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Fiora Build Guide by meller3000

AD Carry Beginner Fiora Guide/Work in Progress

AD Carry Beginner Fiora Guide/Work in Progress

Updated on April 15, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author meller3000 Build Guide By meller3000 17,847 Views 9 Comments
17,847 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author meller3000 Fiora Build Guide By meller3000 Updated on April 15, 2017
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My name is Jakub Smieja, and I am from Czech Republic. My nickname in League of Legends on EUNE server is meller3000, last season I was S2 and now I am G2. Well if you want to find out, how I did it, I think you will need to read this guide!
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Well, as you might know, fiora is great splitpusher and very good duelist. In 1v1 fight she can kill everyone. This champ is great on snowball, when you get your core items, you start snowball hard.With fiora you can easy pop adc or midlaners, with her riposte(W) can block damage, stun with stab if someone try to cc her. That means champs like jinx, cayit, cho'gath..they are 0 against fiora.Many people are saying that fiora is stupid champion,well they are right, she is! I must admit that her damage to champions when she hit vital is stupid.What about her ult? 1000+healings for you whole team? Fiora!
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Pros / Cons

Good kite with Lunge(Q)
Sticky with
-Grand Challange(R)
Sometimes can do 1V2 when get ganked
Usefull in teamfights
True damage
Can snowball game
Exelent againts tanks
Vulnerable against champs with quick cc or without cc
can be kited
if get behind, hard to get back
Noone like her even when she's buetiful

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Duelist's Dance
Range: 1200
Every 0,5sec Fiora identifies Vitals of enemy champions, marked as an arc around themselves. after 15seconds or vital is triggered, new vital appears.

If vital is hitted by spells or aa, Vital deals 2% (+ 4.5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health as bonus true damage. Vital heals fiora for 30-115(based on level) and give her 20%/30%/40/%/50% bonus movement speed, this bonus decays after 1,75sec.

This passive is awesome... I love this unbalanced stupid heals and true damage.
That mean every 0,5sec appears vital that heals you deal true damage.(Fiora is great antitank, as you can see true dmg is based on how much enemy have maximum health, that means champions like malphite, maokai...they are not able to kill you in lategame.) In laning phase you poke your oppoment by hitting those vitals with Q or with Q,E and Q back(when you are going in on lane, try dont fight near walls, they can stand next to wall, that you wont be able to hit vital). In teamfights, you want to hit as many as possible vitals because they are giving you sustain and stupid damage.

Cooldown:16/14/12/10/8 Range:400
Fiora dashes in short distance dealing physical damage and applies on hit effects. Lunge prioritizes vitals facing fiora, then enemies that would die to lunge, and finally nearest target(prioritizing champions).

Holy moly how I love this spell, This is main kite spell of fiora, you can dodge with this spell, you are sticky with this spell, you are able to hit vitals with this spell, you can even go over some walls. This spell is main spell of fiora. You will be using this spell almost everytime. If you can master this spell, you will be able to outplay almost everyone.Photo created by Fgundes#8140 from Fiora Mains Discord Server.

Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 Range: 750
Fiora poises to strike in the target direction and then enters a defensive stance, blocking all hostile crowd control effects and damage for 0.75sec(W wont block turret shots.)

This spell is..broken and stupid.
with this spell, champions like Talyiah, Kled, Morgana, lux, Sion... will be nothing against you, because you can see when their cc will land, so you can stun them if they are in stab range. If they arent, you can do combo Q then fast W, you will cast your W in your Q, that means your W will have longer range. With this combo, champions like Veigar, Cayitlin, Jinx, are 0 against you. For example, Jinx used her chompers(E), wait until they acticate, and then do Q,W combo. If you do it right, that means you did right your combo, and hit her with stab, she should have stun(same with Veigar, Cayit...). This is basic Fiora trick. Additionaly, in teamfights, when enemy team is chasing you and Jinx, Sion.. uses their ult and whole your team is low you can step in front of them and use W to block Jinxs ult, sions ult and save your team.

Blade Work
Cooldown: 13/11/9/7/5 ]Range: 175
Fioras another 2 basic attacks will do additional effects for 4 sec and gain 50% attack speed for 2 aa+ additional range(Blade work resets Fiora's aa timer.). First aa will slow down target for 30%(this aa cant be critical) and second aa is guarnteed to criticaly strike the target for 155/170/185/200% bonus critical damage.

What an great spell. This spell makes fiora very sticky and gives her some damage and as.
Its useful in lane when you are trading, or just farming. + this spell resets fiora's aa timer. And of course useful on taking objectives.

