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Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Ezreal - The Prodigal Explorer.
Thanks to Searz for the awesome guide format!
I will not go through what the abilities do. It can easily be learned by reading the ability tooltips and simply using the spell.
Mouse-over any items or abilities to see their tooltip.
(for any abbreviations you don't understand)This is a guide on how I play AD Ezreal.
This is my AP Ezreal, not as viable.
Booshido's AP Ezreal
Really appreciate comments and helping me reach great ezreal builds, keep up the commenting and tell me what you think on my item changes!
Well, you can do 9 in defence:
Summoner's Resolve x1
Hardiness x3
Durability x4
Veteran's Scars x1
You Can also go 9 in Utility:
Summoner's Insight x1
Expanded Mind x3
Improved Recall x1
Meditation x3
Runic Affinity x1
Or something between the two, whatever you are more comfortable with.
"Why no points in Sunder mang?" Well, I prefer Havoc 1.5 % dmg > 6 armour pen. When you have AD marks and quints, why bother with mastery, getting LW anyway.
Greater Mark of Desolation Greater Mark of Desolation Probably the best Marks in the game, allows your auto attacks to penetrate armour, aswell as Mystic Shot Greater Seal of clarity Let's be quite honest Ezreal has very poor mana regen, and hes a champion that can spam spells, this helps. Flat Armor is also a good choice |
Greater Glyph of Clarity People say it's a waste, but it's what I use. Flat magic resistance and Flat Cooldown Reduction is also good. Greater Quintessence of Desolation Greater Quintessence of Desolation More Armour Pen! Movespeed or Flat health are also two great choices. |
Greater Mark of Strength Flat AD, good all stages of the game, great for csing, and Q dmg. Mystic Shot Greater Seal of Resilience Flat Armour, Early game defence against your enemy AD / Creeps. |
Greater Glyph of Warding Same as Seals really, reducing damage from enemy skills and mid mage ganks. Greater Quintessence of Strength Same as Marks. |
Mix n' Match
Trueshot Barrage Max
Mystic Shot Max
Arcane Shift Max
Essence Flux Max
Mystic Shot Single target skill shot, hits everything, applies on hit effects e.g. lifesteal / Sheen. All skills get their cooldown reduced if this skill hits something even Mystic Shot itself.
Essence Flux In an AD build this is used for the buff / debuff of attack speed great to 1v1 other dps champs slowing their attack speed or using it on your team that's pushing the tower with you. (gives passive stacks per person encounterd, regardless of team)
Arcane Shift Flash / Blink / Get out of jail free card. Can blink over certain walls.
Trueshot Barrage Across map ult, Sniping skill, though as this is a AD build and this based on AP you won't get it's full damage. good for clearing minons to push you're lane or to clear minions pushing one of you're towers. relatively short cooldown.
Last Whisper I Build this a lot, gives insane % Penetration for your auto attacks and Q really increases your damage when champions start stacking armour. Ionian Boots of LucidityCooldown Reduction, 15%, More allows more spam of skills, altough Mystic Shot already reduces cooldowns. |
The Brutalizer Bought for armour pen with your Q, cd reduction early/mid game. sold late game as Youmuu's Ghostbladeisn't great for ranged Carries (Active doesnt reset, 4secs max). B. F. Sword Not BF Sword as much the 3 important items it builds into: Infinity Edge The AD carry item. Crit dmg/high AD/crit chance. Bloodthirster Highest AD When fully built, great life steal that can keep you staying out a long time, I would only choose this for the lifesteal part of the item, you will lose the stacks if you die and can be a real pain. Black Cleaver Shred armour on hit, attack speed and semi decent AD, good for lowering tank armour for team. Banshee's Veil Thee defence item. |
Quicksilver Sash If you are not taking Cleanse then this item must be taken instead of Banshee. A gamechanging stun or suppression wont be game changing. Trinity Force no need for explain what this does, build from Phage Makes you're Mystic Shot hit that much harder, ultimate ezreal item. AD, Slow, Mobility, MP, HP, Crit. |
Curret Meta: Bot Lane with support.
Last Hitting / CS
Last hitting and creep score is the most important thing you can do early game. This is done simply by only auto attacking or the creep when it has a small bit of life left. This will get you the majority of all the creeps giving you more gold, and this will stop you from pushing to the enemy tower leaving you with room for getting ganked by the enemy jungler. if you can keep this up then you are well on you're way to getting the items you need.
1v1's and Kiting
Ezreal is a very good 1v1 champ providing it's not against a champion that can close the gap like you should be getting the lizard buff past lvl 6 when you're jungler may not need it. Lizard buff or allow you to kite the enemy with ease, simply unload on them if they get too close, away and keep pounding on them, slowing their attack speed with essense flux and you should have no problems.
Hextech Gunblade Active, allows for amazing kiting with the insane slow.
Clear creep waves on towers, last hit the runners, and aim just behind tower if fog of war for the noob returning there, as this is not an AP build Trueshot doesn't give you all it's damage but it still provides a decent amount with the 15% spell pen mastery.
Team fights
Never intiate as Ezreal you are here to ***inate their ranged carry. Don't Arcane shift into the fight unless you are 100% sure the enemy team won't all suddenly focus you. At the start of a team fight to give you max stacks on you're passive, giving you an extra 50% attack speed in a team fight.
Mystic shot when you can at the enemy but it is you're auto attacks that kill the enemy carry in a couple of seconds, Mystic shot is there to give you more attack speed from youre passive, it will hit their meat shield most of the time in a team fight, losing key damage on the squishies.
If anymore then 1 person focuses you in a team fight simply out then run back in when they have left you alone.
-Warding baron is more of a priority then dragon at this stage.
Build 1 - Doran's Blade - Boots of Speed - Madred's Razors - Wriggle's Lantern - Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Recurve Bow - Madred's Bloodrazor - Last Whisper - Trinity Force - Banshee's Veil
Build 2 - Doran's Blade - Boots of Speed - Madred's Razors - Wriggle's Lantern - Berserker's Greaves - Trinity Force - The Black Cleaver - Madred's Bloodrazor - Banshee's Veil
Need to try a Complete AD build - I.E - Last Whisper - Black Clever - Bloodthirster.
Build 3 - Doran's Blade - Serk greaves - Tri force - IE - Last Whisper - Bloodthirster - Banshee.
Build 4 - Doran's Blade - Zerks - Sheen - Brut - Thirster - Whisper - Banshee - Thirster.
Build 5 - Doran's Blade - CD Boots - Triforce - IE - Banshee - Whisper - Other
Build 6 - Doran's Blade - CD boots - Manamune - Sheen - Brut - Madreds Brzor - sell brut - Banshee - Tri force - Gunblade
Build 7 - Boots, 3Pots - Manamune - CD Boots - Vamp Scepter - Triforce - Gunblade - Banshee - Madred's Bloodrazor.
-Stopped listing builds.
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