A+ - Sterak's Gage: Anti-burst/sustain. The butter to the bread that is your build.
A- - Kraken Slayer: Stick to a target (the adc) for the bonus damge and watch them die as all of their teamates fail to peel you off of them. (very fun)
S- - Plated Steelcaps: Great Item. Great vs AD, good vs AP because it stacks on your MR you will get from Maw or whatever you build. Best option usually.
B+ - Thorn Mail: Build if they have lots of AD and healers, pref their champs do both. (Example team to build into: (atrox, Xin, Sylas, Samira, Sona)
B+ - Deaths Dance: into heavy AD
A - Maw: into High AP. Can't pair with Sterak's Gage.
B- - Collector: not bad if you need more damage
B - Mercurie's Treads: Build Instead of Plated Steelcaps if their team is just full of CC and AP. Otherwise just go Plated and build a MR item.
B- - Jak Sho the Protein: Not a bad item, But does not have damage so make sure your team can play without you being the main source.
C - Chempunk Chainsword: Only good vs Heavey AP teams with a lot of healing. Healers like Gwen, Soraka, Sona, and Sylas.
C - Eclipse: just a worse Sunndered Sky get real.
C - Experimental Hexplate: Triforce is just better.
C+ - Edge of Night: Do you need a spell sheild? If you do and need damage this is an option, but usually the support just casts some random unleveled ability on me just to get rid of it and the value is gone. It's mostly an assasin item.

BUILDS: RUN THE RIGHT RUNES WITH EACH BUILD OR YOU WILL SUCK (see runes and Builds above labeled numaricly with what build they go to)

Build 1 is the meta build, and it is for a reason. The synergy between Sunnderd sky, your passive, conqer, and revitalize is the most valuble thing VI can bring to the rift. No contest. It allows her to then go platted steelcaps with black cleaver as a second item and just shread enemy armor by HALF. Don't be afraid to front line or even die so your team can get 2-5 kills when the time is right. You can keep fighting even when you think you can't most of the time.

Build 2 is on paper the best self-investment DPS option. I love it and it's fun to play. Kraken works with Vi's W to bust up anyone one than trys to 1v1 you. Use Hextech flash to hop walls since your Q is on a longer CD and you need to save it more now. Lethal tempo paired with W max and kraken makes it so you can 1v1 their 5/1 team members.

It's better for your team to pick up the slack when it comes to team comp (a tank, mage, adc, utility/tank sup) so they can engage for you or what will happen is the enemy team will start to group and without that extra health that you get from tankyer items, you will die before your teamates can get to the place you "caught" then enemy off guard. You also don't soak up those extra abilities that would normally be on cooldown thanks to your health bar, and now your team will suffer them. This is why most of the time I use build 1 so I can still engage without dying (the point of playing vi), but build 2 a fun option that can snowball very fast. High risk High reward build.

Build 3 is a great option for the best of both worlds. It's also flexable so you can move items around as you please. Nothing wrong with it, but also it is a very jack of all trades build so it can be situational. Keep and eye on tri and titanic procs.

Best Build: Build 1. Build 1 is best in high elo, but still good in low elo. Build 2 is best in low elo/you don't trust your team. Build 3 if you don't like build 1 or 2.
For people who want more:
There is a difference between understanding your champ, and understanding how your champ interacts with the enemy champs, as well as your team. You want to have a basic understanding of every champ. Like extremely basic though. You are a busy person who ain't got no time to know what percent health damage a champ you don't play does. Just know stuff like: "Hey! Bel'Veth roots herself with one of her abilities and she doesn't take damage during it, then she takes all my health away if I'm near her when she does it, healing her in the process. I better save my Q and/or Ult to cc her and stop the spell when it starts so I can win the fight, or use them to get out if she has more friends around than me".

This type of understanding keeps their jg/carry useless and dead, and you useful and alive in your average game.

Also: Priority: This means the pressure and presence from your Laner/s is more prevalent than the other team’s Laner/s. EX: Blue team's Bot lane pushing the lane up and then moving to the river would give Blue team dragon priority if Red team’s Bot lane just backed while Blue team saw them back.