Grand Challange
Cooldown: 110/90/70 Range: 500/600
Passive: Duelist's Dance bonus movement speed is increase
Active: Fiora shows all four vitals on one targeted enemy and creates zone that gives fiora Duelist's Dance movement speed while she's inside it.
If fiora hit atleast one vital before target die, or hit all four vitals she creates a zone that heals (Heals per second: 80/110/140(+60bonus AD)all alied champions (even minions) for 2-5 seconds. Time duration is increased by every vital hit up to 5 seconds. Passive wont identify new vitals on targeted champion.

Can be this more broken? I think not. So if you hit all four vitals it gaves your whole team ultra heals. So in lane, when you hit that 6 level, you can beat almost everyone in 1v1 battle. In teamfights, you want to target 1) carries 2)champions that dont have escape 3) tanks. When is enemy tank devastating your backline, ult him, hit atleast one vital, kill him and give your team heals from your ultimate. If you have tanky jungle/support that can defend your backline and you see that enemy adc is on wrong position, try go for him, ult him and kill him. (In best case its some adc that dont have escape, like miss fortune, twitch, ashe... those adcs dont have chance against you. if its tristana, be careful because she can escape you easy.) When you want kill midlaner, or someone who have zhonyas, be careful, because zhonyas counter you. Zhonyas takes 3seconds from your ultimate and in that time, enemy team can rearrange and kill you.
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Skill Sequence

On first level: you want take everytime Q. it gaves you good poke on early, and escape.
On second level:
1) Take E and wait on good vital (that is facing on you) and Q on vital then E and Q back.
2) Take W, if you are against who have cc(riven, camille..) when you are against riven, count her Q and on 3rd use your W. If you do it right, you should win trade, and mostly time you win by this moment whole lane.
On third level: Take E, or W depends what you took second.
And on Sixth level: Take everytime R.

Max R, Q, E, W
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Fervor of Battle
Is great and I think best mastery on Fiora. It gaves you bonus ad with every hit up to 8 stacks for 8 seconds + With fiora, you have really, but really fast all stacks. So why would you take it? Well it gaves a lot of bonus ad that means more heals from passive, more true damage from passive, more damage on Q and bonus damage on aa.

Grasp of the Undying
Is too good mastery on Fiora, but not as Fervor of Battle. Every 4 second in combat, your next basic aa will deal equal to 3% of your max. health and heals you for 1.5% of your max. health. Well you should take this mastery, when you want go more tanky Fiora. Its good on laning phase too, when you have ready your mastery + you hit Q your oppoment will have hard times.
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Starting Items

This is ussual start items. They give you some damage and health sustain.(450 health)

In this case, Corruption Potion will give you good healt sustain(375) and mana sustain(225) and burn enemies for 15-30 damage(depending on level). This start isn't my favourite, I prefer long sword, because you can build tiamat very fast.

First back

When you go 1st back, make sure you have atleast 1200gold(850 with long sword) and buy tiamat. Its fiora's early core item.

If you have trouble with ap, buy hexdrinker. It gaves you some ad and magic resist + shield that absorbs 100 + 10x your level ap damage.(Even when you are against garen, his ult deals magic damage if you are not vilian.)

When enemy top laner forces you go back, and you dont have enought money to buy tiamat/hexdrinker, buy boots and health potion.

12 minute of game

Around this time, you should want to purchase phage. It gaves you some health and damage, but mainly it gaves you bonus movement speed on hit and thats really good for faster hitting vitals.

Vampiric septer
When you are against someone with good poke like pantheon, vladimir... you want to take vampiric septer for better sustain in lane. Another option is purchasing phage with potions.

Or you can just finish boots for more movement speed and better hitting vitals. Take Mercury's Treads against ap or cc champions like nautilus, swain.., . Take Ninja Tabi against autoattacker like tryndamere, yasuo... . Take Boots of swiftness against champions with lot of slows, like gnar...

25 minutes of game
Around this time, you should have purchased core, that means ravenous hydra and black cleaver(tanks)/trinity force(squishes). + You should have already purchased boots, if not go and buy them fast as you can.

If enemy team have a lot of ap or you cant beat your ap top, purchase those, It should help you.(I recommend buy black cleaver/trinity as last item, because when you are behind you need go more tanky.)

30 minutes of game

When you hit that 30 minutes you should be able to purchase this. Purchase this when they have mixed damage. Passive from guardian angel is that, when you die, you will revive after few seconds with 30% mana and health. Its great when you go in teamfight as first, die, your team will defeat remaining enemy champions and you will revive and live.

