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When you face an Ashe let her use Volley then try and throw some Q's at her to punish her for trying to harass/farm with it.
Make sure you keep Essence Flux up if she is ready to engage so you can either dodge or E out of there after her stun lands and finishes.
Try and avoid Caitlyn's traps and you have to try and stay out of range for her autos, your Q's range extends farther than her auto range so you can poke while she farms. If you see her going in for a Headshot poke on you then you can E away or Q and then E right after.
Corki is a little problem in lane if you cannot dodge his Q, if you avoid his Q try to poke back with some of your own Q's, His E isn't scary since your range extends farther than it.
The issue with Draven is he will make you stay as far from the minions as possible since each of his Axe autos do over 100 damage at the start of the game, it will be difficult but you have to try and auto/poke him with Q when he is going to catch his axe or once he throws it so when he goes for it he gets punished for it.
For this you have to out Q him and use your E to Jook around his Q.
This is a very easy matchup, just dont get too close to him and you will out poke him with your Q's, Also if you stand behind minions when he autos then he will just hit the minions and not you, when he has to reload go in for a Q or two
This is a difficult matchup because of her Rocket mode, when she switches to it just run away and when you see her switch to her minigun you can go in for a Q since it takes 1 second to switch back and forth to her Rocket and Minigun.
This would be an easy matchup if she didn't have her mobility, that being said your worst enemy is her jumps, wait for her to go in a direction and predict where she will land, early game it will be easier since she has slower autos than in the late game.
Kog is a very simple matchup against ez because his range is low, now if he uses his W then you should let him burn it and go in for a fight once its down, make sure you are a good distance from him when you fight because of his suicide passive, save E for a getaway at the last second of his E.
Lucian will poke you hard if you are close enough for his Q to land, make sure he doesnt get to use his Double auto after his abilities on you.
Miss Fortune
Early game let her use her Q and if shes build AD then dont be too scared of her E unless she has thunderlords.
Quinn isnt scary at all unless she lands her Q on you which might not happen since you outrange her, but if she does land it then just E away.
Sivir can be a real pain if everytime you try to Q her she puts her Spellshield, the cooldown is very long for it so you can Q her afterwards, just make sure you know her E is down when you ult and you will be fine.
Trist is more trouble later because her gradually increasing range the higher level she is, avoid her autos after she puts a bomb on you, you can out poke her if you Q her while she autos you without bomb, when she puts it on you just walk back and let it pop and go in again for some poke.
Twitch may not seem like a problem but he can out poke you very hard and when he goes invisible there is no way to know if he has if he isnt in vision when he does so you just have to make sure he is always in sight and if you see the support alone sprinting in to fight you, then it is most likely that he is right there waiting for you to engage with everything so he can W and with his Q he gains attack speed and will have max stacks to E you and probably kill you :/.
All you need to do is avoid his E so he doesn't harass with his Q, stay far enough so he cant ult you.
He will try to Q you a lot, what you need to do is try and avoid the Q's and poke him back for it if he misses.
She is only going to hurt you if you stay too close for her to get her three autos on you.
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