You do not need to counter jg a lot to climb, but it is more important this new season. You should Counter jungle when:
1. When they counter jungled you and now you have nothing better to do cuz obj are gone, and you know what camps they have up.
2. When there are no objectives up.
3. When you are winning really hard.
4. When your team is just better and is spoon-feeding you their blue. Yay!
5. When you know they are not there.
6. When you know they are there and want to steal their camp/s or kill them, because you're mean.

NEW NOTE: Post 20 minutes into the game if you see their whole team has Blue buff, one of the blue buffs on the map is missing. So use the information. This change is also huge, making mid-game power-spiking jungles very strong as they can take these buffs that are 5 times more useful now. (Junglers who use Professor and track/take all the buffs on the map, giving their team the buffs and taking them away from the other will skyrocket in rank above junglers who don't).

What to build:
If you were confused on what to build, just know the damage types of the enemy team, and how much healing they have. Then build to counter them. If you're in doubt, use build 1 for meta/try-hard cuz you wanna win, build 2 for fun/you don't trust your team, and build 3 for when you wanna be flexible.

Why bruser builds?: They work with anything.
Trinity Force (or sunndered sky) Gives you both burst and sustain damage when paired with Lethal Tempo, and allows you to take fights you would not normally win without it, which is extremely important. Black Cleaver is the best item on vi rn as it stacks with her kit's armor shread (her W). Titanic Hydra synergies with Trinity Force and Lethal Tempo. Mercury's Treads is great to stop CC when you will often be the main target in the team fight, but I like Plated Steelcaps more now because the damge reduction is more valuble now that their are other anti cc ioptions (Runes, Sterak's Gage, Wit's End ). Sundered Sky an amazing core item. It works great for team fights where it can give you more of an ability to target swap. A lot of guides rush this item, and so does mine in build 1 due to the fact that it's healing is usually better for being a team player over the attack-speed other core items give as alturnitives. I like Sterak's Gage over Maw if you don't need MR because the health and sheild and 20% tenacity are usually better than a magic sheield and some MR unless their team is VERY AP heavy. It's also good for Anti-Burst since you will often be targeted. It also scales with Titanic Hydra well.

New Section for 14.8: Team comp eats skill for breakfist. If your team has champions whose playstyles complement eachother and the other team does not, you will most likly win 80% of the time. Be sure to dodge if its the other way around tho. Serously, dodge dude. Don't expect someone else to do it. If your teamates are bad enough to not see the differnce in team comp and dodge on their own, you realy need to dodge. Not all games are winnable. Easist way to climb is to learn how to dodge. It's 5LP loss and a 5 minute youtube break vs 30 min of suffering and a 20 LP loss and a big hit to your mmr, which is like another 15 LP tbh.

Also, win-con identification is essential. This is done in champ select/loading screen as well as in-game. If there is a large difference in rank, take not of it. If they only have one ap champ on their team who scales very well, don't let them get fed. If mid-game one of your teammates is very fed, play around them (unless they are splitting then macro). It is better to have them do more shot calling because even if it is subpar, it's a win as long as they are there. It's better to play with them on an ok call than to seporate for no reason trying to do what you think is best. This usually results in them getting the shutdown of your isolated laner without you getting baron.

Specific Patch 14.8 Additional notes: Black Cleaver is too strong not to build, and Titanic Hydra is popular right now because it counts as an auto-attack reset with on-hit effects. They both also scale phenomenally. I tested these with Triforce and Sunderd Sky and found them to be the best for Bruiser builds with fast clears. Sterak's Gage is more tanky but it's just as amazing.

I also tested other items in practice but they did not have as much to offer. I like "opportunity" for high lethality that sticks while clearing stacked with the W armor shred VI has, but It does not outperform bruser items right now. Assasin Vi is kinda dead after they changed Eclipse and removed Prowlers Claw.

That's all I got for now. If you liked the guide or are feeling enthusiastic, leave a like and/or comment! Good Luck on the Rift!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CommanderRexy
CommanderRexy Vi Guide
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Be Vi from Fortnite (jg) (14.8) (Diamond Elo)

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