Or you just can take Zz'rot Portal for pushing lane without you.

If they had a lot of ad, buy Dead Man's Plate(against someone who is escaping you)/Randuin's Omen(against yasuo, cayitlin..)

100% you want take one of those against hard ap.Take Spirit Visage agianst ap that dont have burst, or you just want this bonus hp, cdr and 25% more healings. Maw of malmortious you should take against lux, garen, syndra, fizz..(Its useful against ap assasins) + shield that can absorb this magic damage. Or you just can take Banshee's veil that gives you a lot of magic resist and shield that absorb next enemy ability.

30-35 minutes of game

blood thirster
This item is really good on fiora, that damage what it gaves you and 20% lifesteal is amazing. + Passive shield is good too. You want buy this item when you are little bit ahead or just need this sustain and damage.

this item gives you a good magic resist, sustain and damage + qss is really good item now. you want buy this item if they have hard ap with cc. Eventually you can buy only qss and go for another item if their team have a lot of cc.

When you want go little bit more tanky, take this item + Frozen mallets passive is broken, when you hit enemy with basic aa, he will get 40% slow for 1.5 seconds. this ability gives you more tools for kite and hitting vitals.

This item provides you lot of damage, cdr and sustain. Specifficaly it heals you for 15% damage dealt to target. + 15% damage you take is instead turned into bleed for 5 seconds.
So you should concider if you have to buy this item or not.

If you get fed, buy this item, make you sure if other items aren't better on Fiora. This item gives you out of combat movement speed, some lethality, damage and some bonus movement speed if you activate it and thats good for kiting and hitting vitals.

Situational items

Well this item is not ussual on fiora, but it gives you armour, cdr, mana(mana on fiora is useful, because she is mana drain champion.) and sheen with area slow.

Well this item is not ussual too, but sometimes its useful, it gives you some basic damage, health and when you get low, it gives you some shield.
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Well, I must thank you for reading this Guide, But this guide is not completed. I am everyday doing on this guide, so dont forget to check it what is new there! Write in comms what should i add here. One more time thanks! Hope it was useful.
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Laning Phase

Being agressive or not in laning phase depends, on what champion is playing against you. For example if you are playing against sion, you want be extremly agressive, but if you are playing against pantheon you want play agressive in early level, but from level 3 and higher, you want play save. So there will be two examples of laning phases.
Agressive laning phase 1)
You need take early advantage. That means,for example against sion, poppy... When you hit level 2, go and try trade, take Blade Work(E) if enemy champion dont have cc, or take riposte(W) if enemy have cc(If enemy have quick cc like pantheons
Aegis of Zeonia (W) or darius Apprehend(E), take Blade Work(E) istead of Riposte(W), but I will be talking about this in passive laning phase). If you trade well, he should be afraid of you and fall back.
Agressive with ignite 1)
If you took ignite, you shouldn't push(only when you want go back), you should freeze minions, because, when you have ignite and you are very sticky and there is a high chance of killing him, even when he want go for one minion. That mean you should punish him for going for minion last hits(Q on him, E, W if he wants cc you and try hit vitals.). Sign of doing well, is that he goes back.
Used teleport 1)
Try force him to go back again and push lane fast as you can(he will lose cs and xp).If you have enough money or you have under 50% hp, go back and buy items, or if you are full and have vision, try destroy or damage turret. If he goes back and you know that he is straightly going on top, count to 30-50seconds and then go back(depends on his movement speed).
Didn't used teleport 2)
If he wont teleport back, that means he want keep it for ganking bot, or for returning to lane some another time. Well, when you force him going back for first time, push lane fast as you can(he will lose cs and xp) and if you have enough money, or you are under 50% health, you should go back and buy items. When he walk to his lane, you need to force him go back again, that mean play extremely agressive, push lane. In this case you need to be extremely careful, that means, buy control ward and, if possible, ask your jungler if he could farm on top side of the map. If enemy jungler is smart, he should go and help his toplaner, so if you have jungler on top side of map, you should be ok(Theres big chance of fight 2V2 and because you are fiora, you should win it).
Agressive laning with Exhaust
1) With exhaust its same as with ignite(exhaust isnt common as ignite or teleport, you should take exhaust as counter spell, for example against yasuo), but its more useful with communicating jungler(Try ask your jungler for gank, its should be easy kill, because exhaust reduces damage and slows him.). When you have exhaust, dont push lane, because you are more sticky(you are sticky even without exhaust, but exhaust is still useful)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author meller3000
meller3000 Fiora Guide
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Beginner Fiora Guide/Work in Progress

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